def execute(self, script, params={}, isolate=True, transaction=True, pretty=False): """ executes the given gremlin script with the provided parameters :param script: the gremlin script to isolate :type script: string :param params: the parameters to execute the script with :type params: dictionary :param isolate: wraps the script in a closure so any variables set aren't persisted for the next execute call :type isolate: bool :param transaction: query will be wrapped in a transaction if set to True (default) :type transaction: bool :param pretty: will dedent the script if set to True :type pretty: bool :rtype: list """ self._conn.send_message( messages.ScriptRequest( script=script, params=params, session_key=self._session_key, isolate=isolate, in_transaction=transaction ) ) response = self._conn.get_response() if isinstance(response, messages.ErrorResponse): raise exceptions.RexProScriptException(response.message) return response.results
def execute(self, script, params={}, isolate=True, transaction=True): """ executes the given gremlin script with the provided parameters :param script: the gremlin script to isolate :type script: str :param params: the parameters to execute the script with :type params: dictionary :param isolate: wraps the script in a closure so any variables set aren't persisted for the next execute call :type isolate: bool :param transaction: query will be wrapped in a transaction if set to True (default) :type transaction: bool :rtype: list """ for i in range(CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS): try: if self._in_transaction: transaction = False import traceback self._conn.send_message( messages.ScriptRequest( script=script, params=params, session_key=self._session_key, isolate=isolate, in_transaction=transaction, ) ) response = self._conn.get_response() if isinstance(response, messages.ErrorResponse): response.raise_exception() return response.results except Exception, e: self.connection_failed() # RexProInvalidSessionException happens frequently when a session is idle for too long so not logging an error log_handler = if isinstance(e, RexProInvalidSessionException) else logger.error log_handler("Received an exception executing query! {}".format(e)) if i >= CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS - 1: raise else: self.close()
def execute(self, script, params=None, isolate=True, transaction=True, language=messages.ScriptRequest.Language.GROOVY): """ executes the given gremlin script with the provided parameters :param script: the gremlin script to isolate :type script: str :param params: the parameters to execute the script with :type params: dictionary :param isolate: wraps the script in a closure so any variables set aren't persisted for the next execute call :type isolate: bool :param transaction: query will be wrapped in a transaction if set to True (default) :type transaction: bool :param language: the script language that should be used (defaults to groovy) :type language: str :rtype: list """ if self._in_transaction: transaction = False self._conn.send_message( messages.ScriptRequest( script=script, params=params or {}, in_session=False if self.session_less else True, session_key=None if self.session_less else self._session_key, isolate=isolate, in_transaction=transaction, language=language, graph_name=self.graph_name if self.session_less else None, graph_obj_name=self.graph_obj_name if self.session_less else None)) response = self._conn.get_response() if isinstance(response, messages.ErrorResponse): response.raise_exception() return response.results