Exemple #1
def rf_stream(stream, stats, method='P', window=(-20, 100),
              downsample=None, filter=None,  #@ReservedAssignment
              rotate='ZNE->LQT', angles='stats', signoise=None,
              deconvolve='time', **deconvolve_kwargs):
    st = stream
    assert len(st) == 3
    if method != 'P':
        raise NotImplementedError
    for tr in st:
    if filter:
    st.trim(stats.onset + window[0], stats.onset + window[1])
    if downsample and downsample <= st[0].stats.sampling_rate:
        st.decimate(int(st[0].stats.sampling_rate) // downsample)
    if angles == 'polar':
        raise NotImplementedError
    src_comp = rotate.split('->')[-1][0]
    if signoise:
        raise NotImplementedError
    if deconvolve:
        deconv(st, src_comp, method=deconvolve, **deconvolve_kwargs)
    # multiply -1 on Q and T component
    for tr in st:
        if tr.stats.channel[-1] != src_comp:
            tr.data = -tr.data
Exemple #2
    def deconvolve(self, method='P', deconvolve_method='time', **kwargs):
        Deconvolve source component of stream from other components.

        All args and kwargs are passed to the function
        if len(self) % 3 != 0:
            raise ValueError('For deconvolution a 3 component stream is needed'
                             '. The provied stream is not divisible by 3.')
        i = 0
        while i < len(self):
            comps = ''.join(tr.stats.channel[-1] for tr in self[i:i + 3])
            if i == 0:
                comps0 = comps
            elif comps != comps0:
                raise ValueError('Error')
            # set standard parameters for deconvolution
            stats = self[i].stats
            lensec = stats.endtime - stats.starttime
            onset = stats.onset - stats.starttime
            if method == 'P' and deconvolve_method == 'time':
                def_kwargs = {'winsrc': (-10, 30, 5),
                              'winrsp': (-onset, lensec - onset),
                              'winrf': (-onset, lensec - onset)}
            elif method == 'S' and deconvolve_method == 'time':
                def_kwargs = {'winsrc': (-10, 30, 5),
                              'winrsp': (onset - lensec, onset),
                              'winrf': (onset - lensec, onset)}
            elif method == 'P':
                def_kwargs = {'winsrc': (-onset + 5, lensec - onset - 5, 5),
                              'tshift': onset}
                def_kwargs = {'winsrc': (onset - lensec + 5, onset - 5),
                              'tshift': lensec - onset}
            nkwargs = kwargs.copy()
            for k in def_kwargs:
                if k not in kwargs:
                    nkwargs[k] = def_kwargs[k]
                deconv(self[i:i + 3], method=deconvolve_method, **nkwargs)
            except Exception as ex:
                print('error while calculating the deconvolution')
                for tr in self[i:i + 3]:
            i += 3
Exemple #3
    def deconvolve(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Deconvolve source component of stream from other components.

        All args and kwargs are passed to the function
        if len(self) % 3 != 0:
            raise ValueError('For deconvolution a 3 component stream is needed'
                             '. The provied stream is not divisible by 3.')
        i = 0
        while i < len(self):
            comps = ''.join(tr.stats.channel[-1] for tr in self[i:i + 3])
            if i == 0:
                comps0 = comps
            elif comps != comps0:
                raise ValueError('Error')
            deconv(self[i:i + 3], *args, **kwargs)
            i += 3