def graph_update_view(request):
    import mimetypes
    db = current_spectra.current_spectra(mode = 'r')
    spectrum, timestamp, mode = db.getCurrentSpectrum()
    spectime = time.localtime(timestamp)
    spectrum = spectrum[cnf.modes[mode]['low_chan']:cnf.modes[mode]['high_chan'] + 1]
    timeS = '%02i:%02i:%02i on %02i/%02i/%04i'%(spectime[3], spectime[4], spectime[5], spectime[2], spectime[1], spectime[0])
    print mode
    print cnf.modes[mode]['low_chan']
    print cnf.getFreqs(mode)[cnf.modes[mode]['low_chan']]
    print cnf.modes[mode]['high_chan'] + 1
    print cnf.getFreqs(mode)[cnf.modes[mode]['high_chan'] + 1]
    freqs = cnf.getFreqs(mode)[cnf.modes[mode]['low_chan']:cnf.modes[mode]['high_chan'] + 1] / 10e5

    miny = np.asscalar(spectrum.min())
    maxy = np.asscalar(spectrum.max())
    js = json.dumps(spectrum.tolist())

    return {'spectrum':js,\
    'heading':"Spectrum taken at %s"%timeS,\
    'xaxis':"Frequency (Mhz)",\
    'yaxis':"Power (dBm)"}
def graph_update_view(request):
    db = current_spectra.current_spectra()
    spectrum, timestamp, mode = db.getCurrentSpectrum()
    spectime = time.localtime(timestamp)
    spectrum = cnf.Base64Decode(spectrum)
    timeS = '%02i:%02i:%02i on %02i/%02i/%04i'%(spectime[3], spectime[4], spectime[5], spectime[2], spectime[1], spectime[0])
    miny = spectrum.min()
    maxy = spectrum.max()
    freqs = cnf.getFreqs(1)/ 10e6
    data = np.empty((spectrum.size + freqs.size,), dtype=spectrum.dtype)
    data[0::2] = freqs
    data[1::2] = spectrum

    return {'data':json.dumps(data.tolist()),\
    'heading':"Spectrum taken at %s"%timeS,\
    'xaxis':"Frequency (Mhz)",\
    'yaxis':"Power (dBm)"}
Exemple #3
def graph_update_view(request):
    import mimetypes
    mimetypes.add_type("pde", "text/processing")
    db = current_spectra.current_spectra(mode='r')
    spectrum, timestamp, mode = db.getCurrentSpectrum()
    spectime = time.localtime(timestamp)
    spectrum = spectrum[cnf.
                        modes[mode]['low_chan']:cnf.modes[mode]['high_chan'] +
    timeS = '%02i:%02i:%02i on %02i/%02i/%04i' % (spectime[3], spectime[4],
                                                  spectime[5], spectime[2],
                                                  spectime[1], spectime[0])
    print mode
    print cnf.modes[mode]['low_chan']
    print cnf.getFreqs(mode)[cnf.modes[mode]['low_chan']]
    print cnf.modes[mode]['high_chan'] + 1
    print cnf.getFreqs(mode)[cnf.modes[mode]['high_chan'] + 1]
    freqs = cnf.getFreqs(
        mode)[cnf.modes[mode]['low_chan']:cnf.modes[mode]['high_chan'] +
              1] / 10e5

    miny = np.asscalar(spectrum.min())
    maxy = np.asscalar(spectrum.max())
    js = json.dumps(spectrum.tolist())

    return {'spectrum':js,\
    'heading':"Spectrum taken at %s"%timeS,\
    'xaxis':"Frequency (Mhz)",\
    'yaxis':"Power (dBm)"}
Exemple #4
def graph_update_view(request):
    db = current_spectra.current_spectra()
    spectrum, timestamp, mode = db.getCurrentSpectrum()
    spectime = time.localtime(timestamp)
    spectrum = cnf.Base64Decode(spectrum)
    timeS = '%02i:%02i:%02i on %02i/%02i/%04i' % (spectime[3], spectime[4],
                                                  spectime[5], spectime[2],
                                                  spectime[1], spectime[0])
    miny = spectrum.min()
    maxy = spectrum.max()
    freqs = cnf.getFreqs(1) / 10e6
    data = np.empty((spectrum.size + freqs.size, ), dtype=spectrum.dtype)
    data[0::2] = freqs
    data[1::2] = spectrum

    return {'data':json.dumps(data.tolist()),\
    'heading':"Spectrum taken at %s"%timeS,\
    'xaxis':"Frequency (Mhz)",\
    'yaxis':"Power (dBm)"}
Exemple #5
    def rfi_monitor_get_range(self, startTime, endTime, mode_chan):
        # self.cur.execute ("SELECT DISTINCT fileLocation FROM spectra WHERE timestamp >= %s AND timestamp < %s", (startTime, endTime))
        # res = self.cur.fetchall()

        startTuple = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(startTime)
        endTuple = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(endTime)

        now =
        lastHour = datetime.datetime(now.year,now.month,,now.hour)
        nHours = None

        timeDiff = endTuple - startTuple
        nSpectra = int(timeDiff.total_seconds())
        nHours = int(nSpectra/3600)
        if nSpectra % 3600 > 0:
            nHours += 1

        print "startTuple"
        print startTuple
        print "nHours = %i"%nHours

        fileName = "%02i.h5"%(startTuple.hour) #Filename is the hour of the observation
        path = os.path.join("%s/rfi_data"%conf.root_dir, str(startTuple.year), "%02i"%startTuple.month, "%02i",'') #Filepath year/month/day of the observation
        location = "%s%s"%(path,fileName)

        ret = None

        nSecs = startTuple.minute * 60 + startTuple.second

        print "nSpectra = %i"%nSpectra;

        ret = numpy.zeros((nSpectra,), dtype=numpy.float64)

        current = 0

        if endTuple > lastHour:
            current = 1

        mode = 0
        channel = -1
        indices = None

            f = h5py.File(location, 'r')
            print f['spectra'].shape
            for m_c in mode_chan:
                if m_c[0] in f['mode'][nSecs:3600]:
                    mode = m_c[0]
                    channel = m_c[1]
                    indices = numpy.where(f['mode'][nSecs -1:3600] == mode)
                elif indices == None:
                    indices = []

            ret[0:3600 - nSecs + 1][indices] = f['spectra'][nSecs - 1:3600,channel][indices]
            nSecs = 3600 - nSecs
            print "GOT %s"%location
            print "max = %f"%numpy.max(ret)
            print "min = %f"%numpy.min(ret)
        except IOError as e:
            nSecs = 3600 - nSecs
            print e
            print "NO FILE %s"%location

        currentTime = startTuple + datetime.timedelta(hours=1)

        print "endtuple = %s, lastHour = %s"%(str(endTuple),str(lastHour))

        for i in range(nHours - current):
            indices = None
            fileName = "%02i.h5"%(currentTime.hour) #Filename is the hour of the observation
            path = os.path.join("%s/rfi_data"%conf.root_dir, str(currentTime.year), "%02i"%currentTime.month, "%02i",'') #Filepath year/month/day of the observation
            location = "%s%s"%(path,fileName)
            print location
            print nSecs
                f = h5py.File(location, 'r')
                nS = 3600
                print "ret.shape[0]"
                print ret.shape[0]
                if (ret.shape[0] - nSecs < 3600):
                    nS = ret.shape[0] - nSecs
                for m_c in mode_chan:
                    print "m_c = %s"%str(m_c)
                    if m_c[0] in f['mode']:
                        mode = m_c[0]
                        channel = m_c[1]
                        indices = numpy.where(f['mode'][:nS] == mode)
                    elif indices == None:
                        indices = []

                print "indices"
                print indices
                if (ret.shape[0] != nSecs):
                    ret[nSecs:nSecs + nS][indices] = f['spectra'][:nS,channel][indices]
                nSecs += 3600
                print "max = %f"%numpy.max(ret)
                print "min = %f"%numpy.min(ret)
            except IOError as e:
                print e
                print location
                nSecs += 3600

            print "nSecs = %s"%nSecs

            currentTime = currentTime + datetime.timedelta(hours=1)

        print "nSPectra = %s"%nSpectra
        print "nSecs = %s"%nSecs

        if current == 1:
            print "IN current"
            import rfDB2.current_spectra as current_spectra
            curr = current_spectra.current_spectra(mode = 'r');
            print ("Getting %i mintues and %i seconds = %i seconds"%(endTuple.minute, endTuple.second, endTuple.minute * 60 + endTuple.second))
            spectra, times = curr.getRangeMem(endTuple.minute * 60 + endTuple.second, endTime, mode_chan)
            print spectra.shape
            print spectra.shape
            # print "ret shape = %s and spectra shape = %s and spectra[:,channel].shape = %s"%(str(ret[nSecs:].shape), str(spectra.shape), str(spectra[:,channel].shape))
            indices = times + int(endTuple.minute*60 + endTuple.second - endTime - 1)
            # print indices
            ret[nSecs:][indices] = spectra[:ret[nSecs:].shape[0]]

            # print "current min = %s and current max = %s"%(str(spectra[:,channel].min()), str(spectra[:,channel].max()))
            print ret[:5]
            print ret[-5:]
            print numpy.where(ret > 0.0)
            print (ret[numpy.where(ret > 0.0)])
            # ret[nSecs - 1:] = spectra[:,channel]

            # nSecs += spectra[:,channel].size

        print "max = %f"%numpy.max(ret)
        print "min = %f"%numpy.min(ret)

        #Replace zeroes with mean
        # mean = numpy.mean(ret[ret != 0.0], axis = 0)
        # ret[ret==0.0] = mean

        #Interpolate zeroes
        if channel != -1:
            z = numpy.where(ret==0.0)[0]
            nz = numpy.where (ret!=0.0)[0]

        z = numpy.where(ret > (100))[0]
        nz = numpy.where(ret < (100))[0]
        print z[0:5]
        print nz[0:5]
        ret[ret > 10 ** 2]=numpy.interp(z,nz,ret[nz])

        print "check"
        print "nSPectra = %s"%nSpectra
        print "nSecs = %s"%nSecs
        print ret.shape
        print "max = %f"%numpy.max(ret)
        print "min = %f"%numpy.min(ret)

        return ret