Exemple #1
def change_hue(img, hue_angle):
    Changes Hue based on provided hue offset; Hue Angle must be provided in *radians* !
    # convert to HSI
    out_img = rgb_to_hsi(img)

    # get Hue angle displacement in radians; only change 0 <= x <= 2pi
    if (hue_angle != 0):
        change = abs(hue_angle) % (2 * math.pi)
        change = 0

    # adjust hue for every pixel
    for row in range(out_img.shape[0]):
        for col in range(out_img.shape[1]):

            # making sure 0 <= hue <= 2pi
            if (out_img[row, col, 0] + change > 2 * math.pi):
                out_img[row, col,
                        0] = out_img[row, col, 0] + change - 2 * math.pi
            elif (out_img[row, col, 0] + change < 0):
                out_img[row, col,
                        0] = out_img[row, col, 0] + change + 2 * math.pi
                out_img[row, col, 0] = out_img[row, col, 0] + change

    # convert to RGB
    out_img = hsi_to_rgb(out_img)

    return out_img
def change_saturation(img, sat):
    Changes saturation level of HSI image
    # convert to HSI
    out_img = rgb_to_hsi(img)

    # Perform operation only if change isn't 0
    if (sat != 0):
        # adjust saturation for every pixel
        for row in range(out_img.shape[0]):
            for col in range(out_img.shape[1]):
                result = out_img[row, col, 1] + sat

                # make sure that the final result stays 0 <= S <= 1
                if (result > 1):
                    out_img[row, col, 1] = 1
                elif (result < 0):
                    out_img[row, col, 1] = 0
                    out_img[row, col, 1] = result

    # convert to RGB
    out_img = hsi_to_rgb(out_img)

    return out_img
def change_saturation(image: str, sat: int):
    ''' sat can be negative'''

    global x, img, img_size, hsi, rgb_output

    ## Reading input image
    x = cv2.imread(image)
    img = np.array(x, dtype=np.double)
    img_size = img.shape

    ## Confirm and adjust so sat is greater or equal to 0 and less than or
    ## equal to 1
    if (sat > 1):
        sat = sat % 1
    elif (sat < 0):
        sat = (sat % 1) + 1

    ## Converting to HSI space
    hsi = rgb_to_hsi(img)

    ## Applying change in saturation to output image
    for i in range(img_size[0]):
        for j in range(img_size[1]):
            hsi[i, j, 1] = (((hsi[i, j, 1] / 255.0) + sat) % 1.0) * 255.0

    ## Converting back into RGB space
    rgb_output = hsi_to_rgb(hsi)

    ## Showing and writing output image
    cv2.imshow('rgb image with hue changed', rgb_output)
    cv2.imwrite('changed_sat_output.jpg', rgb_output)
def change_hue(image: str, hue_angle: int):
    ''' hue_angle must be given in degrees'''

    global x, img, img_size, hue, hsi, rgb_output

    ## Reading input image
    x = cv2.imread(image)
    img = np.array(x, dtype=np.double)
    img_size = img.shape

    ## Confirming and adjusting hue so it is within range of [0, 360]
    hue = hue_angle
    if (hue > 360):
        hue = hue % 360
    elif (hue < 0):
        hue = (hue % 360) + 360

    ## Converting to HSI space
    hsi = rgb_to_hsi(img)

    ## Applying change in hue to output image
    for i in range(img_size[0]):
        for j in range(img_size[1]):
            hsi[i, j,
                0] = (((hsi[i, j, 0] / 255.0) + (hue / 360.0)) % 1.0) * 255.0

    ## Converting back into RGB space
    rgb_output = hsi_to_rgb(hsi)

    ## Showing and writing output image
    cv2.imshow('rgb image with hue changed', rgb_output)
    cv2.imwrite('changed_hue_output.jpg', rgb_output)
def main(*arg):
    imgName = input("Please enter image name: ")
    img = cv2.imread(imgName, 1)

    # to run independently (from main() ), needs to have rgb_to_hsi.py to be in the same directory!
    img1 = rgb_to_hsi(img)
    out = hsi_to_rgb(img1)

    cv2.imshow('out', out)