def fix_fastqc(self, rep=[], flist=[], runlog=[]): """ add some of our stuff to the html """ bodyindex = len(rep) - 1 # hope they don't change this footrow = bodyindex - 1 footer = rep[footrow] rep = rep[:footrow] + rep[footrow + 1:] res = [ '<div class="module"><h2>Files created by FastQC</h2><table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">\n' ] flist.sort() for i, f in enumerate(flist): if not (os.path.isdir(f)): fn = os.path.split(f)[-1] res.append('<tr><td><a href="%s">%s</a></td></tr>\n' % (fn, getFileString(fn, self.opts.outputdir))) res.append('</table>\n') res.append( '<a href="">FastQC documentation and full attribution is here</a><br/><hr/>\n' ) res.append( 'FastQC was run by Galaxy using the rgenetics rgFastQC wrapper - see for details and licensing\n</div>' ) res.append(footer) fixed = rep[:bodyindex] + res + rep[bodyindex:] return fixed # with our additions
def write_html_report(self): """ write the report as html """ out_folder = self.opts.outdir my_template = Template( filename=os.path.join(self.tool_folder, self.__class__.HTML_REPORT_TEMPLATE), strict_undefined=True) if os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(out_folder)): files = [os.path.join(out_folder, x) for x in os.listdir(out_folder) if not x.startswith('.')] files.sort(key=lambda f: os.path.getmtime(f)) file_info = [(os.path.split(f)[-1], getFileString(os.path.split(f)[-1], self.opts.outdir)) for f in files] else: file_info = [] template_parameters = { 'program_name': str(self.program_name), 'timestamp' : str(timenow()), 'file_info': file_info, 'log_data' : open(self.tlogname).read().replace('\n', '\n<BR />'), 'command_string': str( } f = open(self.opts.htmlout, 'w') f.write(my_template.render(**template_parameters)) f.close()
def makehtml(self): """ write the report as html """ logdat = open(self.tlogname,'r').readlines() res = [] res.append(galhtmlprefix % progname) res.append(galhtmlattr % (progname,timenow())) res.append('<b>Your job produced the following outputs - check here for a record of what was done and any unexpected events</b><hr/>') try: flist = os.listdir(self.opts.outdir) except: flist = [] if len(flist) > 0: # show what's left flist = [x for x in flist if not (x.startswith('.') or x == 'None')] tlist = [(os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(self.opts.outdir,x)),x) for x in flist] tlist.sort() flist = [x[1] for x in tlist] res.append('<div><b>Output files.</b><hr/>\n') res.append('<table>\n') for i,f in enumerate(flist): fn = os.path.split(f)[-1] fs = getFileString(fn,self.opts.outdir) res.append('<tr><td><a href="%s">%s</a></td></tr>\n' % (fn,fs)) res.append('</table></div>\n') res.append('<b>Log of activity</b><hr/>\n') res.append('\n%s' % '<br/>'.join(logdat)) res.append('<hr/>Note: The freely available <a href="">Picard software</a> \n') res.append('generated all outputs reported here. These third party tools were') res.append('orchestrated by the Galaxy rgEstLibComplexity wrapper and this command line from the Galaxy form:<br/>\n%s' % ( res.append(galhtmlpostfix) f = open(self.opts.htmlout,'w') f.write('\n'.join(res)) f.close()
def fix_fastqc(self, rep=[], flist=[], runlog=[]): """ add some of our stuff to the html """ bs = '</body></html>\n' # hope they don't change this try: bodyindex = rep.index(bs) # hope they don't change this except: bodyindex = len(rep) - 1 res = [] res.append('<table>\n') flist.sort() for i, f in enumerate(flist): if not (os.path.isdir(f)): fn = os.path.split(f)[-1] res.append('<tr><td><a href="%s">%s</a></td></tr>\n' % (fn, getFileString(fn, self.opts.outputdir))) res.append('</table><p/>\n') res.append( '<a href="">FastQC documentation and full attribution is here</a><br/><hr/>\n' ) res.append( 'FastQC was run by Galaxy using the rgenetics rgFastQC wrapper - see for details and licensing\n' ) fixed = rep[:bodyindex] + res + rep[bodyindex:] return fixed # with our additions
def write_html_report(self): """ write the report as html """ out_folder = self.opts.outdir my_template = Template(filename=os.path.join( self.tool_folder, self.__class__.HTML_REPORT_TEMPLATE), strict_undefined=True) if os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(out_folder)): files = [ os.path.join(out_folder, x) for x in os.listdir(out_folder) if not x.startswith('.') ] files.sort(key=lambda f: os.path.getmtime(f)) file_info = [ (os.path.split(f)[-1], getFileString(os.path.split(f)[-1], self.opts.outdir)) for f in files ] else: file_info = [] template_parameters = { 'program_name': str(self.program_name), 'timestamp': str(timenow()), 'file_info': file_info, 'log_data': open(self.tlogname).read().replace('\n', '\n<BR />'), 'command_string': str( } f = open(self.opts.htmlout, 'w') f.write(my_template.render(**template_parameters)) f.close()
def makehtml(self): """ write the report as html """ logdat = open(self.tlogname, 'r').readlines() res = [] res.append(galhtmlprefix % progname) res.append(galhtmlattr % (progname, timenow())) res.append( '<b>Your job produced the following outputs - check here for a record of what was done and any unexpected events</b><hr/>' ) imghref = '%s.jpg' % os.path.splitext(self.isPDF)[0] # removes .pdf res.append('<table cellpadding="10"><tr><td>\n') res.append( '<a href="%s"><img src="%s" alt="%s" hspace="10" align="middle"></a>\n' % (self.isPDF, imghref, imghref)) res.append('</tr><td></table>\n') try: flist = os.listdir(self.opts.outdir) except: flist = [] if len( flist ) > 0: # we should clean everything up - picard doesn't tell us what it did in cleansam unfortunately flist = [ x for x in flist if not (x.startswith('.') or x == 'None') ] tlist = [(os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(self.opts.outdir, x)), x) for x in flist] tlist.sort() flist = [x[1] for x in tlist] res.append('<div><b>Output files.</b><hr/>\n') res.append('<table>\n') for i, f in enumerate(flist): fn = os.path.split(f)[-1] fs = getFileString(fn, self.opts.outdir) res.append('<tr><td><a href="%s">%s</a></td></tr>\n' % (fn, fs)) res.append('</table></div>\n') res.append('<b>Log of activity</b><hr/>\n') res.append('\n%s' % '<br/>'.join(logdat)) res.append( '<hr/>Note: The freely available <a href="">Picard software</a> \n' ) res.append( 'generated all outputs reported here. These third party tools were' ) res.append( 'orchestrated by the Galaxy rgInsertSize wrapper and this command line from the Galaxy form:<br/>\n%s' % ( res.append(galhtmlpostfix) f = open(self.opts.htmlout, 'w') f.write('\n'.join(res)) f.close()
def writehtml(self): """ write the report as html """ logdat = open(self.tlogname,'r').readlines() res = [] res.append(galhtmlprefix % progname) res.append(galhtmlattr % (progname,timenow())) try: flist = os.listdir(self.opts.outdir) except: flist = [] if len(flist) > 0: # show what's left flist = [x for x in flist if not (x.startswith('.') or x == 'None')] pdfs = [x for x in flist if os.path.splitext(x)[-1].lower() == '.pdf'] tlist = [(os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(self.opts.outdir,x)),x) for x in flist] tlist.sort() flist = [x[1] for x in tlist] if len(pdfs) > 0: cells = [] pdfs.sort() res.append('<div><table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="10">\n') for p in pdfs: pfname = os.path.split(p)[-1] pfroot = os.path.splitext(pfname)[0] imghref = '%s.jpg' % pfroot # thumbnail name from mogrify cl = ['mogrify', '-resize x300 -write %s %s' % (imghref,pfname),] s = '<a href="%s"><img src="%s" title="%s" hspace="10" align="middle"></a>' % (pfname,imghref,pfname) cells.append('<td>%s</br>%s</td>' % (pfroot,s)) ncells = len(cells) for i in range(ncells): if i % 2 == 1: res.append('<tr>%s%s</tr>\n' % (cells[i-1],cells[i])) if ncells % 2 == 0: # last one res.append('<tr colspan="2">%s</tr>\n' % (cells[-1])) res.append('</table></div>\n') res.append('<div><b>Output files.</b><hr/>\n') res.append('<table>\n') for i,f in enumerate(flist): fn = os.path.split(f)[-1] fs = getFileString(fn,self.opts.outdir) res.append('<tr><td><a href="%s">%s</a></td></tr>\n' % (fn,fs)) res.append('</table></div>\n') res.append('<b>Your job produced the following log of activity - check here for a record of what was done and any unexpected events</b><hr/>') res.append('\n%s' % '<br/>'.join(logdat)) res.append('<hr/>Note: The freely available <a href="">GATK</a> \n') res.append('did all the work reportexampleBAM.bam ed here. GATK is an independent non-Galaxy community resource, whose third party tools were') res.append('orchestrated by the Galaxy rgGATKRecalibrate wrapper and this command line from the Galaxy form:<br/>\n%s' % ( res.append(galhtmlpostfix) f = open(self.opts.htmlout,'w') f.write('\n'.join(res)) f.close()
def writehtml(self): """ write the report as html """ logdat = open(self.tlogname,'r').readlines() res = [] res.append(galhtmlprefix % progname) res.append(galhtmlattr % (progname,timenow())) try: flist = os.listdir(self.opts.outdir) except: flist = [] if len(flist) > 0: # show what's left flist = [x for x in flist if not (x.startswith('.') or x == 'None')] pdfs = [x for x in flist if os.path.splitext(x)[-1].lower() == '.pdf'] tlist = [(os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(self.opts.outdir,x)),x) for x in flist] tlist.sort() flist = [x[1] for x in tlist] if len(pdfs) > 0: cells = [] pdfs.sort() res.append('<div><table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="10">\n') for p in pdfs: pfname = os.path.split(p)[-1] pfroot = os.path.splitext(pfname)[0] imghref = '%s.jpg' % pfroot # thumbnail name from mogrify cl = ['mogrify', '-resize x300 -write %s %s' % (imghref,pfname),] s = '<a href="%s"><img src="%s" alt="%s" hspace="10" align="middle"></a>' % (pfname,imghref,pfname) cells.append('<td>%s</br>%s</td>' % (pfroot,s)) ncells = len(cells) for i in range(ncells): if i % 2 == 1: res.append('<tr>%s%s</tr>\n' % (cells[i-1],cells[i])) if ncells % 2 == 0: # last one res.append('<tr colspan="2">%s</tr>\n' % (cells[-1])) res.append('</table></div>\n') res.append('<div><b>Output files.</b><hr/>\n') res.append('<table>\n') for i,f in enumerate(flist): fn = os.path.split(f)[-1] fs = getFileString(fn,self.opts.outdir) res.append('<tr><td><a href="%s">%s</a></td></tr>\n' % (fn,fs)) res.append('</table></div>\n') res.append('<b>Your job produced the following log of activity - check here for a record of what was done and any unexpected events</b><hr/>') res.append('\n%s' % '<br/>'.join(logdat)) res.append('<hr/>Note: The freely available <a href="">GATK</a> \n') res.append('did all the work reportexampleBAM.bam ed here. GATK is an independent non-Galaxy community resource, whose third party tools were') res.append('orchestrated by the Galaxy rgGATKRecalibrate wrapper and this command line from the Galaxy form:<br/>\n%s' % ( res.append(galhtmlpostfix) f = open(self.opts.htmlout,'w') f.write('\n'.join(res)) f.close()
def writehtml(self): """ write the report as html note complications needed to write pre and post reports - they have to be separated since gatk insists on giving them all the same names but at least allows a separate output directory... """ logdat = open(self.tlogname, 'r').readlines() res = [] res.append(galhtmlprefix % progname) res.append(galhtmlattr % (progname, timenow())) res.append( '<font size="-2">Note: The freely available <a href="">GATK</a>' ) res.append( 'did all the calculations arranged here in your Galaxy history') try: flist = os.listdir(self.opts.outdir) except: flist = [] if len(flist) > 0: # show what's left after cleanup flist = [ x for x in flist if not (x.startswith('.') or x == 'None') ] pdfs = [ x for x in flist if os.path.splitext(x)[-1].lower() == '.pdf' ] tlist = [(os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(self.opts.outdir, x)), x) for x in flist] tlist.sort() flist = [x[1] for x in tlist] if len(pdfs) > 0: res = self.writeImages(pdfs, res) res.append('<div><b>Output files.</b><hr/>\n') res.append('<table>\n') for i, f in enumerate(flist): fn = os.path.split(f)[-1] fs = getFileString(fn, self.opts.outdir) res.append('<tr><td><a href="%s">%s</a></td></tr>\n' % (fn, fs)) res.append('</table></div>\n') res.append( '<b>Your job produced the following log of activity - check here for a record of what was done and any unexpected events</b><hr/>' ) res.append('\n%s' % '<br/>'.join(logdat)) res.append(galhtmlpostfix) f = open(self.opts.htmlout, 'w') f.write('\n'.join(res)) f.close()
def fix_fastqc(self,rep=[],flist=[],runlog=[]): """ add some of our stuff to the html """ bodyindex = len(rep) -1 # hope they don't change this footrow = bodyindex - 1 footer = rep[footrow] rep = rep[:footrow] + rep[footrow+1:] res = ['<div class="module"><h2>Files created by FastQC</h2><table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">\n'] flist.sort() for i,f in enumerate(flist): if not(os.path.isdir(f)): fn = os.path.split(f)[-1] res.append('<tr><td><a href="%s">%s</a></td></tr>\n' % (fn,getFileString(fn, self.opts.outputdir))) res.append('</table>\n') res.append('<a href="">FastQC documentation and full attribution is here</a><br/><hr/>\n') res.append('FastQC was run by Galaxy using the rgenetics rgFastQC wrapper - see for details and licensing\n</div>') res.append(footer) fixed = rep[:bodyindex] + res + rep[bodyindex:] return fixed # with our additions
def fix_fastqc(self,rep=[],flist=[],runlog=[]): """ add some of our stuff to the html """ bs = '</body></html>\n' # hope they don't change this try: bodyindex = rep.index(bs) # hope they don't change this except: bodyindex = len(rep) - 1 res = [] res.append('<table>\n') flist.sort() for i,f in enumerate(flist): if not(os.path.isdir(f)): fn = os.path.split(f)[-1] res.append('<tr><td><a href="%s">%s</a></td></tr>\n' % (fn,getFileString(fn, self.opts.outputdir))) res.append('</table><p/>\n') res.append('<a href="">FastQC documentation and full attribution is here</a><br/><hr/>\n') res.append('FastQC was run by Galaxy using the rgenetics rgFastQC wrapper - see for details and licensing\n') fixed = rep[:bodyindex] + res + rep[bodyindex:] return fixed # with our additions
def writehtml(self): """ write the report as html note complications needed to write pre and post reports - they have to be separated since gatk insists on giving them all the same names but at least allows a separate output directory... """ logdat = open(self.tlogname, "r").readlines() res = [] res.append(galhtmlprefix % progname) res.append(galhtmlattr % (progname, timenow())) res.append( '<font size="-2">Note: The freely available <a href="">GATK</a>' ) res.append("did all the calculations arranged here in your Galaxy history") try: flist = os.listdir(self.opts.outdir) except: flist = [] if len(flist) > 0: # show what's left after cleanup flist = [x for x in flist if not (x.startswith(".") or x == "None")] pdfs = [x for x in flist if os.path.splitext(x)[-1].lower() == ".pdf"] tlist = [(os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(self.opts.outdir, x)), x) for x in flist] tlist.sort() flist = [x[1] for x in tlist] if len(pdfs) > 0: res = self.writeImages(pdfs, res) res.append("<div><b>Output files.</b><hr/>\n") res.append("<table>\n") for i, f in enumerate(flist): fn = os.path.split(f)[-1] fs = getFileString(fn, self.opts.outdir) res.append('<tr><td><a href="%s">%s</a></td></tr>\n' % (fn, fs)) res.append("</table></div>\n") res.append( "<b>Your job produced the following log of activity - check here for a record of what was done and any unexpected events</b><hr/>" ) res.append("\n%s" % "<br/>".join(logdat)) res.append(galhtmlpostfix) f = open(self.opts.htmlout, "w") f.write("\n".join(res)) f.close()
def makehtml(self): """ write the report as html """ logdat = open(self.tlogname,'r').readlines() res = [] res.append(galhtmlprefix % progname) res.append(galhtmlattr % (progname,timenow())) res.append('<b>Your job produced the following outputs - check here for a record of what was done and any unexpected events</b><hr/>') imghref = '%s.jpg' % os.path.splitext(self.isPDF)[0] # removes .pdf res.append('<table cellpadding="10"><tr><td>\n') res.append('<a href="%s"><img src="%s" alt="%s" hspace="10" align="middle"></a>\n' % (self.isPDF,imghref,imghref)) res.append('</tr><td></table>\n') try: flist = os.listdir(self.opts.outdir) except: flist = [] if len(flist) > 0: # we should clean everything up - picard doesn't tell us what it did in cleansam unfortunately flist = [x for x in flist if not (x.startswith('.') or x == 'None')] tlist = [(os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(self.opts.outdir,x)),x) for x in flist] tlist.sort() flist = [x[1] for x in tlist] res.append('<div><b>Output files.</b><hr/>\n') res.append('<table>\n') for i,f in enumerate(flist): fn = os.path.split(f)[-1] fs = getFileString(fn,self.opts.outdir) res.append('<tr><td><a href="%s">%s</a></td></tr>\n' % (fn,fs)) res.append('</table></div>\n') res.append('<b>Log of activity</b><hr/>\n') res.append('\n%s' % '<br/>'.join(logdat)) res.append('<hr/>Note: The freely available <a href="">Picard software</a> \n') res.append('generated all outputs reported here. These third party tools were') res.append('orchestrated by the Galaxy rgInsertSize wrapper and this command line from the Galaxy form:<br/>\n%s' % ( res.append(galhtmlpostfix) f = open(self.opts.htmlout,'w') f.write('\n'.join(res)) f.close()