Exemple #1
    def do_intents_to_graph(intents, slot_names, targets):
        sentences, replacements = ini_jsgf.split_rules(intents)

        # Load slot values
        for slot_name in slot_names:
            slot_path = slots_dir / slot_name
            assert slot_path.is_file(), f"Missing slot file at {slot_path}"

            # Parse each non-empty line as a JSGF sentence
            slot_values = []
            with open(slot_path, "r") as slot_file:
                for line in slot_file:
                    line = line.strip()
                    if line:
                        sentence = jsgf.Sentence.parse(line)

            # Replace $slot with sentences
            replacements[f"${slot_name}"] = slot_values

        if profile.get("intent.replace_numbers", True):
            # Replace numbers in parsed sentences
            for intent_sentences in sentences.values():
                for sentence in intent_sentences:
                    jsgf.walk_expression(sentence, number_transform,

        # Convert to directed graph
        graph = intents_to_graph(intents, replacements)

        # Write graph to JSON file
        json_graph = graph_to_json(graph)
        with open(targets[0], "w") as graph_file:
            json.dump(json_graph, graph_file)
Exemple #2
    def do_intents_to_graph(sentences, slot_names, replacements, targets):
        # Replace actual numbers
        if profile.get("intent.replace_numbers", True):
            # Replace numbers in parsed sentences
            for intent_sentences in sentences.values():
                for sentence in intent_sentences:
                    jsgf.walk_expression(sentence, number_transform, replacements)

        # Determine whether word casing has to be fixed
        transform = None
        if word_casing == "upper":
            transform = str.upper
        elif word_casing == "lower":
            transform = str.lower

        if transform:

            def fix_case(word):
                if isinstance(word, jsgf.Word):
                    word.text = transform(word.text)

                return word

            # Fix casing
            for intent_sentences in sentences.values():
                for sentence in intent_sentences:
                    jsgf.walk_expression(sentence, fix_case, replacements)

        # Convert to directed graph
        graph = intents_to_graph(sentences, replacements)

        # Write graph to JSON file
        json_graph = graph_to_json(graph)
        with open(targets[0], "w") as graph_file:
            json.dump(json_graph, graph_file)
Exemple #3
    async def handle_nlu_train(
        self, train: NluTrain, site_id: str = "default"
    ) -> typing.AsyncIterable[
        typing.Union[typing.Tuple[NluTrainSuccess, TopicArgs], NluError]
        """Re-trains NLU system"""
            # Load gzipped graph pickle
            _LOGGER.debug("Loading %s", train.graph_path)
            with gzip.GzipFile(train.graph_path, mode="rb") as graph_gzip:
                intent_graph = nx.readwrite.gpickle.read_gpickle(graph_gzip)

            # Get JSON intent graph
            json_graph = rhasspynlu.graph_to_json(intent_graph)

            if self.nlu_train_url:
                # Remote NLU server

                async with self.http_session.post(
                    self.nlu_train_url, json=json_graph, ssl=self.ssl_context
                ) as response:
                    # No data expected in response
            elif self.nlu_train_command:
                # Local NLU training command

                proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(

                output, error = await proc.communicate(json.dumps(json_graph).encode())

                if output:

                if error:
                _LOGGER.warning("Can't train NLU system. No train URL or command.")

            # Report success
            yield (NluTrainSuccess(id=train.id), {"site_id": site_id})
        except Exception as e:
            yield NluError(
                context=f"url='{self.nlu_train_url}', command='{self.nlu_train_command}'",
Exemple #4
    def do_intents_to_graph(sentences, slot_names, replacements, targets):
        # Replace actual numbers
        if profile.get("intent.replace_numbers", True):
            # Replace numbers in parsed sentences
            for intent_sentences in sentences.values():
                for sentence in intent_sentences:
                    jsgf.walk_expression(sentence, number_transform,

        if word_transform:
            # Fix casing
            for intent_sentences in sentences.values():
                for sentence in intent_sentences:
                    jsgf.walk_expression(sentence, fix_word_case, replacements)

        # Convert to directed graph
        graph = intents_to_graph(sentences, replacements)

        # Write graph to JSON file
        json_graph = graph_to_json(graph)
        with open(targets[0], "w") as graph_file:
            json.dump(json_graph, graph_file)