Exemple #1
def blipCurve(y):
    x1 = random.uniform(0, 10)
    z1 = random.uniform(0, 10)

    x2 = random.uniform(10, 20)
    z2 = random.uniform(10, 100)  # this is on purpose this is blip

    x3 = random.uniform(20, 30)
    z3 = random.uniform(10, 20)

    x4 = random.uniform(3, 40)
    z4 = random.uniform(0, 10)

    x5 = random.uniform(40, 50)
    z5 = random.uniform(0, 10)

    listOfPoints = [(x1, y, z1), (x2, y, z2), (x3, y, z3), (x4, y, z4),
                    (x5, y, z5)]
    return rs.AddInterpCurve(listOfPoints, 3)
Exemple #2
def generate_frame(pt_array):

    crv_frame = []
    for i in xrange(len(pt_array)):

        pt_list = []
        tmp_list = pt_array[i]

        ### closed, add -1
        for j in xrange(len(tmp_list)):


        crv = rs.AddInterpCurve(pt_list)

    return crv_frame
Exemple #3
def draw_coaming(c):
    pts = [[0, 0, 0]]
    half = [[(i + 1) * c.spacing, c.points[i], 0]
            for i in range(len(c.points))]
    pts.append([c.length, 0, 0])
    half = [[(i + 1) * c.spacing, -c.points[i], 0]
            for i in range(len(c.points))]
    pts.append([0, 0, 0])
    crv = rs.AddInterpCurve(pts,
                            start_tangent=[0, 1, 0],
                            end_tangent=[0, 1, 0])
    strip = [crv, rs.OffsetCurve(crv, [-1, 0, 0], c.width1)]
    rs.CopyObjects(strip, [0, c.beam + 2 * c.width1, 0])
    strip2 = [rs.CopyObjects(crv), rs.OffsetCurve(crv, [-1, 0, 0], c.width2)]
    rs.MoveObjects(strip2, [0, -c.beam - c.width1 - c.width2, 0])
Exemple #4
def veryBlipCurve(y):

	x1 = random.uniform(0,10)
	z1 = random.uniform(0,100)

	x2 = random.uniform(10,20)
	z2 = random.uniform(10,1000) #VERY BLIP

	x3 = random.uniform(20,30)
	z3 = random.uniform(10,200)

	x4 = random.uniform(30,40)
	z4 = random.uniform(0,100)

	x5 = random.uniform(40,50)
	z5 = random.uniform(0,100)

	listOfPoints = [(x1,y,z1),(x2,y,z2),(x3,y,z3),(x4,y,z4), (x5,y,z5)]

Exemple #5
 def jump(self, force, dis):
     #make three points that together they can make an Arc, the first point would be heading position)
     distance = rs.VectorScale(self.direction, dis)
     startPoint = rs.PointCoordinates(self.point)
     endpoint = [
         startPoint[0] + distance.X, startPoint[1] + distance.Y,
         startPoint[2] + distance.Z
     midpoint = [
         startPoint[0] + distance.X / 2, startPoint[1] + distance.Y / 2,
         startPoint[2] + distance.Z / 2
     rotatevec = rs.VectorRotate(self.direction, 90, [0, 0, 1])
     heightvec = rs.VectorScale(rotatevec, force)
     midpoint1 = rs.AddPoint(midpoint)
     forcepoint = rs.MoveObject(midpoint1, heightvec)
     # jumppath2=rs.AddCurve([startPoint, forcepoint, endpoint])
     dirVec = rs.VectorCreate(endpoint, startpoint)
     rs.MoveObject(self.point, dirVec)
     jumppath3 = rs.AddInterpCurve([startPoint, forcepoint, endpoint])
Exemple #6
def blipCurve(y, bleepValue):

    x1 = random.uniform(0, 10)
    z1 = random.uniform(0, 10)

    x2 = random.uniform(10, 20)
    z2 = random.uniform(0, bleepValue)  #bleep

    x3 = random.uniform(20, 30)
    z3 = random.uniform(10, 20)

    x4 = random.uniform(30, 40)
    z4 = random.uniform(0, 10)

    x5 = random.uniform(40, 50)
    z5 = random.uniform(0, 10)

    listOfPoints = [(x1, y, z1), (x2, y, z2), (x3, y, z3), (x4, y, z4),
                    (x5, y, z5)]

    rs.AddInterpCurve(listOfPoints, 3)  ## 1: straight line, 2, 3,
def createcurve(offset, np):
    #List definition
    pts = []

    #Layer creation
    rs.AddLayer("PythonCurve", Color.Blue)
    rs.AddLayer("PythonCosineCurve", Color.Aquamarine)
    rs.AddLayer("CosineCurve", Color.Red)

    ##################Geometric Operations##################


    for i in range(np):
        x = i
        y = 0 + offset - 20
        z = cos(i + 1)

        pts.append([x, y, z])

    rs.AddInterpCurve(pts, 3, 0)
Exemple #8
def addcurvaturegraphsection(idCrv, t0, t1, samples, scale):
    if (t1 - t0) <= 0.0: return
    N = -1
    tstep = (t1 - t0) / samples
    t = t0
    points = []
    objects = []
    while t <= (t1 + (0.5 * tstep)):
        if t >= t1: t = t1 - 1e-10
        N += 1
        cData = rs.CurveCurvature(idCrv, t)
        if not cData:
            points.append(rs.EvaluateCurve(idCrv, t))
            c = rs.VectorScale(cData[4], scale)
            a = cData[0]
            b = rs.VectorSubtract(a, c)
            objects.append(rs.AddLine(a, b))
        t += tstep

    return objects
 def CreateKeyCurve(self, r, z0, d=0, close=False):
     a = 0.15 - d / r
     x = r * math.sin(a)
     y = r * math.cos(a)
     points = []
     # yr = 18.1
     yr = self.coreInnerRadius - self.coreSpacerLedgeWidth + 0.4
     points.append((-x, -y, z0))
     points.append((-1.5, -yr - d, z0))
     points.append((-0.8, -yr + 0.3 - d, z0))
     points.append((0.8, -yr + 0.3 - d, z0))
     points.append((1.5, -yr - d, z0))
     points.append((x, -y, z0))
     start_tangent = (y / r, -x / r, 0)
     end_tangent = (y / r, x / r, 0)
     degree = 3
     knotstyle = 0
     curve = rs.AddInterpCurve(points, degree, knotstyle, start_tangent,
     if close:
         arc = rs.AddArc3Pt((-x, -y, z0), (x, -y, z0), (0, -r, z0))
         curve = rs.JoinCurves([curve, arc], True)
     return curve
Exemple #10
    def resample_curve(self, le):
            # rs_poly = rs.AddPolyline(self.polyline.points)
            crv = rs.AddInterpCurve(self.polyline.points)

            if le <= self.polyline.length:
                a = rs.DivideCurveLength(crv, le, False)
                div = rs.DivideCurveLength(crv, le, False, False)
                new_pts = rs.DivideCurve(crv, len(div), False, True)
                new_par = rs.DivideCurve(crv, len(div), False, False)

                print('it is a line!')
                new_pts = [rs.CurveStartPoint(crv), rs.CurveEndPoint(crv)]
                new_par = [0.0, rs.CurveLength(crv)]

            out_pts = []
            out_vec = []

            for idx, pt in enumerate(new_pts):

                pt = [pt.X, pt.Y, pt.Z]

                v = rs.CurveTangent(crv, new_par[idx])
                vec = [v.X, v.Y, v.Z]
                # vec = compas.geometry.normalize_vector(vec)

            # print('succesfully resampled')

            return out_pts, out_vec

        except Exception:
            print('Interpolated Curve could not be resampled.')
            return None, None
# Random numbers part II to generate lines

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import random

pts = []

for i in range(0, 100):
    x = random.uniform(0, 100)
    y = random.uniform(0, 100)
    z = random.uniform(0, 100)
    pt = [x, y, z]


pl = rs.AddPolyline(pts)
crv = rs.AddCurve(pts)
intCrv = rs.AddInterpCurve(pts)

color01 = [0, 255, 255]
color02 = [255, 0, 255]
color03 = [255, 255, 0]

rs.ObjectColor(pl, color01)
rs.ObjectColor(crv, color02)
rs.ObjectColor(intCrv, color03)

rs.AddBox([[0, 0, 0], [100, 0, 0], [100, 100, 0], [0, 100, 0], [0, 0, 100],
           [100, 0, 100], [100, 100, 100], [0, 100, 100]])
Exemple #12
#Python Workshop Lesson:04
#Lists of Points + Curve Types
#Bonus simple for loop
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

listPoints = []
listPoints = rs.GetPoints(True, True, "Pick a starting point",
                          "Keep picking points until you get tired")

#Curve Types
myPolyline = rs.AddPolyline(listPoints)
myCurve = rs.AddCurve(listPoints)
myIntpCurve = rs.AddInterpCurve(listPoints)

#Curve Colors
#Colors are Arrays of [r,g,b]
color01 = [0, 255, 255]  #cyan
color02 = [255, 0, 255]  #magenta
color03 = [255, 255, 0]  #yellow

#Change Color of Curves
rs.ObjectColor(myPolyline, color01)
rs.ObjectColor(myCurve, color02)
rs.ObjectColor(myIntpCurve, color03)

#Bonus For Loop
for point in listPoints:
z2 = random.randint(0,50)
x3 = random.randint(0,50)
y3 = random.randint(0,50)
z3 = random.randint(0,50)
x4 = random.randint(0,50)
y4 = random.randint(0,50)
z4 = random.randint(0,50)

p1 = rs.AddPoint(x1,y1,0)
p2 = rs.AddPoint(x2,0,z2)
p3 = rs.AddPoint(0,y3,z3)
p4 = rs.AddPoint(x4,y4,50)
p5 = rs.AddPoint(x4,50,z4)
p6 = rs.AddPoint(50,y4,z4)

A = rs.AddInterpCurve([a,p3,b],3,0,None,None)
B = rs.AddInterpCurve([b,p4,c],3,0,None,None)
C = rs.AddInterpCurve([c,p6,d],3,0,None,None)
D = rs.AddInterpCurve([d,p1,a],3,0,None,None)



Exemple #14
moverList = []

for i in range(10):

# a = Attractor()


for x in rs.frange(0, 15000, 1):

    for n1 in range(len(moverList)):
        for n2 in range(len(moverList)):
            if n1 != n2:
                attraction = moverList[n2].attract(moverList[n1])
                # a.update()
                # print attraction
                # print m.vecAcceleration
                # moverList[n].applyForce([0,.1,.1])
        # rs.AddPoint(m.location)

# print m.location[0]
# print m.listPoints
for p in range(len(moverList)):

# rs.AddPoint(m.listPoints)
c = 0
while c < 100:
	v1 = random.uniform(-100,100)
	v2 = random.uniform(-100,100)
	v3 = random.uniform(-100,100)
	v4 = random.uniform(-100,100)
	v5 = random.uniform(-100,100)
	v6 = random.uniform(-100,100)
	v7 = random.uniform(-100,100)
	v8 = random.uniform(-100,100)
	v9 = random.uniform(-100,100)
	myPointA = [v1,v2,v3]
	myPointB = [v4,v5,v6]
	myPointC = [v7,v8,v9]

	rs.AddInterpCurve([myPointA,myPointB,myPointC], 3)

	c += 1

#the code below accomplishes the same task without the use of a counting variable

for c in range(100):
	v1 = random.uniform(-100,100)
	v2 = random.uniform(-100,100)
	v3 = random.uniform(-100,100)
	v4 = random.uniform(-100,100)
	v5 = random.uniform(-100,100)
	v6 = random.uniform(-100,100)
	v7 = random.uniform(-100,100)
	v8 = random.uniform(-100,100)
	v9 = random.uniform(-100,100)
rad1 = 0.15  #radius for the downward structure
rad2 = rad1 * 2  #radius fore the frame

gpts_list1 = []  # list of new points for crv 1
gpts_list2 = []  # list of new points for crv 2

#makes the line between points
for i in range(len(pts_crv1)):
    nz1 = pts_crv1[i][2] - gravity  #n = new # z = coordinate
    nx1 = pts_crv1[i][0]  # x = coordinate
    ny1 = pts_crv1[i][1]  # y = coordinate

    npts_crv1 = (nx1, ny1, nz1)
    gline1 = rs.AddLine(pts_crv1[i], npts_crv1)  #gravity line
    pipe_crv1 = rs.AddPipe(gline1, 0, rad1)

    nz2 = pts_crv2[i][2] - gravity  #n = new # z = coordinate
    nx2 = pts_crv2[i][0]  # x = coordinate
    ny2 = pts_crv2[i][1]  # y = coordinate

    npts_crv2 = (nx2, ny2, nz2)
    gline2 = rs.AddLine(pts_crv2[i], npts_crv2)  #gravity line
    pipe_crv2 = rs.AddPipe(gline2, 0, rad1)

gcrv1 = rs.AddInterpCurve(gpts_list1)
gcrv2 = rs.AddInterpCurve(gpts_list2)

rs.AddPipe(gcrv1, 0, rad2)
rs.AddPipe(gcrv2, 0, rad2)
def blipCurve(y):
    x1 = random.uniform(0, 10)
    z1 = random.uniform(0, 10)

    x2 = random.uniform(10, 20)
    z2 = random.uniform(10, 100)  # this is on purpose this is blip

    x3 = random.uniform(20, 30)
    z3 = random.uniform(10, 20)

    x4 = random.uniform(3, 40)
    z4 = random.uniform(0, 10)

    x5 = random.uniform(40, 50)
    z5 = random.uniform(0, 10)

    listOfPoints = [(x1, y, z1), (x2, y, z2), (x3, y, z3), (x4, y, z4),
                    (x5, y, z5)]
    return rs.AddInterpCurve(listOfPoints, 3)

for c in range(1000):
    aCurve = blipCurve(c)
    #at this special moment
    if c == 700:
        points = rs.DivideCurve(aCurve, 100)
        randomIndex = random.randint(0, 99)
        points[randomIndex][2] = random.uniform(-500, -300)
Exemple #18
def LEAF(startX, startY, width, left):
    if (left == True):
        rotationAngle = random.uniform(40, 140)
    elif (left == False):
        rotationAngle = random.uniform(200, 300)

    halfLeaf = rs.AddArc3Pt((startX, startY, 0), (startX, startY + 12, 0),
                            (startX + width, startY + 4, 0))
    secondHalf = rs.MirrorObject(halfLeaf, (startX, startY, 0),
                                 (startX, startY + 12, 0),

    rs.RotateObject(halfLeaf, (startX, startY, 0),
    rs.RotateObject(secondHalf, (startX, startY, 0),

    veinPoints = [(startX, startY, 0)]
    widthFixer = 2.2

    for points in range(1, 12, 2):
        veinPoint = (startX + random.uniform(-1, 1), startY + points, 0)
        # rs.AddPoint(veinPoint)

        if (points < 7):
            points = (startX - width + widthFixer,
                      startY + points + random.uniform(-.5, .5),
                      0), veinPoint, (startX + width - widthFixer, startY +
                                      points + random.uniform(-.5, .5), 0)
            vein = rs.AddCurve(points)
            rs.RotateObject(vein, (startX, startY, 0),
            widthFixer = widthFixer - 1
            # print(widthFixer)
        elif (points == 7):
            widthFixer = .2
            points = (startX - width + widthFixer,
                      startY + points + random.uniform(-.5, .5),
                      0), veinPoint, (startX + width - widthFixer, startY +
                                      points + random.uniform(-.5, .5), 0)
            vein = rs.AddCurve(points)
            rs.RotateObject(vein, (startX, startY, 0),

        elif (points > 7):
            widthFixer = widthFixer + 1
            points = (startX - width + widthFixer,
                      startY + points + random.uniform(-.5, .5),
                      0), veinPoint, (startX + width - widthFixer, startY +
                                      points + random.uniform(-.5, .5), 0)
            vein = rs.AddCurve(points)
            rs.RotateObject(vein, (startX, startY, 0),
            # print(widthFixer)

    middleVein = rs.AddInterpCurve(veinPoints)
    rs.RotateObject(middleVein, (startX, startY, 0),
        elevation = rs.GetReal("what's the elevation angle?") # ask for an elevation angle, just like up top
        azimuth = rs.GetReal("what's the azimuth angle?") # ask for an azimuth angle
        azimuth *= -1 # flip the azimuth - because by default, rhino rotates things CCW, and compasses go CW
        # rotate that first point to the elevation angle
        # rotate works like this: RotateObject( object_to_rotate, center_point, angle_to_rotate, rotation_axis, copy_yes/no )
        rs.RotateObject(starterPt, [0,0,0], elevation, axis=[1,0,0], copy=True)
        rs.RotateObject(rs.FirstObject(), [0,0,0], azimuth, axis=[0,0,1], copy=False) # do the same thing for the azimuth
        listOfPoints.append(rs.FirstObject()) # once we have the final location, add that point to our listOfPoints list

        rs.CurrentLayer("sun rays") # switch to the sun rays layer
        sunRay = rs.AddLine([0,0,0],rs.FirstObject()) # on that layer, draw a line for the ray
        rs.CurrentLayer(dayName) # switch back to the current day (for the next loop)
        #this is the end of the "for loop" - note how the next "if" statement isn't indented as much
    if(listOfPoints): # check whether listOfPoints has anything in it
         sunpath = rs.AddInterpCurve(listOfPoints) # add an interpolated curve (one that goes THROUGH the points)
         newsunpath = rs.PullCurve(sunSphere, sunpath, False) # pull that curve to the sphere
         rs.ObjectName(newsunpath, dayName) # name it using the 'dayName' variable from earlier - fyi, object names show up if you type 'properties' in rhino
         rs.DeleteObject(sunpath) # delete the old (non-pulled) curve
         crvstojoin = rs.ObjectsByName(dayName, True) # sometimes pulling breaks up a curve, so we have to gather all those pieces
         if (len(crvstojoin) > 1): # if, in fact, there are multiple curves
             crvstojoin = rs.JoinCurves(crvstojoin, True) # join them
         rs.ObjectName(crvstojoin, dayName) # for some reason joining things kills their names - so if you want, rename the final curve
         rs.DeleteObject(starterPt) # finally, delete that original point that we copied and rotated around
         rs.DeleteObject(sunSphere) # and delete the sphere.
else: # if we didn't successfully get points or radius
    print "please enter positive values!" # explain why nothing happened
Exemple #20
x1 = random.randint(0, 50)
y1 = random.randint(0, 50)
z1 = random.randint(0, 50)
x2 = random.randint(0, 50)
y2 = random.randint(0, 50)
z2 = random.randint(0, 50)
x3 = random.randint(0, 50)
y3 = random.randint(0, 50)
z3 = random.randint(0, 50)
x4 = random.randint(0, 50)
y4 = random.randint(0, 50)
z4 = random.randint(0, 50)
p1 = rs.AddPoint(x1, y1, z1)
p2 = rs.AddPoint(x2, y2, z2)
p3 = rs.AddPoint(x3, y3, z3)
p4 = rs.AddPoint(x4, y4, z4)
A = rs.AddInterpCurve([a, p1, b], 3, 0, None, None)
B = rs.AddInterpCurve([c, p2, d], 3, 0, None, None)
C = rs.AddInterpCurve([e, p3, f], 3, 0, None, None)
D = rs.AddInterpCurve([g, p4, h], 3, 0, None, None)
m = 20
A1 = rs.DivideCurve(A, m, True, True)
B1 = rs.DivideCurve(B, m, True, True)
C1 = rs.DivideCurve(C, m, True, True)
D1 = rs.DivideCurve(D, m, True, True)
rs.AddLoftSrf([A, B], None, None, 0, 0, 0, False)

for i in range(m):
    rs.AddLine(A1[i], B1[i])
    rs.AddLine(B1[i], C1[i])
Exemple #21
domain = rs.CurveDomain(curve)
sections = []
dt = (domain[1] - domain[0]) / 10
for i in range(0, 10):
    t = domain[0] + i * dt
    points = []
    xyz = rs.EvaluateCurve(curve, t)
    R = xyz[0]
    z = xyz[2]
    dphi = 2 * ma.pi / 100
    for k in range(0, 101):
        phi = k * dphi
        x = (R + a * (ma.cos(n * phi) - 1)) * ma.cos(phi)
        y = (R + a * (ma.cos(n * phi) - 1)) * ma.sin(phi)
        points.append([x, y, z])
top = rs.EvaluateCurve(curve, domain[1])
plane = rs.PlaneFromNormal(top, [0, 0, 1])
sections.append(rs.AddCircle(plane, 1))

surf = rs.AddLoftSrf(sections)

#Draw spines
cone = rs.AddCone([0, 0, -sh], sh, sr)
basis = []
theta = ma.pi / 8
dphi = 2 * ma.pi / m
for k in range(0, m):
Exemple #22
            layerName = "far"
            farCount += 1

        projector = rs.AddLine(point, eyePoint)

        rs.ObjectLayer(projector, layerName)

        intersections = rs.CurveSurfaceIntersection(projector, picturePlane)
        if intersections:
            intersectionPoint = intersections[0][1]
            pointObjectInSpace = rs.AddPoint(point)
            rs.ObjectLayer(pointObjectInSpace, layerName)

    pointObs = rs.AddPoints(intersectionPoints)
    reconstructedCurve = rs.AddInterpCurve(
        1)  #what would be a more precise way to reconstruct the curve?

    if closeCount > middleCount and closeCount > farCount:
        rs.ObjectLayer(reconstructedCurve, "close")

    elif middleCount > farCount:
        rs.ObjectLayer(reconstructedCurve, "middle")

        rs.ObjectLayer(reconstructedCurve, "far")

#add layer management to sep process content from finish content, and to use close/far distinction
Exemple #23
            #measure distance on 2D grid to nearby points
            for l in range(len(edgePts)):
                ptPos = gt001.myPos(edgePts[l][0], edgePts[l][1], landscape)
                ptPos[2] = 0
                dist = rs.Distance(lastPtPos, ptPos)
                nowCell = edgePts[l]
                if dist < 25:
                    if nowCell not in newLine:
                        otherPossible.append([edgePts[l], dist])

            if len(otherPossible) > 0:
                #sort options by distance
                sortedList = sorted(otherPossible, key=lambda k: k[1])
                nowCell = sortedList[0][0]
                #reset i,j
                i = nowCell[0]
                j = nowCell[1]
                check = True

#attempt to draw lines
for i in range(len(chains)):
    #convert indices to points
    ptList = []
    for j in range(len(chains[i])):
        pt = gt001.myPos(chains[i][j][0], chains[i][j][1], landscape)

Exemple #24
# Random Numbers
# Random Lines

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import random

pts = []
for i in range(0, 100):
    x = random.uniform(0, 100)
    y = random.uniform(0, 100)
    z = random.uniform(0, 100)
    pt = [x, y, z]


pl = rs.AddPolyline(pts)
crv = rs.AddCurve(pts)
intpcrv = rs.AddInterpCurve(pts)

color01 = [0, 255, 255]
color02 = [255, 0, 255]
color03 = [255, 255, 0]

rs.ObjectColor(pl, color01)
rs.ObjectColor(crv, color02)
rs.ObjectColor(intpcrv, color03)
Exemple #25
def draw_graph(vertices, edges, loop_size=1.0, spindle_size=1.0, node_radius=0.0, line_radius=0.0, key_to_colour={}):
	"""Draw a graph in Rhino as grouped points and lines with optional element size and node colouring.
	Loops for edges (u, u) and parallel edges for multiple edges (u, v) and/or (v, u) are allowed.

	vertices : dict
		A dictionary of vertex keys pointing to point coordinates.
	edges : list
		A list of tuples of pairs of vertex indices.
	loop_size : float, optional
		Rough size of the loops due to edges (u, u).
		Default value is 1.0.
	spindle_size : float, optional
		Rough size of the spindles due to mutiple edges (u, v) and/or (v, u).
		Default value is 1.0.
	node_radius : float, optional
		Node radius representing the vertices. If equal to 0.0, a point is added, else a sphere.
		Default value is 1.0.
	line_radius : float, optional
		Line radius representing the edges. If equal to 0.0, a line is added, else a pipe.
		Default value is 1.0.
	key_to_colour : dict, optional
		An optional dictonary with vertex keys pointing to RGB colours.

	group : Rhino group
		A Rhino group with the list of points or sphere surfaces of the vertices, and the list of the list of curves or pipe surfaces of the edges.

	# nodes as points or spheres with optional colours
	nodes = []
	for key, xyz in vertices.items():
		nodes.append(rs.AddPoint(xyz) if node_radius == 0.0 else rs.AddSphere(xyz, node_radius))
		if key in key_to_colour:
			rs.ObjectColor(nodes[-1], key_to_colour[key])

	# curves
	curves = []
	while len(edges) > 0:
		crvs = []
		u0, v0 = edges.pop()
		# count occurences in case of multiple parallel edges
		n = 1
		for u, v in edges:
			if (u == u0 and v == v0) or (u == v0 and v == u0):
				edges.remove((u, v))
				n += 1
		# if not loop edge
		if u0 != v0:
			start = vertices[u0]
			end = vertices[v0]
			# rough spindle of parallel edges based on third offset point
			mid = midpoint_line([start, end])
			direction = cross_vectors(normalize_vector(subtract_vectors(end, start)), [0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
			for i in range(n):
				k = (float(i) / float(n) * spindle_size) - spindle_size / 2.0 * (float(n) - 1.0) / float(n)
				dir_mid = add_vectors(mid, scale_vector(direction, k))
				crvs.append(rs.AddInterpCurve([start, dir_mid, end], degree=3))
		# if loop edge
			xyz0 = vertices[u0]
			x0, y0, z0 = xyz0
			# rough loop based on three additional points
			xyz1 = [x0 + loop_size / 2.0, y0 - loop_size / 2.0, z0]
			xyz2 = [x0 + loop_size, y0, z0]
			xyz3 = [x0 + loop_size / 2.0, y0 + loop_size / 2.0, z0]
			crvs += [rs.AddInterpCurve([xyz0, xyz1, xyz2, xyz3, xyz0], degree=3) for i in range(n)]
			# spread if multiple loops
			for i, crv in enumerate(crvs):
				rs.RotateObject(crv, [x0, y0, z0], 360 * float(i) / float(n))

		# pipe if non-null radius is specified
		if line_radius != 0.0:
			pipes = [rs.AddPipe(crv, 0, line_radius) for crv in crvs]
			crvs = pipes

		curves += crvs

	# output group
	group = rs.AddGroup()
	rs.AddObjectsToGroup(nodes + curves, group)
	return group
Exemple #26
list1 = coordinates(first_wire)
list2 = coordinates(second_wire)

coordinates1_list = []
for (x, y) in list1:
    coordinates1 = (x, y, 0)

coordinates2_list = []
for (x, y) in list2:
    coordinates2 = (x, y, 0)

curve1 = rs.AddInterpCurve(coordinates1_list)
curve2 = rs.AddInterpCurve(coordinates2_list)
intersection_list = rs.CurveCurveIntersection(curve1, curve2)
points_intersection_list = []
for intersection in intersection_list:
    if intersection[0] == 1:
        print "Intersection point on first curve: ", intersection[1]
distances = []
for point in points_intersection_list:
    distances.append(rs.Distance((0, 0, 0), point))
distanceAndPointsPaired = zip(distances, points_intersection_list)
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import random
import math

point1 = [0, 0, 0]
point2 = [5, 10, 0]
point3 = [10, 10, 0]

curvePoints = [point1, point2, point3]

rs.AddInterpCurve(curvePoints, 3)

point1 = [0, 0, 0]
point2 = [10, 5, 0]
point3 = [10, 10, 0]

curvePoints = [point1, point2, point3]

rs.AddInterpCurve(curvePoints, 5)
for i in range(0, 9):
    for j in range(0, 20):
        fPoints[i].append(rs.AddPoint(x[i][j], yface[i][j], 0))
        bPoints[i].append(rs.AddPoint(x[i][j], yback[i][j], 0))

#Creating curves from Points
fCurves = []
bCurves = []
cylCurves = []
cylsrf = []
_ax = rs.AddLine((-D, 0, 0), (D, 0, 0))
for i in range(0, 9):
    fCurves.append(rs.AddInterpCurve(fPoints[i], 3))
    fCurves[i] = rs.RotateObject(fCurves[i], cPoint, 90)
    fCurves[i] = rs.MoveObject(fCurves[i], (0, dab[i], zr[i]))
    fCurves[i] = rs.RotateObject(fCurves[i], cPoint, rangle[i])
    bCurves.append(rs.AddInterpCurve(bPoints[i], 3))
    bCurves[i] = rs.RotateObject(bCurves[i], cPoint, 90)
    bCurves[i] = rs.MoveObject(bCurves[i], (0, dab[i], zr[i]))
    bCurves[i] = rs.RotateObject(bCurves[i], cPoint, rangle[i])
    cylCurves.append(rs.AddLine((-D, 0, zr[i]), (D, 0, zr[i])))
    cylsrf.append(rs.AddRevSrf(cylCurves[i], _ax, -90, 90))

#Projection of the curve surface

pfCurves = []
pbCurves = []
Exemple #29
def generate_gear_crv(teeth,
    pressure_angle = radians(pressure_angle)

    pitch_diam = module * teeth
    base_circle = pitch_diam * cos(pressure_angle)
    addendum = module
    dedendum = (1 + clearance) * module
    outside_diam = pitch_diam + 2 * addendum
    root_diam = pitch_diam - 2 * dedendum
    chordal_thickness = pitch_diam * sin((pi / 2) / teeth)

    # Partial function to transform point from xy plane to surface
    # perpendicular to pitch cone surface. Used for bevel gears.
    tilt = partial(tilt_pt_around_circle,
                   angle=cone_angle / 2,

    invol_start_angle = (pi / 2 + asin(chordal_thickness / pitch_diam) -
                         pressure_angle +
                         sqrt((pitch_diam / base_circle)**2 - 1))
    invol_end_angle = (invol_start_angle -
                       sqrt((outside_diam / base_circle)**2 - 1))

    if root_diam > base_circle:
        invol_angle_mod = sqrt((root_diam / base_circle)**2 - 1)
        invol_angle_mod = 0

    invol_pts = generate_involute_pts(base_circle_diam=base_circle,
    invol_pts = map(tilt, invol_pts)

    tooth_crvs = []

    invol_crv1 = rs.AddInterpCurve(invol_pts, degree=3, knotstyle=1)
    invol_crv2 = rs.MirrorObject(invol_crv1, [0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], copy=True)
    top_arc = rs.AddArc3Pt(start=rs.CurveEndPoint(invol_crv1),
                           point_on_arc=tilt([0, outside_diam / 2, 0]))


    # Dedendum
    if root_diam < base_circle:
        pt = [
            root_diam / 2 * cos(invol_start_angle),
            root_diam / 2 * sin(invol_start_angle), 0
        ded_crv1 = rs.AddLine(rs.CurveStartPoint(invol_crv1), tilt(pt))
        ded_crv2 = rs.MirrorObject(ded_crv1, [0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], copy=True)


    tooth = rs.JoinCurves(tooth_crvs, delete_input=True)[0]

    # Tooth bottom
    angle = 2 * pi / teeth
    start_pt = rs.CurveStartPoint(tooth)
    end_pt = rs.CurveEndPoint(tooth)
    end_pt = [
        end_pt[0] * cos(angle) - end_pt[1] * sin(angle),
        end_pt[1] * cos(angle) + end_pt[0] * sin(angle), end_pt[2]
    pt_on_arc = [
        -sin(angle / 2) * (root_diam / 2),
        cos(angle / 2) * (root_diam / 2), 0
    bottom_arc = rs.AddArc3Pt(start_pt, end_pt, tilt(pt_on_arc))

    tooth = rs.JoinCurves([tooth, bottom_arc], delete_input=True)[0]

    # Copy and rotate tooth N times
    crvs = [tooth]
    for i in xrange(1, teeth):
        crv = rs.RotateObject(tooth, [0, 0, 0], degrees(i * angle), copy=True)

    crvs = rs.JoinCurves(crvs, delete_input=True)

    return crvs
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rhino
import math
x = float(0.0)
y = float(1.0)
z = float(0.0)
dt = float(0.0001)
t = float(0.0)
iterations = 1000000
points = []
num_points = 1000
for i in range(iterations):
dx = float(10*(y-x)) * dt
dy = float(28*x - y - x * z) * dt
dz = float(x*y - float(8/3)*z) * dt
# dt = dt * 0.9
if i % (iterations / num_points) == 0:
points.append([x, y, z])
x = x + dx
y = y + dy
z = z + dz
t = t + dt
for p in points: