Exemple #1
def draw(dp,frameCnt,bboxes):
    # print("frameCnt = {}".format(frameCnt))
    for box in boxes:
        corners = rs.coerce3dpointlist(box.corners, True)
        brep = Rhino.Geometry.Brep.CreateFromBox(corners)
        bbox = brep.GetBoundingBox(True)
        mat = Rhino.Display.DisplayMaterial()
        mat.Diffuse = rs.CreateColor(box.color)
        mat.Transparency = 0.2
        dp.DrawBrepShaded(brep, mat)  
Exemple #2
 def color(self):
     """ Assigns a somewhat random color.
     shift = 360 / nAgents  # hue 0-360
     # try to seperate the colors at least a little bit
     self.hue = round((self.ID + 1) * shift)
     sat = random.randint(70, 100)  # saturation 0-100
     lit = random.randint(40, 80)  # lightness 0-100
     # colorsys expects 0-100
     colorRGB = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(self.hue / 360, lit / 100, sat / 100)
     # rs.CreateColor expects 0-255
     colorRGB255 = map(lambda c: math.floor(c * 255), colorRGB)
     colDT = rs.CreateColor(colorRGB255[0], colorRGB255[1], colorRGB255[2])
     return colDT
Exemple #3
        curNCol = color
        #### FX ####
        if nFX >= 4:  # black and white
            curNCol = [tColHLS[j][1], tColHLS[j][1], tColHLS[j][1]]
            if nFX >= 6:  # invert colors
                curNCol = invert([curNCol[0], curNCol[1], curNCol[2]])

        elif nFX >= 2:  # invert colors
            curNCol = invert([curNCol[0], curNCol[1], curNCol[2]])

        # back to 0–255 domain for rs.CreateColor()
        curNCol = map(lambda c: round(c * 255), curNCol)

        # FINAL FX COLOR
        tColNew.append(rs.CreateColor(curNCol[0], curNCol[1], curNCol[2]))

    h += 1

# -----------------------------------------------------------

for g in range(height):
    tGeo = []
    for w in range(width):

        currentLit = ColorHLS[g][w][1]  # Lightness
        currentSat = ColorHLS[g][w][2]  # Saturation
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

with open("D:\Points3D.txt", 'r') as f:
    for line in f.readlines():
        line = line.split(' ')
        x = float(line[0][1:])
        y = float(line[1][1:])
        z = float(line[2][1:])
        c = line[3][3:]

        if '_' in c:
            color = rs.CreateColor([255, 0, 0])
            c = float(c)
            color = rs.CreateColor([c, c, c])
        print x, y, z, color

        pt = rs.AddPoint(x, y, z)
        rs.ObjectColor(pt, color)
Exemple #5
polylines = []
polyline = rs.AddCurve(lines4, 1)

angle = rs.Angle2(lines3[0], lines3[1])
rotation = angle[0]

#rs.ObjectColor(innerCircle, color=(255,0,0))
#rs.ObjectColor(outterCircle, color=(255,0,0))

for t in range(len(dividedPoints)):
    polylines.append(rs.RotateObject(polyline, point, rotation*t, axis=None, copy=True))
    rs.ObjectColor(polyline, color=(255,0,0))
white = rs.CreateColor(255,255,255)

translation = rs.VectorCreate(dividedPoints[1], dividedPointsInner[6])
rs.CopyObjects(polylines, translation)
translation = rs.VectorCreate(dividedPoints[4], dividedPointsInner[9])
rs.CopyObjects(polylines, translation)
translation = rs.VectorCreate(dividedPoints[6], dividedPointsInner[1])
rs.CopyObjects(polylines, translation)
translation = rs.VectorCreate(dividedPoints[9], dividedPointsInner[4])
rs.CopyObjects(polylines, translation)
    #rs.CopyObjects(outterCircle, translation)
    #rs.CopyObjects(innerCircle, translation)


Exemple #6
def RedrawNetwork(path):
    # open text file
    m = open(path, 'r')
    # read first line of text file; length of the domain
    l = m.readline()
    # convert length to float
    length = float(l)
    # read the second line of the domain; shape of the fracture
    shape = m.readline().split()
    #corners = ([(0,0,0),(length,0,0),(length,length,0),(0,length,0),(0,0,length),(length,0,length),(length,length,length),(0,length,length)])
    # create the domain
    dom = Domain.Domain(length)
    # display the domain
    if shape[0] != 'polygon':
        # a list to store GUIDs of regenerated fractures
        frac_list = []
        # list to store the x_axis of the fracture plane
        x_axis = []
        # list to store the y_axis of the fracture plane
        y_axis = []
        # list to store the origin of the fracture location
        origin = []
        # list to store the size of fracture
        size = []
        # read file line by line
        for line in m:
            # split line by comma
            words = line.split(",")
            #if words[0] != 'circle':
            # append the origin, x_axis and y_axis values in each line
            # if the shape is ellipse, we have two radii, so append the second radius
            if shape[0] == 'ellipse':
        # close file
        # display fractures if they are circles/disks
        if shape[0] == 'circle':
            n = 0
            # go through the lists of origin, x_axis and y_axis
            # we divide by 3, because the list contains 3 consecutive values
            # representing a single origin, x_axis or y_axis
            for i in range(int(len(origin) / 3)):
                # lists to store the origin, x_axis and y_axis of each fracture
                o = []
                x = []
                y = []
                # append the origin, x_axis and y_axis of each fracture
                for j in range(3):
                    o.append(origin[n + j])
                    x.append(x_axis[n + j])
                    y.append(y_axis[n + j])
                # convert the origin, x_axis and y_axis to a plane
                plane = rs.PlaneFromFrame(o, x, y)
                # name the current layer
                # we are creating layers so that we can trim out of bounds fractures
                # the function that does this makes use of the layer names
                layer_name = "FRACTURE_" + str(i + 1)
                # give the layer a color
                rs.AddLayer(layer_name, rs.CreateColor(0, 255, 0))
                # make layer the current layer
                # draw fracture
                my_disk = rs.AddCircle(plane, size[i])
                # convert to a surface
                surf = rs.AddPlanarSrf(my_disk)
                #delete initial fracture drawn which is a curve
                # append fracture
                # increment n used for parsing
                n += 3
            # trim out of bounds fractures
            # the function all creates new fractures at the locations of all
            # exixting fractures
            # delete all old fractures
            for frac in frac_list:
            dom_frac = dom.my_fractures  #get the fractures in the domain
            #swap old guids with new ones and put new guids in old frac layers
            #new_frac_guids = Frac.NewFracturesGuids(dom_frac,frac_list)

        # display fractures if they are ellipse
        if shape[0] == 'ellipse':
            # lists to store the origin, x_axis and y_axis of each fracture
            n = 0
            p = 0
            q = 1
            # go through the lists of origin, x_axis and y_axis
            # we divide by 3, because the list contains 3 consecutive values
            # representing a single origin, x_axis or y_axis
            for i in range(int(len(origin) / 3)):
                o = []
                x = []
                y = []
                # append the origin, x_axis and y_axis of each fracture
                for j in range(3):
                    o.append(origin[n + j])
                    x.append(x_axis[n + j])
                    y.append(y_axis[n + j])
                # convert the origin, x_axis and y_axis to a plane
                plane = rs.PlaneFromFrame(o, x, y)
                # name the current layer
                # we are creating layers so that we can trim out of bounds fractures
                # the function that does this makes use of the layer names
                layer_name = "FRACTURE_" + str(i + 1)
                # give the layer a color
                rs.AddLayer(layer_name, rs.CreateColor(0, 255, 0))
                # make layer current layer
                # draw fracture
                my_frac = rs.AddEllipse(plane, size[i + p], size[i + q])
                # convert to a surface from curve
                surf = rs.AddPlanarSrf(my_frac)
                # delete initial fracture drawn which is a curve
                # append fracture
                # increment varaiables used for parsing
                n += 3
                p += 1
                q += 1
            # trim out of bounds fractures
            # delete old fractures
            for frac in frac_list:
            dom_frac = dom.my_fractures

    if shape[0] == 'polygon':
        # list to store origin
        origin = []
        # list to store number of sides of each polygon
        size = []
        # list to store number of angle of deviation of each polygon
        angle = []
        # list to store fractures
        frac_list = []
        # list to store points
        points = []
        for line in m:
            # split each line by comma
            words = line.split(",")
            # store the number of sides of the polygon
            # store the angle of deviation
            # stpre the origin
                (float(words[-5]), float(words[-4]), float(words[-3])))
            # length of all points on the line
            # this will ensure we capture lines with disparate points when
            # generating polygon of different sides
            ex = int(3 * (size[-1] + 1))
            # store all points on the line
        # close file

        # variables to use for parsing
        n = 0
        m = 0
        # iterate for the number of fractures generated
        for i in range(len(size)):
            # list to store points and origin
            o = []
            p = []
            # get the origin of the fracture
            for j in range(3):
                o.append(origin[n + j])
            # variable for parsing
            r = 0
            # get the points of fracture edges
            for k in range(int(size[i]) + 1):
                for l in range(3):
                    p[k].append(float(points[m + l + r]))
                # increment r
                r += 3
            # increment parsing variables
            m += ((int(size[i]) + 1) * 3)
            n += 3
            # name the current layer
            # we are creating layers so that we can trim out of bounds fractures
            # the function that does this makes use of the layer names
            layer_name = "FRACTURE_" + str(i + 1)
            # give the layer a color
            rs.AddLayer(layer_name, rs.CreateColor(0, 255, 0))
            # make layer the current layer
            # joing the points
            poly = rs.AddPolyline(p)
            # roatate the fracture
            frac = rs.RotateObject(poly, o, angle[i], [0, 1, 0])
            # convert to a surface
            surf = rs.AddPlanarSrf(frac)
            #delete initial fracture drawn which is a curve
        # trim out of bounds fractures
        # the function all creates new fractures at the locations of all
        # exixting fractures
        # delete all old fractures
        for fr in frac_list:
        dom_frac = dom.my_fractures
    return dom_frac
def FixedFractureGen(n, aspect_ratio=None, sides=None):
    A function to add a fixed number of circles in a cube. It also writes data 
    to fracture data text file for regenerating fracture networks.
    if fracture_shape == 'circle':
        # initialize a to store fractures
        fracture_list = []
        # a loop to insert the fixed number of fractures
        for i in range(n):
            #layer name for the frcature
            layer_name = "FRACTURE_" + str(i + 1)
            #create an istance of Fracture class
            frac = Fracture()
            #store fracture name
            frac.fracture_name = layer_name
            #generate origin for fracture
            origin = GeneratePoint(boxlength)
            #store farcture center
            frac.fracture_center = origin
            #convert the origin to a plane
            plane = InclinePlane(origin)
            #add layer and color
            rs.AddLayer(layer_name, rs.CreateColor(0, 255, 0))
            #make current layer
            #insert the fracture in the domain
            my_circle = rs.AddCircle(plane, radius)
            surf = rs.AddPlanarSrf(my_circle)
            #delete initial fracture drawn which is a curve
            #save fracture's GUID
            frac.fracture_GUID = surf[0]
            #append fracture into fracture list

    elif fracture_shape == 'ellipse':
        #list to store fracture surface GUIDs
        fracture_list = []
        for i in range(n):
            #layer name for the frcature
            layer_name = "FRACTURE_" + str(i + 1)
            #create an istance of Fracture class
            frac = Fracture()
            frac.fracture_name = layer_name
            #generate fracture origin
            origin = GeneratePoint(boxlength)
            frac.fracture_center = origin
            #plane for fracture
            plane = InclinePlane(origin)
            #calculate r_y
            ry = radius / aspect_ratio
            #create layer for fracture
            rs.AddLayer(layer_name, rs.CreateColor(0, 255, 0))
            #draw ellipse
            fracture = rs.AddEllipse(plane, radius, ry)
            # write the plane, r_x and r_y to file for re-plotting
            ##file.write("\n" + str(plane[0]) + "," +  str(plane[1]) + "," +  str(plane[2]) + "," + str(radius) + ","+ str(ry))
            #make fracture a surface
            frac_surf = rs.AddPlanarSrf(fracture)
            #delete initial fracture drawn which is a curve
            #append surface GUID to list of fracture surfaces
            frac.fracture_GUID = frac_surf[0]

    elif fracture_shape == 'polygon':
        #list to store fracture surface GUIDs
        fracture_list = []
        #write the shape type
        for i in range(n):
            layer_name = "FRACTURE_" + str(i + 1)
            frac = Fracture()
            frac.fracture_name = layer_name
            #theta in radian
            theta_rad = (2 * math.pi) / sides
            #theta in degree (interior angles)
            theta_deg = theta_rad * (180 / math.pi)
            #generate origin
            origin = GeneratePoint(boxlength)
            frac.fracture_center = origin
            #create a 3D point object which isn't visible to the rhino document
            pt_01 = rs.coerce3dvector(
                [radius + origin[0], origin[1], origin[2]])
            #empty list to store all points
            points = []
            #a rotation axis
            ax = rs.coerce3dvector([0, 0, 1])
            #loop to generate points for polygon vertices
            for j in range(sides):
                #rotation transform with rotation from the origin
                trans = rs.XformRotation2(theta_deg * j, ax, origin)
                #transform the original 3D point and append to list
                points.append(rs.PointTransform(pt_01, trans))
            # append the initial point to close the polygon
            # create layer for fracture
            # layer_name = "FRACTURE_" + str(i+1)
            rs.AddLayer(layer_name, rs.CreateColor(0, 255, 0))
            # get GUID of created polygon
            polygon = rs.AddPolyline(points)
            # polygon = rs.AddPolyline(points)
            plane = InclinePlane(origin, boxlength)
            cob = rs.XformChangeBasis(rs.WorldXYPlane(), plane)
            shear2d = rs.XformIdentity()
            shear2d[0, 2] = math.tan(math.radians(45.0))
            cob_inverse = rs.XformChangeBasis(plane, rs.WorldXYPlane())
            temp = rs.XformMultiply(shear2d, cob)
            xform = rs.XformMultiply(cob_inverse, temp)
            fracture = rs.TransformObjects(polygon, xform, False)
            # make fracture a surface
            frac_surf = rs.AddPlanarSrf(fracture)
            # delete initial fracture drawn which is a curve
            frac.fracture_GUID = frac_surf[0]
    return fracture_list
Exemple #8
def SeparatedFractureGen(threshold=None,
    Function to generate fractures separated by a minimum threshold.
    threshold: float
        the minimum amount of separations betwen fractures
    min_angle: float
        minimum angle of rotation for polygon (Default:None)
    max_angle: float
        maximum angle of rotation for polygon (Default:None)
    aspect_ratio: flaot
        aspect ratio for ellipses
    sides: int
        number of sides for polygon
    if fracture_shape == 'circle':
        # Generate a single fracture to initiate the comparism
        # layer name for the frcature
        layer_name = "FRACTURE_1"
        # create an istance of Fracture class
        frac = Fracture()
        # store fracture name
        frac.fracture_name = layer_name
        # generate origin for fracture
        origin = GeneratePoint(boxlength)
        # store farcture center
        frac.fracture_center = origin
        # convert the origin to a plane
        plane = InclinePlane(origin, boxlength)
        # add layer and color
        rs.AddLayer(layer_name, rs.CreateColor(0, 255, 0))
        # make current layer
        # insert the fracture in the domain
        my_circle = rs.AddCircle(plane, radius)
        # circle_list.append(my_circle)
        surf = rs.AddPlanarSrf(my_circle)
        # save fracture's GUID
        frac.fracture_GUID = surf[0]
        # append fracture into fracture list
        fracture_list = [frac]
        nfrac = 1
        k = 0
        while nfrac < n:
            # generate origin for fracture
            origin = GeneratePoint(boxlength)
            good_location = True
            for fracture in fracture_list:
                p = fracture.fracture_center
                dist = rs.Distance(p, origin)
                if dist <= threshold:
                    good_location = False
            if good_location:
                # layer name for the frcature
                layer_name = "FRACTURE_" + str(k + 2)
                # create an istance of Fracture class
                frac = Fracture()
                # store fracture name
                frac.fracture_name = layer_name
                # generate origin for fracture
                origin = GeneratePoint(boxlength)
                # store farcture center
                frac.fracture_center = origin
                # convert the origin to a plane
                plane = InclinePlane(origin, boxlength)
                # add layer and color
                rs.AddLayer(layer_name, rs.CreateColor(0, 255, 0))
                # make current layer
                # insert the fracture in the domain
                my_circle = rs.AddCircle(plane, radius)
                # circle_list.append(my_circle)
                surf = rs.AddPlanarSrf(my_circle)
                # save fracture's GUID
                frac.fracture_GUID = surf[0]
                # append fracture into fracture list
                nfrac += 1
                k += 1
    # return list of fractures
    return fracture_list
Exemple #9
def RandomFractureGen(frac_min,
    Funtions to generate fractures of random number and sizes
    frac_min: int
        minimum number of fractures to generate
    frac_max: int
        maximum number of fractures to generate
    radius_min: float
        minimum size of fractures
    radius_max: float
        maximum number of fractures to generate
    aspect_min: float
        minimum aspect ratio fpr ellipses (Default:None)
    aspect_max: float
        maximum aspect ratio fpr ellipses (Default:None)
    polysize_min: int
        minimum size of polygon (Default:None)
    polysize_max: int
        maximum size of polygon (Default:None)
    # randomly determine the number of fractures to generate
    num_frac = random.randint(frac_min, frac_max)
    # open file and append to it
    file = open(path, 'a')
    if fracture_shape == 'circle':
        # write the shape type
        # initialize list to store fractures
        fracture_list = []
        # loop to generate fractures
        for i in range(num_frac):
            # name the layer
            layer_name = "FRACTURE_" + str(i + 1)
            # an instance of fracture object
            frac = Fracture()
            # get fracture name
            frac.fracture_name = layer_name
            # generate fracture center
            origin = GeneratePoint(boxlength)
            # store fracture center
            frac.fracture_center = origin
            # convert the origin to a plane
            plane = InclinePlane(origin, boxlength)
            # add layer and create color for it
            rs.AddLayer(layer_name, rs.CreateColor(0, 255, 0))
            # make layer current layer
            # generate fracture size
            radius = FractureSize(size_dist, radius_min, radius_max)
            # insert the circle in the domain
            my_circle = rs.AddCircle(plane, radius)
            # write the plane and radius to file for re-plotting
            file.write("\n" + str(plane[0]) + "," + str(plane[1]) + "," +
                       str(plane[2]) + "," + str(radius))
            surf = rs.AddPlanarSrf(my_circle)
            # delete initial fracture drawn which is a curve
            # set fracture guid into its object
            frac.fracture_GUID = surf[0]

    elif fracture_shape == 'ellipse':
        # initialize list to store fractures
        fracture_list = []
        # write the shape type
        for i in range(num_frac):
            # name the layer
            layer_name = "FRACTURE_" + str(i + 1)
            # an instance of fracture object
            frac = Fracture()
            # get fracture name
            frac.fracture_name = layer_name
            # generate fracture center
            origin = GeneratePoint(boxlength)
            # store fracture center
            frac.fracture_center = origin
            # plane for fracture
            plane = InclinePlane(origin, boxlength)
            # randomly generate radius(rx)
            radius = FractureSize(size_dist, radius_min, radius_max)
            # randomly generate aspect ratio
            aspect_ratio = random.randint(aspect_min, aspect_max)
            # calculate r_y
            ry = radius / aspect_ratio
            # add layer with color
            rs.AddLayer(layer_name, rs.CreateColor(0, 255, 0))
            # make current layer
            # draw fracture
            fracture = rs.AddEllipse(plane, radius, ry)
            # write the plane, r_x and r_y to file for re-plotting
            file.write("\n" + str(plane[0]) + "," + str(plane[1]) + "," +
                       str(plane[2]) + "," + str(radius) + "," + str(ry))
            # make fracture a surface
            frac_surf = rs.AddPlanarSrf(fracture)
            # delete initial fracture drawn which is a curve
            # set fracture guid into its object
            frac.fracture_GUID = frac_surf[0]
            # append fracture guid to list

    elif fracture_shape == 'polygon':
        # initialize list to store fractures
        fracture_list = []
        # write the shape type
        for i in range(num_frac):
            # name the layer
            layer_name = "FRACTURE" + str(i + 1)
            # an instance of fracture class
            frac = Fracture()
            # get farcture name
            frac.fracture_name = layer_name
            # randomly determine the sides of the polygon
            sides = random.randint(polysize_min, polysize_max)
            # theta in radian
            theta_rad = (2 * math.pi) / sides
            # theta in degree (interior angles)
            theta_deg = theta_rad * (180 / math.pi)
            # generate origin
            origin = GeneratePoint(boxlength)
            # save fracture center
            frac.fracture_center = origin
            # randomly generate radius(rx)
            radius = FractureSize(size_dist, radius_min, radius_max)
            # create a 3D point object which isn't visible to the rhino document
            pt_01 = rs.coerce3dvector(
                [radius + origin[0], origin[1], origin[2]])
            # empty list to store all points
            points = []
            # a rotation axis
            ax = rs.coerce3dvector([0, 0, 1])
            # loop to generate points for polygon vertices
            for j in range(sides):
                # rotation transform with rotation from the origin
                trans = rs.XformRotation2(theta_deg * j, ax, origin)
                # transform the original 3D point and append to list
                points.append(rs.PointTransform(pt_01, trans))
                if j == 0:
                        str(rs.PointTransform(pt_01, trans)[0]) + "," +
                        str(rs.PointTransform(pt_01, trans)[1]) + "," +
                        str(rs.PointTransform(pt_01, trans)[2]) + ",")
                if j != 0:
                        str(rs.PointTransform(pt_01, trans)[0]) + "," +
                        str(rs.PointTransform(pt_01, trans)[1]) + "," +
                        str(rs.PointTransform(pt_01, trans)[2]) + ",")
            # append the initial point to close the polygon
                str(pt_01[0]) + "," + str(pt_01[1]) + "," + str(pt_01[2]) +
            # create layer for fracture
            layer_name = "FRACTURE_" + str(i + 1)
            rs.AddLayer(layer_name, rs.CreateColor(0, 255, 0))
            # get GUID of created polygon
            polygon = rs.AddPolyline(points)
            # get the plane
            plane = InclinePlane(origin, boxlength)
            # transform the polygon to the plane
            cob = rs.XformChangeBasis(rs.WorldXYPlane(), plane)
            shear2d = rs.XformIdentity()
            shear2d[0, 2] = math.tan(math.radians(45.0))
            cob_inverse = rs.XformChangeBasis(plane, rs.WorldXYPlane())
            temp = rs.XformMultiply(shear2d, cob)
            xform = rs.XformMultiply(cob_inverse, temp)
            fracture = rs.TransformObjects(polygon, xform, False)
            # write to file
            #file.write(str(origin[0]) + "," + str(origin[1]) + "," + str(origin[2])+ "," )
                str(plane[0]) + "," + str(plane[1]) + "," + str(plane[2]) +
                "," + str(sides) + "\n")
            # make fracture a surface
            frac_surf = rs.AddPlanarSrf(fracture)
            # delete initial fracture drawn which is a curve
            # set fracture guid into its objects
            frac.fracture_GUID = frac_surf[0]
            # append fracture guid to list
    # close file
    return fracture_list