Exemple #1
def srfPlane(obj):
    tempplane = trp.getSrfFrame(obj)
    plane = rs.CreatePlane(
                              rs.WorldXYPlane().ZAxis), tempplane.ZAxis)
    return plane
Exemple #2
def cPlaneLvl():
    userstr = rs.GetDocumentUserText("levels")
    objdict = ast.literal_eval(userstr)
    for i in objdict:
        lvlname = i["level"]
        elevation = float(i["elevation"])
        newplane = rs.CreatePlane((0, 0, elevation))
        rs.ViewCPlane(None, newplane)
Exemple #3
def planClips(lvl):
    viewname = lvl["level"] + "_view"
    tempview = rs.AddNamedView("tempview", "Top")
    view = rs.AddNamedView(viewname, tempview)
    elevation = float(lvl["elevation"])
    lvlPlane = rs.CreatePlane((0, 0, elevation))
    cutPlane = rs.PlaneFromNormal((0, 0, elevation + cutHeight), (0, 0, -1))
    planes = [lvlPlane, cutPlane]
    clips = [rs.AddClippingPlane(x, 1000, 1000, view) for x in planes]
    group = rs.AddGroup()
    rs.AddObjectsToGroup(clips, group)
    def _findWindowPlane(self, _srfcs):
        Takes in a set of surfaces, returns a list of their Centroids in 'order'
        Assess the surface normal of the group of surfaces and attempts to 
        figuere out the 'order' of the srfcs when viewed from 'outside' (according
        to the surface normal) and orders the centroids from left--->right
        setXs = []
        setYs = []
        setZs = []
        Centroids = []

        for srfc in _srfcs:
            windowBrep = rs.coercebrep(srfc)
            surfaceList = windowBrep.Surfaces
            for eachSurface in surfaceList:
                srfcCentroid = rs.SurfaceAreaCentroid(eachSurface)[0]
                b, u, v = eachSurface.ClosestPoint(srfcCentroid)
                srfcNormal = eachSurface.NormalAt(u, v)

        # Find the average Normal Vector of the set
        px = sum(setXs) / len(setXs)
        py = sum(setYs) / len(setYs)
        pz = sum(setZs) / len(setZs)
        avgNormalVec = Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(px, py, pz)

        # Find a line through all the points and its midpoint
        fitLine = rs.LineFitFromPoints(Centroids)

        # Find the Midpoint of the Line
        midX = (fitLine.From.X + fitLine.To.X) / 2
        midY = (fitLine.From.Y + fitLine.To.Y) / 2
        midZ = (fitLine.From.Z + fitLine.To.Z) / 2
        lineMidpoint = Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(midX, midY, midZ)

        # Rotate new Plane to match the window avg
        newAvgWindowPlane = rs.CreatePlane(lineMidpoint, avgNormalVec,
                                           [0, 0, 1])
        finalPlane = rs.RotatePlane(newAvgWindowPlane, 90, [0, 0, 1])

        # Plot the window Centroids onto the selection Set Plane
        centroidsReMaped = []
        for eachCent in Centroids:

        # Return a list of the new Centroids remapped onto the Set's Plane
        return centroidsReMaped
Exemple #5
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import scriptcontext as sc
#import Rhino as rc
import ast
#import json

#sc.doc = rc.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc

objdict = sc.sticky["planplanes"] if sticky else ast.literal_eval(

keys = ['level', 'point']

def func(key):
    val = [d[key] for d in objdict]
    return val

level, point = map(func, keys)

x, y, z = map(lambda x: [d[x] for d in point], ['X', 'Y', 'Z'])

plane = map(lambda x: rs.CreatePlane(x), zip(x, y, z))
# Project points to bottom surface
btm_surface = [bottom_surface] # Create a list with one single element
bottom_pts = rs.ProjectPointToSurface(rndm_cull_points, btm_surface, (0,0,-1))

# Project points to top surface
top_surface = [top_surface] # Create a list with one single element
top_pts = rs.ProjectPointToSurface(rndm_cull_points, top_surface, (0,0,1))

# Planes on the bottom
bottom_planes = []
for i in bottom_pts:
    view = rs.CurrentView()
    planes = rs.CreatePlane(i, (1,0,0), (0,1,0))
# Rotate planes on ZAxis
rotated_planes = []
for i in bottom_planes:
    plane = rs.ViewCPlane()
    rndm_angle = random.randrange(-5, 5) 
    rotated_z = rs.RotatePlane(i, rndm_angle, planes.ZAxis)
    # Tilt control
    tilt = random.randrange(-5, 5) * max_tilt
    rotated_x = rs.RotatePlane(rotated_z, tilt, planes.XAxis)
Exemple #7
def getOrderedGeom(_geomList):

    Takes in a list of geometry (brep) and 'orders' it left->right. Used to order

    window surfaces or similar for naming 0...1...2...etc...

    Make sure the surface normals are all pointing 'out' for this to work properly.


    setXs = []

    setYs = []

    setZs = []

    Centroids = []

    CentroidsX = []

    #Go through all the selected window geometry, get the information needed

    for i in range(len(_geomList)):

        # Get the surface normal for each window

        windowBrep = rs.coercebrep(_geomList[i])

        surfaceList = windowBrep.Surfaces

        for eachSurface in surfaceList:

            srfcCentroid = rs.SurfaceAreaCentroid(eachSurface)[0]

            b, u, v = eachSurface.ClosestPoint(srfcCentroid)

            srfcNormal = eachSurface.NormalAt(u, v)






    # Find the average Normal Vector of the set

    px = sum(setXs) / len(setXs)

    py = sum(setYs) / len(setYs)

    pz = sum(setZs) / len(setZs)

    avgNormalVec = Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(px, py, pz)

    # Find a line through all the points and its midpoint

    #print Centroids

    fitLine = rs.LineFitFromPoints(Centroids)

    newLine = Rhino.Geometry.Line(fitLine.From, fitLine.To)

    # Find the Midpoint of the Line

    #rs.CurveMidPoint(newLine) #Not working....

    midX = (fitLine.From.X + fitLine.To.X) / 2

    midY = (fitLine.From.Y + fitLine.To.Y) / 2

    midZ = (fitLine.From.Z + fitLine.To.Z) / 2

    lineMidpoint = Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(midX, midY, midZ)

    # New Plane

    newAvgWindowPlane = rs.CreatePlane(lineMidpoint, avgNormalVec, [0, 0, 1])

    # Rotate new Plane to match the window

    finalPlane = rs.RotatePlane(newAvgWindowPlane, 90, [0, 0, 1])

    # Plot the window Centroids onto the selection Set Plane

    centroidsReMaped = []

    for eachCent in Centroids:


    # Sort the original geometry, now using the ordered centroids as key

    return [x for _, x in sorted(zip(centroidsReMaped, _geom))]
#Define empty Square list and parameters
rectangleList = []
amountSquares = 5
initialSquareSize = 1
squaresOffset = 2

#Generate square of grid

#iterate trough X axis
for x in range(gridAmountX):
    #iterate trough Y axis
    for y in range(gridAmountY):
        tempRectangleList = []
        #iterate for rectangle from each point
        for size in range(initialSquareSize,amountSquares*squaresOffset+initialSquareSize, squaresOffset):
            #Starting Point
            point = rs.CreatePoint(x*gridSizeX, y*gridSizeY, 0)
            #Just to viz
            #Correct the origin point for each rectangle (It's not domained, it starts from the 0,0)
            translation = rs.XformTranslation([-size/2, -size/2, 0])
            correctedPoint = rs.TransformObject(point, translation, True)
            currentPlane = rs.CreatePlane(correctedPoint, (1,0,0), (0,1,0))
            #Create all te rectangles from each point
            tempRectangleList.append(rs.AddRectangle(currentPlane, size, size))
        #Appends each sets of rectangle to the tree

#Converts the list of list to a GH Tree
offsetRectangle = th.list_to_tree(rectangleList)