Exemple #1
def playlists(playlist_id, **kwargs):
    source = Source()
    if kwargs: # POST
        action = kwargs.get('action', None)
        if not action:
            raise ValueError('no "action" parameter')
        if action not in ['enqueue', 'play_source']:
            raise ValueError('Unknown action {}'.format(action))
        playlist_id = kwargs['playlist'] if 'playlist' in kwargs else kwargs.get('source', None)
        if playlist_id is None:
            raise ValueError('no "source" parameter')
        playlist_id = to_int(playlist_id, 'playlist id must be a number')
            if action == 'enqueue':
                count = source.enqueue_by_id(playlist_id)
                log.info('Enqueued source {}, {} entries'.format(playlist_id, count))
                return {'result': 'BAD'} if count is None else {'count': count, 'result': 'OK'}
            # elif action == 'play_source':
            log.info('Playing source {}'.format(playlist_id))
            return {'result': 'OK'} if source.play_source(playlist_id) else {'result': 'BAD'}
        except IndexError:
            raise ValueError('there is no playlist with id {}'.format(playlist_id))
    elif playlist_id is None: # GET
        return {'playlists': source.get_playlists()}
            return source.get_playlist(playlist_id)
        except IndexError:
            raise ValueError('there is no playlist with id {}'.format(playlist_id))
Exemple #2
 def get_source(self, source_index):
     source_index = to_int(source_index, 'source_index parameter must be an int')
     sources = self.get_sources()
     for source in enumerate(sources):
         if source.index == source_index:
             log.debug('Returning source %s' % source)
             return source
     return None
Exemple #3
def song(song_id, **kwargs):
    handler = Song()
    song = handler.find_by_id(song_id)
    if song:
        rating = to_int(kwargs.get('rating', None), 'rating must be a number')
        if not rating is None:
            log.info('Setting rating for song %d=%d', song_id, rating)
            handler.set_rating(song, rating)
    log.debug('Returning song %s', song)
    return song
Exemple #4
def parse_player_args(player_arguments):
    log.debug('parsing player arguments {}'.format(player_arguments))
    kwargs = {}
    if 'time' in player_arguments:
        kwargs['time'] = to_int(player_arguments['time'],
                'time must be a number')
    if 'entry_id' in player_arguments:
        entry_id = player_arguments['entry_id']
        if ',' in entry_id:
            entries = [int(entry) for entry in entry_id.split(',')]
            entries = int(entry_id)
        kwargs['entry_id'] = entries
    if 'volume' in player_arguments:
        kwargs['volume'] = to_float(player_arguments['volume'],
            'volume must be number')
    return kwargs
Exemple #5
 def set_rating(self, entry_id, rating):
     """Sets the provided rating to the given entry id, int 0 to 5"""
     rating = to_int(rating, 'Rating parameter must be an int')
     entry = self.db.entry_lookup_by_id(entry_id)
     if not entry is None:
         self.db.entry_set(entry, RB.RhythmDBPropType.RATING, rating)