def test_search_courses_with_invalid_params(self, *_): """ Error case: the query string params are not properly formatted """ factory = APIRequestFactory() # The request contains incorrect params: limit should be an integer, not a string request = factory.get("/api/v1.0/courses?limit=fail") response = CoursesViewSet.as_view({"get": "list"})(request, version="1.0") # The client received a BadRequest response with the relevant data self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400) self.assertTrue("limit" in["errors"])
def test_retrieve_unknown_course(self, *_): """ Error case: the client is asking for a course that does not exist """ factory = APIRequestFactory() request = factory.get("/api/v1.0/courses/43") # Act like the ES client would when we attempt to get a non-existent document with mock.patch.object(settings.ES_CLIENT, "get", side_effect=NotFoundError): response = CoursesViewSet.as_view({"get": "retrieve"})( request, 43, version="1.0" ) # The client received a standard NotFound response self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
def test_retrieve_course(self, *_): """ Happy path: the client requests an existing course, gets it back """ factory = APIRequestFactory() request = factory.get("/api/v1.0/courses/42") with mock.patch.object(settings.ES_CLIENT, "get", return_value={"_id": 42}): # Note: we need to use a separate argument for the ID as that is what the ViewSet uses response = CoursesViewSet.as_view({"get": "retrieve"})( request, 42, version="1.0" ) # The client received a proper response with the relevant course self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(, "Course #42")
def test_viewsets_courses_search(self, mock_search, *_): """ Happy path: the consumer is filtering courses by matching text """ factory = APIRequestFactory() request = factory.get( "/api/v1.0/courses?query=some%20phrase%20terms&limit=2&offset=20") mock_search.return_value = { "hits": { "hits": [{ "_id": 523 }, { "_id": 861 }], "total": 35 }, "aggregations": { "all_courses": { "availability@coming_soon": { "doc_count": 8 }, "availability@current": { "doc_count": 42 }, "availability@open": { "doc_count": 59 }, "language@en": { "doc_count": 81 }, "language@fr": { "doc_count": 23 }, "subjects": { "subjects": { "buckets": [ { "key": "11", "doc_count": 17 }, { "key": "21", "doc_count": 19 }, ] } }, } }, } response = CoursesViewSet.as_view({"get": "list"})(request, version="1.0") # The client received a properly formatted response self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(, { "meta": { "count": 2, "offset": 77, "total_count": 35 }, "objects": ["Course #523", "Course #861"], "facets": { "availability": { "coming_soon": 8, "current": 42, "open": 59 }, "language": { "en": 81, "fr": 23 }, "subjects": { "11": 17, "21": 19 }, }, }, ) # The ES connector was called with appropriate arguments for the client's request mock_search.assert_called_with( body={ "aggs": { "some": "aggs" }, "query": { "some": "query" }, "sort": { "some": "sorting" }, }, doc_type="course", from_=77, index="richie_courses", size=2, )
def test_viewsets_courses_search(self, mock_search, *_): """ Happy path: the consumer is filtering courses by matching text """ factory = APIRequestFactory() request = factory.get( "/api/v1.0/courses?query=some%20phrase%20terms&limit=2&offset=20") # We use a mock implementation instead of return_value as a pragmatic way to get results # from the whole filters pipeline without having to mock too many things. # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements def mock_search_implementation(index, **_): if index == "richie_courses": return { "hits": { "hits": [{ "_id": 523 }, { "_id": 861 }], "total": 35 }, "aggregations": { "all_courses": { "availability@coming_soon": { "doc_count": 8 }, "availability@current": { "doc_count": 42 }, "availability@open": { "doc_count": 59 }, "organizations": { "organizations": { "buckets": [ { "key": "11", "doc_count": 17 }, { "key": "21", "doc_count": 19 }, ] } }, } }, } if index == "richie_organizations": return { "hits": { "hits": [ { "_id": "11", "_source": { "title": { "en": "Organization 11" } }, }, { "_id": "21", "_source": { "title": { "en": "Organization 21" } }, }, ] } } mock_search.side_effect = mock_search_implementation response = CoursesViewSet.as_view({"get": "list"})(request, version="1.0") # The client received a properly formatted response self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(, { "meta": { "count": 2, "offset": 77, "total_count": 35 }, "objects": ["Course #523", "Course #861"], "facets": { "availability": { "coming_soon": 8, "current": 42, "open": 59 }, "organizations": { "11": 17, "21": 19 }, }, "filters": { "availability": { "human_name": "Availability", "is_drilldown": False, "name": "availability", "values": [ { "count": 8, "human_name": "Coming soon", "key": "coming_soon", }, { "count": 42, "human_name": "Current session", "key": "current", }, { "count": 59, "human_name": "Open for enrollment", "key": "open", }, ], }, "organizations": { "human_name": "Organizations", "is_drilldown": False, "name": "organizations", "values": [ { "count": 17, "human_name": "Organization 11", "key": "11" }, { "count": 19, "human_name": "Organization 21", "key": "21" }, ], }, }, }, ) # The ES connector was called with appropriate arguments for the client's request mock_search.assert_any_call( _source=[ "start", "end", "enrollment_start", "enrollment_end", "absolute_url", "cover_image", "languages", "organizations", "categories", "title.*", ], body={ "aggs": { "some": "aggs" }, "query": { "some": "query" }, "sort": { "some": "sorting" }, }, doc_type="course", from_=77, index="richie_courses", size=2, )
def test_search_all_courses(self, mock_search, *_): """ Happy path: the consumer is not filtering the courses at all """ factory = APIRequestFactory() request = factory.get("/api/v1.0/courses?limit=2&offset=10") mock_search.return_value = { "hits": {"hits": [{"_id": 89}, {"_id": 94}], "total": 90}, "aggregations": { "all_courses": { "organizations": { "organizations": { "buckets": [ {"key": "1", "doc_count": 7}, {"key": "2", "doc_count": 9}, ] } } } }, } response = CoursesViewSet.as_view({"get": "list"})(request, version="1.0") # The client received a properly formatted response self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(, { "meta": {"count": 2, "offset": 10, "total_count": 90}, "objects": ["Course #89", "Course #94"], "facets": {"organizations": {"1": 7, "2": 9}}, }, ) # The ES connector was called with appropriate arguments for the client's request mock_search.assert_called_with( body={ "aggs": { "all_courses": { "global": {}, "aggregations": { "organizations": { "filter": {"bool": {"must": []}}, "aggregations": { "organizations": { "terms": {"field": "organizations"} } }, }, "subjects": { "filter": {"bool": {"must": []}}, "aggregations": { "subjects": {"terms": {"field": "subjects"}} }, }, }, } }, "query": {"match_all": {}}, }, doc_type="course", from_=10, index="richie_courses", size=2, )
def test_combined_search_courses(self, mock_search, *_): """ Happy path: the consumer is using several filters at the same time """ factory = APIRequestFactory() start_date = json.dumps(["2018-01-01T06:00:00Z", None]) end_date = json.dumps(["2018-04-30T06:00:00Z", "2018-06-30T06:00:00Z"]) request = factory.get( "/api/v1.0/courses?subjects=42&subjects=84&query=these%20phrase%20terms&limit=2&" + "start_date={start_date}&end_date={end_date}".format( start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date ) ) mock_search.return_value = { "hits": {"hits": [{"_id": 999}, {"_id": 888}], "total": 3}, "aggregations": { "all_courses": { "subjects": { "subjects": { "buckets": [ {"key": "42", "doc_count": 3}, {"key": "84", "doc_count": 1}, ] } } } }, } response = CoursesViewSet.as_view({"get": "list"})(request, version="1.0") # The client received a properly formatted response self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(, { "meta": {"count": 2, "offset": 0, "total_count": 3}, "objects": ["Course #999", "Course #888"], "facets": {"subjects": {"42": 3, "84": 1}}, }, ) # The ES connector was called with appropriate arguments for the client's request range_end_date = { "range": { "end_date": { "gte": datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 30, 6, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc), "lte": datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 30, 6, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc), } } } multi_match = { "multi_match": { "fields": ["short_description.*", "title.*"], "query": "these phrase terms", "type": "cross_fields", } } range_start_date = { "range": { "start_date": { "gte": datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 1, 6, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc), "lte": None, } } } terms_subjects = {"terms": {"subjects": [42, 84]}} mock_search.assert_called_with( body={ "aggs": { "all_courses": { "global": {}, "aggregations": { "organizations": { "filter": { "bool": { "must": [ range_end_date, multi_match, range_start_date, terms_subjects, ] } }, "aggregations": { "organizations": { "terms": {"field": "organizations"} } }, }, "subjects": { "filter": { "bool": { "must": [ range_end_date, multi_match, range_start_date, ] } }, "aggregations": { "subjects": {"terms": {"field": "subjects"}} }, }, }, } }, "query": { "bool": { "must": [ range_end_date, multi_match, range_start_date, terms_subjects, ] } }, }, doc_type="course", from_=0, index="richie_courses", size=2, )
def test_search_courses_by_range_datetimes(self, mock_search, *_): """ Happy path: the consumer is filtering courses using datetimes """ factory = APIRequestFactory() start_date = json.dumps(["2018-01-01T06:00:00Z", None]) end_date = json.dumps(["2018-04-30T06:00:00Z", "2018-06-30T06:00:00Z"]) request = factory.get( "/api/v1.0/courses?start_date={start_date}&end_date={end_date}&limit=2".format( start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date ) ) mock_search.return_value = { "hits": {"hits": [{"_id": 13}, {"_id": 15}], "total": 7}, "aggregations": { "all_courses": { "subjects": { "subjects": { "buckets": [ {"key": "61", "doc_count": 4}, {"key": "122", "doc_count": 5}, ] } } } }, } response = CoursesViewSet.as_view({"get": "list"})(request, version="1.0") # The client received a properly formatted response self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(, { "meta": {"count": 2, "offset": 0, "total_count": 7}, "objects": ["Course #13", "Course #15"], "facets": {"subjects": {"61": 4, "122": 5}}, }, ) # The ES connector was called with appropriate arguments for the client's request range_end_date = { "range": { "end_date": { "gte": datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 30, 6, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc), "lte": datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 30, 6, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc), } } } range_start_date = { "range": { "start_date": { "gte": datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 1, 6, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc), "lte": None, } } } mock_search.assert_called_with( body={ "aggs": { "all_courses": { "global": {}, "aggregations": { "organizations": { "filter": { "bool": {"must": [range_end_date, range_start_date]} }, "aggregations": { "organizations": { "terms": {"field": "organizations"} } }, }, "subjects": { "filter": { "bool": {"must": [range_end_date, range_start_date]} }, "aggregations": { "subjects": {"terms": {"field": "subjects"}} }, }, }, } }, "query": {"bool": {"must": [range_end_date, range_start_date]}}, }, doc_type="course", from_=0, index="richie_courses", size=2, )
def test_search_courses_by_single_term_organizations(self, mock_search, *_): """ Happy path: make sure a single term (eg. subject or organization) which should be valid, is accepted (added after catching an error during manual testing) """ factory = APIRequestFactory() request = factory.get("/api/v1.0/courses?organizations=345&limit=2") mock_search.return_value = { "hits": {"hits": [{"_id": 37}, {"_id": 98}], "total": 12}, "aggregations": { "all_courses": { "organizations": { "organizations": { "buckets": [ {"key": "3", "doc_count": 6}, {"key": "14", "doc_count": 7}, ] } } } }, } response = CoursesViewSet.as_view({"get": "list"})(request, version="1.0") # The client received a properly formatted response self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(, { "meta": {"count": 2, "offset": 0, "total_count": 12}, "objects": ["Course #37", "Course #98"], "facets": {"organizations": {"3": 6, "14": 7}}, }, ) # The ES connector was called with appropriate arguments for the client's request term_organization = {"terms": {"organizations": [345]}} mock_search.assert_called_with( body={ "aggs": { "all_courses": { "global": {}, "aggregations": { "organizations": { "filter": {"bool": {"must": []}}, "aggregations": { "organizations": { "terms": {"field": "organizations"} } }, }, "subjects": { "filter": {"bool": {"must": [term_organization]}}, "aggregations": { "subjects": {"terms": {"field": "subjects"}} }, }, }, } }, "query": {"bool": {"must": [term_organization]}}, }, doc_type="course", from_=0, index="richie_courses", size=2, )
def test_search_courses_by_terms_organizations(self, mock_search, *_): """ Happy path: the consumer is filtering courses by organization ID """ factory = APIRequestFactory() request = factory.get( "/api/v1.0/courses?organizations=13&organizations=15&limit=2" ) mock_search.return_value = { "hits": {"hits": [{"_id": 221}, {"_id": 42}], "total": 29}, "aggregations": { "all_courses": { "organizations": { "organizations": { "buckets": [ {"key": "13", "doc_count": 21}, {"key": "15", "doc_count": 13}, ] } }, "subjects": { "subjects": { "buckets": [ {"key": "12", "doc_count": 3}, {"key": "22", "doc_count": 5}, ] } }, } }, } response = CoursesViewSet.as_view({"get": "list"})(request, version="1.0") # The client received a properly formatted response self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(, { "meta": {"count": 2, "offset": 0, "total_count": 29}, "objects": ["Course #221", "Course #42"], "facets": { "organizations": {"13": 21, "15": 13}, "subjects": {"12": 3, "22": 5}, }, }, ) # The ES connector was called with appropriate arguments for the client's request terms_organizations = {"terms": {"organizations": [13, 15]}} mock_search.assert_called_with( body={ "aggs": { "all_courses": { "global": {}, "aggregations": { "organizations": { "filter": {"bool": {"must": []}}, "aggregations": { "organizations": { "terms": {"field": "organizations"} } }, }, "subjects": { "filter": {"bool": {"must": [terms_organizations]}}, "aggregations": { "subjects": {"terms": {"field": "subjects"}} }, }, }, } }, "query": {"bool": {"must": [terms_organizations]}}, }, doc_type="course", from_=0, index="richie_courses", size=2, )
def test_search_courses_by_match_text(self, mock_search, *_): """ Happy path: the consumer is filtering courses by matching text """ factory = APIRequestFactory() request = factory.get( "/api/v1.0/courses?query=some%20phrase%20terms&limit=2&offset=20" ) mock_search.return_value = { "hits": {"hits": [{"_id": 523}, {"_id": 861}], "total": 35}, "aggregations": { "all_courses": { "subjects": { "subjects": { "buckets": [ {"key": "11", "doc_count": 17}, {"key": "21", "doc_count": 19}, ] } } } }, } response = CoursesViewSet.as_view({"get": "list"})(request, version="1.0") # The client received a properly formatted response self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(, { "meta": {"count": 2, "offset": 20, "total_count": 35}, "objects": ["Course #523", "Course #861"], "facets": {"subjects": {"11": 17, "21": 19}}, }, ) # The ES connector was called with appropriate arguments for the client's request multi_match = { "multi_match": { "fields": ["short_description.*", "title.*"], "query": "some phrase terms", "type": "cross_fields", } } mock_search.assert_called_with( body={ "aggs": { "all_courses": { "global": {}, "aggregations": { "organizations": { "filter": {"bool": {"must": [multi_match]}}, "aggregations": { "organizations": { "terms": {"field": "organizations"} } }, }, "subjects": { "filter": {"bool": {"must": [multi_match]}}, "aggregations": { "subjects": {"terms": {"field": "subjects"}} }, }, }, } }, "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "multi_match": { "fields": ["short_description.*", "title.*"], "query": "some phrase terms", "type": "cross_fields", } } ] } }, }, doc_type="course", from_=20, index="richie_courses", size=2, )