Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, uniform=True, deriv_accuracy_radius=5, tileheight = 32, tilewidth = 16):
        Defines parameters in constructed class instance.
        self.uniform               = uniform
        self.deriv_accuracy_radius = deriv_accuracy_radius

        # cache radii, intpoints, and inverses
        self._rad       = None
        self._intpoints = None
        self._Omega     = None
        self._Yinv      = None
        self._T         = None
        self._Tinv      = None
        self._prec      = 1e-8
        if (gpu_capable):
            self.parRiemann = RiemannThetaCuda(tileheight, tilewidth) 
    def __init__(self, uniform=True, deriv_accuracy_radius=5, tileheight = 32, tilewidth = 16):
        Defines parameters in constructed class instance.
        self.uniform               = uniform
        self.deriv_accuracy_radius = deriv_accuracy_radius

        # cache radii, intpoints, and inverses
        self._rad       = None
        self._intpoints = None
        self._Omega     = None
        self._Yinv      = None
        self._T         = None
        self._Tinv      = None
        self._prec      = 1e-8
        if (gpu_capable):
            self.parRiemann = RiemannThetaCuda(tileheight, tilewidth) 
Exemple #3
def riemanntheta_high_dim(X, Yinv, T, z, g, rad, max_points=10000000):
    parRiemann = RiemannThetaCuda(1, 512)
    #initialize parRiemann
    parRiemann.cache_omega_imag(Yinv, T)
    #compile the box_points program
    point_finder = func1()
    R = get_rad(T, rad)
    print R
    num_int_points = (2 * R + 1)**g
    num_partitions = num_int_points // max_points
    num_final_partition = num_int_points - num_partitions * max_points
    osc_part = 0 + 0 * 1.j
    if (num_partitions > 0):
        S = gpuarray.zeros(np.int(max_points * g), dtype=np.double)
    print "Required number of iterations"
    print num_partitions
    for p in range(num_partitions):
        print p
        S = box_points(point_finder, max_points * p, max_points * (p + 1), g,
                       R, S)
        parRiemann.cache_intpoints(S, gpu_already=True)
        osc_part += parRiemann.compute_v_without_derivs(np.array([z]))
    S = gpuarray.zeros(np.int(
        (num_int_points - num_partitions * max_points) * g),
    print num_partitions * max_points, num_int_points
    S = box_points(point_finder, num_partitions * max_points, num_int_points,
                   g, R, S)
    parRiemann.cache_intpoints(S, gpu_already=True)
    osc_part += parRiemann.compute_v_without_derivs(np.array([z]))
    print osc_part
    return osc_part
def riemanntheta_high_dim(X, Yinv, T, z, g, rad, max_points = 10000000):
    parRiemann = RiemannThetaCuda(1,512)
    #initialize parRiemann
    #compile the box_points program
    point_finder = func1()
    R = get_rad(T, rad)
    print R
    num_int_points = (2*R + 1)**g
    num_partitions = num_int_points//max_points
    num_final_partition = num_int_points - num_partitions*max_points
    osc_part = 0 + 0*1.j
    if (num_partitions > 0):
        S = gpuarray.zeros(np.int(max_points * g), dtype=np.double)
    print "Required number of iterations"
    print num_partitions
    for p in range(num_partitions):
        print p
        S = box_points(point_finder, max_points*p, max_points*(p+1),g,R, S)
        parRiemann.cache_intpoints(S, gpu_already=True)
        osc_part += parRiemann.compute_v_without_derivs(np.array([z]))
    S = gpuarray.zeros(np.int((num_int_points - num_partitions*max_points)*g), dtype = np.double)
    print num_partitions*max_points,num_int_points
    S = box_points(point_finder, num_partitions*max_points, num_int_points, g, R,S)
    parRiemann.cache_intpoints(S,gpu_already = True)
    osc_part += parRiemann.compute_v_without_derivs(np.array([z]))
    print osc_part
    return osc_part
class RiemannTheta_Function(object):
    Creates an instance of the Riemann theta function parameterized by a
    Riemann matrix ``Omega``, directional derivative ``derivs``, and
    derivative evaluation accuracy radius. See module level documentation
    for more information about the Riemann theta function.

    The Riemann theta function `\theta : \CC^g \times H_g \to \CC` is defined 
    by the infinite series

    .. math::

        \theta( z | \Omega ) = \sum_{ n \in \ZZ^g } e^{ 2 \pi i \left( \tfrac{1}{2} \langle \Omega n, n \rangle +  \langle z, n \rangle \right) }

    The precision of Riemann theta function evaluation is determined by
    the precision of the base ring.

    As shown in [CRTF], `n` th order derivatives introduce polynomial growth in
    the oscillatory part of the Riemann theta approximations thus making a
    global approximation formula impossible. Therefore, one must specify
    a ``deriv_accuracy_radius`` of guaranteed accuracy when computing 
    derivatives of `\theta(z | \Omega)`.


    - ``Omega`` -- a Riemann matrix (symmetric with positive definite imaginary part)

    - ``deriv`` -- (default: ``[]``) a list of `g`-tuples representing a directional derivative of `\theta`. A list of `n` lists represents an `n`th order derivative.
    - ``uniform`` -- (default: ``True``) a unform approximation allows the accurate computation of the Riemann theta function without having to recompute the integer points over which to take the finite sum. See [CRTF] for a more in-depth definition.

    - ``deriv_accuracy_radius`` -- (default: 5) the guaranteed radius of accuracy in computing derivatives of theta. This parameter is necessary due to the polynomial growth of the non-doubly exponential part of theta


    - ``Function_RiemannTheta`` -- a Riemann theta function parameterized by the Riemann matrix `\Omega`, derivatives ``deriv``, whether or not to use a uniform approximation, and derivative accuracy radius ``deriv_accuracy_radius``.

    .. note::

        For now, only second order derivatives are implemented. Approximation
        formulas are derived in [CRTF]. It is not exactly clear how to
        generalize these formulas. In most applications, second order
        derivatives are suficient.


    def __init__(self, uniform=True, deriv_accuracy_radius=5, tileheight = 32, tilewidth = 16):
        Defines parameters in constructed class instance.
        self.uniform               = uniform
        self.deriv_accuracy_radius = deriv_accuracy_radius

        # cache radii, intpoints, and inverses
        self._rad       = None
        self._intpoints = None
        self._Omega     = None
        self._Yinv      = None
        self._T         = None
        self._Tinv      = None
        self._prec      = 1e-8
        if (gpu_capable):
            self.parRiemann = RiemannThetaCuda(tileheight, tilewidth) 

    def lattice(self):
        Compute the complex lattice corresponding to the Riemann matix.

        .. note::

            Not yet implemented.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def genus(self):
        The genus of the algebraic curve from which the Riemann matrix is
        calculated. If $\Omega$ is not block decomposable then this is just
        the dimension of the matrix.

        .. note::

            Block decomposablility detection is difficult and not yet 
            implemented. Currently, ``self.genus()`` just returns the size 
            of the matrix.            
        return NotImplementedError()

    def find_int_points(self,g, c, R, T,start):
        Recursive helper function for computing the integer points needed in
        each coordinate direction.

        - ``g`` -- the genus. recursively used to determine integer
        points along each axis.

        - ``c`` -- center of integer point computation. `0 \in \CC^g`
        is used when using the uniform approximation.

        - ``R`` -- the radius of the ellipsoid along the current axis.

        - ``start`` -- the starting integer point for each recursion
        along each axis.


        - ``intpoints`` -- (list) a list of all of the integer points
        inside the bounding ellipsoid along a single axis

        ... todo::
        Recursion can be memory intensive in Python. For genus `g<30`
        this is a reasonable computation but can be sped up by
        writing a loop instead.
        a_ = c[g] - R/(np.sqrt(np.pi)*T[g,g]) 
        b_ = c[g] + R/(np.sqrt(np.pi)*T[g,g])
        a = np.ceil(a_)
        b = np.floor(b_)
        # check if we reached the edge of the ellipsoid
        if not a <= b: return np.array([])
        # last dimension reached: append points
        if g == 0:
            points = np.array([])
            for i in range(a, b+1):
                #Note that this algorithm works backwards on the coordinates,
                #the last coordinate found is x1 if our coordinates are {x1,x2, ... xn}
                points = np.append(np.append([i],start), points)
            return points
        # compute new shifts, radii, start, and recurse
        newg = g-1
        newT = T[:(newg+1),:(newg+1)]
        newTinv = la.inv(newT)
        pts = []
        for n in range(a, b+1):
            chat = c[:newg+1]
            that = T[:newg+1,g]
            newc = (chat.T - (np.dot(newTinv, that)*(n - c[g]))).T
            newR = np.sqrt(R**2 - np.pi*(T[g,g] * (n - c[g]))**2) # XXX
            newstart = np.append([n],start)
            newpts = self.find_int_points(newg,newc,newR,newT,newstart)
            pts = np.append(pts,newpts)
        return pts

    def integer_points(self, Yinv, T, z, g, R):
        The set, `U_R`, of the integral points needed to compute Riemann 
        theta at the complex point $z$ to the numerical precision given
        by the Riemann matirix base field precision.

        The set `U_R` of [CRTF], (21).

        .. math::
            \left\{ n \in \ZZ^g : \pi ( n - c )^{t} \cdot Y \cdot 
            (n - c ) < R^2, |c_j| < 1/2, j=1,\ldots,g \right\}

        Since `Y` is positive definite it has Cholesky decomposition 
        `Y = T^t T`. Letting `\Lambda` be the lattice of vectors 
        `v(n), n \in ZZ^g` of the form `v(n)=\sqrt{\pi} T (n + [[ Y^{-1} n]])`,
        we have that 

        .. math::

            S_R = \left\{ v(n) \in \Lambda : || v(n) || < R \right\} .

        Note that since the integer points are only required for oscillatory
        part of Riemann theta all over these points are near the point 
        `0 \in \CC^g`. Additionally, if ``uniform == True`` then the set of
        integer points is independent of the input points `z \in \CC^g`.

        .. note::
            To actually compute `U_R` one needs to compute the convex hull of
            `2^{g}` bounding ellipsoids. Since this is computationally
            expensive, an ellipsoid centered at `0 \in \CC^g` with large
            radius is computed instead. This can cause accuracy issues with
            ill-conditioned Riemann matrices, that is, those that produce
            long and narrow bounding ellipsoies. See [CRTF] Section ### for
            more information.


        - ``Yinv`` -- the inverse of the imaginary part of the Riemann matrix

        - ``T`` -- the Cholesky decomposition of the imaginary part of the
          Riemann matrix `\Omega`

        - ``z`` -- the point `z \in \CC` at which to compute `\theta(z|\Omega)`
        - ``R`` -- the first ellipsoid semi-axis length as computed by ``self.radius()``
       # g    = Yinv.shape[0]
        pi   = np.pi
        z    = np.array(z).reshape((g,1))
        x    = z.real
        y    = z.imag
        # determine center of ellipsoid.
        if self.uniform:
            c     = np.zeros((g,1))
            intc  = np.zeros((g,1))
            leftc = np.zeros((g,1))
            c     = Yinv * y
            intc  = c.round()
            leftc = c - intc
        int_points = self.find_int_points(g-1,leftc,R,T,[])
        return int_points

    def radius(self, T, prec, deriv=[]):
        Calculate the radius `R` to compute the value of the theta function
        to within `2^{-P + 1}` bits of precision where `P` is the 
        real / complex precision given by the input matrix. Used primarily
        by ``RiemannTheta.integer_points()``.

        `R` is the radius of [CRTF] Theorems 2, 4, and 6.

        - ``T`` -- the Cholesky decomposition of the imaginary part of the 
          Riemann matrix `\Omega`

        - ``prec`` -- the desired precision of the computation
        - ``deriv`` -- (list) (default=``[]``) the derivative, if given. 
          Radius increases as order of derivative increases.            
        Pi = np.pi
        I  = 1.0j
        g  = np.float64(T.shape[0])

        # compute the length of the shortest lattice vector
        #U  = qflll(T)
	A = lattice_reduce(T)
        r  = min(la.norm(A[:,i]) for i in range(int(g)))
        normTinv = la.norm(la.inv(T))

        # solve for the radius using:
        #   * Theorem 3 of [CRTF] (no derivative)
        #   * Theorem 5 of [CRTF] (first order derivative)
        #   * Theorem 7 of [CRTF] (second order derivative
        if len(deriv) == 0:
            eps  = prec
            lhs  = eps * (2.0/g) * (r/2.0)**g * gamma(g/2.0)
            ins  = gammainccinv(g/2.0,lhs)
            R    = np.sqrt(ins) + r/2.0
            rad  = max( R, (np.sqrt(2*g)+r)/2.0)
        elif len(deriv) == 1:
            # solve for left-hand side
            L         = self.deriv_accuracy_radius
            normderiv = la.norm(np.array(deriv[0]))
            eps  = prec
            lhs  = (eps * (r/2.0)**g) / (np.sqrt(Pi)*g*normderiv*normTinv)

            # define right-hand-side function involving the incomplete gamma
            # function
            def rhs(ins):
                Right-hand side function for computing the bounding ellipsoid
                radius given a desired maximum error bound for the first
                derivative of the Riemann theta function.
                return gamma((g+1)/2)*gammaincc((g+1)/2, ins) +               \
                    np.sqrt(Pi)*normTinv*L * gamma(g/2)*gammaincc(g/2, ins) - \

            #  define lower bound (guess) and attempt to solve for the radius
            lbnd = np.sqrt(g+2 + np.sqrt(g**2+8)) + r
                ins = fsolve(rhs, float(lbnd))[0]
            except RuntimeWarning:
                # fsolve had trouble finding the solution. We try 
                # a larger initial guess since the radius increases
                # as desired precision increases
                    ins = fsolve(rhs, float(2*lbnd))[0]
                except RuntimeWarning:
                    raise ValueError, "Could not find an accurate bound for the radius. Consider using higher precision."

            # solve for radius
            R   = np.sqrt(ins) + r/2.0
            rad = max(R,lbnd)

        elif len(deriv) == 2:
            # solve for left-hand side
            L             = self.deriv_accuracy_radius
            prodnormderiv = np.prod([la.norm(d) for d in deriv])

            eps  = prec
            lhs  = (eps*(r/2.0)**g) / (2*Pi*g*prodnormderiv*normTinv**2)

            # define right-hand-side function involving the incomplete gamma
            # function
            def rhs(ins):
                Right-hand side function for computing the bounding ellipsoid
                radius given a desired maximum error bound for the second
                derivative of the Riemann theta function.
                return gamma((g+2)/2)*gammaincc((g+2)/2, ins) + \
                    2*np.sqrt(Pi)*normTinv*L *                  \
                    gamma((g+1)/2)*gammaincc((g+1)/2,ins) +     \
                    Pi*normTinv**2*L**2 *                       \
                    gamma(g/2)*gammaincc(g/2,ins) - float(lhs)

            #  define lower bound (guess) and attempt to solve for the radius
            lbnd = np.sqrt(g+4 + np.sqrt(g**2+16)) + r
                ins = fsolve(rhs, float(lbnd))[0]
            except RuntimeWarning:
                # fsolve had trouble finding the solution. We try 
                # a larger initial guess since the radius increases
                # as desired precision increases
                    ins = fsolve(rhs, float(2*lbnd))[0]
                except RuntimeWarning:
                    raise ValueError, "Could not find an accurate bound for the radius. Consider using higher precision."

            # solve for radius
            R   = np.sqrt(ins) + r/2.0
            rad = max(R,lbnd)

            # can't computer higher derivatives, yet
            raise NotImplementedError("Ellipsoid radius for first and second derivatives not yet implemented.")

        return rad

    Performs simple re-cacheing of matrices, also prepares them for gpu for processing if necessary.

    Omega - the Riemann matrix
    X - The real part of Omega
    Y - The imaginary part of Omega
    Yinv - The inverse of Y
    T - The Cholesky Decomposition of Y
    g - The genus of the Riemann theta function
    prec - The desired precision
    deriv - the set of derivatives to compute (Possibly an empty set)
    Tinv - The inverse of T

    Data structures ready for GPU computation.
    def recache(self, Omega, X, Y, Yinv, T, g, prec, deriv, Tinv, batch):
        recache_omega = not np.array_equal(self._Omega, Omega)
        recache_prec = self._prec != prec
        #Check if we've already computed the uniform radius and intpoints for this Omega/Precision
        if (recache_omega or recache_prec):
            #If not recompute the integer summation set.
            self._prec = prec
            self._rad = self.radius(T, prec, deriv=deriv)
            origin = [0]*g
            self._intpoints = self.integer_points(Yinv, T, origin, 
                                                  g, self._rad)
        #If gpu_capable is set to true and batch is set to true then the data structures need to 
        #be loaded onto the GPU for computation. This code loads them onto the GPU and compiles
        #the pyCuda functions.
        if (gpu_capable and batch):
            #Check if the gpu functions depending on the genus and Omega need to be compiled/recompiled
            if (self._Omega is None or not g == self._Omega.shape[0] or self.parRiemann.g is None):
                self.parRiemann.cache_omega_imag(Yinv, T)
            #Check if the gpu functions depending only on Omega need to be recompiled
                #Check if the gpu functions depending on the real part of Omega need to be recompiled
                if (not np.array_equal(self._Omega.real, Omega.real)):
                #Check if the gpu functions depending on the imaginary part of Omega need to be recompiled
                if (not np.array_equal(self._Omega.imag, Omega.imag)):
                    self.parRiemann.cache_omega_imag(Yinv, T)
        self._Omega = Omega

    Handles calls to the GPU.
    Z - the set of points to compute theta(z, Omega) at.
    deriv - The derivatives to compute (possibly an empty list)
    gpu_max - The maximum number of points to compute on the GPU at once
    length - The number of points we're computing. (ie. length == |Z|)
    u - A list of the exponential growth terms of theta (or deriv(theta)) for each z in Z
    v - A list of the approximations of the infite sum of theta (or deriv(theta)) for each z in Z
    def gpu_process(self, Z, deriv, gpu_max, length):
        v = np.array([])
        u = np.array([])
        #divide the set z into as many partitions as necessary
        num_partitions = (length-1)//(gpu_max) + 1
        for i in range(0, num_partitions):
            #determine the starting and stopping points of the partition
            p_start = (i)*gpu_max
            p_stop = min(length, (i+1)*gpu_max)
            if (len(deriv) > 0):
                v_p = self.parRiemann.compute_v_with_derivs(Z[p_start: p_stop, :], deriv)
                v_p = self.parRiemann.compute_v_without_derivs(Z[p_start: p_stop, :])
            u_p = self.parRiemann.compute_u()
            u = np.concatenate((u, u_p))
            v = np.concatenate((v, v_p))
        return u,v

    Computes the exponential and oscillatory part of the Riemann theta function. Or the directional
    derivative of theta.
    z - The point (or set of points) to compute the Riemann Theta function at. Note that if z is a set of 
    points the variable "batch" must be set to true. If z is a single point itshould be in the form of a 
    1-d numpy array, if z is a set of points it should be a list or 1-d numpy array of 1-d numpy arrays.
    Omega - The Riemann matrix
    batch - A variable that indicates whether or not a batch of points is being computed.
    prec - The desired digits of precision to compute theta up to. Note that precision is limited to double
    precision which is about ~15 decimal points.
    gpu - Indicates whether or not to do batch computations on a GPU, the default is set to yes if the proper
    pyCuda libraries are installed and no otherwise.
    gpu_max - The maximum number of points to be computed on a GPU at once.


    u - A list of the exponential growth terms of theta (or deriv(theta)) for each z in Z
    v - A list of the approximations of the infite sum of theta (or deriv(theta)) for each z in Z
    def exp_and_osc_at_point(self, z, Omega, batch = False, prec=1e-12, deriv=[], gpu=gpu_capable, gpu_max = 500000):
        g = Omega.shape[0]
        pi = np.pi

        #Process all of the matrices into numpy matrices
        X = np.array(Omega.real)
        Y = np.array(Omega.imag)
        Yinv = np.array(la.inv(Y))
        T = np.array(la.cholesky(Y))
        Tinv = np.array(la.inv(T))
        deriv = np.array(deriv)
        #Do recacheing if necessary
        self.recache(Omega, X, Y, Yinv, T, g, prec, deriv, Tinv, batch)

        # extract real and imaginary parts of input z
        length = 1
        if batch:
            length = len(z)
        z = np.array(z).reshape((length, g))
        # compute integer points: check for uniform approximation
        if self.uniform:
            R = self._rad
            S = self._intpoints
                raise Exception("Can't compute pointwise approximation for multiple points at once.\nUse uniform approximation or call the function seperately for each point.")
            R = self.radius(T, prec, deriv=deriv)
            S = self.integer_points(Yinv, T, 
Tinv, z, g, R)
        #Compute oscillatory and exponential terms
        if gpu and batch and (length > gpu_max):
            u,v = self.gpu_process(z, deriv, gpu_max, length)
        elif gpu and batch and len(deriv) > 0:
            v = self.parRiemann.compute_v_with_derivs(z, deriv)
        elif gpu and batch:
            v = self.parRiemann.compute_v_without_derivs(z)
        elif (len(deriv) > 0):
            v = riemanntheta_cy.finite_sum_derivatives(X, Yinv, T, z, S, deriv, g, batch)
            v = riemanntheta_cy.finite_sum(X, Yinv, T, z, S, g, batch)
        if (length > gpu_max and gpu):
            #u already computed
        elif (gpu and batch):
            u = self.parRiemann.compute_u()
        elif (batch):
            K = len(z)
            u = np.zeros(K)
            for i in range(K):
                w = np.array([z[i,:].imag])
                val = np.pi*np.dot(w, np.dot(Yinv,w.T)).item(0,0)
                u[i] = val
            u = np.pi*np.dot(z.imag,np.dot(Yinv,z.imag.T)).item(0,0)
        return u,v

    TODO: Add documentation
    def characteristic(self, chars, z, Omega, deriv = [], prec=1e-8):
        val = 0
        z = np.matrix(z).T
        alpha, beta = np.matrix(chars[0]).T, np.matrix(chars[1]).T
        z_tilde = z + np.dot(Omega,alpha) + beta
        if len(deriv) == 0:
            u,v = self.exp_and_osc_at_point(z_tilde, Omega)
            quadratic_term =  np.dot(alpha.T, np.dot(Omega,alpha))[0,0]
            exp_shift = 2*np.pi*1.0j*(.5*quadratic_term + np.dot(alpha.T, (z + beta)))
            theta_val = np.exp(u + exp_shift)*v
        elif len(deriv) == 1:
            d = deriv[0]
            scalar_term = np.exp(2*np.pi*1.0j*(.5*np.dot(alpha.T, np.dot(Omega, alpha)) + np.dot(alpha.T, (z + beta))))
            alpha_part = 2*np.pi*1.0j*alpha
            theta_eval = self.value_at_point(z_tilde, Omega, prec=prec)
            term1 = np.dot(theta_eval*alpha_part.T, d)
            term2 = self.value_at_point(z_tilde, Omega, prec=prec, deriv=d)
            theta_val = scalar_term*(term1 + term2)
        elif len(deriv) == 2:
            d1,d2 = np.matrix(deriv[0]).T, np.matrix(deriv[1]).T
            scalar_term = np.exp(2*np.pi*1.0j*(.5*np.dot(alpha.T, np.dot(Omega, alpha))[0,0] + np.dot(alpha.T, (z + beta))[0,0]))
            #Compute the non-theta hessian
            g = Omega.shape[0]
            non_theta_hess = np.zeros((g, g), dtype = np.complex128)
            theta_eval = self.value_at_point(z_tilde, Omega, prec=prec)
            theta_grad = np.zeros(g, dtype=np.complex128)
            for i in range(g):
                partial = np.zeros(g)
                partial[i] = 1.0
                theta_grad[i] = self.value_at_point(z_tilde, Omega, prec = prec, deriv = partial)
            for n in xrange(g):
                for k in xrange(g):
                    non_theta_hess[n,k] =  2*np.pi*1.j*alpha[k,0] * (2*np.pi*1.j*theta_eval*alpha[n,0] + theta_grad[n]) + (2*np.pi*1.j*theta_grad[k]*alpha[n,0])
            term1 = np.dot(d1.T, np.dot(non_theta_hess, d2))[0,0]
            term2 = self.value_at_point(z_tilde, Omega, prec=prec, deriv=deriv)
            theta_val = scalar_term*(term1 + term2)
            return NotImplementedError()
        return theta_val

    Returns the value of `\theta(z,\Omega)` at a point `z` or set of points if batch is True.
    def value_at_point(self, z, Omega, prec=1e-8, deriv=[], gpu=gpu_capable, batch=False):
        exp_part, osc_part = self.exp_and_osc_at_point(z, Omega, prec=prec,
                                                       deriv=deriv, gpu=gpu,batch=batch)
        return np.exp(exp_part) * osc_part

    def __call__(self, z, Omega, prec=1e-8, deriv=[], gpu=gpu_capable, batch=False):
        Returns the value of `\theta(z,\Omega)` at a point `z`. Lazy evaluation
        is done if the input contains symbolic variables. If batch is set to true
        then the functions expects a list/numpy array as input and returns a numpy array as output
        return self.value_at_point(z, Omega, prec=prec, deriv=deriv, gpu=gpu, batch=batch)
Exemple #6
class RiemannTheta_Function(object):
    Creates an instance of the Riemann theta function parameterized by a
    Riemann matrix ``Omega``, directional derivative ``derivs``, and
    derivative evaluation accuracy radius. See module level documentation
    for more information about the Riemann theta function.

    The Riemann theta function `\theta : \CC^g \times H_g \to \CC` is defined 
    by the infinite series

    .. math::

        \theta( z | \Omega ) = \sum_{ n \in \ZZ^g } e^{ 2 \pi i \left( \tfrac{1}{2} \langle \Omega n, n \rangle +  \langle z, n \rangle \right) }

    The precision of Riemann theta function evaluation is determined by
    the precision of the base ring.

    As shown in [CRTF], `n` th order derivatives introduce polynomial growth in
    the oscillatory part of the Riemann theta approximations thus making a
    global approximation formula impossible. Therefore, one must specify
    a ``deriv_accuracy_radius`` of guaranteed accuracy when computing 
    derivatives of `\theta(z | \Omega)`.


    - ``Omega`` -- a Riemann matrix (symmetric with positive definite imaginary part)

    - ``deriv`` -- (default: ``[]``) a list of `g`-tuples representing a directional derivative of `\theta`. A list of `n` lists represents an `n`th order derivative.
    - ``uniform`` -- (default: ``True``) a unform approximation allows the accurate computation of the Riemann theta function without having to recompute the integer points over which to take the finite sum. See [CRTF] for a more in-depth definition.

    - ``deriv_accuracy_radius`` -- (default: 5) the guaranteed radius of accuracy in computing derivatives of theta. This parameter is necessary due to the polynomial growth of the non-doubly exponential part of theta


    - ``Function_RiemannTheta`` -- a Riemann theta function parameterized by the Riemann matrix `\Omega`, derivatives ``deriv``, whether or not to use a uniform approximation, and derivative accuracy radius ``deriv_accuracy_radius``.

    .. note::

        For now, only second order derivatives are implemented. Approximation
        formulas are derived in [CRTF]. It is not exactly clear how to
        generalize these formulas. In most applications, second order
        derivatives are suficient.


    def __init__(self, uniform=True, deriv_accuracy_radius=5, tileheight = 32, tilewidth = 16):
        Defines parameters in constructed class instance.
        self.uniform               = uniform
        self.deriv_accuracy_radius = deriv_accuracy_radius

        # cache radii, intpoints, and inverses
        self._rad       = None
        self._intpoints = None
        self._Omega     = None
        self._Yinv      = None
        self._T         = None
        self._Tinv      = None
        self._prec      = 1e-8
        if (gpu_capable):
            self.parRiemann = RiemannThetaCuda(tileheight, tilewidth) 

    def lattice(self):
        Compute the complex lattice corresponding to the Riemann matix.

        .. note::

            Not yet implemented.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def genus(self):
        The genus of the algebraic curve from which the Riemann matrix is
        calculated. If $\Omega$ is not block decomposable then this is just
        the dimension of the matrix.

        .. note::

            Block decomposablility detection is difficult and not yet 
            implemented. Currently, ``self.genus()`` just returns the size 
            of the matrix.            
        return NotImplementedError()

    def find_int_points(self,g, c, R, T,start):
        Recursive helper function for computing the integer points needed in
        each coordinate direction.

        - ``g`` -- the genus. recursively used to determine integer
        points along each axis.

        - ``c`` -- center of integer point computation. `0 \in \CC^g`
        is used when using the uniform approximation.

        - ``R`` -- the radius of the ellipsoid along the current axis.

        - ``start`` -- the starting integer point for each recursion
        along each axis.


        - ``intpoints`` -- (list) a list of all of the integer points
        inside the bounding ellipsoid along a single axis

        ... todo::
        Recursion can be memory intensive in Python. For genus `g<30`
        this is a reasonable computation but can be sped up by
        writing a loop instead.
        a_ = c[g] - R/(np.sqrt(np.pi)*T[g,g]) 
        b_ = c[g] + R/(np.sqrt(np.pi)*T[g,g])
        a = np.ceil(a_)
        b = np.floor(b_)
        # check if we reached the edge of the ellipsoid
        if not a <= b: return np.array([])
        # last dimension reached: append points
        if g == 0:
            points = np.array([])
            for i in range(a, b+1):
                #Note that this algorithm works backwards on the coordinates,
                #the last coordinate found is x1 if our coordinates are {x1,x2, ... xn}
                points = np.append(np.append([i],start), points)
            return points
        # compute new shifts, radii, start, and recurse
        newg = g-1
        newT = T[:(newg+1),:(newg+1)]
        newTinv = la.inv(newT)
        pts = []
        for n in range(a, b+1):
            chat = c[:newg+1]
            that = T[:newg+1,g]
            newc = (chat.T - (np.dot(newTinv, that)*(n - c[g]))).T
            newR = np.sqrt(R**2 - np.pi*(T[g,g] * (n - c[g]))**2) # XXX
            newstart = np.append([n],start)
            newpts = self.find_int_points(newg,newc,newR,newT,newstart)
            pts = np.append(pts,newpts)
        return pts

    def integer_points(self, Yinv, T, z, g, R):
        The set, `U_R`, of the integral points needed to compute Riemann 
        theta at the complex point $z$ to the numerical precision given
        by the Riemann matirix base field precision.

        The set `U_R` of [CRTF], (21).

        .. math::
            \left\{ n \in \ZZ^g : \pi ( n - c )^{t} \cdot Y \cdot 
            (n - c ) < R^2, |c_j| < 1/2, j=1,\ldots,g \right\}

        Since `Y` is positive definite it has Cholesky decomposition 
        `Y = T^t T`. Letting `\Lambda` be the lattice of vectors 
        `v(n), n \in ZZ^g` of the form `v(n)=\sqrt{\pi} T (n + [[ Y^{-1} n]])`,
        we have that 

        .. math::

            S_R = \left\{ v(n) \in \Lambda : || v(n) || < R \right\} .

        Note that since the integer points are only required for oscillatory
        part of Riemann theta all over these points are near the point 
        `0 \in \CC^g`. Additionally, if ``uniform == True`` then the set of
        integer points is independent of the input points `z \in \CC^g`.

        .. note::
            To actually compute `U_R` one needs to compute the convex hull of
            `2^{g}` bounding ellipsoids. Since this is computationally
            expensive, an ellipsoid centered at `0 \in \CC^g` with large
            radius is computed instead. This can cause accuracy issues with
            ill-conditioned Riemann matrices, that is, those that produce
            long and narrow bounding ellipsoies. See [CRTF] Section ### for
            more information.


        - ``Yinv`` -- the inverse of the imaginary part of the Riemann matrix

        - ``T`` -- the Cholesky decomposition of the imaginary part of the
          Riemann matrix `\Omega`

        - ``z`` -- the point `z \in \CC` at which to compute `\theta(z|\Omega)`
        - ``R`` -- the first ellipsoid semi-axis length as computed by ``self.radius()``
       # g    = Yinv.shape[0]
        pi   = np.pi
        z    = np.array(z).reshape((g,1))
        x    = z.real
        y    = z.imag
        # determine center of ellipsoid.
        if self.uniform:
            c     = np.zeros((g,1))
            intc  = np.zeros((g,1))
            leftc = np.zeros((g,1))
            c     = Yinv * y
            intc  = c.round()
            leftc = c - intc
        int_points = self.find_int_points(g-1,leftc,R,T,[])
        return int_points

    def radius(self, T, prec, deriv=[]):
        Calculate the radius `R` to compute the value of the theta function
        to within `2^{-P + 1}` bits of precision where `P` is the 
        real / complex precision given by the input matrix. Used primarily
        by ``RiemannTheta.integer_points()``.

        `R` is the radius of [CRTF] Theorems 2, 4, and 6.

        - ``T`` -- the Cholesky decomposition of the imaginary part of the 
          Riemann matrix `\Omega`

        - ``prec`` -- the desired precision of the computation
        - ``deriv`` -- (list) (default=``[]``) the derivative, if given. 
          Radius increases as order of derivative increases.            
        Pi = np.pi
        I  = 1.0j
        g  = np.float64(T.shape[0])

        # compute the length of the shortest lattice vector
        #U  = qflll(T)
	A = lattice_reduce(T)
        r  = min(la.norm(A[:,i]) for i in range(int(g)))
        normTinv = la.norm(la.inv(T))

        # solve for the radius using:
        #   * Theorem 3 of [CRTF] (no derivative)
        #   * Theorem 5 of [CRTF] (first order derivative)
        #   * Theorem 7 of [CRTF] (second order derivative)
        if len(deriv) == 0:
            eps  = prec
            lhs  = eps * (2.0/g) * (r/2.0)**g * gamma(g/2.0)
            ins  = gammainccinv(g/2.0,lhs)
            R    = np.sqrt(ins) + r/2.0
            rad  = max( R, (np.sqrt(2*g)+r)/2.0)
        elif len(deriv) == 1:
            # solve for left-hand side
            L         = self.deriv_accuracy_radius
            normderiv = la.norm(np.array(deriv[0]))
            eps  = prec
            lhs  = (eps * (r/2.0)**g) / (np.sqrt(Pi)*g*normderiv*normTinv)

            # define right-hand-side function involving the incomplete gamma
            # function
            def rhs(ins):
                Right-hand side function for computing the bounding ellipsoid
                radius given a desired maximum error bound for the first
                derivative of the Riemann theta function.
                return gamma((g+1)/2)*gammaincc((g+1)/2, ins) +               \
                    np.sqrt(Pi)*normTinv*L * gamma(g/2)*gammaincc(g/2, ins) - \

            #  define lower bound (guess) and attempt to solve for the radius
            lbnd = np.sqrt(g+2 + np.sqrt(g**2+8)) + r
                ins = fsolve(rhs, float(lbnd))[0]
            except RuntimeWarning:
                # fsolve had trouble finding the solution. We try 
                # a larger initial guess since the radius increases
                # as desired precision increases
                    ins = fsolve(rhs, float(2*lbnd))[0]
                except RuntimeWarning:
                    raise ValueError, "Could not find an accurate bound for the radius. Consider using higher precision."

            # solve for radius
            R   = np.sqrt(ins) + r/2.0
            rad = max(R,lbnd)

        elif len(deriv) == 2:
            # solve for left-hand side
            L             = self.deriv_accuracy_radius
            prodnormderiv = np.prod([la.norm(d) for d in deriv])

            eps  = prec
            lhs  = (eps*(r/2.0)**g) / (2*Pi*g*prodnormderiv*normTinv**2)

            # define right-hand-side function involving the incomplete gamma
            # function
            def rhs(ins):
                Right-hand side function for computing the bounding ellipsoid
                radius given a desired maximum error bound for the second
                derivative of the Riemann theta function.
                return gamma((g+2)/2)*gammaincc((g+2)/2, ins) + \
                    2*np.sqrt(Pi)*normTinv*L *                  \
                    gamma((g+1)/2)*gammaincc((g+1)/2,ins) +     \
                    Pi*normTinv**2*L**2 *                       \
                    gamma(g/2)*gammaincc(g/2,ins) - float(lhs)

            #  define lower bound (guess) and attempt to solve for the radius
            lbnd = np.sqrt(g+4 + np.sqrt(g**2+16)) + r
                ins = fsolve(rhs, float(lbnd))[0]
            except RuntimeWarning:
                # fsolve had trouble finding the solution. We try 
                # a larger initial guess since the radius increases
                # as desired precision increases
                    ins = fsolve(rhs, float(2*lbnd))[0]
                except RuntimeWarning:
                    raise ValueError, "Could not find an accurate bound for the radius. Consider using higher precision."

            # solve for radius
            R   = np.sqrt(ins) + r/2.0
            rad = max(R,lbnd)

            # can't computer higher derivatives, yet
            raise NotImplementedError("Ellipsoid radius for first and second derivatives not yet implemented.")

        return rad

    Performs simple re-cacheing of matrices, also prepares them for gpu for processing if necessary.

    Omega - the Riemann matrix
    X - The real part of Omega
    Y - The imaginary part of Omega
    Yinv - The inverse of Y
    T - The Cholesky Decomposition of Y
    g - The genus of the Riemann theta function
    prec - The desired precision
    deriv - the set of derivatives to compute (Possibly an empty set)
    Tinv - The inverse of T

    Data structures ready for GPU computation.
    def recache(self, Omega, X, Y, Yinv, T, g, prec, deriv, Tinv, batch):
        recache_omega = not np.array_equal(self._Omega, Omega)
        recache_prec = self._prec != prec
        #Check if we've already computed the uniform radius and intpoints for this Omega/Precision
        if (recache_omega or recache_prec):
            #If not recompute the integer summation set.
            self._prec = prec
            self._rad = self.radius(T, prec, deriv=deriv)
            origin = [0]*g
            self._intpoints = self.integer_points(Yinv, T, origin, 
                                                  g, self._rad)
        #If gpu_capable is set to true and batch is set to true then the data structures need to 
        #be loaded onto the GPU for computation. This code loads them onto the GPU and compiles
        #the pyCuda functions.
        if (gpu_capable and batch):
            #Check if the gpu functions depending on the genus and Omega need to be compiled/recompiled
            if (self._Omega is None or not g == self._Omega.shape[0] or self.parRiemann.g is None):
                self.parRiemann.cache_omega_imag(Yinv, T)
            #Check if the gpu functions depending only on Omega need to be recompiled
                #Check if the gpu functions depending on the real part of Omega need to be recompiled
                if (not np.array_equal(self._Omega.real, Omega.real)):
                #Check if the gpu functions depending on the imaginary part of Omega need to be recompiled
                if (not np.array_equal(self._Omega.imag, Omega.imag)):
                    self.parRiemann.cache_omega_imag(Yinv, T)
        self._Omega = Omega

    Handles calls to the GPU.
    Z - the set of points to compute theta(z, Omega) at.
    deriv - The derivatives to compute (possibly an empty list)
    gpu_max - The maximum number of points to compute on the GPU at once
    length - The number of points we're computing. (ie. length == |Z|)
    u - A list of the exponential growth terms of theta (or deriv(theta)) for each z in Z
    v - A list of the approximations of the infite sum of theta (or deriv(theta)) for each z in Z
    def gpu_process(self, Z, deriv, gpu_max, length):
        v = np.array([])
        u = np.array([])
        #divide the set z into as many partitions as necessary
        num_partitions = (length-1)//(gpu_max) + 1
        for i in range(0, num_partitions):
            #determine the starting and stopping points of the partition
            p_start = (i)*gpu_max
            p_stop = min(length, (i+1)*gpu_max)
            if (len(deriv) > 0):
                v_p = self.parRiemann.compute_v_with_derivs(Z[p_start: p_stop, :], deriv)
                v_p = self.parRiemann.compute_v_without_derivs(Z[p_start: p_stop, :])
            u_p = self.parRiemann.compute_u()
            u = np.concatenate((u, u_p))
            v = np.concatenate((v, v_p))
        return u,v

    Computes the exponential and oscillatory part of the Riemann theta function. Or the directional
    derivative of theta.
    z - The point (or set of points) to compute the Riemann Theta function at. Note that if z is a set of 
    points the variable "batch" must be set to true. If z is a single point itshould be in the form of a 
    1-d numpy array, if z is a set of points it should be a list or 1-d numpy array of 1-d numpy arrays.
    Omega - The Riemann matrix
    batch - A variable that indicates whether or not a batch of points is being computed.
    prec - The desired digits of precision to compute theta up to. Note that precision is limited to double
    precision which is about ~15 decimal points.
    gpu - Indicates whether or not to do batch computations on a GPU, the default is set to yes if the proper
    pyCuda libraries are installed and no otherwise.
    gpu_max - The maximum number of points to be computed on a GPU at once.


    u - A list of the exponential growth terms of theta (or deriv(theta)) for each z in Z
    v - A list of the approximations of the infite sum of theta (or deriv(theta)) for each z in Z
    def exp_and_osc_at_point(self, z, Omega, batch = False, prec=1e-12, deriv=[], gpu=gpu_capable, gpu_max = 500000):
        g = Omega.shape[0]
        pi = np.pi

        #Process all of the matrices into numpy matrices
        X = np.array(Omega.real)
        Y = np.array(Omega.imag)
        Yinv = np.array(la.inv(Y))
        T = np.array(la.cholesky(Y))
        Tinv = np.array(la.inv(T))
        deriv = np.array(deriv)
        #Do recacheing if necessary
        self.recache(Omega, X, Y, Yinv, T, g, prec, deriv, Tinv, batch)

        # extract real and imaginary parts of input z
        length = 1
        if batch:
            length = len(z)
        z = np.array(z).reshape((length, g))
        # compute integer points: check for uniform approximation
        if self.uniform:
            R = self._rad
            S = self._intpoints
                raise Exception("Can't compute pointwise approximation for multiple points at once.\nUse uniform approximation or call the function seperately for each point.")
            R = self.radius(T, prec, deriv=deriv)
            S = self.integer_points(Yinv, T, 
Tinv, z, g, R)
        #Compute oscillatory and exponential terms
        if gpu and batch and (length > gpu_max):
            u,v = self.gpu_process(z, deriv, gpu_max, length)
        elif gpu and batch and len(deriv) > 0:
            v = self.parRiemann.compute_v_with_derivs(z, deriv)
        elif gpu and batch:
            v = self.parRiemann.compute_v_without_derivs(z)
        elif (len(deriv) > 0):
            v = riemanntheta_cy.finite_sum_derivatives(X, Yinv, T, z, S, deriv, g, batch)
            v = riemanntheta_cy.finite_sum(X, Yinv, T, z, S, g, batch)
        if (length > gpu_max and gpu):
            #u already computed
        elif (gpu and batch):
            u = self.parRiemann.compute_u()
        elif (batch):
            K = len(z)
            u = np.zeros(K)
            for i in range(K):
                w = np.array([z[i,:].imag])
                val = np.pi*np.dot(w, np.dot(Yinv,w.T)).item(0,0)
                u[i] = val
            u = np.pi*np.dot(z.imag,np.dot(Yinv,z.imag.T)).item(0,0)
        return u,v

    def exponential_part(self, *args, **kwds):
        return self.exp_and_osc_at_point(*args, **kwds)[0]

    def oscillatory_part(self, *args, **kwds):
        return self.exp_and_osc_at_point(*args, **kwds)[1]

    TODO: Add documentation
    def characteristic(self, chars, z, Omega, deriv = [], prec=1e-8):
        val = 0
        z = np.matrix(z).T
        alpha, beta = np.matrix(chars[0]).T, np.matrix(chars[1]).T
        z_tilde = z + np.dot(Omega,alpha) + beta
        if len(deriv) == 0:
            u,v = self.exp_and_osc_at_point(z_tilde, Omega)
            quadratic_term =  np.dot(alpha.T, np.dot(Omega,alpha))[0,0]
            exp_shift = 2*np.pi*1.0j*(.5*quadratic_term + np.dot(alpha.T, (z + beta)))
            theta_val = np.exp(u + exp_shift)*v
        elif len(deriv) == 1:
            d = deriv[0]
            scalar_term = np.exp(2*np.pi*1.0j*(.5*np.dot(alpha.T, np.dot(Omega, alpha)) + np.dot(alpha.T, (z + beta))))
            alpha_part = 2*np.pi*1.0j*alpha
            theta_eval = self.value_at_point(z_tilde, Omega, prec=prec)
            term1 = np.dot(theta_eval*alpha_part.T, d)
            term2 = self.value_at_point(z_tilde, Omega, prec=prec, deriv=d)
            theta_val = scalar_term*(term1 + term2)
        elif len(deriv) == 2:
            d1,d2 = np.matrix(deriv[0]).T, np.matrix(deriv[1]).T
            scalar_term = np.exp(2*np.pi*1.0j*(.5*np.dot(alpha.T, np.dot(Omega, alpha))[0,0] + np.dot(alpha.T, (z + beta))[0,0]))
            #Compute the non-theta hessian
            g = Omega.shape[0]
            non_theta_hess = np.zeros((g, g), dtype = np.complex128)
            theta_eval = self.value_at_point(z_tilde, Omega, prec=prec)
            theta_grad = np.zeros(g, dtype=np.complex128)
            for i in range(g):
                partial = np.zeros(g)
                partial[i] = 1.0
                theta_grad[i] = self.value_at_point(z_tilde, Omega, prec = prec, deriv = partial)
            for n in xrange(g):
                for k in xrange(g):
                    non_theta_hess[n,k] =  2*np.pi*1.j*alpha[k,0] * (2*np.pi*1.j*theta_eval*alpha[n,0] + theta_grad[n]) + (2*np.pi*1.j*theta_grad[k]*alpha[n,0])
            term1 = np.dot(d1.T, np.dot(non_theta_hess, d2))[0,0]
            term2 = self.value_at_point(z_tilde, Omega, prec=prec, deriv=deriv)
            theta_val = scalar_term*(term1 + term2)
            return NotImplementedError()
        return theta_val

    Returns the value of `\theta(z,\Omega)` at a point `z` or set of points if batch is True.
    def value_at_point(self, z, Omega, prec=1e-8, deriv=[], gpu=gpu_capable, batch=False):
        exp_part, osc_part = self.exp_and_osc_at_point(z, Omega, prec=prec,
                                                       deriv=deriv, gpu=gpu,batch=batch)
        return np.exp(exp_part) * osc_part

    def __call__(self, z, Omega, prec=1e-8, deriv=[], gpu=gpu_capable, batch=False):
        Returns the value of `\theta(z,\Omega)` at a point `z`. Lazy evaluation
        is done if the input contains symbolic variables. If batch is set to true
        then the functions expects a list/numpy array as input and returns a numpy array as output
        return self.value_at_point(z, Omega, prec=prec, deriv=deriv, gpu=gpu, batch=batch)