def campaign(c, background, stock, store): debug(c.DEBUG, "ENTERING: campaign") load_song(c, "It's Melting.ogg") versionID = stock.getVersion() # pygame.key.set_repeat(0, 0) allSprites = pygame.sprite.Group() ringSprite = pygame.sprite.GroupSingle() circSprites = pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates() buttonSprites = pygame.sprite.Group() # @UnusedVariable starSprites = pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates() caughtSprite = pygame.sprite.GroupSingle() dieingSprites = pygame.sprite.GroupSingle() scoreSprite = pygame.sprite.GroupSingle() pBox = playBox() # a jukebox for handling music settings. ring = Ring(c.CENTER, stock.campaign["Ring"], stock.campaign["Ring Glow"], c.FULLSCREEN) '''CREATE IMAGES''' ring.add(ringSprite, allSprites) scoreboard = Scoreboard(c.DISPLAY_W, c.DISPLAY_H) scoreboard.add(scoreSprite, allSprites) box_img = stock.campaign["RGB Light"] background_rect = background.get_rect() = c.CENTER OGBackground = background.copy() '''INSTANTIATING OTHER VARIABLES''' rotAngle = 0 # background rotation angle waitCounterCirc = 0 waitCounterStar = 0 circleWaitStart = 0 circleWaitMade = 0 starWaitStart = 0 starWaitMade = 0 finishedCircleActions = False finishedStarActions = False circleAction = '_' starAction = '_' counter = 0 starWaiting = False circleWaiting = False pauseStartTime = None #datetime variable pauseEndTime = None #datetime variable r = 0 g = 0 b = 0 pause_selection = 0 gamePaused = False total_input = 0 fpsList = [] toggle_color_r = False toggle_color_g = False toggle_color_b = False display_sprites = True controls = c.CONTROL_LIST leftHold = False rightHold = False upHold = False downHold = False #quitGame = False # if user returns a True from pause, we quit game, etc. startTime = 0 genList = os.path.join(c.DATA_DIR, 'campaign_commands/genCommands.txt') circleList = os.path.join(c.DATA_DIR, 'campaign_commands/circleCommands.txt') starList = os.path.join(c.DATA_DIR, 'campaign_commands/starCommands.txt') genList, circleList, starList = commander(c, genList, circleList, starList) # commander takes the # commands.txt and converts it into a formatted list. circleList, starList = iter(circleList), iter(starList) # take in the genList parameters now, before the level begins. for loop in range(len(genList)): setting = genList[loop] if setting[0] == 'B': # if the command is BPM, set the proper variables. pBox.cWait = setting[1] pBox.fWait = setting[2] pBox.cSpeed = setting[3] pBox.fSpeed = setting[4] elif setting[0] == 'J': __startTime = setting[1] #different startTime, unused # change the general speed for circles/stars elif setting[0][0] == 'W': if setting[0] == 'WG': pBox.cWait = setting[1] pBox.fWait = setting[1] elif setting[0] == 'WC': pBox.cWait = setting[1] elif setting[0] == 'WF': pBox.fWait = setting[1] """BUTTON / SPRITE RENDERING""" r_letter = c.FONT_LARGE.render('R', True, c.RED) r_letter.scroll(2, 0) r_letter_rect = r_letter.get_rect() = (c.CENTER_X - 50, (c.CENTER_Y * 2) - 20) box_rectR = r_letter_rect g_letter = c.FONT_LARGE.render('G', True, c.GREEN) g_letter.scroll(1, 0) g_letter_rect = g_letter.get_rect() = (c.CENTER_X, (c.CENTER_Y * 2) - 20) box_rectG = g_letter_rect b_letter = c.FONT_LARGE.render('B', True, c.BLUE) b_letter.scroll(2, 0) b_letter_rect = b_letter.get_rect() = (c.CENTER_X + 50, (c.CENTER_Y * 2) - 20) box_rectB = b_letter_rect debug(c.DEBUG, "Variable and object instantiating successful.") showSplashScreen(c, stock) songLength =["Spicy Chips"].get_length() debug(c.DEBUG, "Song loading successful, main game loop about to begin.") # --Main Game Loop//-- playing_campaign = True startTime = while playing_campaign: counter += 1 waitCounterCirc += 1 waitCounterStar += 1 # Paint the background c.DISPLAYSURFACE.fill((0, 0, 0)) #c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(background, background_rect) #if not c.FULLSCREEN: # if counter%2 == 0: # background, background_rect, rotAngle = \ # rotateBackground(c.CENTER, OGBackground, counter, rotAngle) """LOGGING output information: FPS, event info, AA, etc.""" # for every 30 or FPS number of frames, print an average fps. fpsList.append(c.FPSCLOCK.get_fps()) if counter == (c.FPS): AverageFPS = mean(fpsList) debug(c.DEBUG, ("Average FPS: {0}".format(AverageFPS))) debug(c.DEBUG, ("Current Score: {0}".format(scoreboard.scoreString))) counter = 0 pygame.display.set_caption('RGB. FPS: {0}'.format(mean(fpsList))) fpsList = [] #=================================================================== # this includes other things that i feel like should only be done # once a second, to save computation time, such as song ending check #=================================================================== # test real quick to see if the song is over. deltaTime = ( - startTime).total_seconds() if deltaTime > songLength: timeMessage = "SongTime: {0}, GameTIme: {1}".format( songLength, deltaTime) debug(c.DEBUG, timeMessage) playing_campaign = False debug(c.DEBUG, "MUSIC ENDED, CAMPAIGN SESSION OVER") """TAKE ACTION COMMAND LIST""" # for every new action, if the wait was long enough, perform the action if not circleWaiting: if not finishedCircleActions: try: circleAction = except: finishedCircleActions = True # if the circleAction is to spawn a circle/star, gotta que it up. if circleAction[0] == 'C': circleWaiting = True # change the general speed for circles/stars elif circleAction[0] == 'CS': if circleAction[0] == 'CS': pBox.cSpeed = circleAction[1] elif circleAction[0][0] == 'W': if circleAction[0] == 'W': circleWaitStart = circleWaiting = True circleWaitMade = ) # time started waiting elif circleAction[0] == 'WC': pBox.cWait = circleAction[1] elif circleAction[0] == 'S': playing_campaign = False if circleWaiting: # All main actions have to wait before they can be performed, # so once an action is read, waiting becomes True, and we test to # see if the time passed is valid for the given wait time. if circleAction[0] == 'C': if waitCounterCirc >= pBox.cWait: if circleAction[2] == '': # if there is no given speed, then it's the global # speed. . . tempSpeed = pBox.cSpeed else: tempSpeed = circleAction[2] tempColor = circleAction[1] debug(c.DEBUG, ("{0}'s speed: {1}".format(tempColor, tempSpeed))) tempCirc = Circle(stock.campaign['Circle'], c.CENTER, tempSpeed, tempColor, pBox.layer) tempCirc.add(circSprites, allSprites) circMade = #for debugging pBox.layer += 1 #determines which get drawn on top circleWaiting = False waitCounterCirc = 0 elif circleAction[0] == 'W': change = - circleWaitStart # if the action is to JUST wait x amount of time if change.total_seconds() >= circleAction[1] / c.FPS: circleWaiting = False totalWaitTime = - circleWaitMade debug(c.DEBUG, ("Wait Time: ", totalWaitTime.total_seconds())) waitCounterCirc = 0 if not starWaiting: if not finishedStarActions: try: starAction = except: finishedStarActions = True if starAction[0] == 'F': starWaiting = True # change the general speed for circles/stars elif starAction[0] == 'FS': pBox.fSpeed = starAction[1] elif starAction[0][0] == 'W': if starAction[0] == 'W': starWaitStart = starWaiting = True starWaitMade = ) # for debug purposes elif starAction[0] == 'WF': pBox.fWait = starAction[1] elif starAction[0] == 'S': playing_campaign = False if starWaiting: if starAction[0] == 'F': if waitCounterStar >= pBox.fWait: if starAction[2] == '': tempSpeed = pBox.fSpeed else: tempSpeed = starAction[2] tempAngle = starAction[1] images = (stock.campaign['Star Lit'], stock.campaign['Star Unlit']) tempStar = Star(images, c.CENTER, tempSpeed, tempAngle) tempStar.add(starSprites, allSprites) # no longer waiting, bring on the next starAction! starWaiting = False waitCounterStar = 0 elif starAction[0] == 'W': change = - starWaitStart # if the starAction is to JUST wait x amount of time if change.total_seconds() >= starAction[1] / c.FPS: starWaiting = False totalWaitTime = - starWaitMade debug(c.DEBUG, ("Wait Time: ", totalWaitTime.total_seconds())) waitCounterStar = 0 # we must also set the wait for the next starAction to 0, # or else the wait would be Wx + Wcircle/star. """EVENT HANDLING INPUT""" # grab all the latest input latest_events = pygame.event.get() for event in latest_events: if event.type == QUIT: playing_campaign = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE: if c.DEBUG: # quit game playing_campaign = False else: # have to time how long pause takes, for the wait. pauseStartTime = pause_selection = pause(c, stock, c.DISPLAYSURFACE) pauseEndTime = pauseTotalTime = (pauseEndTime - pauseStartTime) starWaitStart += pauseTotalTime circleWaitStart += pauseTotalTime # --game-play events//-- elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[0]: r = 255 toggle_color_r = True total_input += 1 ring.glowColor((r, g, b)) elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[0]: r = 0 toggle_color_r = False total_input += -1 ring.glowColor((r, g, b)) elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[1]: g = 255 toggle_color_g = True total_input += 1 ring.glowColor((r, g, b)) elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[1]: g = 0 toggle_color_g = False total_input += -1 ring.glowColor((r, g, b)) elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[2]: b = 255 toggle_color_b = True total_input += 1 ring.glowColor((r, g, b)) elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[2]: b = 0 toggle_color_b = False total_input += -1 ring.glowColor((r, g, b)) # Ring Spinning elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[5]: leftHold = True if upHold: ring.spin('upleft') elif downHold: ring.spin('downleft') else: ring.spin('left') elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[5]: leftHold = False elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[6]: rightHold = True if upHold: ring.spin('upright') elif downHold: ring.spin('downright') else: ring.spin('right') elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[6]: rightHold = False elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[3]: upHold = True if leftHold: ring.spin('upleft') elif rightHold: ring.spin('upright') else: ring.spin('up') elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[3]: upHold = False elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[4]: downHold = True if leftHold: ring.spin('downleft') elif rightHold: ring.spin('downright') else: ring.spin('down') elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[4]: downHold = False #==================================== # --non-game-play events//-- #==================================== # if O is pressed, toggle context display -------TO BE REMOVED SOON elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_o: if display_sprites == True: display_sprites = False else: display_sprites = True # if P is pressed, pause game. elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[7]: gamePaused = True """LOGGING of inputs""" if event.type == KEYDOWN or event.type == KEYUP: debug(c.DEBUG, (pygame.event.event_name(event.type), event.dict)) if pause_selection == 3: playing_campaign = False return """CATCH CIRCLES MATCHING COLORS""" # catch matching circles!! for circle in circSprites.sprites(): if circle.catchable: # catchable becomes true when the circle comes in contact # with the ring. debug(c.DEBUG, (circle.color, (r, g, b))) circle.add(caughtSprite) circle.remove(circSprites) circle.catch() totalCircTime = - circMade """REPEATED POINTS HOLDING COLORS CAUGHT""" # every .1 seconds should add or remove points based on accuracy if not (caughtSprite.sprite is None): for circle in caughtSprite.sprites(): if circle.color == (r, g, b) and not (circle.dieing): debug(c.DEBUG, ("CIRCTIME: ", totalCircTime.total_seconds())) #if the circle is more than 1 color, than we give bonus if circle.color[0] + circle.color[1] + circle.color[ 2] > 255: scoreboard.addScore(40) else: scoreboard.addScore(20) circle.remove(caughtSprite) circle.add(dieingSprites) else: circle.remove(caughtSprite) circle.add(dieingSprites) scoreboard.addScore(-10) # a circle begins in circSprites, then hits the ring, gets caught, and # goes into "caughtSprite" group. From there, it tries to match with # the user's input, then dies and goes into the "dieingCircs" group. # the purpose of the last group is just to have it animate the fading # or "dieing" sequence before disappearing. for circle in dieingSprites.sprites(): circle.death() """DELETE FREE STARS SHOOTING""" for star in starSprites.sprites(): if star.travDist >= (264 - star.speed) and not (star.shooting): # this tests the stars' distance, once it's close enough. . . if not ((ringSprite.sprite.angle) % 360 == (star.angleDeg) % 360): debug(c.DEBUG, "Star Died at:") debug(c.DEBUG, ("Ring Angle: ", ringSprite.sprite.angle)) debug(c.DEBUG, ("Star Angle: ", star.angleDeg)) star.kill() scoreboard.addScore(-30) else: debug(c.DEBUG, "Star Made it at:") debug(c.DEBUG, ("Ring Angle: ", ringSprite.sprite.angle)) debug(c.DEBUG, ("Star Angle: ", star.angleDeg)) if star.shooting: # debug(c.DEBUG, 'I AM SHOOTING1!') # if the star has gone off the screen in the x or y direction # kill it and add points!! if star.pos[0] > c.DISPLAY_W or star.pos[0] < 0: star.kill() # debug(c.DEBUG, 'KILLED A STAR') scoreboard.addScore(50) elif star.pos[1] > c.DISPLAY_H or star.pos[1] < 0: star.kill() # debug(c.DEBUG, 'KILLED A STAR') scoreboard.addScore(50) # debug(c.DEBUG, ('Stars #: {0}'.format(len(starSprites.sprites()))) """DISPLAY SPRITE TOGGLE""" allSprites.update() if display_sprites == True: dieingSprites.draw(c.DISPLAYSURFACE) caughtSprite.draw(c.DISPLAYSURFACE) circSprites.draw(c.DISPLAYSURFACE) starSprites.draw(c.DISPLAYSURFACE) ringSprite.draw(c.DISPLAYSURFACE) if toggle_color_r: c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(r_letter, r_letter_rect) if toggle_color_g: c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(g_letter, g_letter_rect) if toggle_color_b: c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(b_letter, b_letter_rect) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(box_img, box_rectR) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(box_img, box_rectG) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(box_img, box_rectB) scoreSprite.draw(c.DISPLAYSURFACE) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(versionID, (0, 0)) """DELAY""" c.FPSCLOCK.tick_busy_loop(c.FPS) """UPDATE""" pygame.display.flip() # update() # have to time how long pause takes, for the wait. if gamePaused: pauseStartTime = pause_selection = pause(c, stock, pygame.display.get_surface()) pauseEndTime = pauseTotalTime = (pauseEndTime - pauseStartTime) starWaitStart += pauseTotalTime circleWaitStart += pauseTotalTime gamePaused = False return
def creative(c, background): debug(c.DEBUG, "ENTERING: creative") # display the version ID font_renderObj = c.FONT_SMALL.render(c.VERSION, False, c.BLACK, c.WHITE) versionID_SurfaceObj = font_renderObj versionID_RectObj = versionID_SurfaceObj.get_rect() versionID_RectObj.topleft = (0, 0) # pygame.key.set_repeat(0, 0) allSprites = pygame.sprite.Group() ringSprite = pygame.sprite.GroupSingle() scoreSprite = pygame.sprite.GroupSingle() '''CREATE IMAGES''' ring = Ring(c, c.CENTER) ring.add(ringSprite, allSprites) scoreboard = Scoreboard(c.DISPLAY_W, c.DISPLAY_H) scoreboard.add(scoreSprite, allSprites) box_img, _box_rect = load_image(c, 'letter_box.png') background_rect = background.get_rect() = c.CENTER OGBackground = background.copy() logging = False '''INSTANTIATING OTHER VARIABLES''' dataDir = os.path.join(c.DATA_DIR, 'newCommands.txt') frameCount = 0 # tracks the number of frames passed. bgRotAngle = 0 # background rotation angle logFile = file testFrame = 0 newAction = True r = 0 g = 0 b = 0 paused = False fpsList = [] toggle_color_r = False toggle_color_g = False toggle_color_b = False display_sprites = True controls = c.CONTROL_LIST leftHold = False rightHold = False upHold = False downHold = False quitGame = False # if user returns a True from pause, we quit game, etc. firstAction = True """BUTTON / SPRITE RENDERING""" r_letter = c.FONT_LARGE.render('R', True, c.RED) r_letter.scroll(2, 0) r_letter_rect = r_letter.get_rect() = (c.CENTER_X - 50, (c.CENTER_Y * 2) - 20) box_rectR = r_letter_rect g_letter = c.FONT_LARGE.render('G', True, c.GREEN) g_letter.scroll(1, 0) g_letter_rect = g_letter.get_rect() = (c.CENTER_X, (c.CENTER_Y * 2) - 20) box_rectG = g_letter_rect b_letter = c.FONT_LARGE.render('B', True, c.BLUE) b_letter.scroll(2, 0) b_letter_rect = b_letter.get_rect() = (c.CENTER_X + 50, (c.CENTER_Y * 2) - 20) box_rectB = b_letter_rect # throw down splash screen before beginning splashInfo, splashInfo_rect = load_image(c, 'splashInfo.png') # adjusting image cuz i can't make images. = (c.CENTER_X - 50, c.CENTER_Y) # fade info in and out fade = 0 pgext.color.setAlpha(splashInfo, fade, 1) pygame.event.clear() # fade in inInfoScreen = True for fade in range(255): c.DISPLAYSURFACE.fill((0, 0, 0)) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(splashInfo, splashInfo_rect) pgext.color.setAlpha(splashInfo, fade, 1) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(versionID_SurfaceObj, versionID_RectObj) pygame.display.flip() if pygame.event.poll().type != NOEVENT: inInfoScreen = False break # if the info is still being read/no button pressed, just wait. while inInfoScreen: if pygame.event.poll().type != NOEVENT: inInfoScreen = False fade = 255 pgext.color.setAlpha(splashInfo, fade, 1) load_song(c, "It's Melting.ogg") # stops other music from playing too cmdFile = open(dataDir, 'w') cmdFile.write("BPM60 Play:") # --Main Game Loop//-- going = True while going: # Paint the background c.DISPLAYSURFACE.fill((0,0,0)) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(background, background_rect) """ROTATION TESTING""" # rotate the background, but only 15 times/second, not 30. # if the frame rate is 30/sec, then rotate when its an odd frame. if frameCount%3 == 0: bgRotAngle += .03 background = pygame.transform.rotozoom(OGBackground, bgRotAngle%360 , 1) background_rect = background.get_rect() = c.CENTER frameCount += 1 """LOGGING output information: FPS, event info, AA, etc.""" # for every 30 or FPS number of frames, print an average fps. fpsList.append(c.FPSCLOCK.get_fps()) if testFrame == c.FPS: debug(c.DEBUG, ("Average FPS: {0}".format(mean(fpsList)))) debug(c.DEBUG, ("Current Score: {0}".format(scoreboard.scoreString))) testFrame = 0 pygame.display.set_caption('RGB. FPS: {0}'.format(mean(fpsList))) fpsList = [] """Start the Song!""" beginning = True if beginning: beginning = False # record the beginning, since no action causes a new time recording counter.setTime(1) """EVENT HANDLING INPUT""" # grab all the latest input latest_events = pygame.event.get() for event in latest_events: if (event.type == KEYDOWN or event.type == KEYUP) and \ (event.key in controls) and firstAction: # this is the very first action, and its a correct input, # we put a Wait action in, since there was nothing before the # first action to tell us otherwise. cmdFile.write(' W%d'%counter.getDelta(True)) # so we write how long it took to do the action above counter.setTime(1) # if any button is pressed, a change must be written in. . . firstAction = False if event.type == QUIT: going = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE: if c.DEBUG: going = False else: paused = True # --game-play events//-- elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[0]: # default key is R r = 255 toggle_color_r = True elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[0]: r = 0 toggle_color_r = False elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[1]: # default key is G g = 255 toggle_color_g = True elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[1]: g = 0 toggle_color_g = False elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[2]: # default key is B b = 255 toggle_color_b = True elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[2]: b = 0 toggle_color_b = False # Ring Spinning elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[5]: leftHold = True if upHold: ring.spin('upleft') elif downHold: ring.spin('downleft') else: ring.spin('left') elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[5]: leftHold = False elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[6]: rightHold = True if upHold: ring.spin('upright') elif downHold: ring.spin('downright') else: ring.spin('right') elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[6]: rightHold = False elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[3]: upHold = True if leftHold: ring.spin('upleft') elif rightHold: ring.spin('upright') else: ring.spin('up') elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[3]: upHold = False elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[4]: downHold = True if leftHold: ring.spin('downleft') elif rightHold: ring.spin('downright') else: ring.spin('down') elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[4]: downHold = False #==================================== # --non-game-play events//-- #==================================== # if O is pressed, toggle context display -------TO BE REMOVED SOON elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_o: if display_sprites == True: display_sprites = False else: display_sprites = True # if P is pressed, pause game. elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[7]: paused = True """LOGGING of inputs""" if event.type == KEYDOWN or event.type == KEYUP: debug(c.DEBUG, event.dict) """DISPLAY SPRITE TOGGLE""" allSprites.update() if display_sprites == True: if toggle_color_r: c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(r_letter, r_letter_rect) if toggle_color_g: c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(g_letter, g_letter_rect) if toggle_color_b: c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(b_letter, b_letter_rect) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(box_img, box_rectR) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(box_img, box_rectG) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(box_img, box_rectB) scoreSprite.draw(c.DISPLAYSURFACE) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(versionID_SurfaceObj, versionID_RectObj) """DELAY""" c.FPSCLOCK.tick_busy_loop(c.FPS) """PAUSE UNPAUSE""" if paused: quitGame = pauseScreen(c) if quitGame == 3: going = False paused = False """UPDATE""" pygame.display.flip() # update() try: cmdFile.close() except Exception: debug(c.DEBUG, "File never opened") return
def creative(c, background, stock, store): debug(c.DEBUG, "ENTERING: campaign") versionID = stock.getVersion() timeClock = clockCounter() allSprites = pygame.sprite.Group() ringSprite = pygame.sprite.GroupSingle() circSprites = pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates() buttonSprites = pygame.sprite.Group() # @UnusedVariable starSprites = pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates() caughtSprite = pygame.sprite.GroupSingle() dieingSprites = pygame.sprite.GroupSingle() scoreSprite = pygame.sprite.GroupSingle() pBox = playBox() # a jukebox for handling music settings. ring = Ring(c.CENTER, stock.campaign["Ring"], stock.campaign["Ring Glow"], c.FULLSCREEN) '''CREATE IMAGES''' ring.add(ringSprite, allSprites) scoreboard = Scoreboard(c.DISPLAY_W, c.DISPLAY_H) scoreboard.add(scoreSprite, allSprites) box_img = stock.campaign["RGB Light"] background_rect = background.get_rect() = c.CENTER OGBackground = background.copy() '''INSTANTIATING OTHER VARIABLES''' rotAngle = 0 # background rotation angle waitCounterCirc = 0 waitCounterStar = 0 countingCircleTime = False countingStarTime = False countingWaitTime = False totalWaitTime = 0 totalCircleTime = 0 totalStarTime = 0 newStartTime = 0 oldStartTime = 0 pause_selection = 0 newCircleColor = '' oldCircleColor = '' newStarAngle = '' oldStarAngle = '' circleWaitStart = 0 circleWaitMade = 0 circleColor = '' starWaitStart = 0 starWaitMade = 0 pauseStartTime = None #datetime variable pauseEndTime = None #datetime variable finishedCircleActions = False finishedStarActions = False circleAction = '_' starAction = '_' counter = 0 starWaiting = False circleWaiting = False countingWaitTime = False r = 0 g = 0 b = 0 paused = False total_input = 0 fpsList = [] toggle_color_r = False toggle_color_g = False toggle_color_b = False display_sprites = True controls = c.CONTROL_LIST leftHold = False rightHold = False upHold = False downHold = False quitGame = False # if user returns a True from pause, we quit game, etc. startTime = 0 newInput = True currentColor = (0, 0, 0) colorList = "" # open the files that we'll be saving to. genFile = os.path.join(c.DATA_DIR, 'creative_commands/genCommands.txt') circleFile = os.path.join(c.DATA_DIR, 'creative_commands/circleCommands.txt') starFile = os.path.join(c.DATA_DIR, 'creative_commands/starCommands.txt') genFile = open(genFile, 'w') circleFile = open(circleFile, 'w') starFile = open(starFile, 'w') """BUTTON / SPRITE RENDERING""" r_letter = c.FONT_LARGE.render('R', True, c.RED) r_letter.scroll(2, 0) r_letter_rect = r_letter.get_rect() = (c.CENTER_X - 50, (c.CENTER_Y * 2) - 20) box_rectR = r_letter_rect g_letter = c.FONT_LARGE.render('G', True, c.GREEN) g_letter.scroll(1, 0) g_letter_rect = g_letter.get_rect() = (c.CENTER_X, (c.CENTER_Y * 2) - 20) box_rectG = g_letter_rect b_letter = c.FONT_LARGE.render('B', True, c.BLUE) b_letter.scroll(2, 0) b_letter_rect = b_letter.get_rect() = (c.CENTER_X + 50, (c.CENTER_Y * 2) - 20) box_rectB = b_letter_rect stageDisplay = stock.creative["Circle Building"] stageDisplay_rect = stageDisplay.get_rect() stageDisplay_rect.topright = (c.DISPLAY_W, 0) debug(c.DEBUG, "Variable and object instantiating successful.") showSplashScreen(c, stock) load_song(c, "It's Melting.ogg") # stops other music from playing too debug(c.DEBUG, "Stars and Circles ready! ") debug(c.DEBUG, "Now building Circles") # --CIRCLE MAKING Loop//-- going = True, 0) timeClock.playTimeSet() while going: counter += 1 # Paint the background c.DISPLAYSURFACE.fill((0, 0, 0)) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(background, background_rect) if counter % 5 == 0: background, background_rect, rotAngle = \ rotateBackground(c.CENTER, OGBackground, counter, rotAngle) """LOGGING output information: FPS, event info, AA, etc.""" # for every 30 or FPS number of frames, print an average fps. fpsList.append(c.FPSCLOCK.get_fps()) if counter == (c.FPS * 5): debug(c.DEBUG, ("Average FPS: {0}".format(mean(fpsList)))) debug(c.DEBUG, ("Current Score: {0}".format(scoreboard.scoreString))) counter = 0 pygame.display.set_caption('RGB. FPS: {0}'.format(mean(fpsList))) fpsList = [] #======================================================================= # """Get input to know if we should put in a wait action""" # if total_input == 0: # if not countingWaitTime: # debug(c.DEBUG, "STARTING COUNT WAIT TIME") # countingWaitTime = True # timeClock.setTime(1) #======================================================================= if newCircleColor != '': oldCircleColor = newCircleColor """EVENT HANDLING INPUT""" # grab all the latest input latest_events = pygame.event.get() for event in latest_events: if event.type == QUIT: going = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE: if c.DEBUG: going = False #=============================================================== # else: # # have to time how long pause takes, for the wait. # pauseStartTime = # pause_selection = pause() # pauseEndTime = # pauseTotalTime = (pauseEndTime - pauseStartTime) # starWaitStart = starWaitStart + pauseTotalTime # circleWaitStart = circleWaitStart + pauseTotalTime #=============================================================== # --game-play events//-- elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[0]: r = 255 toggle_color_r = True total_input += 1 colorList += 'R' elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[0]: r = 0 toggle_color_r = False total_input += -1 colorList = colorList.replace('R', '') elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[1]: g = 255 toggle_color_g = True total_input += 1 colorList += 'G' elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[1]: g = 0 toggle_color_g = False total_input += -1 colorList = colorList.replace('G', '') elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[2]: b = 255 toggle_color_b = True total_input += 1 colorList += 'B' elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[2]: b = 0 toggle_color_b = False total_input += -1 colorList = colorList.replace('B', '') #==================================== # --non-game-play events//-- #==================================== # if O is pressed, toggle context display -------TO BE REMOVED SOON elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_o: if display_sprites == True: display_sprites = False else: display_sprites = True elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_s: # add ten seconds to the total playtime. newStartTime = ( - timeClock.playTime ).total_seconds() + 10 + oldStartTime # since the song is now 10 seconds ahead, we have to make sure there is a 10 second difference # in recording of actions. timeClock.timeIn = timeClock.timeIn - datetime.timedelta( seconds=10), newStartTime) # need to record where we last began. oldStartTime = newStartTime debug(c.DEBUG, "new Start Time: %f" % newStartTime) # if P is pressed, pause game. elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[7]: None #=============================================================== # # have to time how long pause takes, for the wait. # pauseStartTime = # pause_selection = pause() # pauseEndTime = # pauseTotalTime = (pauseEndTime - pauseStartTime) # starWaitStart = starWaitStart + pauseTotalTime # circleWaitStart = circleWaitStart + pauseTotalTime #=============================================================== """LOGGING of inputs""" if event.type == KEYDOWN or event.type == KEYUP: debug(c.DEBUG, (pygame.event.event_name(event.type), event.dict)) debug(c.DEBUG, "NEWINPUT FOUND") newInput = True newCircleColor = colorList # grab color at time of recording. if pygame.event.peek(USEREVENT): going = False if pause_selection == 3: going = False return #if an action has been input, test total_inputs: """Get input to know if we should put in a wait action""" if not (total_input == 0): if countingWaitTime: countingWaitTime = False totalWaitTime = timeClock.getDelta(True) debug(c.DEBUG, "Old wait time recorded") circleFile.write(" W{0} ".format(totalWaitTime + totalCircleTime)) # if it isn't counting wait time, then it IS counting circleTime countingCircleTime = True debug(c.DEBUG, "Now counting circle time") timeClock.setTime(1) # newInput is set to false, since we already know its a new # input based on change in counting. newInput is only # relevant for when the circle color changes without a wait # in between. newInput = False else: if countingCircleTime: if newInput: #first, we must store the old input. totalCircleTime = timeClock.getDelta(True) circleFile.write(" C{0},{1} ".format( oldCircleColor, totalCircleTime)) # a wait time must be introduced so that other circles # don't spawn. circleFile.write(" W{0} ".format(totalCircleTime)) newInput = False debug(c.DEBUG, "Old circle time recorded") debug(c.DEBUG, "New circle time recording") #now we start the new Input recording.. timeClock.setTime(1) else: if not countingWaitTime: if countingCircleTime: totalCircleTime = timeClock.getDelta(True) circleFile.write(" C{0},{1} ".format( oldCircleColor, totalCircleTime)) newInput = False debug(c.DEBUG, "Old circle time recorded") countingCircleTime = False else: debug(c.DEBUG, "Now counting wait time") countingWaitTime = True timeClock.setTime(1) elif not (going): totalWaitTime = timeClock.getDelta(True) circleFile.write(" W{0} ".format(totalWaitTime)) """DISPLAY SPRITE TOGGLE""" allSprites.update() if display_sprites == True: dieingSprites.draw(c.DISPLAYSURFACE) caughtSprite.draw(c.DISPLAYSURFACE) circSprites.draw(c.DISPLAYSURFACE) starSprites.draw(c.DISPLAYSURFACE) ringSprite.draw(c.DISPLAYSURFACE) if toggle_color_r: c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(r_letter, r_letter_rect) if toggle_color_g: c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(g_letter, g_letter_rect) if toggle_color_b: c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(b_letter, b_letter_rect) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(box_img, box_rectR) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(box_img, box_rectG) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(box_img, box_rectB) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(stageDisplay, stageDisplay_rect) scoreSprite.draw(c.DISPLAYSURFACE) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(versionID, (0, 0)) """DELAY""" c.FPSCLOCK.tick_busy_loop(c.FPS) """UPDATE""" pygame.display.flip() # update() circleFile.close() if quitGame == 3: return debug(c.DEBUG, "Now building Stars") """Reinitializing Variables.""" newStartTime = 0 oldStartTime = 0 stageDisplay = stock.creative["Star Building"] stageDisplay_rect = stageDisplay.get_rect() stageDisplay_rect.topright = (c.DISPLAY_W, 0) # --STAR MAKING Loop//-- going = True, 0) timeClock.playTimeSet() while going: counter += 1 # Paint the background c.DISPLAYSURFACE.fill((0, 0, 0)) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(background, background_rect) if counter % 5 == 0: background, background_rect, rotAngle = \ rotateBackground(c.CENTER, OGBackground, counter, rotAngle) """LOGGING output information: FPS, event info, AA, etc.""" # for every 30 or FPS number of frames, print an average fps. fpsList.append(c.FPSCLOCK.get_fps()) if counter == (c.FPS * 5): debug(c.DEBUG, ("Average FPS: {0}".format(mean(fpsList)))) debug(c.DEBUG, ("Current Score: {0}".format(scoreboard.scoreString))) counter = 0 pygame.display.set_caption('RGB. FPS: {0}'.format(mean(fpsList))) fpsList = [] #======================================================================= # """Get input to know wif we should put in a wait action""" # if total_input == 0: # if not countingWaitTime: # debug(c.DEBUG, "STARTING COUNT WAIT TIME") # countingWaitTime = True # timeClock.setTime(1) #======================================================================= if newStarAngle != '': oldStarAngle = newStarAngle """EVENT HANDLING INPUT""" # grab all the latest input latest_events = pygame.event.get() for event in latest_events: if event.type == QUIT: going = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE: if c.DEBUG: going = False else: None #=========================================================== # # have to time how long pause takes, for the wait. # pauseStartTime = # pause_selection = pause() # pauseEndTime = # pauseTotalTime = (pauseEndTime - pauseStartTime) # starWaitStart = starWaitStart + pauseTotalTime # circleWaitStart = circleWaitStart + pauseTotalTime #=========================================================== # --game-play events//-- # Ring Spinning elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[5]: total_input += 1 leftHold = True if upHold: ring.spin('upleft') elif downHold: ring.spin('downleft') else: ring.spin('left') elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[5]: leftHold = False total_input += -1 elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[6]: rightHold = True total_input += 1 if upHold: ring.spin('upright') elif downHold: ring.spin('downright') else: ring.spin('right') elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[6]: rightHold = False total_input += -1 elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[3]: upHold = True total_input += 1 if leftHold: ring.spin('upleft') elif rightHold: ring.spin('upright') else: ring.spin('up') elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[3]: upHold = False total_input += -1 elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[4]: downHold = True total_input += 1 if leftHold: ring.spin('downleft') elif rightHold: ring.spin('downright') else: ring.spin('down') elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[4]: downHold = False total_input += -1 #==================================== # --non-game-play events//-- #==================================== # if O is pressed, toggle context display -------TO BE REMOVED SOON elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_o: if display_sprites == True: display_sprites = False else: display_sprites = True elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_s: # add ten seconds to the total playtime. newStartTime = ( - timeClock.playTime ).total_seconds() + 10 + oldStartTime # since the song is now 10 seconds ahead, we have to make sure there is a 10 second difference # in recording of actions. timeClock.timeIn = timeClock.timeIn - datetime.timedelta( seconds=10), newStartTime) # need to record where we last began. oldStartTime = newStartTime debug(c.DEBUG, "new Start Time: %f" % newStartTime) # if P is pressed, pause game. elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[7]: None #=============================================================== # # have to time how long pause takes, for the wait. # pauseStartTime = # pause_selection = pause() # pauseEndTime = # pauseTotalTime = (pauseEndTime - pauseStartTime) # starWaitStart = starWaitStart + pauseTotalTime # circleWaitStart = circleWaitStart + pauseTotalTime #=============================================================== """LOGGING of inputs""" if event.type == KEYDOWN or event.type == KEYUP: debug(c.DEBUG, (pygame.event.event_name(event.type), event.dict)) debug(c.DEBUG, "NEWINPUT FOUND") newInput = True newStarAngle = ring.angle # grab angle at time of recording. if pygame.event.peek(USEREVENT): going = False if pause_selection == 3: going = False return #if an action has been input, test total_inputs: """Get input to know if we should put in a wait action""" if not (total_input == 0): if countingWaitTime: countingWaitTime = False totalWaitTime = timeClock.getDelta(True) debug(c.DEBUG, "Old wait time recorded") starFile.write(" W{0} ".format(totalWaitTime + totalStarTime)) # if it isn't counting wait time, then it IS counting circleTime countingStarTime = True debug(c.DEBUG, "Now counting star time") timeClock.setTime(1) # newInput is set to false, since we already know its a new # input based on change in counting. newInput is only # relevant for when the circle color changes without a wait # in between. newInput = False else: if countingStarTime: if newInput: #first, we must store the old input. totalStarTime = timeClock.getDelta(True) starFile.write(" F{0},{1} ".format( oldStarAngle, totalStarTime)) # a wait time must be introduced so that other circles # don't spawn. starFile.write(" W{0} ".format(totalStarTime)) newInput = False debug(c.DEBUG, "Old star time recorded") debug(c.DEBUG, "New star time recording") #now we start the new Input recording.. timeClock.setTime(1) else: if not countingWaitTime: if countingStarTime: totalStarTime = timeClock.getDelta(True) starFile.write(" F{0},{1} ".format(oldStarAngle, totalStarTime)) newInput = False debug(c.DEBUG, "Old star time recorded") countingStarTime = False else: debug(c.DEBUG, "Now counting wait time") countingWaitTime = True timeClock.setTime(1) elif not (going): totalWaitTime = timeClock.getDelta(True) starFile.write(" W{0} ".format(totalWaitTime)) """DISPLAY SPRITE TOGGLE""" allSprites.update() if display_sprites == True: dieingSprites.draw(c.DISPLAYSURFACE) caughtSprite.draw(c.DISPLAYSURFACE) circSprites.draw(c.DISPLAYSURFACE) starSprites.draw(c.DISPLAYSURFACE) ringSprite.draw(c.DISPLAYSURFACE) if toggle_color_r: c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(r_letter, r_letter_rect) if toggle_color_g: c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(g_letter, g_letter_rect) if toggle_color_b: c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(b_letter, b_letter_rect) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(box_img, box_rectR) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(box_img, box_rectG) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(box_img, box_rectB) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(stageDisplay, stageDisplay_rect) scoreSprite.draw(c.DISPLAYSURFACE) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(versionID, (0, 0)) """DELAY""" c.FPSCLOCK.tick_busy_loop(c.FPS) """UPDATE""" pygame.display.flip() # update() starFile.close() if quitGame == 3: return debug(c.DEBUG, "Showing built commands") """REINITIALIZING""" stageDisplay = stock.creative["Build Testing"] stageDisplay_rect = stageDisplay.get_rect() stageDisplay_rect.topright = (c.DISPLAY_W, 0) genList = os.path.join(c.DATA_DIR, 'creative commands/genCommands.txt') circleList = os.path.join(c.DATA_DIR, 'creative commands/circleCommands.txt') starList = os.path.join(c.DATA_DIR, 'creative commands/starCommands.txt') genList, circleList, starList = commander(c, genList, circleList, starList) # commander takes the # commands.txt and converts it into a formatted list. circleList, starList = iter(circleList), iter(starList) # take in the genList parameters now, before the level begins. for loop in range(len(genList)): setting = genList[loop] if setting[0] == 'B': # if the command is BPM, set the proper variables. pBox.cWait = setting[1] pBox.fWait = setting[2] pBox.cSpeed = setting[3] pBox.fSpeed = setting[4] elif setting[0] == 'J': startTime = setting[1] # change the general speed for circles/stars elif setting[0][0] == 'W': if setting[0] == 'WG': pBox.cWait = setting[1] pBox.fWait = setting[1] elif setting[0] == 'WC': pBox.cWait = setting[1] elif setting[0] == 'WF': pBox.fWait = setting[1] # --Main Game Loop//-- going = True, startTime) while going: counter += 1 waitCounterCirc += 1 waitCounterStar += 1 # Paint the background c.DISPLAYSURFACE.fill((0, 0, 0)) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(background, background_rect) if counter % 5 == 0: background, background_rect, rotAngle = \ rotateBackground(c.CENTER, OGBackground, counter, rotAngle) """LOGGING output information: FPS, event info, AA, etc.""" # for every 30 or FPS number of frames, print an average fps. fpsList.append(c.FPSCLOCK.get_fps()) if counter == (c.FPS * 5): debug(c.DEBUG, ("Average FPS: {0}".format(mean(fpsList)))) debug(c.DEBUG, ("Current Score: {0}".format(scoreboard.scoreString))) counter = 0 pygame.display.set_caption('RGB. FPS: {0}'.format(mean(fpsList))) fpsList = [] """TAKE ACTION COMMAND LIST""" # for every new action, if the wait was long enough, perform the action if not circleWaiting: if not finishedCircleActions: try: circleAction = except: finishedCircleActions = True # if the circleAction is to spawn a circle/star, gotta que it up. if circleAction[0] == 'C': circleWaiting = True # change the general speed for circles/stars elif circleAction[0] == 'CS': if circleAction[0] == 'CS': pBox.cSpeed = circleAction[1] elif circleAction[0][0] == 'W': if circleAction[0] == 'W': circleWaitStart = circleWaiting = True circleWaitMade = ) # time started waiting elif circleAction[0] == 'WC': pBox.cWait = circleAction[1] elif circleAction[0] == 'S': going = False if circleWaiting: # All main actions have to wait before they can be performed, # so once an action is read, waiting becomes True, and we test to # see if the time passed is valid for the given wait time. if circleAction[0] == 'C': if waitCounterCirc >= pBox.cWait: if circleAction[2] == '': # if there is no given speed, then it's the global # speed. . . tempSpeed = pBox.cSpeed else: tempSpeed = circleAction[2] tempColor = circleAction[1] debug(c.DEBUG, ("{0}'s speed: {1}".format(tempColor, tempSpeed))) tempCirc = Circle(stock.campaign['Circle'], c.CENTER, tempSpeed, tempColor, pBox.layer) tempCirc.add(circSprites, allSprites) circMade = #for debugging pBox.layer += 1 #determines which get drawn on top circleWaiting = False waitCounterCirc = 0 elif circleAction[0] == 'W': change = - circleWaitStart # if the action is to JUST wait x amount of time if change.total_seconds() >= circleAction[1] / c.FPS: circleWaiting = False totalWaitTime = - circleWaitMade debug(c.DEBUG, ("Wait Time: ", totalWaitTime.total_seconds())) waitCounterCirc = 0 if not starWaiting: if not finishedStarActions: try: starAction = except: finishedStarActions = True if starAction[0] == 'F': starWaiting = True # change the general speed for circles/stars elif starAction[0] == 'FS': pBox.fSpeed = starAction[1] elif starAction[0][0] == 'W': if starAction[0] == 'W': starWaitStart = starWaiting = True starWaitMade = elif starAction[0] == 'WF': pBox.fWait = starAction[1] elif starAction[0] == 'S': going = False if starWaiting: if starAction[0] == 'F': if waitCounterStar >= pBox.fWait: if starAction[2] == '': tempSpeed = pBox.fSpeed else: tempSpeed = starAction[2] tempAngle = starAction[1] images = (stock.campaign['Star Lit'], stock.campaign['Star Unlit']) tempStar = Star(images, c.CENTER, tempSpeed, tempAngle) tempStar.add(starSprites, allSprites) # no longer waiting, bring on the next starAction! starWaiting = False waitCounterStar = 0 elif starAction[0] == 'W': change = - starWaitStart # if the starAction is to JUST wait x amount of time if change.total_seconds() >= starAction[1] / 30.0: starWaiting = False totalWaitTime = - starWaitMade debug(c.DEBUG, ("Wait Time: ", totalWaitTime.total_seconds())) waitCounterStar = 0 # we must also set the wait for the next starAction to 0, # or else the wait would be Wx + Wcircle/star. # test real quick to see if the song is over. if pygame.event.peek(USEREVENT): going = False if pause_selection == 3: going = False return """EVENT HANDLING INPUT""" # grab all the latest input latest_events = pygame.event.get() for event in latest_events: if event.type == QUIT: going = False pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE: if c.DEBUG: going = False else: # have to time how long pause takes, for the wait. pauseStartTime = pause_selection = pause() pauseEndTime = pauseTotalTime = (pauseEndTime - pauseStartTime) starWaitStart = starWaitStart + pauseTotalTime circleWaitStart = circleWaitStart + pauseTotalTime # --game-play events//-- elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[0]: r = 255 toggle_color_r = True total_input += 1 elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[0]: r = 0 toggle_color_r = False total_input += -1 elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[1]: g = 255 toggle_color_g = True total_input += 1 elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[1]: g = 0 toggle_color_g = False total_input += -1 elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[2]: b = 255 toggle_color_b = True total_input += 1 elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[2]: b = 0 toggle_color_b = False total_input += -1 # Ring Spinning elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[5]: leftHold = True if upHold: ring.spin('upleft') elif downHold: ring.spin('downleft') else: ring.spin('left') elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[5]: leftHold = False elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[6]: rightHold = True if upHold: ring.spin('upright') elif downHold: ring.spin('downright') else: ring.spin('right') elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[6]: rightHold = False elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[3]: upHold = True if leftHold: ring.spin('upleft') elif rightHold: ring.spin('upright') else: ring.spin('up') elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[3]: upHold = False elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == controls[4]: downHold = True if leftHold: ring.spin('downleft') elif rightHold: ring.spin('downright') else: ring.spin('down') elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[4]: downHold = False #==================================== # --non-game-play events//-- #==================================== # if O is pressed, toggle context display -------TO BE REMOVED SOON elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_o: if display_sprites == True: display_sprites = False else: display_sprites = True # if P is pressed, pause game. elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == controls[7]: # have to time how long pause takes, for the wait. pauseStartTime = pause_selection = pause() pauseEndTime = pauseTotalTime = (pauseEndTime - pauseStartTime) starWaitStart = starWaitStart + pauseTotalTime circleWaitStart = circleWaitStart + pauseTotalTime """LOGGING of inputs""" if event.type == KEYDOWN or event.type == KEYUP: debug(c.DEBUG, (pygame.event.event_name(event.type), event.dict)) """CATCH CIRCLES MATCHING COLORS""" # catch matching circles!! for circle in circSprites.sprites(): if circle.catchable: # catchable becomes true when the circle comes in contact # with the ring. debug(c.DEBUG, (circle.color, (r, g, b))) circle.add(caughtSprite) circle.remove(circSprites) circle.catch() totalCircTime = - circMade """REPEATED POINTS HOLDING COLORS CAUGHT""" # every .1 seconds should add or remove points based on accuracy if not (caughtSprite.sprite is None): for circle in caughtSprite.sprites(): if circle.color == (r, g, b) and not (circle.dieing): debug(c.DEBUG, ("CIRCTIME: ", totalCircTime.total_seconds())) #if the circle is more than 1 color, than we give bonus if circle.color[0] + circle.color[1] + circle.color[ 2] > 255: scoreboard.addScore(40) else: scoreboard.addScore(20) circle.remove(caughtSprite) circle.add(dieingSprites) else: circle.remove(caughtSprite) circle.add(dieingSprites) scoreboard.addScore(-10) # a circle begins in circSprites, then hits the ring, gets caught, and # goes into "caughtSprite" group. From there, it tries to match with # the user's input, then dies and goes into the "dieingCircs" group. # the purpose of the last group is just to have it animate the fading # or "dieing" sequence before disappearing. for circle in dieingSprites.sprites(): circle.death() """DELETE FREE STARS SHOOTING""" for star in starSprites.sprites(): if star.travDist >= (264 - star.speed) and not (star.shooting): # this tests the stars' distance, once it's close enough. . . if not ((ringSprite.sprite.angle) % 360 == (star.angleDeg) % 360): debug(c.DEBUG, "Star Died at:") debug(c.DEBUG, ("Ring Angle: ", ringSprite.sprite.angle)) debug(c.DEBUG, ("Star Angle: ", star.angleDeg)) star.kill() scoreboard.addScore(-30) else: debug(c.DEBUG, "Star Made it at:") debug(c.DEBUG, ("Ring Angle: ", ringSprite.sprite.angle)) debug(c.DEBUG, ("Star Angle: ", star.angleDeg)) if star.shooting: # debug(c.DEBUG, 'I AM SHOOTING1!') # if the star has gone off the screen in the x or y direction # kill it and add points!! if star.pos[0] > c.DISPLAY_W or star.pos[0] < 0: star.kill() # debug(c.DEBUG, 'KILLED A STAR') scoreboard.addScore(50) elif star.pos[1] > c.DISPLAY_H or star.pos[1] < 0: star.kill() # debug(c.DEBUG, 'KILLED A STAR') scoreboard.addScore(50) # debug(c.DEBUG, ('Stars #: {0}'.format(len(starSprites.sprites()))) """DISPLAY SPRITE TOGGLE""" allSprites.update() if display_sprites == True: dieingSprites.draw(c.DISPLAYSURFACE) caughtSprite.draw(c.DISPLAYSURFACE) circSprites.draw(c.DISPLAYSURFACE) starSprites.draw(c.DISPLAYSURFACE) ringSprite.draw(c.DISPLAYSURFACE) if toggle_color_r: c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(r_letter, r_letter_rect) if toggle_color_g: c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(g_letter, g_letter_rect) if toggle_color_b: c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(b_letter, b_letter_rect) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(box_img, box_rectR) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(box_img, box_rectG) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(box_img, box_rectB) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(stageDisplay, stageDisplay_rect) scoreSprite.draw(c.DISPLAYSURFACE) c.DISPLAYSURFACE.blit(versionID, (0, 0)) """DELAY""" c.FPSCLOCK.tick_busy_loop(c.FPS) """UPDATE""" pygame.display.flip() # update() return