class ActiveAlerter(object): ''' An ActiveAlerter is a node of LoLAlerter tasked to track individuals under their control as set by the website. ActiveAlerters will house an active connection to the Riot chat servers and to maintain a local list of all active users within its control. ''' def __init__(self, tracker, model, lolalerter): ''' Constructor :param tracker: The tracker object assigned to this alerter :param model: The database model assosciated with the alerter :param lolalerter: The main LoLAlerter client ''' self.tracker = tracker self.model = model self.lolalerter = lolalerter = RiotChat(self, model) self.users = [] def start(self): ''' Connects the alerter to chat and starts listening for users ''' def stop(self): '''' Disconnects the alerter and all its active user threads ''' for user in self.users: user.stop() self.users = [] def restart(self): ''' Disconnects and reconnects the bot ''' self.stop() self.start() def user_online(self, summoner_id, retry=False): ''' Handles a new user connecting to the chat :param summoner_id: The summoner ID of the new user :param retry: A boolean of whether the user has retried the login ''' try: summoner = ( ActiveSummoner, User).join(User).where( ActiveSummoner.summonerid == summoner_id).get()) Logger().get().info("User Online: {} ({} - {})".format( summoner.user.twitchusername, summoner.summonername, summoner.summonerid)) if (retry):, Constants.INACTIVE_NOW_ACTIVE) # Summoner is not an active user except ActiveSummoner.DoesNotExist:, Constants.INACTIVE_RESTART) Logger().get().info("Inactive User: {} ({} - {})".format( summoner.user.twitchusername, summoner.summonername, summoner.summonerid)) try: self.setup_user(summoner) AlerterRedis().user_online(summoner) except Exception as err: import random reference = ('%05x' % random.randrange(16**5)).upper() message = str(Constants.ERROR_MESSAGE).format(ref=reference), message) Logger().get().info('Exception reference: {}'.format(reference)) Logger().get().exception(err) def user_offline(self, summoner_id): ''' Handles a user disconnecting from the chat :param summoner_id: The summoner ID of the leaving user ''' try: summoner = ( ActiveSummoner, User).join(User).where( ActiveSummoner.summonerid == summoner_id).get()) Logger().get().info("User Offline: {} ({} - {})".format( summoner.user.twitchusername, summoner.summonername, summoner.summonerid)) # Summoner is not an active user except ActiveSummoner.DoesNotExist: return for running in [ x for x in self.users if == ]: running.stop() self.users.remove(running) AlerterRedis().user_offline(summoner.user) def setup_user(self, summoner): ''' Sets up the new user and starts it :param summoner: The summoner of the new user ''' self.user_notice_update(summoner) # Check the user isn't already running for running in [ x for x in self.users if == ]: running.stop() self.users.remove(running) # Create the active user new_user = ActiveUser(self, summoner) new_user.start() # Add to the Twitch Chat self.users.append(new_user) def user_notice_update(self, summoner): ''' Updates the user with any new notices :param summoner: The summoner to check for ''' if (summoner.user.lastnotice == None): newer =\ .get() else: last = for newer in > last):, '[NOTICE] {}'.format(newer.message)) try: # Modify latest notice in db user = summoner.user user.lastnotice = newer except UnboundLocalError: return def summoner_friend_requested(self, summoner_id, jid): ''' Accepts or declines a user's friend request :param summoner_id: The summoner ID of the requesting user :param jid: The full JID of the requesting user ''' acceptable = self.is_summoner(summoner_id) if acceptable: Logger().get().info('Friendship Accepted: {0}'.format(summoner_id)), ptype='subscribed'), ptype='subscribe') # Add to the table tracking friends AlerterFriend(alerter=self.model, summonerid=summoner_id).save(), Constants.ADDED_SUCCESS) else: Logger().get().info('Friendship Declined: {0}'.format(summoner_id)), ptype='unsubscribed'), ptype='unsubscribe') def summoner_friend_deleted(self, summoner_id): ''' Responds to a user deleting the bot from their friends list :param summoner_id: The summoner ID of the deleting user ''' Logger().get().info('Friendship Terminated: {0}'.format(summoner_id)) self.user_offline(summoner_id) AlerterFriend.get(AlerterFriend.summonerid == summoner_id)\ .delete_instance() def summoner_changed_presence(self, summoner_id, presence): ''' Responds to the event of a summoner changing presence :param summoner_id: The summoner ID of the user that changed presence :param presence: The new presence of the summoner ''' user = self.get_user(summoner_id) champion_regex = '<skinname>([\w ]+)<\/skinname>' lol_presence = presence['status'] search =, lol_presence) # Able to see a skin name; therefore in game if (search != None): groups = search.groups() if '<gameStatus>inGame</gameStatus>' in lol_presence \ and len(groups) > 0: if user.champion != groups[0]: champion = groups[0] Logger().get().info( 'Summoner Started Game: {} ({}) [{}]'.format( user.summoner.summonername, user.summoner.user.twitchusername, champion)) AlerterRedis().summoner_ingame(summoner_id, champion) user.champion = champion # Unable to see a skin name, established out of game else: AlerterRedis().summoner_outgame(summoner_id) user.champion = '' def new_subscriber(self, summoner, subscriber, resub): ''' Triggers the events for a new subscriber :param summoner: The summoner in charge of the new subscriber :param subscriber: The new subscriber's username :param resub: A boolean of whether the user has already subscribed ''' AlerterStatistic.update(totalsubscribed= AlerterStatistic.totalsubscribed+1)\ .where(AlerterStatistic.alerter==self.model)\ .execute() try: messages = Message.get(Message.user == summoner.user) ingame = messages.ingame if resub: ingame = Constants.RESUB_FLAG + ingame if '%s' in ingame:, ingame % subscriber) elif '{sub}' in ingame:, ingame.format(sub=subscriber)) else:, ingame) except Message.DoesNotExist: if resub: summoner.summonerid, str(Constants.RESUB_SUBSCRIBER).format(subscriber)) else: summoner.summonerid, str(Constants.NEW_SUBSCRIBER).format(subscriber)) def new_donation(self, summoner, donator, amount, message): ''' Triggers the events for a new donator :param summoner: The summoner in charge of the new donation :param donator: The username of the donating user :param amount: The amount of the donation :param message: The message attached to the donation ''' try: messages = Message.get(Message.user == summoner.user) donation_message = messages.newdonation if donation_message != None: summoner.summonerid, donation_message.format(amount=amount, user=donator, message=message)) else: summoner.summonerid, str(Constants.NEW_DONATION).format(amount, donator)) except Message.DoesNotExist: summoner.summonerid, str(Constants.NEW_DONATION).format(amount, donator)) def is_summoner(self, summoner_id): ''' Returns whether the provided summoner ID is a summoner for the alerter :param summoner_id: The summoner ID to check for the alerter ''' return == summoner_id)\ .exists() def get_summoner(self, twitch_username): ''' Returns the online summoner attached to the given Twitch username :param twitch_username: The Twitch username to search for ''' return next( (x.summoner for x in self.users if x.user.twitchusername == twitch_username), None) def get_user(self, summoner_id): ''' Returns an ActiveUser by a specified summoner ID :param summoner_id: The summoner ID of the user to retrieve ''' return next((x for x in self.users if str(x.summoner.summonerid) == str(summoner_id)), None) @property def online_users(self): ''' Returns a list of all active users' usernames ''' return [x.summoner.user.twitchusername for x in self.users]
class ActiveAlerter(object): ''' An ActiveAlerter is a node of LoLAlerter tasked to track individuals under their control as set by the website. ActiveAlerters will house an active connection to the Riot chat servers and to maintain a local list of all active users within its control. ''' def __init__(self, tracker, model, lolalerter): ''' Constructor :param tracker: The tracker object assigned to this alerter :param model: The database model assosciated with the alerter :param lolalerter: The main LoLAlerter client ''' self.tracker = tracker self.model = model self.lolalerter = lolalerter = RiotChat(self, model) self.users = [] def start(self): ''' Connects the alerter to chat and starts listening for users ''' def stop(self): '''' Disconnects the alerter and all its active user threads ''' for user in self.users: user.stop() self.users = [] def restart(self): ''' Disconnects and reconnects the bot ''' self.stop() self.start() def user_online(self, summoner_id, retry=False): ''' Handles a new user connecting to the chat :param summoner_id: The summoner ID of the new user :param retry: A boolean of whether the user has retried the login ''' try: summoner = (ActiveSummoner .select(ActiveSummoner, User) .join(User) .where(ActiveSummoner.summonerid == summoner_id) .get()) Logger().get().info("User Online: {} ({} - {})".format( summoner.user.twitchusername, summoner.summonername, summoner.summonerid)) if(retry):, Constants.INACTIVE_NOW_ACTIVE) # Summoner is not an active user except ActiveSummoner.DoesNotExist:, Constants.INACTIVE_RESTART) Logger().get().info("Inactive User: {} ({} - {})".format( summoner.user.twitchusername, summoner.summonername, summoner.summonerid)) try: self.setup_user(summoner) AlerterRedis().user_online(summoner) except Exception as err: import random reference = ('%05x' % random.randrange(16**5)).upper() message = str(Constants.ERROR_MESSAGE).format(ref=reference), message) Logger().get().info('Exception reference: {}'.format(reference)) Logger().get().exception(err) def user_offline(self, summoner_id): ''' Handles a user disconnecting from the chat :param summoner_id: The summoner ID of the leaving user ''' try: summoner = (ActiveSummoner .select(ActiveSummoner, User) .join(User) .where(ActiveSummoner.summonerid == summoner_id) .get()) Logger().get().info("User Offline: {} ({} - {})".format( summoner.user.twitchusername, summoner.summonername, summoner.summonerid)) # Summoner is not an active user except ActiveSummoner.DoesNotExist: return for running in [x for x in self.users if ==]: running.stop() self.users.remove(running) AlerterRedis().user_offline(summoner.user) def setup_user(self, summoner): ''' Sets up the new user and starts it :param summoner: The summoner of the new user ''' self.user_notice_update(summoner) # Check the user isn't already running for running in [x for x in self.users if ==]: running.stop() self.users.remove(running) # Create the active user new_user = ActiveUser(self, summoner) new_user.start() # Add to the Twitch Chat self.users.append(new_user) def user_notice_update(self, summoner): ''' Updates the user with any new notices :param summoner: The summoner to check for ''' if (summoner.user.lastnotice == None): newer =\ .get() else: last = for newer in > last):, '[NOTICE] {}'.format(newer.message)) try: # Modify latest notice in db user = summoner.user user.lastnotice = newer except UnboundLocalError: return def summoner_friend_requested(self, summoner_id, jid): ''' Accepts or declines a user's friend request :param summoner_id: The summoner ID of the requesting user :param jid: The full JID of the requesting user ''' acceptable = self.is_summoner(summoner_id) if acceptable: Logger().get().info('Friendship Accepted: {0}'.format(summoner_id)), ptype='subscribed'), ptype='subscribe') # Add to the table tracking friends AlerterFriend(alerter=self.model, summonerid=summoner_id).save(), Constants.ADDED_SUCCESS) else: Logger().get().info('Friendship Declined: {0}'.format(summoner_id)), ptype='unsubscribed'), ptype='unsubscribe') def summoner_friend_deleted(self, summoner_id): ''' Responds to a user deleting the bot from their friends list :param summoner_id: The summoner ID of the deleting user ''' Logger().get().info('Friendship Terminated: {0}'.format(summoner_id)) self.user_offline(summoner_id) AlerterFriend.get(AlerterFriend.summonerid == summoner_id)\ .delete_instance() def summoner_changed_presence(self, summoner_id, presence): ''' Responds to the event of a summoner changing presence :param summoner_id: The summoner ID of the user that changed presence :param presence: The new presence of the summoner ''' user = self.get_user(summoner_id) champion_regex = '<skinname>([\w ]+)<\/skinname>' lol_presence = presence['status'] search =, lol_presence) # Able to see a skin name; therefore in game if(search != None): groups = search.groups() if '<gameStatus>inGame</gameStatus>' in lol_presence \ and len(groups) > 0: if user.champion != groups[0]: champion = groups[0] Logger().get().info('Summoner Started Game: {} ({}) [{}]' .format(user.summoner.summonername, user.summoner.user.twitchusername, champion)) AlerterRedis().summoner_ingame(summoner_id, champion) user.champion = champion # Unable to see a skin name, established out of game else: AlerterRedis().summoner_outgame(summoner_id) user.champion = '' def new_subscriber(self, summoner, subscriber, resub): ''' Triggers the events for a new subscriber :param summoner: The summoner in charge of the new subscriber :param subscriber: The new subscriber's username :param resub: A boolean of whether the user has already subscribed ''' AlerterStatistic.update(totalsubscribed= AlerterStatistic.totalsubscribed+1)\ .where(AlerterStatistic.alerter==self.model)\ .execute() try: messages = Message.get(Message.user == summoner.user) ingame = messages.ingame if resub: ingame = Constants.RESUB_FLAG + ingame if '%s' in ingame:, ingame % subscriber) elif '{sub}' in ingame:, ingame.format(sub=subscriber)) else:, ingame) except Message.DoesNotExist: if resub:, str(Constants.RESUB_SUBSCRIBER).format(subscriber)) else:, str(Constants.NEW_SUBSCRIBER).format(subscriber)) def new_donation(self, summoner, donator, amount, message): ''' Triggers the events for a new donator :param summoner: The summoner in charge of the new donation :param donator: The username of the donating user :param amount: The amount of the donation :param message: The message attached to the donation ''' try: messages = Message.get(Message.user == summoner.user) donation_message = messages.newdonation if donation_message != None:, donation_message.format( amount=amount, user=donator, message=message )); else:, str(Constants.NEW_DONATION).format(amount, donator)) except Message.DoesNotExist:, str(Constants.NEW_DONATION).format(amount, donator)) def is_summoner(self, summoner_id): ''' Returns whether the provided summoner ID is a summoner for the alerter :param summoner_id: The summoner ID to check for the alerter ''' return == summoner_id)\ .exists() def get_summoner(self, twitch_username): ''' Returns the online summoner attached to the given Twitch username :param twitch_username: The Twitch username to search for ''' return next((x.summoner for x in self.users if x.user.twitchusername == twitch_username), None) def get_user(self, summoner_id): ''' Returns an ActiveUser by a specified summoner ID :param summoner_id: The summoner ID of the user to retrieve ''' return next( (x for x in self.users if str(x.summoner.summonerid) == str(summoner_id)), None) @property def online_users(self): ''' Returns a list of all active users' usernames ''' return [x.summoner.user.twitchusername for x in self.users]