Exemple #1
def test_thresholdCenterlines():
    Unit test for thresholdCenterlines function
    # setup dummy case
    nms = np.zeros((5,5))
    nms[1:4,1] = 0.5
    nms[1:4,3] = 0.5
    nms[1:4,2] = 1
    c = delineate.thresholdCenterlines(nms,bimodal=False)
    # make assertion
    assert np.all(c[2,0:2]) == np.all([False,True])
Exemple #2
def batch_compute(landsat_images):

    print len(landsat_images)

    filters = singularity_index.SingularityIndexFilters(minScale=1.2, nrScales=14)

    for landsat_image in landsat_images:

        temp_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'temp')
        if not os.path.exists(temp_dir):

        with zipfile.ZipFile(landsat_image) as zf:
            for zippedname in zf.namelist():
                if zippedname.endswith('.tif'):
                    zf.extract(zippedname, path = temp_dir)
                    temp_im_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, zippedname)

        I1 = cv2.imread(temp_im_dir, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
        gm = georef.loadGeoMetadata(temp_im_dir)

        #delete the temp file

        psi, widthMap, orient = singularity_index.applyMMSI(I1, filters)

        nms = delineate.extractCenterlines(orient, psi)
        centerlines = delineate.thresholdCenterlines(nms, tLow=0.012, tHigh=0.11)

        # remove the overlapping response
        numRow, numCol = centerlines.shape
        padRow = numRow/10
        padCol = numCol/10
        centerlines[0:padRow, :] = 0
        centerlines[:, 0:padCol] = 0
        centerlines[-padRow:, :] = 0
        centerlines[:, -padCol:] = 0

        #save results
        wrsname = ntpath.basename(landsat_image)
        georef.exportCSVfile(orient, psi, centerlines, widthMap, gm, os.path.join(save_dir, wrsname[:-4] + '.csv'))
Exemple #3
# Read bands 3 and 6 of an example Landsat 8 image
B3 = cv2.imread("LC81380452015067LGN00_B3.TIF", cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
B6 = cv2.imread("LC81380452015067LGN00_B6.TIF", cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)

# Compute the modified normalized difference water index of the input
I1 = preprocess.mndwi(B3, B6)

# Create the filters that are needed to compute the singularity index
filters = singularity_index.SingularityIndexFilters()

# Compute the modified multiscale singularity index
psi, widthMap, orient = singularity_index.applyMMSI(I1, filters)

# Extract channel centerlines
nms = delineate.extractCenterlines(orient, psi)
centerlines = delineate.thresholdCenterlines(nms)

# Generate a raster map of the extracted channels
raster = visualization.generateRasterMap(centerlines, orient, widthMap)

# Generate a vector map of the extracted channels

# Generate a quiver plot
visualization.quiverPlot(psi, orient, saveDest="quiver.pdf")

# Save the images that are created at the intermediate steps
cv2.imwrite("mndwi.TIF", cv2.normalize(I1, None, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX))
Exemple #4
# Read bands 3 and 6 of an example Landsat 8 image
B3 = cv2.imread("LC81380452015067LGN00_B3.TIF", cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
B6 = cv2.imread("LC81380452015067LGN00_B6.TIF", cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)

# Compute the modified normalized difference water index of the input
I1 = preprocess.mndwi(B3, B6)

# Create the filters that are needed to compute the singularity index
filters = singularity_index.SingularityIndexFilters()

# Compute the modified multiscale singularity index
psi, widthMap, orient = singularity_index.applyMMSI(I1, filters)

# Extract channel centerlines
nms = delineate.extractCenterlines(orient, psi)
centerlines = delineate.thresholdCenterlines(nms)

# Generate a raster map of the extracted channels
raster = visualization.generateRasterMap(centerlines, orient, widthMap)

# Generate a vector map of the extracted channels
visualization.generateVectorMap(centerlines, orient, widthMap, saveDest = "vector.pdf")

# Generate a quiver plot
visualization.quiverPlot(psi, orient, saveDest = "quiver.pdf")

# Save the images that are created at the intermediate steps
cv2.imwrite("mndwi.TIF", cv2.normalize(I1, None, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX))
cv2.imwrite("psi.TIF", cv2.normalize(psi, None, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX))
cv2.imwrite("nms.TIF", cv2.normalize(nms, None, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX))
cv2.imwrite("centerlines.TIF", centerlines.astype(int)*255)