def __init__(self, db): = RiverSite(db) self.user = RiverUser(db)
class API(object): def __init__(self, db): = RiverSite(db) self.user = RiverUser(db) def about(self): return dict(info_url=INFO_URL, name=NAME, version='1.0') def addusertosite(self, email, session_id, url): Validator.session(session_id) Validator.url(url) user = self.user.get(email) self.user.validate_session(user['session'], session_id) if not if url in['id']): raise RiverException(_('The site has already been added to this user.')), user['id']) def changeemail(self, oldemail, newemail, password, mailbody, mailfrom = None, mailsubject = None): Validator.password(password) if self.user.get(oldemail)['password'] != Secret.hash(password, SALT): raise RiverException(_('The password is incorrect for this user.')) if self.user.exists(newemail): raise RiverException(_('The new email address has already been registered.')) if mailsubject is None: mailsubject = _('CrowdmapID Email Change') if mailfrom is None: mailfrom = MAIL_FROM token = Secret.generate(16) self.user.update(oldemail, email=newemail, enabled=False, token=token) Mail.send(mailfrom, newemail, mailsubject, mailbody, token=token) def changepassword(self, email, oldpassword, newpassword): Validator.password(newpassword) if self.user.get(email)['password'] != Secret.hash(oldpassword, SALT): raise RiverException(_('The old password is incorrect for this user.')) self.user.update(email, password=Secret.hash(newpassword, SALT)) def checkpassword(self, email, password): Validator.password(password) return self.user.get(email)['password'] == Secret.hash(password, SALT) def confirmemail(self, email, token): Validator.token(token) user = self.user.get(email) if not user['token']: raise RiverException(_('This email address has already been confirmed.')) if user['token'] != token: raise RiverException(_('The token is not valid for this email address.')) self.user.update(email, enabled=True, token=False) def register(self, email, password): Validator.password(password) if self.user.exists(email): raise RiverException(_('The given email address has already been registered.')) user_id = Secret.generate(128) self.user.insert(email, enabled=True, id=user_id, password=Secret.hash(password, SALT)) return user_id def registered(self, email): return self.user.exists(email) def requestpassword(self, email, mailbody, mailfrom = None, mailsubject = None): token = Secret.generate(16) if mailfrom is None: mailfrom = MAIL_FROM if self.user.exists(email): if mailsubject is None: mailsubject = _('CrowdmapID: Please confirm your password change.') self.user.update(email, token=token) else: if mailsubject is None: mailsubject = _('CrowdmapID: Please confirm your email address.') user_id = Secret.generate(128) self.user.insert(email, id=user_id, enabled=False, token=token) Mail.send(mailfrom, email, mailsubject, mailbody, token=token) def sessions(self, email, session_id): Validator.session(session_id) sessions = self.user.get(email)['session'] found = False for session in sessions: if session['id'] == session_id and 'stop' not in session: found = True if not found: raise RiverException(_('The session is not valid for this account.')) return sessions def setpassword(self, email, token, password): Validator.token(token) Validator.password(password) user = self.user.get(email) if not user['token']: raise RiverException(_('No password change has been requested for this email address.')) if user['token'] != token: raise RiverException(_('The token is not valid for this email address.')) self.user.update(email, enabled=True, token=False, password=Secret.hash(password, SALT)) def signedin(self, cookies): session_id = cookies.get('session_id') user_id = cookies.get('user_id') return dict(session_id=session_id, user_id=user_id) def signin(self, email, password): Validator.password(password) user = self.user.get(email) if user['enabled'] == False: raise RiverException(_('The account is disabled.')) if user['password'] != Secret.hash(password, SALT): raise RiverException(_('The password is incorrect for this user.')) session_id = Secret.generate(64) session_start = datetime.utcnow().isoformat() self.user.add(email, 'session', id=session_id, start=session_start) return dict(user_id=user['id'], session_id=session_id) def signout(self, email, session_id): Validator.session(session_id) sessions = self.user.get(email)['session'] found = False for count, session in enumerate(sessions): if session['id'] == session_id: if 'stop' in session: raise RiverException(_('The session has already been ended.')) found = True session_stop = datetime.utcnow().isoformat() self.user.update_array(email, 'session', count, 'stop', session_stop) if not found: raise RiverException(_('The session is not valid for this account.')) def usersites(self, email, session_id): Validator.session(session_id) user = self.user.get(email) self.user.validate_session(user['session'], session_id) return['id'])