Exemple #1
def update_plot(i):
    global image, image2, particles, galaxy2, count
    t = i * dt
    particles_x = np.array([])
    particles_y = np.array([])
    for i, particle in enumerate(particles):
        particles[i] = rk4(t, particle, F, dt)
        particles_x = np.append(particles_x, [particle[0]])
        particles_y = np.append(particles_y, [particle[2]])
    galaxy2 = rk4(t, galaxy2, F2, dt)

    if image is not None:
    if image2 is not None:
    image = plot.scatter(particles_x, particles_y)
    image2 = plot.scatter(galaxy2[0], galaxy2[2], s=200, c='r')

    count += 1

    if count == N - 1:
        count_d = 0
        count_h = 0
        for i, particle in enumerate(particles):
            (x, vx, y, vy) = particle
            r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
            if r < Rd:
                count_d += 1
            if r < Rh:
                count_h += 1
        print('Stars inside disk: %d' % count_d)
        print('Stars inside halo: %d' % count_h)
Exemple #2
def rka(x,t,tau,err,derivsRK,param):
    """Adaptive Runge-Kutta routine
        x          Current value of the dependent variable
        t          Independent variable (usually time)
        tau        Step size (usually time step)
        err        Desired fractional local truncation error
        derivsRK   Right hand side of the ODE; derivsRK is the
                   name of the function which returns dx/dt
                   Calling format derivsRK (x,t,param).
        param      Extra parameters passed to derivsRK
        xSmall     New value of the dependent variable
        t          New value of the independent variable
        tau        Suggested step size for next call to rka
    #* Set initial variables
    tSave, xSave = t, x        # Save initial values
    safe1, safe2 = 0.9, 4.0    # Safety factors
    eps = 1.e-15

    #* Loop over maximum number of attempts to satisfy error bound
    xTemp = np.empty(len(x))
    xSmall = np.empty(len(x)); xBig = np.empty(len(x))
    maxTry = 100
    for iTry in range(maxTry):

        #* Take the two small time steps
        half_tau = 0.5 * tau
        xTemp = rk4(xSave,tSave,half_tau,derivsRK,param)
        t = tSave + half_tau
        xSmall = rk4(xTemp,t,half_tau,derivsRK,param)
        #* Take the single big time step
        t = tSave + tau
        xBig = rk4(xSave,tSave,tau,derivsRK,param)
        #* Compute the estimated truncation error
        scale = err * (abs(xSmall) + abs(xBig))/2.
        xDiff = xSmall - xBig
        errorRatio = np.max( np.absolute(xDiff) / (scale + eps) )
        #* Estimate new tau value (including safety factors)
        tau_old = tau
        tau = safe1*tau_old*errorRatio**(-0.20)
        tau = max(tau, tau_old/safe2)
        tau = min(tau, safe2*tau_old)
        #* If error is acceptable, return computed values
        if errorRatio < 1 :
            return np.array([xSmall, t, tau]) 

    #* Issue error message if error bound never satisfied
    print 'ERROR: Adaptive Runge-Kutta routine failed'
    return np.array([xSmall, t, tau])
def calc_for_plot(t_max, h, x0, y0, b, w0, f0, w):

    t = np.arange(0, t_max, h)
    # h = 0.0001
    # t_max = 5
    # b =1
    # w0 = 5
    # x0 = 1
    # y0 = 1
    # f0 =1
    # w = 4.795

    def f_out(t, x, y):
       return f0*np.cos(w*t) - 2*b*y - w0**2*x

    def f_in(x, y):
        return -2*b*y - w0*w0*x

    def f(t, x):
        return t

    x = np.zeros(len(t), dtype = float)
    y = np.zeros(len(t), dtype = float)
    x[0] = x0
    y[0] = y0

   # phi = atan(-y0/(w0*x0))
    #A0 = x0/(cos(atan(phi)))
    #x_real = A0*np.exp(-b*t)*np.cos(t*np.sqrt(w0*w0-b*b) + phi)

    for i in range(1, len(t)):
        #y[i] = rk4.rk4(x[i-1], y[i-1], f_in, h)
        y[i] = rk4.rk4(x[i-1], y[i-1], lambda x, y: f_out(t[i-1], x, y), h)
        x[i] = rk4.rk4(y[i-1], x[i-1], f, h)

    #print(np.linalg.norm(x_real - x), len(t), len(x))

    # plt.subplot(311)
    # plt.plot(t, x_real)
    # plt.xlabel(r'$t$')
    # plt.ylabel(r'$x$')
    # plt.grid(True)
    omega = np.arange(0, 50, h)
    if f0 == 0 :
        AChH = omega*0
        AChH = f0/np.sqrt((w0**2-omega**2)**2+4*(b*omega)**2)
    #A = f0/np.sqrt((w0**2- w**2)**2+4*(b*w)**2)

    return (t, x), (x,y), (omega, AChH)
Exemple #4
def solve(l, Xl, Yl, px, py):
    Z = np.zeros([l, l])
    #phase = np.zeros([l, l])
    ln = line()
    line_points = ln.points()

    XX = [line_points[i][0][0] for i in range(0, len(line_points))]
    YY = [line_points[i][0][1] for i in range(0, len(line_points))]
    LL = [line_points[i][1] for i in range(0, len(line_points))]

    # Plot dell'antenna
    plt.plot(YY, XX)

    intg = rk4(1 + 0 * 1j, line_points)
    for x in Xl:
        for y in Yl:

            intg.compute(x / 2, y / 2)

            Ax = intg.A_old[0]
            Ay = intg.A_old[1]  # NULLO

            Z[int(x + px)][int(y + py)] = abs(Ax)  #cm.phase(Ax))

    return Z
Exemple #5
def get_data_hybrid1(data_size, remove_transient=False, normalized=False):

    shift_markers = []

    if remove_transient:
        start = int(data_size / 6)
        start = 1

    [t, data] = get_lorenz(n=data_size, tmax=500)
    series = normalize(data[start:, 0], normalized)
    end_point = data[-1, :2]
    plt.plot(data[start:, 0], data[start:, 1], '.')
    np.savetxt('hybrid1_lorenz1.txt', data[start:, 0])


    A_list = np.arange(0.86, 0.87, 0.02)
    for A in A_list:
        print("A=", A)
        [data1, t] = rk4(derivative, end_point, 0, 0.005, data_size)
        plt.plot(data1[start:, 0], data1[start:, 1], '.')
        np.savetxt('hybrid1_pendulum.txt', data[:, 0])
        series1 = normalize(data1[start:, 0], normalized)
        series = np.concatenate((series, series1), axis=0)
        end_point = data1[-1, :]

    [t, data] = get_lorenz(n=data_size,
                           init=[end_point[0], end_point[1], 0])
    series1 = normalize(data[start:, 0], normalized)
    series = np.concatenate((series, series1), axis=0)

    plt.plot(data[start:, 0], data[start:, 1], '.')
    np.savetxt('hybrid1_lorenz2.txt', data[start:, 0])

    end_point = data1[-1, :]

    [t, data] = get_rossler(n=data_size,
                            start=[end_point[0], end_point[1], 0])

    plt.plot(data[start:, 0], data[start:, 1], '.')
    np.savetxt('hybrid1_rossler.txt', data[start:, 0])

    series1 = normalize(data[start:, 0], normalized)
    series = np.concatenate((series, series1), axis=0)

    return [shift_markers, series]
Exemple #6
def plot(h = 0.1,start=(0.1,0),n=10,color='b'):
    pts = [start]
    for i in range(int(2*n*math.pi/h)+1):
    plt.scatter([r*math.cos(theta) for (r,theta) in pts],
                [r*math.sin(theta) for (r,theta) in pts],
 def step(self, t, dt):
     Advance the system one step in time using fourth-order Runge-Kutta.
     xvec = [self.earth.x, self.earth.y, self.earth.vx, self.earth.vy,
             self.moon.x, self.moon.y, self.moon.vx, self.moon.vy,
             self.lander.x, self.lander.y, self.lander.vx, self.lander.vy]
     dxdt = self._deriv(t, xvec)
     self._unpack_and_advance(rk4(xvec, dxdt, t, dt, self._deriv))
Exemple #8
def plot_stability(f=lambda x, y: (x, y),
                   fixed_points=[(0, 0)],
                   cs=['r', 'b', 'g', 'm', 'c', 'y', 'k'],
                   linestyles=['-', '--', '-.', ':'],
                   accept=lambda _: True,
    starts0 = []
    starts1 = []
    for fixed_point in fixed_points:
        for i in range(K * len(cs) * len(linestyles)):
            offset = tuple(R * z for z in utilities.direct_surface(d=2))
            while not accept(offset):
                offset = tuple(R * z for z in utilities.direct_surface(d=2))
            xys = [tuple(x + y for x, y in zip(fixed_point, offset))]

            for j in range(N):
                (x, y) = rk4.rk4(0.1, xys[-1], adapt(f=f))
                if abs(x) < 1.5 * Limit and abs(y) < 1.5 * Limit:
                    xys.append((x, y))

            if abs(xys[-1][0]) > Limit or abs(xys[-1][1]) > Limit:
                plt.plot([z[0] for z in xys], [z[1] for z in xys],
                         c=cs[i % len(cs)],
                         linestyle=linestyles[(i // len(cs)) %
                if abs(xys[-1][0] - xys[0][0]) < eps and abs(xys[-1][1] -
                                                             xys[0][1]) < eps:

    plt.scatter([S * x for (x, _) in starts0], [S * y for (_, y) in starts0],
    plt.scatter([S * x for (x, _) in starts1], [S * y for (_, y) in starts1],

    plt.legend(title='Starting points, scaled by {0:3}'.format(S),
Exemple #9
def get_data_pendulum(data_size, remove_transient=False, normalized=False):

    if remove_transient:
        start = int(data_size / 6)
        start = 1

    shift_markers = []

    end_point = [3.14, 50]

    [data, t] = rk4(derivative, end_point, 0, 0.005, data_size)
    series = normalize(data[start:, 0], normalized)
    end_point = data[-1, :]

    plt.plot(data[start:, 0], data[start:, 1], '.')

    A_list = [.6, 0.886]

    for A in A_list:
        print("A=", A)
        [data, t] = rk4(derivative, end_point, t[-1], 0.005, data_size)

        plt.plot(data[start:, 0], data[start:, 1], '.')

        series1 = normalize(data[start:, 0], normalized)
        series = np.concatenate((series, series1), axis=0)
        end_point = data[-1, :]

    np.savetxt('pendulum_hybrid.txt', series)

    return [shift_markers, series]
Exemple #10
def update_plot(i):
    global image, particles
    t = i * dt
    particles_x = np.array([])
    particles_y = np.array([])
    for i, particle in enumerate(particles):
        particles[i] = rk4(t, particle, F, dt)
        particles_x = np.append(particles_x, [particle[0]])
        particles_y = np.append(particles_y, [particle[2]])

    if image is not None:
    image = plot.scatter(particles_x, particles_y)
Exemple #11
def get_data_hybrid2(data_size, remove_transient=False, normalized=False):

    shift_markers = []

    end_point = [1, 3.14]

    if remove_transient:
        start = int(data_size / 6)
        start = 1

    [data, t] = rk4(derivative, end_point, 0, 0.005, data_size)
    series = normalize(data[start:, 0], normalized)
    end_point = data[-1, :]
    plt.plot(data[start:, 0], data[start:, 1], '.')

    A_list = [0.6, 0.86, 0.89, 0.92]
    for A in A_list:
        print("A=", A)
        [data, t] = rk4(derivative, end_point, t[-1], 0.005, data_size)
        series1 = normalize(data[start:, 0], normalized)
        series = np.concatenate((series, series1), axis=0)
        end_point = data[-1, :]
        plt.plot(data[start:, 0], data[start:, 1], '.')

    #[data,t] = rk4(derivative, [3.14, 50], 0, 0.005, data_size);
    #series = np.concatenate((series, data[:,0]), axis=0);
    #series = data[:,0]

    return [shift_markers, series]
Exemple #12
    def dinamico(self, tf, **kwargs):

        h = kwargs.get('h', 0.001)
        N = int((tf) / h)
        self.t = np.linspace(0, tf, N)
        ceros = matrix(0.0, (N,1))
        ceros_n = matrix(0.0, (N, 8))
        ceros_n_2 = matrix(0.0, (N, 6))

        t_eventos = self.crea_tiempo_eventos(self.t)
        self.X = copy(ceros_n)

        self.data = {'V': copy(ceros_n_2),
                    'I':  copy(ceros_n_2),
                    'Te': copy(ceros),
                    'Tm': copy(ceros),
                    'w':  copy(ceros),
                    'd':  copy(ceros)}

        self.dx = matrix(0.0, (1,8))

        self.X[0, :] = self.x0
        self.data['w'][0] = self.x0[6] #* 120 / (2*np.pi*self.pp)
        self.data['d'][0] = self.x0[7] #* 180 / np.pi

        for p in xrange(1, N):
            #print 'Iteracion %d'%p
            self.p = p
            if t_eventos[p-1]:
                for evento in t_eventos[p-1]:
                    print evento
                    self.aplicar_evento(evento[0], evento[1])

            self.X[p, :] = rk4(self.ecuaciones, self.X[p-1, :], self.t[p], h)
            # Se almacenan variables
            self.data['V'][p, :] = self.V.T
            self.data['w'][p] = self.X[p, 6]
            self.data['d'][p] = self.X[p, 7]
            self.data['I'][p, :] = self.I.T
            self.data['Te'][p] = self.te
            self.data['Tm'][p] = self.tm
Exemple #13
import  matplotlib.pyplot as plt,matplotlib.colors as colors,phase,numpy as np,rk4

X,Y,U,V,fixed=phase.generate(f=lambda x,y:(x-y,x*x-4))
phase.plot_phase_portrait(X,Y,U,V,fixed,title=r'$\dot{x}=x-y,\dot{y}=x^2-4$',suptitle='Example 6.3.1') 

import utilities,rk4

def f(x,y,direction=1):
    return (direction*(y*y*y-4*x),direction*(y*y*y-y-3*x))

X,Y,U,V,fixed=phase.generate(f=f,nx=256, ny = 256,xmin=-100,xmax=100,ymin=-100,ymax=100)

phase.plot_phase_portrait(X,Y,U,V,fixed,title='$\dot{x}=y^3-4x,\dot{y}=y^3-y-3x$',suptitle='Example 6.3.9')

cs = ['r','b','g','m','c','y']    
starts=[ (0,25*i) for i in range(-5,6)]
for xy0,i in zip(starts,range(len(starts))):
    for j in range(100000):
        xy.append(rk4.rk4(0.0001,xy[-1],phase.adapt(f=lambda x,y:f(x,y,-1))))
    plt.plot([z[0] for z in xy],
             [z[1] for z in xy],


Exemple #14
                          suptitle='Example 6.4.2')

cs = ['r', 'b', 'g', 'm', 'c', 'y']
starts = [(0.01, 0.1), (1.05, 0.1), (0.1, 2.1), (1.1, 0.1), (10, 10),
          (0.1, 1.9)]
for xy0, i in zip(starts, range(len(starts))):
    xy = [xy0]
    for j in range(1000000):
        xy.append(rk4.rk4(0.0001, xy[-1], phase.adapt(f=f)))
    plt.plot([z[0] for z in xy], [z[1] for z in xy],
             c=cs[i % len(cs)],
             label='({0:.3f},{1:.3f})'.format(xy0[0], xy0[1]),

leg = plt.legend(loc='best')


X, Y, U, V, fixed = phase.generate(f=lambda x, y: (x * (3 - 2 * x - 2 * y), y *
                                                   (2 - x - y)),
Exemple #15
    'gR': gR,
    'pR': pR,
    'mW': mW,
    'kPa': kPa,
    'g': g,
    'p': p,
    'm': m,
    'A': A,
    'mu': mu,
    'Cd': Cd,
    'Crr': Crr

# Creates ODE function call
ode = lambda t, y: train_motion(t, y, params_dict)

# Utilizes Runge Kutta to solve the ODEs
N = 0.04
tspan = np.arange(0.0, 0.95, N)
y0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
tr, yr = rk4(ode, tspan, y0)

plt.plot(tr, yr[:, 0], 'r-')
plt.title('Position Over Time')
plt.xlabel('time (secs)')
plt.plot(tr, yr[:, 1], 'g-')
plt.title('Velocity Over Time')
plt.xlabel('time (secs)')
Exemple #16
## Import all of my methods
import euler
import rk2
import rk4
import se1
import se2
import sho1

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

## Execute the calculations of each one
euler.euler(euler.x, euler.v)
rk2.rk2(rk2.x, rk2.v)
rk4.rk4(rk4.x, rk4.v)
se1.se1(se1.x, se1.p)
se2.se2(se2.x, se2.p)

methods = [euler, rk2, rk4, se1, se2]
colors = ["r-", "y-", "g-", "b-", "c-"]

## Graphing area
for i, method in enumerate(methods):
    plt.plot(method.t_points, method.e_points, colors[i], label=method.name)
    plt.ylabel("total energy")
    plt.title("Energy Conservation")

plt.plot(sho1.t_points, sho1.e_points, "r--", label=sho1.name)
w0 = np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.1])  #initial w_actual components

state = np.zeros(
    (N + 1, 7))  #array of state vectors at different time instants
state[0][0:4] = qp(qinv(qd(0)), q0)
state[0][4:] = w0 - np.dot(rm(state[0][0:4]), fw(0))

tau = np.zeros((N + 1, 3))  #array of torque applied at different time instants

for i in range(N):  #propagating state
    time = i * h
    w = state[i][4:] + np.dot(rm(state[i][0:4]), fw(time))
    delw = state[i][4:]
    q_error = state[i][0:4]

    state[i + 1] = rk4.rk4(state[i], y2dot, h, time)
    state[i + 1][0:4] = state[i + 1][0:4] / np.linalg.norm(state[i + 1][0:4])

    tau[i + 1] = np.cross(w, np.dot(j, w)) + np.dot(
        j, -np.dot(cpm(delw), np.dot(rm(q_error), fw(time))) +
        np.dot(rm(q_error), wddot(time))) - kp * q_error[1:] - kv * delw

dw = np.zeros((N + 1, 3))
for i in range(N + 1):
    dw[i] = state[i][4:]

plt.plot(t1, tau)
Exemple #18

        # Angular Rate of Body - Target (i.e. The desired angular rate)
        wbr = wbn - np.dot(np.asarray(br), wrn)

        ## Runge-Kutta goes here

        # Time inputs for Runge-Kutta
        a = time[ii]
        bb = time[ii] + 1

        # Number of Steps for the Runge-Kutta to run through
        m = 1

        # Outputs from Runge-Kutta
        x = rk4(a, bb, x, m, sbr, wbr, K, P)

        # Update all previous values for next iteration

        sigsat = x[0:3]
        bn = MRP2C(sigsat)
        rn = rnnew
        srn = C2MRP(rn)
        nr = nrnew
        br = bn * nr
        wbn = x[3:6]

        sbr = C2MRP(br)
        s = norm(sbr)

        # Check the magnitude of the Body-Target MRPs and switch to shadow set if necessary
Exemple #19
def AttExec(K_Gain, P_Gain, Position_of_Satellite, Velocity_of_Satellite, Attitude_of_Target, Attitude_of_Satellite,
           Position_of_Target, Velocity_of_Target, Angular_Rate_of_Spacecraft,
            Time_to_Sweep_and_Observe, Tolerance):

    def norm(input):
        norm = np.sqrt(sum(np.square(input)))
        return norm

    K = K_Gain
    P = P_Gain
    sBN = Attitude_of_Satellite
    wBN = Angular_Rate_of_Spacecraft
    wbn = wBN

    rsat = Position_of_Satellite
    vsat = Velocity_of_Satellite
    control_torque = np.zeros([len(Position_of_Target), Time_to_Sweep_and_Observe, 3])
    Observe = np.zeros([len(Position_of_Target), Time_to_Sweep_and_Observe])
    sigsat = sBN

    x = np.concatenate((sigsat, wbn))

    # Time for the spacecraft to sweep to desired attitude (seconds)
    t = Time_to_Sweep_and_Observe

    # Increment Time step (seconds)
    dt = 1

    time = range(0, t)

    for jj in range(len(Position_of_Target)):

        robj = Position_of_Target[jj, 0]
        vobj = Velocity_of_Target[jj, 1]

        sobj = Attitude_of_Target[jj]

        # Body-Inertial Frame Rotation Matrix
        bn = MRP2C(sigsat)

        # Hill-Inertial Frame Rotation Matrix
        hn1 = MRP2C(sigsat)
        hn2 = MRP2C(sobj)

        # Inertial Position and Velocity of the Satellite
        rsatin = hn1.transpose().dot(rsat)
        vsatin = hn1.transpose().dot(vsat)

        # Inertial Position and Velocity of the Object
        robjin = hn2.transpose().dot(robj)
        vobjin = hn2.transpose().dot(vobj)

        # Inertial Position and Velocity from Satellite to Object
        rtargetin = robjin - rsatin
        vtargetin = vobjin - vsatin

        # Target unit vectors
        r1 = rtargetin/norm(rtargetin)
        r3 = np.cross(rtargetin, vtargetin)/norm(np.cross(rtargetin, vtargetin))
        r2 = np.cross(r3, r1)

        # Inertial - Target Rotation Matrix
        nr = np.matrix([r1.transpose(), r2.transpose(), r3.transpose()])
        rn = nr.transpose()

        # MRP of Inertial-Target
        srn = C2MRP(rn)

        # Check magnitude and switch to Shadow MRPs if necessary
        if norm(srn) > 1:
            srn = -srn/(norm(srn)**2)

        # Body - Target rotation Matrix
        br = bn*rn.transpose()

        # MRPs for Body-Target frame
        sbr = C2MRP(br)

        # Checking magnitude and switching to shadow set MRPs if necessary
        if norm(sbr) > 1:
            sbr = -sbr/(norm(sbr)**2)

        for ii in xrange(t):

            # New Hill-Inertial MRPs
            shnnew1 = sigsat
            shnnew2 = sobj

            # New Hill-Inertial Rotation Matrices
            hnnew1 = MRP2C(shnnew1)
            hnnew2 = MRP2C(shnnew2)

            # Updated position and velocity for Spacecraft
            rsinnew = hnnew1.transpose().dot(rsat)
            vsinnew = hnnew1.transpose().dot(vsat)

            # Updated position and velocity for Object
            roinnew = hnnew2.transpose().dot(robj)
            voinnew = hnnew2.transpose().dot(vobj)

            # Updated position and velocity for Spacecraft - Target
            rtinnew = roinnew - rsinnew
            vtinnew = voinnew - vsinnew

            # Updating the target unit vectors
            r1 = rtinnew / norm(rtinnew)
            r3 = np.cross(rtinnew, vtinnew) / norm(np.cross(rtinnew, vtinnew))
            r2 = np.cross(r3, r1)

            # Update for Inertial - Target Rotation Matrix
            nrnew = np.matrix([r1.transpose(), r2.transpose(), r3.transpose()])
            rnnew = nrnew.transpose()

            # Update for Inertial - Target MRPs
            srnnew = C2MRP(rnnew)

            # MRP for Inertial - Target rate of change
            sdeltarn = (srnnew - srn)/dt

            BMatrix = BmatMRP(srn)

            # Angular Rate of Inertial - Target
            wrn = (4/(1+np.dot(srn, srn))**2)*np.dot(BMatrix.transpose(), sdeltarn)

            # Angular Rate of Body - Target (i.e. The desired angular rate)
            wbr = wbn - np.dot(np.asarray(br), wrn)

            ## Runge-Kutta goes here

            # Time inputs for Runge-Kutta
            a = time[ii]
            bb = time[ii] + 1

            # Number of Steps for the Runge-Kutta to run through
            m = 1

            # Outputs from Runge-Kutta
            x = rk4(a, bb, x, m, sbr, wbr, K, P)

            # Update all previous values for next iteration

            sigsat = x[0:3]
            bn = MRP2C(sigsat)
            rn = rnnew
            srn = C2MRP(rn)
            nr = nrnew
            br = bn*nr
            wbn = x[3:6]

            sbr = C2MRP(br)
            s = norm(sbr)

            # Check the magnitude of the Body-Target MRPs and switch to shadow set if necessary
            if s > 1:
                sbr = - sbr/(s**2)

            if s < Tolerance:
                observation = 1
                observation = 0

            # "Output" Values for the Executive Branch
            control_torque[jj, ii, ...] = (-K*sbr - P*sbr)
            Observe[jj, ii] = observation

    return control_torque, Observe
# control: 
U = optivar(N,1,'U')

# a variable to denote the final time
tf = optivar(1,1,'tf')

# Construct list of all constraints
g = []

for k in range(N):
   xk      = vertcat(S[k],   P[k]  )
   xk_plus = vertcat(S[k+1], P[k+1])
   # shooting constraint
   xf = rk4(lambda x,u: tf*ode(x,u),1.0/N,xk,U[k])

# path constraint
constr = lambda P: 1-sin(2*pi*P)/2
g.append(S <= constr(P))

# Initialize with speed 1.


g+= [S[0]==0, P[0]==0, P[-1]==1]
Exemple #21
a1 = es.compute(11,0.2)
at1 = a1[0]
ax1 = a1[1]

# h = 0.1, actual
a2 = es.compute(21,0.1)
at2 = a2[0]
ax2 = a2[1]

# h = 0.05, actual
a3 = es.compute(41,0.05)
at3 = a3[0]
ax3 = a3[1]

# h = 0.2, rk4 
h1 = rk.rk4(False,10.0)
t1 = h1[0]
x1 = h1[1]

# h = 0.1, rk4
h2 = rk.rk4(False,20.0)
t2 = h2[0]
x2 = h2[1]

# h = 0.05, rk4
h3 = rk.rk4(False,40.0)
t3 = h3[0]
x3 = h3[1]

# h = 0.2, euler's method
h4 = em1.EulersMethod(False,10.0)
Exemple #22
    def update(self, sim, parent_mu, parent_radius, time, parent_omega):

        # update vehicle atitude
        self.attitude = self.attitude + self.delta_attitude

        # reentry dynamics
        # if dyanmic pressure is greater than x go to trim angle of attack
        #if (self.q_aero > 1000 and not(self.thrusting)):
        #    self.attitude = -90.0 + math.atan2(self.v_parent[1],self.v_parent[0]) * 180/math.pi

        # Update forces
        if (self.thrusting):

            # thrust is in Newtons and vehicle mass is in kg
            self.a_mag = self.thrust / (self.dry_mass + self.dv_propellant_mass
                                        + self.attitude_propellant_mass)
            self.dv_ideal = self.dv_ideal + self.a_mag * sim.dt
            dprop = sim.dt * (self.thrust / self.isp)

            # give infinite propellant
            if (self.dv_propellant_mass > 0):
                self.dv_propellant_mass = self.dv_propellant_mass - dprop
            self.a_mag = 0

        self.a[0] = self.a_mag * math.sin(self.attitude * math.pi / 180)
        self.a[1] = self.a_mag * math.cos(self.attitude * math.pi / 180)

        # update aerodynamic forces
        rho = 0
        if (numpy.linalg.norm(self.r_parent) - parent_radius > 200000):
            rho = 0
        elif (numpy.linalg.norm(self.r_parent) - parent_radius < 0):
            rho = atmosphere.get_density(0)
            rho = atmosphere.get_density(
                numpy.linalg.norm(self.r_parent) - parent_radius)

        # compute aerodynamic drag
        self.q_aero = 0.5 * rho * numpy.linalg.norm(
            self.v_parent) * numpy.linalg.norm(self.v_parent)
        drag_aero = 0.1 * 10 * self.q_aero
        #lift_aero = 0.1 * 10 * self.q_aero * math.sin(self.fin_delta_attitude*math.pi/180)
        lift_aero = 0.0
        a_drag_aero = drag_aero / (self.dry_mass + self.dv_propellant_mass +
        a_lift_aero = lift_aero / (self.dry_mass + self.dv_propellant_mass +
        if (numpy.linalg.norm(self.v_parent) > 5e-14):
            self.a[0] = self.a[0] - a_drag_aero * self.v_parent[
                0] / numpy.linalg.norm(self.v_parent)
            self.a[1] = self.a[1] - a_drag_aero * self.v_parent[
                1] / numpy.linalg.norm(self.v_parent)
            self.a[0] = self.a[0] + a_lift_aero * self.v_parent[
                1] / numpy.linalg.norm(self.v_parent)
            self.a[1] = self.a[1] - a_lift_aero * self.v_parent[
                0] / numpy.linalg.norm(self.v_parent)
        self.a_mag = numpy.linalg.norm(self.a)

        # propagate the vehicle state
        prev_r = self.r_parent
        prev_v = self.v_parent
        state = rk4(self.r_parent, self.v_parent, self.a, sim.dt, parent_mu)
        self.r_parent = state[0]
        self.v_parent = state[1]

        # compute planet relative velocity and position
        self.vr_parent[0] = self.v_parent[0] - parent_omega * self.r_parent[1]
        self.vr_parent[1] = self.v_parent[1] + parent_omega * self.r_parent[0]

        self.altitude = numpy.linalg.norm(self.r_parent) - parent_radius
        if (self.altitude <= 0 and not (self.thrusting)):
            self.r_parent[0] = parent_radius * self.r_parent[
                0] / numpy.linalg.norm(self.r_parent)
            self.r_parent[1] = parent_radius * self.r_parent[
                1] / numpy.linalg.norm(self.r_parent)
            self.v_parent = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0])

        self.longitude = math.atan2(self.r_parent[1],
                                    self.r_parent[0]) + parent_omega * time
        self.horizontal_position = self.longitude * parent_radius

        # compute the orbital elements
        # this should be vehicle.state.compute_orbital_elements
        self.oe = rv2oe(self.r_parent, self.v_parent, parent_mu)
        self.ra = self.oe[2]
        self.rp = self.oe[3]
        self.altitude = numpy.linalg.norm(self.r_parent) - parent_radius
        self.perigee = self.rp - parent_radius
        self.apogee = self.ra - parent_radius
        self.semjax = self.oe[0]
        self.semrax = self.oe[5]
        self.argp = self.oe[4] * 180 / math.pi
        self.period = self.oe[6]
Exemple #23
def AttExec(K_Gain, P_Gain, Position_of_Satellite, Velocity_of_Satellite,
            Attitude_of_Target, Attitude_of_Satellite, Position_of_Target,
            Velocity_of_Target, Angular_Rate_of_Spacecraft,
            Time_to_Sweep_and_Observe, Tolerance):
    def norm(input):
        norm = np.sqrt(sum(np.square(input)))
        return norm

    K = K_Gain
    P = P_Gain
    sBN = Attitude_of_Satellite
    wBN = Angular_Rate_of_Spacecraft
    wbn = wBN

    rsat = Position_of_Satellite
    vsat = Velocity_of_Satellite
    control_torque = np.zeros(
        [len(Position_of_Target), Time_to_Sweep_and_Observe, 3])
    Observe = np.zeros([len(Position_of_Target), Time_to_Sweep_and_Observe])
    sigsat = sBN

    x = np.concatenate((sigsat, wbn))

    # Time for the spacecraft to sweep to desired attitude (seconds)
    t = Time_to_Sweep_and_Observe

    # Increment Time step (seconds)
    dt = 1

    time = range(0, t)

    for jj in range(len(Position_of_Target)):

        robj = Position_of_Target[jj, 0]
        vobj = Velocity_of_Target[jj, 1]

        sobj = Attitude_of_Target[jj]

        # Body-Inertial Frame Rotation Matrix
        bn = MRP2C(sigsat)

        # Hill-Inertial Frame Rotation Matrix
        hn1 = MRP2C(sigsat)
        hn2 = MRP2C(sobj)

        # Inertial Position and Velocity of the Satellite
        rsatin = hn1.transpose().dot(rsat)
        vsatin = hn1.transpose().dot(vsat)

        # Inertial Position and Velocity of the Object
        robjin = hn2.transpose().dot(robj)
        vobjin = hn2.transpose().dot(vobj)

        # Inertial Position and Velocity from Satellite to Object
        rtargetin = robjin - rsatin
        vtargetin = vobjin - vsatin

        # Target unit vectors
        r1 = rtargetin / norm(rtargetin)
        r3 = np.cross(rtargetin, vtargetin) / norm(
            np.cross(rtargetin, vtargetin))
        r2 = np.cross(r3, r1)

        # Inertial - Target Rotation Matrix
        nr = np.matrix([r1.transpose(), r2.transpose(), r3.transpose()])
        rn = nr.transpose()

        # MRP of Inertial-Target
        srn = C2MRP(rn)

        # Check magnitude and switch to Shadow MRPs if necessary
        if norm(srn) > 1:
            srn = -srn / (norm(srn)**2)

        # Body - Target rotation Matrix
        br = bn * rn.transpose()

        # MRPs for Body-Target frame
        sbr = C2MRP(br)

        # Checking magnitude and switching to shadow set MRPs if necessary
        if norm(sbr) > 1:
            sbr = -sbr / (norm(sbr)**2)

        for ii in xrange(t):

            # New Hill-Inertial MRPs
            shnnew1 = sigsat
            shnnew2 = sobj

            # New Hill-Inertial Rotation Matrices
            hnnew1 = MRP2C(shnnew1)
            hnnew2 = MRP2C(shnnew2)

            # Updated position and velocity for Spacecraft
            rsinnew = hnnew1.transpose().dot(rsat)
            vsinnew = hnnew1.transpose().dot(vsat)

            # Updated position and velocity for Object
            roinnew = hnnew2.transpose().dot(robj)
            voinnew = hnnew2.transpose().dot(vobj)

            # Updated position and velocity for Spacecraft - Target
            rtinnew = roinnew - rsinnew
            vtinnew = voinnew - vsinnew

            # Updating the target unit vectors
            r1 = rtinnew / norm(rtinnew)
            r3 = np.cross(rtinnew, vtinnew) / norm(np.cross(rtinnew, vtinnew))
            r2 = np.cross(r3, r1)

            # Update for Inertial - Target Rotation Matrix
            nrnew = np.matrix([r1.transpose(), r2.transpose(), r3.transpose()])
            rnnew = nrnew.transpose()

            # Update for Inertial - Target MRPs
            srnnew = C2MRP(rnnew)

            # MRP for Inertial - Target rate of change
            sdeltarn = (srnnew - srn) / dt

            BMatrix = BmatMRP(srn)

            # Angular Rate of Inertial - Target
            wrn = (4 / (1 + np.dot(srn, srn))**2) * np.dot(
                BMatrix.transpose(), sdeltarn)

            # Angular Rate of Body - Target (i.e. The desired angular rate)
            wbr = wbn - np.dot(np.asarray(br), wrn)

            ## Runge-Kutta goes here

            # Time inputs for Runge-Kutta
            a = time[ii]
            bb = time[ii] + 1

            # Number of Steps for the Runge-Kutta to run through
            m = 1

            # Outputs from Runge-Kutta
            x = rk4(a, bb, x, m, sbr, wbr, K, P)

            # Update all previous values for next iteration

            sigsat = x[0:3]
            bn = MRP2C(sigsat)
            rn = rnnew
            srn = C2MRP(rn)
            nr = nrnew
            br = bn * nr
            wbn = x[3:6]

            sbr = C2MRP(br)
            s = norm(sbr)

            # Check the magnitude of the Body-Target MRPs and switch to shadow set if necessary
            if s > 1:
                sbr = -sbr / (s**2)

            if s < Tolerance:
                observation = 1
                observation = 0

            # "Output" Values for the Executive Branch
            control_torque[jj, ii, ...] = (-K * sbr - P * sbr)
            Observe[jj, ii] = observation

    return control_torque, Observe
Exemple #24
    te = args
    m_magen, c_bak = y

    dm_magen = I(t,te)-kappa*m_magen
    dc_bak = alpha*m_magen
    if c_bak > 0:
        dc_bak -= gamma

    return np.array((dm_magen, dc_bak))

data  = []
plots = []

for te in (1,2,3,4,5):
    y = rk4(dgl, np.array((0,0)), 0, 14, 1500, args=te)

    for i,elem in enumerate(y):
        t,cbak = y[i][0],y[i][1][1]
        if cbak < 0:
            cbak = 0

    plots.append(graph.data.points(data[-1], x=1, y=2, title=r"$t_e=%d$" % te))

g = graph.graphxy(
    key=graph.key.key(pos="tr", dist=0.1),
    width = 10,
    x = graph.axis.lin(title=r"$t$", max=10),
    y = graph.axis.lin(title=r"$c_\mathrm{BAK}$ in $\permil$")
Exemple #25
from rk4 import rk4

x = lambda t: 2 * math.pow(math.e, -t) + t - 1
f = lambda t, x: -float(x) + t

t_0 = 0.0
x_0 = 1.0

eps = 1e-4

h = 0.1
n = 10

print("runge-kutta with h")
print("v" * 30 + "\n\n")
x_h = rk4(f, t_0, x_0, h, n)
print("-" * 30 + "\n\n")

print("runge-kutta with h/2")
print("v" * 30 + "\n\n")
x_h2 = rk4(f, t_0, x_0, 0.5 * h, 2 * n)
print("-" * 30 + "\n\n")

x_precise = x(t_0 + h * n)

err_runge = math.fabs(x_h[-1] - x_h2[-1])
err_precise = math.fabs(x_precise - x_h2[-1])

print("=" * 30)
print("x_h         = %.15f" % x_h[-1])
print("x_[h/2]     = %.15f" % x_h2[-1])
Exemple #26
    def update_guidance(self, mass, r, v, period, perigee, altitude, scale,
                        center_x, center_y, viewing_angle, radius, mu, g0):

        # determine dt based on a period
        points = 200
        v_mag = numpy.linalg.norm(v)
        fpa = math.atan2(v[1], v[0])
        dt = period / points
        if (dt < 0.01):
            dt = 0.01
        if dt > self.traj_display_dt_max:
            dt = self.traj_display_dt_max
        r_list = list()
        v_list = list()
        a = numpy.array([0, 0])
        r_display = numpy.array([0, 0])
        append_to_list = True
        fpa_prev = math.atan2(v[1], v[0])
        dt_small = 0.0001
        dt_prev = 0.0001

        for i in range(points):

            # check to see if you should use parent or sibling for propagation
            parent_R = math.sqrt(r[0]**2 + r[1]**2)

            R = math.sqrt(r[0]**2 + r[1]**2)

            # update aerodynamic forces
            a = numpy.array([0, 0])
            if (R - radius > 200000):
                rho = 0
            elif (R - radius < 0):
                rho = atmosphere.get_density(0)
                dt = 3
                rho = atmosphere.get_density(R - radius)
                dt = 3

            # compute aerodynamic drag
            q_aero = 0.5 * rho * numpy.linalg.norm(v) * numpy.linalg.norm(v)
            drag_aero = 0.1 * 10 * q_aero
            lift_aero = 0.1 * 10 * q_aero * math.sin(0 / 180)
            a_drag_aero = drag_aero / (mass)
            a_lift_aero = lift_aero / (mass)
            if (numpy.linalg.norm(v) > 5e-14):
                a[0] = a[0] - a_drag_aero * v[0] / numpy.linalg.norm(v)
                a[1] = a[1] - a_drag_aero * v[1] / numpy.linalg.norm(v)
                a[0] = a[0] + a_lift_aero * v[1] / numpy.linalg.norm(v)
                a[1] = a[1] - a_lift_aero * v[0] / numpy.linalg.norm(v)
                a_mag = numpy.linalg.norm(a)

            if (append_to_list):
                r_display[0] = r[0] * math.cos(
                    viewing_angle) - r[1] * math.sin(viewing_angle)
                r_display[1] = r[0] * math.sin(
                    viewing_angle) + r[1] * math.cos(viewing_angle)
                r_list.append((r_display[0] / scale + center_x,
                               r_display[1] / scale + center_y))
                if (i <= 2):
                    v_list.append((r_display[0] / scale + center_x,
                                   r_display[1] / scale + center_y))
            # stop appending
            if (R < radius and i > 0):
                append_to_list = False
            v_mag = numpy.linalg.norm(v)
            r_mag = numpy.linalg.norm(r)
            angle_rate_max = 1000 * math.pi / 180
            fpa = math.atan2(v[1], v[0])
            if (i == 0):
                fpa_rate = abs(fpa - fpa_prev) / dt_small
                fpa_rate = abs(fpa - fpa_prev) / dt

            if (i == 0):
                state = rk4(r, v, a, dt_small, mu)
            elif (fpa_rate > angle_rate_max):
                state = rk4(r, v, a, dt * angle_rate_max / fpa_rate, mu)
                state = rk4(r, v, a, dt, mu)

            fpa_prev = fpa
            r = state[0]
            v = state[1]

        return r_list, v_list, r, v
Exemple #27
        wrn = (4/(1+np.dot(srn, srn))**2)*np.dot(BMatrix.transpose(), sdeltarn)

        # Angular Rate of Body - Target (i.e. The desired angular rate)
        wbr = wbn - np.dot(np.asarray(br), wrn)

        ## Runge-Kutta goes here

        # Time inputs for Runge-Kutta
        a = time[ii]
        bb = time[ii] + 1

        # Number of Steps for the Runge-Kutta to run through
        m = 1

        # Outputs from Runge-Kutta
        x = rk4(a, bb, x, m, sbr, wbr, K, P)

        # Update all previous values for next iteration

        sigsat = x[0:3]
        bn = MRP2C(sigsat)
        rn = rnnew
        srn = C2MRP(rn)
        nr = nrnew
        br = bn*nr
        wbn = x[3:6]

        sbr = C2MRP(br)
        s = norm(sbr)

        # Check the magnitude of the Body-Target MRPs and switch to shadow set if necessary
Exemple #28

X=np.array([0.0,0.0,0.0],dtype=float)  #where we will store the data at each timestep for euler / rk4
result=np.asarray([x0])		#where we will store the data for plotting

for titer in range(int(niter)):
	result=np.append(result,[X[0]])  #store the value of theta we saw


Exemple #29
#	Runge Kutta for set of first order differential equations

# 	PROGRAM oscillator
#   	IMPLICIT none
# 		declarations
# N:number of equations, nsteps:number of steps, tstep:length of steps

# 		y(1): initial position, y(2):initial velocity
x = np.zeros(1,'d')
tim = np.zeros(1,'d')
x[0] = y[0]
tim[0] = t
# 	do loop n steps of Runga-Kutta algorithm
for j in range(0,nsteps):
   	rk4.rk4(t, tstep, y, N)
	x = np.append(x, y[0])
	tim = np.append(tim, t)

print t
print tim
Exemple #30
pid_w = pid.PID(Kp_w, Ki_w, Kd_w, dt, w_max, w_min)

x_target = np.array([-2.0, -2.0, 0.0])
w_target_prev = 0.0

for k in xrange(Nsim):
    w_target = np.arctan2((x_target[1] - xk[1, k]), (x_target[0] - xk[0, k]))
    w_target = np.unwrap([w_target_prev, w_target])[-1]
    d_target = np.linalg.norm(x_target[:2] - xk[:2, k])

    uk[0, k] = pid_v.get_output(d_target, 0.0)
    uk[1, k] = pid_w.get_output(w_target, xk[2, k])

    print model_lego.vw2vlvr(*uk[:, k])

    xk[:, k + 1] = rk4.rk4(model_lego.differential_drive, xk[:, k], [uk[:, k]],
                           dt, 50)
    w_target_prev = w_target

plt_titles = ("$x [m]$", "$y [m]$", "$\psi [rad]$", "$v$", "$\omega$")
f, axarr = plt.subplots(Nx + Nu, 1)

for i in xrange(Nx):
    axarr[i].plot(tsim, xk[i, :-1], ".-", color='k')

for i in xrange(Nu):
    axarr[Nx + i].step(tsim, uk[i, :], "k.-", where='post')
    axarr[Nx + i].set_title(plt_titles[Nx + i])
    axarr[Nx + i].grid()
Exemple #31
# Velocity control
Kp = 0.5
Ki = 20.0
Kd = 0.0
pid_vel = pid.PID(Kp, Ki, Kd, dt, u_max, u_min)

reference = 5.0  # rad/seg
prev_pos = 0.0

for k in xrange(Nsim):
    measurement = dcmotor_measurement(xk[:, k])
    omega = (measurement - prev_pos) / dt
    prev_pos = measurement
    uk[:, k] = pid_vel.get_output(reference, omega)
    xk[:, k + 1] = rk4.rk4(dcmotor_model, xk[:, k], [uk[:, k], Vb0], dt, 50)

f, axarr = plt.subplots(4, 1)
# First, we plot the reference.
# Then the state evolution.
# And at last, the controls.
axarr[1].plot(tsim, reference * np.ones((Nsim, )), 'r', linewidth=4)
for i in xrange(3):
    axarr[i].plot(tsim, xk[i, :-1], ".-", color='k')

axarr[3].step(tsim, uk.T, "k.-", where='post')
verletResult = np.asarray([theta])

X[0] = theta
X[1] = omega
t = 0
for titer in range(int(niter)):
    X = euler(X, t, dt, deriv, [])
    eulerResult = np.append(eulerResult,
                            [X[0]])  #store the value of theta we saw
    t = t + dt

X[0] = theta
X[1] = omega
t = 0
for titer in range(int(niter)):
    X = rk4(X, t, dt, deriv, [])
    rk4Result = np.append(rk4Result, [X[0]])  #store the value of theta we saw
    t = t + dt

t = 0
X[1] = theta  #initial value of the angle
X[0] = theta + omega * dt + dt * dt * (
    -np.sin(theta)) / 2  #next value of the angle (startup)
np.append(verletResult, [X[0]])
for titer in range(int(niter)):
    xcurr = X[0]  #current value of x
    X[0] = 2 * X[0] - X[1] + dt * dt * (-np.sin(xcurr)
                                        )  #update the value of the current x
    X[1] = xcurr  #update the value of the old x
    verletResult = np.append(verletResult,
                             [X[0]])  #store the value of theta we saw
Exemple #33
import test
import rk4

y = rk4.rk4(test.f,11,0.0,0.1,1.0)
print y
Exemple #34
x0 = np.array([0])

dist = lambda x1, x2: x2 - x1

def f(y, x):
    out = np.zeros(y.shape)
    for idx in range(y.shape[0]):
        if (idx % 2 == 0):
            for i in range(y.shape[0] / 2):
                if (idx != i * 2):
                    out[idx +
                        1] = out[idx + 1] + G * M * dist(y[idx], y[
                            i * 2]) / np.linalg.norm(dist(y[idx], y[i * 2]))**3
        if (idx % 2 == 1):
            out[idx - 1] = out[idx]

    return out

y, x = rk4(y0, x0, f, h, n)

plt.figure(figsize=(16, 4))

plt.title("Numerical and Analytical Solution")
plt.plot(x, y)

Exemple #35
 def iterate(self, t_n, x_n, u_n, n=5):
     for i in range(n - 1):
         x_n = rk4.rk4(self.f, t_n, x_n, u_n, 0.005 / n)
     return rk4.rk4(self.f, t_n, x_n, u_n, 0.005 / n)
Exemple #36
from euler import eulerMethod 
from rk2 import rk2
from rk4 import rk4
from rrz2 import rrz2

if __name__ == "__main__":
Exemple #37
 def update_simulation(self):
     self.double_pendulum = rk4.rk4(self.double_pendulum)
Exemple #38
import numpy as np
from constants import T, h
import rk4
from wdesired import fw

def qddot(t, qd):
    qdv = qd[1:]
    qdo = qd[0]
    f = np.zeros(4)
    f[0] = -0.5 * np.dot(qdv, fw(t))
    f[1:] = 0.5 * (qdo * fw(t) + np.cross(qdv, fw(t)))

    return f

qdes = np.zeros(
    (int(T / h + 1), 4))  #array of q_desired at different time instants
qdes[0][:] = np.array([1, 0, 0, 0])

for i in range(int(T / h)):  #propagating q_desired
    tn = i * h

    qdes[i + 1][:] = rk4.rk4(qdes[i], qddot, h, tn)
    qdes[i + 1][:] = qdes[i + 1][:] / np.linalg.norm(qdes[i + 1][:])

def qd(n):
    return qdes[n]
Exemple #39
    xhat[1, k + 1] = xhat[1, k] + 0.5 * (travelled_distance[0] + travelled_distance[1]) * np.sin(xhat[2, k])
    xhat[2, k + 1] = xhat[2, k] + (travelled_distance[1] - travelled_distance[0]) / model_lego.wheel_distance

    w_target = np.arctan2((x_target[1] - xk[1, k]), (x_target[0] - xk[0, k]))
    w_target = np.unwrap([w_target_prev, w_target])[-1]

    d_target = np.linalg.norm(x_target[:2]- xk[:2, k])

    _vk = pid_v.get_output(d_target, 0.0)
    _wk = pid_w.get_output(w_target, xk[2, k])

    _vlvr = model_lego.vw2vlvr_1(_vk, _wk)
    uk[:,k] = model_lego.v2pwm(_vlvr)

    print uk[:,k]
    xk[:, k+1] = rk4.rk4(model_lego.f, xk[:, k], [uk[:, k]], dt, 50)
    w_target_prev = w_target
    measurement_prev = measurement

plt_titles = ("$x [m]$","$y [m]$","$\psi [rad]$","$u_l$", "$u_r$")
Nx = 3
f, axarr = plt.subplots(Nx+Nu,1)
for i in xrange(Nx):
    axarr[i].plot(tsim,xk[i,:-1],".-", color='k')
    axarr[i].plot(tsim, xhat[i, :-1], "o-", color='r')

for i in xrange(Nu):
    axarr[Nx+i].step(tsim,uk[i,:],"k.-", where='post')