Exemple #1
async def remove_selector_embed(ctx):
    if isadmin(ctx):
        # Reminds user of formatting if it is wrong
        msg_values = ctx.message.content.split()
        if len(msg_values) < 2:
            await ctx.send(
                f"**Type** `{prefix}rm-embed #channelname` to get started. Replace `#channelname` "
                "with the channel where the reaction-role message "
                "you wish to remove its embed is located."
        elif len(msg_values) == 2:
                channel_id = ctx.message.channel_mentions[0].id
            except IndexError:
                await ctx.send("The channel you mentioned is invalid.")

            channel = bot.get_channel(channel_id)
            all_messages = rldb.fetch_messages(channel_id)
            if len(all_messages) == 1:
                await ctx.send(
                    "There is only one reaction-role message in this channel. **Type**:"
                    f"\n```\n{prefix}rm-embed #{channel.name} // 1\n```"
                    "\nto remove the reaction-role message's embed."
            elif len(all_messages) > 1:
                selector_msgs = []
                counter = 1
                for msg_id in all_messages:
                        old_msg = await channel.fetch_message(int(msg_id))
                    except discord.NotFound:
                        # Skipping reaction-role messages that might have been deleted without updating the DB
                    except discord.Forbidden:
                            "I do not have permissions to edit a reaction-role message that I previously created."
                    entry = f"`{counter}` {old_msg.embeds[0].title if old_msg.embeds else old_msg.content}"
                    counter += 1

                await ctx.send(
                    f"There are **{len(all_messages)}** reaction-role messages in this channel. **Type**:"
                    f"\n```\n{prefix}rm-embed #{channel.name} // MESSAGE_NUMBER\n```"
                    "\nto remove its embed. The list of the current reaction-role messages is:\n\n"
                    + "\n".join(selector_msgs)
                await ctx.send("There are no reaction-role messages in that channel.")
        elif len(msg_values) > 2:
                # Tries to edit the reaction-role message
                # Raises errors if the channel sent was invalid or if the bot cannot edit the message
                channel_id = ctx.message.channel_mentions[0].id
                channel = bot.get_channel(channel_id)
                msg_values = ctx.message.content.split(" // ")
                selector_msg_number = msg_values[1]
                all_messages = rldb.fetch_messages(channel_id)
                counter = 1

                # Loop through all msg_ids and stops when the counter matches the user input
                if all_messages:
                    message_to_edit_id = None
                    for msg_id in all_messages:
                        if str(counter) == selector_msg_number:
                            message_to_edit_id = msg_id
                        counter += 1
                    await ctx.send(
                        "You selected a reaction-role message that does not exist."

                if message_to_edit_id:
                    old_msg = await channel.fetch_message(int(message_to_edit_id))
                    await ctx.send(
                        "Select a valid reaction-role message number (i.e. the number to the left of the reaction-role message content in the list above)."

                    await old_msg.edit(embed=None)
                    await ctx.send("Embed Removed.")
                except discord.HTTPException as e:
                    if e.code == 50006:
                        await ctx.send(
                            "You can't remove an embed if its message is empty. Please edit the message first with: "
                            f"\n`{prefix}edit #{ctx.message.channel_mentions[0]} // {selector_msg_number} // New Message`"
                        await ctx.send(str(e))

            except IndexError:
                await ctx.send("The channel you mentioned is invalid.")

            except discord.Forbidden:
                await ctx.send("I do not have permissions to edit the message.")

        await ctx.send("You do not have an admin role.")
Exemple #2
async def edit_selector(ctx):
    if isadmin(ctx):
        # Reminds user of formatting if it is wrong
        msg_values = ctx.message.content.split()
        if len(msg_values) < 2:
            await ctx.send(
                f"**Type** `{prefix}edit #channelname` to get started. Replace `#channelname` "
                "with the channel where the reaction-role message "
                "you wish to edit is located."
        elif len(msg_values) == 2:
                channel_id = ctx.message.channel_mentions[0].id
            except IndexError:
                await ctx.send("You need to mention a channel.")

            all_messages = rldb.fetch_messages(channel_id)
            channel = bot.get_channel(channel_id)
            if len(all_messages) == 1:
                await ctx.send(
                    "There is only one reaction-role message in this channel. **Type**:"
                    f"\n```\n{prefix}edit #{channel.name} // 1 // New Message // New Embed Title (Optional) // New Embed Description (Optional)\n```"
                    "\nto edit the reaction-role message. You can type `none` in any of the argument fields above (e.g. `New Message`) to "
                    "make the bot ignore it."
            elif len(all_messages) > 1:
                selector_msgs = []
                counter = 1
                for msg_id in all_messages:
                        old_msg = await channel.fetch_message(int(msg_id))
                    except discord.NotFound:
                        # Skipping reaction-role messages that might have been deleted without updating CSVs
                    except discord.Forbidden:
                            "I do not have permissions to edit a reaction-role message that I previously created."
                    entry = f"`{counter}` {old_msg.embeds[0].title if old_msg.embeds else old_msg.content}"
                    counter += 1

                await ctx.send(
                    f"There are **{len(all_messages)}** reaction-role messages in this channel. **Type**:"
                    f"\n```\n{prefix}edit #{channel.name} // MESSAGE_NUMBER // New Message // New Embed Title (Optional) // New Embed Description (Optional)\n```"
                    "\nto edit the desired one. You can type `none` in any of the argument fields above (e.g. `New Message`) to make the bot ignore it. "
                    "The list of the current reaction-role messages is:\n\n"
                    + "\n".join(selector_msgs)
                await ctx.send("There are no reaction-role messages in that channel.")
        elif len(msg_values) > 2:
                # Tries to edit the reaction-role message
                # Raises errors if the channel sent was invalid or if the bot cannot edit the message
                channel_id = ctx.message.channel_mentions[0].id
                channel = bot.get_channel(channel_id)
                msg_values = ctx.message.content.split(" // ")
                selector_msg_number = msg_values[1]
                all_messages = rldb.fetch_messages(channel_id)
                counter = 1

                # Loop through all msg_ids and stops when the counter matches the user input
                if all_messages:
                    message_to_edit_id = None
                    for msg_id in all_messages:
                        if str(counter) == selector_msg_number:
                            message_to_edit_id = msg_id
                        counter += 1
                    await ctx.send(
                        "You selected a reaction-role message that does not exist."

                if message_to_edit_id:
                    old_msg = await channel.fetch_message(int(message_to_edit_id))
                    await ctx.send(
                        "Select a valid reaction-role message number (i.e. the number to the left of the reaction-role message content in the list above)."

                await old_msg.edit(suppress=False)
                selector_msg_new_body = (
                    msg_values[2] if msg_values[2].lower() != "none" else None
                selector_embed = discord.Embed()
                if len(msg_values) == 3 and old_msg.embeds:
                    selector_embed = old_msg.embeds[0]
                if len(msg_values) > 3 and msg_values[3].lower() != "none":
                    selector_embed.title = msg_values[3]
                    selector_embed.colour = botcolor
                    if old_msg.embeds and len(msg_values) == 4:
                        selector_embed.description = old_msg.embeds[0].description
                if len(msg_values) > 4 and msg_values[4].lower() != "none":
                    selector_embed.description = msg_values[4]
                    selector_embed.colour = botcolor

                # Prevent sending an empty embed instead of removing it
                selector_embed = (
                    if selector_embed.title or selector_embed.description
                    else None

                if selector_msg_new_body or selector_embed:
                    await old_msg.edit(
                        content=selector_msg_new_body, embed=selector_embed
                    await ctx.send("Message edited.")
                    await ctx.send(
                        "You can't use an empty message as role-reaction message."

            except IndexError:
                await ctx.send("The channel you mentioned is invalid.")

            except discord.Forbidden:
                await ctx.send("I do not have permissions to edit the message.")

        await ctx.send("You do not have an admin role.")