def __init__(self, domain, discovery_threshold, initial_representation, sparsify=True, discretization=20, debug=0, useCache=0, maxBatchDiscovery=1, batchThreshold=0, iFDDPlus=1, seed=1): self.iFDD_features = {} self.iFDD_potentials = {} self.featureIndex2feature = {} self.cache = {} self.discovery_threshold = discovery_threshold self.sparsify = sparsify self.setBinsPerDimension(domain, discretization) self.features_num = initial_representation.features_num self.debug = debug self.useCache = useCache self.maxBatchDiscovery = maxBatchDiscovery self.batchThreshold = batchThreshold self.sortediFDDFeatures = PriorityQueueWithNovelty() self.initial_representation = initial_representation self.iFDDPlus = iFDDPlus self.isDynamic = True self.addInitialFeatures() super(iFDD, self).__init__(domain, discretization, seed)
def __init__(self, domain, kernel, active_threshold, discover_threshold, kernel_args=[], normalization=True, sparsify=True, max_active_base_feat=2, max_base_feat_sim=0.7): super(KernelizediFDD, self).__init__(domain) self.kernel = kernel self.kernel_args = kernel_args self.active_threshold = active_threshold self.discover_threshold = discover_threshold self.normalization = normalization self.sparsify = sparsify self.sorted_ids = PriorityQueueWithNovelty() self.max_active_base_feat = max_active_base_feat self.max_base_feat_sim = max_base_feat_sim self.candidates = {} self.features = [] self.base_features_ids = [] self.max_relevance = 0.
def __init__( self, domain, discovery_threshold, initial_representation, sparsify=True, discretization=20, debug=0, useCache=0, maxBatchDiscovery=1, batchThreshold=0, iFDDPlus=1): self.iFDD_features = {} self.iFDD_potentials = {} self.featureIndex2feature = {} self.cache = {} self.discovery_threshold = discovery_threshold self.sparsify = sparsify self.setBinsPerDimension(domain, discretization) self.features_num = initial_representation.features_num self.debug = debug self.useCache = useCache self.maxBatchDiscovery = maxBatchDiscovery self.batchThreshold = batchThreshold self.sortediFDDFeatures = PriorityQueueWithNovelty() self.initial_representation = initial_representation self.iFDDPlus = iFDDPlus self.isDynamic = True self.addInitialFeatures() super(iFDD, self).__init__(domain, discretization)
class iFDD(Representation): ''' The incremental Feature Dependency Discovery Representation based on [Geramifard et al. 2011 ICML paper]. This representation starts with a set of given binary features and adds new features as the conjunction of existing features. Given n features iFDD can expand the set of features up to 2^n-1 features (i.e. conjunction of each subset of n features can be considered as a new feature. ''' # It is a good starting point to see how relevances grow if threshold is # set to infinity. PRINT_MAX_RELEVANCE = False discovery_threshold = None # psi in the paper # boolean specifying the use of the trick mentioned in the paper so that # features are getting sparser with more feature discoveries (i.e. use # greedy algorithm for feature activation) sparsify = None # dictionary mapping initial feature sets to iFDD_feature iFDD_features = None # dictionary mapping initial feature sets to iFDD_potential iFDD_potentials = None # dictionary mapping each feature index (ID) to its feature object featureIndex2feature = None debug = 0 # Print more stuff # dictionary mapping initial active feature set phi_0(s) to its # corresponding active features at phi(s). Based on Tuna's Trick to speed # up iFDD cache = None # this should only increase speed. If results are different something is # wrong useCache = 0 # Number of features to be expanded in the batch setting maxBatchDiscovery = 0 # Minimum value of feature relevance for the batch setting batchThreshold = 0 # ICML 11 iFDD would add sum of abs(TD-errors) while the iFDD plus uses # the abs(sum(TD-Error))/sqrt(potential feature presence count) iFDDPlus = 0 # This is a priority queue based on the size of the features (Largest -> # Smallest). For same size features, it is also sorted based on the newest # -> oldest. Each element is the pointer to feature object. sortediFDDFeatures = None # A Representation that provides the initial set of features for iFDD initial_representation = None # Helper parameter to get a sense of appropriate threshold on the # relevance for discovery maxRelevance = -np.inf # As Christoph mentioned adding new features may affect the phi for all # states. This idea was to make sure both conditions for generating active # features generate the same result. use_chirstoph_ordered_features = True def __init__(self, domain, discovery_threshold, initial_representation, sparsify=True, discretization=20, debug=0, useCache=0, maxBatchDiscovery=1, batchThreshold=0, iFDDPlus=1, seed=1): self.iFDD_features = {} self.iFDD_potentials = {} self.featureIndex2feature = {} self.cache = {} self.discovery_threshold = discovery_threshold self.sparsify = sparsify self.setBinsPerDimension(domain, discretization) self.features_num = initial_representation.features_num self.debug = debug self.useCache = useCache self.maxBatchDiscovery = maxBatchDiscovery self.batchThreshold = batchThreshold self.sortediFDDFeatures = PriorityQueueWithNovelty() self.initial_representation = initial_representation self.iFDDPlus = iFDDPlus self.isDynamic = True self.addInitialFeatures() super(iFDD, self).__init__(domain, discretization, seed) def phi_nonTerminal(self, s): """ Based on Tuna's Master Thesis 2012 """ F_s = np.zeros(self.features_num, 'bool') F_s_0 = self.initial_representation.phi_nonTerminal(s) activeIndices = np.where(F_s_0 != 0)[0] if self.useCache: finalActiveIndices = self.cache.get(frozenset(activeIndices)) if finalActiveIndices is None: # run regular and update the cache finalActiveIndices = self.findFinalActiveFeatures( activeIndices) else: finalActiveIndices = self.findFinalActiveFeatures(activeIndices) F_s[finalActiveIndices] = 1 return F_s def findFinalActiveFeatures(self, intialActiveFeatures): """ Given the active indices of phi_0(s) find the final active indices of phi(s) based on discovered features """ finalActiveFeatures = [] k = len(intialActiveFeatures) initialSet = set(intialActiveFeatures) if 2**k <= self.features_num: # k can be big which can cause this part to be very slow # if k is large then find active features by enumerating on the # discovered features. if self.use_chirstoph_ordered_features: for i in range(k, 0, -1): if len(initialSet) == 0: break # generate list of all combinations with i elements cand_i = [(c, self.iFDD_features[frozenset(c)].index) for c in combinations(initialSet, i) if frozenset(c) in self.iFDD_features] # sort (recent features (big ids) first) cand_i.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # idx = -1 for candidate, ind in cand_i: # the next block is for testing only # cur_idx = self.iFDD_features[frozenset(candidate)].index # if idx > 0: # assert(idx > cur_idx) # idx = cur_idx if len(initialSet) == 0: # No more initial features to be mapped to extended # ones break # This was missing from ICML 2011 paper algorithm. # Example: [0,1,20], [0,20] is discovered, but if [0] # is checked before [1] it will be added even though it # is already covered by [0,20] if initialSet.issuperset(set(candidate)): feature = self.iFDD_features.get( frozenset(candidate)) if feature is not None: finalActiveFeatures.append(feature.index) if self.sparsify: # print "Sets:", initialSet, feature.f_set initialSet = initialSet - feature.f_set # print "Remaining Set:", initialSet else: for candidate in powerset(initialSet, ascending=0): if len(initialSet) == 0: # No more initial features to be mapped to extended # ones break # This was missing from ICML 2011 paper algorithm. Example: # [0,1,20], [0,20] is discovered, but if [0] is checked # before [1] it will be added even though it is already # covered by [0,20] if initialSet.issuperset(set(candidate)): feature = self.iFDD_features.get(frozenset(candidate)) if feature is not None: finalActiveFeatures.append(feature.index) if self.sparsify: # print "Sets:", initialSet, feature.f_set initialSet = initialSet - feature.f_set # print "Remaining Set:", initialSet else: # print "********** Using Alternative: %d > %d" % (2**k, self.features_num) # Loop on all features sorted on their size and then novelty and # activate features for feature in self.sortediFDDFeatures.toList(): if len(initialSet) == 0: # No more initial features to be mapped to extended ones break if initialSet.issuperset(set(feature.f_set)): finalActiveFeatures.append(feature.index) if self.sparsify: # print "Sets:", initialSet, feature.f_set initialSet = initialSet - feature.f_set # print "Remaining Set:", initialSet if self.useCache: self.cache[frozenset(intialActiveFeatures)] = finalActiveFeatures return finalActiveFeatures def post_discover(self, s, terminal, a, td_error, phi_s): """ returns the number of added features """ # Indices of non-zero elements of vector phi_s activeFeatures = phi_s.nonzero()[0] discovered = 0 for g_index, h_index in combinations(activeFeatures, 2): discovered += self.inspectPair(g_index, h_index, td_error) return discovered def inspectPair(self, g_index, h_index, td_error): # Inspect feature f = g union h where g_index and h_index are the indices of features g and h # If the relevance is > Threshold add it to the list of features # Returns True if a new feature is added g = self.featureIndex2feature[g_index].f_set h = self.featureIndex2feature[h_index].f_set f = g.union(h) feature = self.iFDD_features.get(f) if not self.iFDDPlus: td_error = abs(td_error) if feature is not None: # Already exists return False # Look it up in potentials potential = self.iFDD_potentials.get(f) if potential is None: # Generate a new potential and put it in the dictionary potential = iFDD_potential(f, g_index, h_index) self.iFDD_potentials[f] = potential potential.cumtderr += td_error potential.cumabstderr += abs(td_error) potential.count += 1 # Check for discovery if self.random_state.rand() < self.iFDDPlus: relevance = abs(potential.cumtderr) / np.sqrt(potential.count) else: relevance = potential.cumabstderr if relevance >= self.discovery_threshold: self.maxRelevance = -np.inf self.addFeature(potential) return True else: self.updateMaxRelevance(relevance) return False def show(self): self.showFeatures() self.showPotentials() self.showCache() def updateWeight(self, p1_index, p2_index): # Add a new weight corresponding to the new added feature for all actions. # The new weight is set to zero if sparsify = False, and equal to the # sum of weights corresponding to the parents if sparsify = True a = self.domain.actions_num # Number of feature before adding the new one f = self.features_num - 1 if self.sparsify: newElem = (self.weight_vec[p1_index::f] + self.weight_vec[p2_index::f]).reshape((-1, 1)) else: newElem = None self.weight_vec = addNewElementForAllActions(self.weight_vec, a, newElem) # We dont want to reuse the hased phi because phi function is changed! self.hashed_s = None def addInitialFeatures(self): for i in xrange(self.initial_representation.features_num): feature = iFDD_feature(i) # shout(self,self.iFDD_features[frozenset([i])].index) self.iFDD_features[frozenset([i])] = feature self.featureIndex2feature[feature.index] = feature # priority is 1/number of initial features corresponding to the # feature priority = 1 self.sortediFDDFeatures.push(priority, feature) def addFeature(self, potential): # Add it to the list of features # Features_num is always one more than the max index (0-based) potential.index = self.features_num self.features_num += 1 feature = iFDD_feature(potential) self.iFDD_features[potential.f_set] = feature # Expand the size of the weight_vec self.updateWeight(feature.p1, feature.p2) # Update the index to feature dictionary self.featureIndex2feature[feature.index] = feature # print "IN IFDD, New Feature = %d => Total Features = %d" % (feature.index, self.features_num) # Update the sorted list of features # priority is 1/number of initial features corresponding to the feature priority = 1 / (len(potential.f_set) * 1.) self.sortediFDDFeatures.push(priority, feature) # If you use cache, you should invalidate entries that their initial # set contains the set corresponding to the new feature if self.useCache: for initialActiveFeatures in self.cache.keys(): if initialActiveFeatures.issuperset(feature.f_set): if self.sparsify: self.cache.pop(initialActiveFeatures) else: # If sparsification is not used, simply add the new # feature id to all cached values that have feature set # which is a super set of the features corresponding to # the new discovered feature self.cache[initialActiveFeatures].append(feature.index) if self.debug: def batchDiscover(self, td_errors, phi, states): # Discovers features using iFDD in batch setting. # TD_Error: p-by-1 (How much error observed for each sample) # phi: n-by-p features corresponding to all samples (each column corresponds to one sample) # self.batchThreshold is the minimum relevance value for the feature to # be expanded SHOW_PLOT = 0 # Shows the histogram of relevances maxDiscovery = self.maxBatchDiscovery n = self.features_num # number of features p = len(td_errors) # Number of samples counts = np.zeros((n, n)) relevances = np.zeros((n, n)) for i in xrange(p): phiphiT = np.outer(phi[i, :], phi[i, :]) if self.iFDDPlus: relevances += phiphiT * td_errors[i] else: relevances += phiphiT * abs(td_errors[i]) counts += phiphiT # Remove Diagonal and upper part of the relevances as they are useless relevances = np.triu(relevances, 1) non_zero_index = np.nonzero(relevances) if self.iFDDPlus: # Calculate relevances based on theoretical results of ICML 2013 # potential submission relevances[non_zero_index] = np.divide( np.abs(relevances[non_zero_index]), np.sqrt(counts[non_zero_index])) else: # Based on Geramifard11_ICML Paper relevances[non_zero_index] = relevances[non_zero_index] # Find indexes to non-zero excited pairs # F1 and F2 are the parents of the potentials (F1, F2) = relevances.nonzero() relevances = relevances[F1, F2] if len(relevances) == 0: # No feature to add self.logger.debug("iFDD Batch: Max Relevance = 0") return False if SHOW_PLOT: e_vec = relevances.flatten() e_vec = e_vec[e_vec != 0] e_vec = np.sort(e_vec) plt.ioff() plt.plot(e_vec, linewidth=3) # Sort based on relevances # We want high to low hence the reverse: [::-1] sortedIndices = np.argsort(relevances)[::-1] max_relevance = relevances[sortedIndices[0]] # Add top <maxDiscovery> features self.logger.debug( "iFDD Batch: Max Relevance = {0:g}".format(max_relevance)) added_feature = False new_features = 0 for j in xrange(len(relevances)): if new_features >= maxDiscovery: break max_index = sortedIndices[j] f1 = F1[max_index] f2 = F2[max_index] relevance = relevances[max_index] if relevance > self.batchThreshold: # print "Inspecting", # f1,f2,'=>',self.getStrFeatureSet(f1),self.getStrFeatureSet(f2) if self.inspectPair(f1, f2, np.inf): self.logger.debug( 'New Feature %d: %s, Relevance = %0.3f' % (self.features_num - 1, self.getStrFeatureSet(self.features_num - 1), relevances[max_index])) new_features += 1 added_feature = True else: # Because the list is sorted, there is no use to look at the # others break return ( # A signal to see if the representation has been expanded or not added_feature) def showFeatures(self): print "Features:" print "-" * 30 print " index\t| f_set\t| p1\t| p2\t | Weights (per action)" print "-" * 30 for feature in reversed(self.sortediFDDFeatures.toList()): # for feature in self.iFDD_features.itervalues(): # print " %d\t| %s\t| %s\t| %s\t| %s" % # (feature.index,str(list(feature.f_set)),feature.p1,feature.p2,str(self.weight_vec[feature.index::self.features_num])) print " %d\t| %s\t| %s\t| %s\t| Omitted" % ( feature.index, self.getStrFeatureSet( feature.index), feature.p1, feature.p2) def showPotentials(self): print "Potentials:" print "-" * 30 print " index\t| f_set\t| relevance\t| count\t| p1\t| p2" print "-" * 30 for _, potential in self.iFDD_potentials.iteritems(): print " %d\t| %s\t| %0.2f\t| %d\t| %s\t| %s" % ( potential.index, str(np.sort(list( potential.f_set))), potential.relevance, potential.count, potential.p1, potential.p2) def showCache(self): if self.useCache: print "Cache:" if len(self.cache) == 0: print 'EMPTY!' return print "-" * 30 print " initial\t| Final" print "-" * 30 for initial, active in self.cache.iteritems(): print " %s\t| %s" % (str(list(initial)), active) def updateMaxRelevance(self, newRelevance): # Update a global max relevance and outputs it if it is updated if self.maxRelevance < newRelevance: self.maxRelevance = newRelevance if self.PRINT_MAX_RELEVANCE: self.logger.debug( "iFDD Batch: Max Relevance = {0:g}".format(newRelevance)) def getFeature(self, f_id): # returns a feature given a feature id if f_id in self.featureIndex2feature.keys(): return self.featureIndex2feature[f_id] else: print "F_id %d is not valid" % f_id return None def getStrFeatureSet(self, f_id): # returns a string that corresponds to the set of features specified by # the given feature_id if f_id in self.featureIndex2feature.keys(): return str(sorted(list(self.featureIndex2feature[f_id].f_set))) else: print "F_id %d is not valid" % f_id return None def featureType(self): return bool def __deepcopy__(self, memo): ifdd = iFDD(self.domain, self.discovery_threshold, self.initial_representation, self.sparsify, self.discretization, self.debug, self.useCache, self.maxBatchDiscovery, self.batchThreshold, self.iFDDPlus) for s, f in self.iFDD_features.items(): new_f = deepcopy(f) new_s = deepcopy(s) ifdd.iFDD_features[new_s] = new_f ifdd.featureIndex2feature[new_f.index] = new_f for s, p in self.iFDD_potentials.items(): new_s = deepcopy(s) new_p = deepcopy(p) ifdd.iFDD_potentials[new_s] = deepcopy(new_p) ifdd.cache = deepcopy(self.cache) ifdd.sortediFDDFeatures = deepcopy(self.sortediFDDFeatures) ifdd.features_num = self.features_num ifdd.weight_vec = deepcopy(self.weight_vec) return ifdd
class KernelizediFDD(Representation): """ Kernelized version of iFDD """ features = [] candidates = {} # contains a set for each feature indicating the ids of base_id_sets = set() # 1-dim features it refines base_feature_ids = [] max_relevance = 0. def __init__(self, domain, kernel, active_threshold, discover_threshold, kernel_args=[], normalization=True, sparsify=True, max_active_base_feat=2, max_base_feat_sim=0.7): super(KernelizediFDD, self).__init__(domain) self.kernel = kernel self.kernel_args = kernel_args self.active_threshold = active_threshold self.discover_threshold = discover_threshold self.normalization = normalization self.sparsify = sparsify self.sorted_ids = PriorityQueueWithNovelty() self.max_active_base_feat = max_active_base_feat self.max_base_feat_sim = max_base_feat_sim self.candidates = {} self.features = [] self.base_features_ids = [] self.max_relevance = 0. def show_features(self): l = self.sorted_ids.toList()[:] key = lambda x: ( len(self.features[x].base_ids), tuple(self.features[x].dim), tuple(self.features[x].center[self.features[x].dim])) l.sort(key=key) for i in l: f = self.features[i] print "{:>5} {:>20}".format(i, f) def plot_1d_features(self, dimension_idx=None): """Creates a plot for each specified dimension of the state space and shows all 1-dimensional features in this dimension If no indices are passed, all dimensions are plotted dimension_idx: either a single dimension index (int) or a list of indices. """ idx = dimension_idx if isinstance(idx, int): idx = [idx] elif idx is None: idx = self.domain.continuous_dims feat_list = range(self.features_num) key = lambda x: ( len(self.features[x].base_ids), tuple(self.features[x].dim), tuple(self.features[x].center[self.features[x].dim])) feat_list.sort(key=key) last_i = -1 for k in feat_list: if len(self.features[k].dim) > 1: break cur_i = self.features[k].dim[0] if cur_i != last_i: if last_i in idx: plt.draw() if cur_i in idx: xi = np.linspace( self.domain.statespace_limits[ cur_i, 0], self.domain.statespace_limits[ cur_i, 1], 200) x = np.zeros((200, self.domain.statespace_limits.shape[0])) x[:, cur_i] = xi plt.figure("Feature Dimension {}".format(cur_i)) if cur_i in idx: y = [self.features[k].output(xk) for xk in x] plt.plot(x, y, label="id {}".format(k)) last_i = cur_i plt.draw() def plot_2d_features(self, d1=None, d2=None, n_lines=3): """ plot contours of all 2-dimensional features covering dimension d1 and d2. For each feature, n_lines number of lines are shown. If no dimensions are specified, the first two continuous dimensions are shown. d1, d2: indices of dimensions to show n_lines: number of countour lines per feature (default: 3) """ if d1 is None and d2 is None: # just take the first two dimensions idx = self.domain.continuous_dims[:2] else: idx = [d1, d2] idx.sort() feat_list = range(self.features_num) key = lambda x: ( len(self.features[x].base_ids), tuple(self.features[x].dim), tuple(self.features[x].center[self.features[x].dim])) feat_list.sort(key=key) last_i = -1 last_j = -1 for k in feat_list: if len(self.features[k].dim) < 2: continue elif len(self.features[k].dim) > 2: break cur_i = self.features[k].dim[0] cur_j = self.features[k].dim[1] if cur_i != last_i or cur_j != last_j: if last_i in idx and last_j in idx: plt.draw() if cur_i in idx and cur_j in idx: xi = np.linspace( self.domain.statespace_limits[ cur_i, 0], self.domain.statespace_limits[ cur_i, 1], 100) xj = np.linspace( self.domain.statespace_limits[ cur_j, 0], self.domain.statespace_limits[ cur_j, 1], 100) X, Y = np.meshgrid(xi, xj) plt.figure( "Feature Dimensions {} and {}".format(cur_i, cur_j)) if cur_i in idx and cur_j in idx: Z = np.zeros_like(X) for m in xrange(100): for n in xrange(100): x = np.zeros(self.domain.statespace_limits.shape[0]) x[cur_i] = X[m, n] x[cur_j] = Y[m, n] Z[m, n] = self.features[k].output(x) plt.contour(X, Y, Z, n_lines) last_i = cur_i last_j = cur_j plt.draw() def plot_2d_feature_centers(self, d1=None, d2=None): """ plot the centers of all 2-dimensional features covering dimension d1 and d2. If no dimensions are specified, the first two continuous dimensions are shown. d1, d2: indices of dimensions to show """ if d1 is None and d2 is None: # just take the first two dimensions idx = self.domain.continuous_dims[:2] else: idx = [d1, d2] idx.sort() feat_list = range(self.features_num) key = lambda x: ( len(self.features[x].base_ids), tuple(self.features[x].dim), tuple(self.features[x].center[self.features[x].dim])) feat_list.sort(key=key) last_i = -1 last_j = -1 for k in feat_list: if len(self.features[k].dim) < 2: continue elif len(self.features[k].dim) > 2: break cur_i = self.features[k].dim[0] cur_j = self.features[k].dim[1] if cur_i != last_i or cur_j != last_j: if last_i in idx and last_j in idx: plt.draw() if cur_i in idx and cur_j in idx: plt.figure( "Feature Dimensions {} and {}".format(cur_i, cur_j)) if cur_i in idx and cur_j in idx: plt.plot( [self.features[k].center[cur_i]], [self.features[k].center[cur_j]], "r", marker="x") last_i = cur_i last_j = cur_j plt.draw() def phi_nonTerminal(self, s): out = np.zeros(self.features_num) if not self.sparsify: for i in xrange(self.features_num): out[i] = self.features[i].output(s) else: # get all base feature values and check if they are activated active_bases = set([]) for i in self.sorted_ids.toList()[::-1]: if len(self.features[i].base_ids) > 1: break if self.features[i].output(s) >= self.active_threshold: active_bases.add(i) base_vals = {k: 1. for k in active_bases} # iterate over the remaining compound features for i in self.sorted_ids.toList(): if active_bases.issuperset(self.features[i].base_ids): if self.sparsify > 1: out[i] = self.features[i].output(s) if self.sparsify > 2 or out[i] >= self.active_threshold: active_bases -= self.features[i].base_ids else: u = 0 for k in self.features[i].base_ids: u = max(u, base_vals[k]) out[i] = self.features[i].output(s) * u for k in self.features[i].base_ids: base_vals[k] -= out[i] if base_vals[k] < 0: active_bases.remove(k) if self.normalization: summ = out.sum() if summ != 0: out /= out.sum() return out def phi_raw(self, s, terminal): assert(terminal is False) out = np.zeros(self.features_num) for i in xrange(self.features_num): out[i] = self.features[i].output(s) return out #@profile def post_discover(self, s, terminal, a, td_error, phi_s=None): if phi_s is None: phi_s = self.phi(s, terminal) phi_s_unnorm = self.phi_raw(s, terminal) discovered = 0 Q = self.Qs(s, terminal, phi_s=phi_s).reshape(-1, 1) # indices of active features active_indices = list( np.where(phi_s_unnorm > self.active_threshold)[0]) # "active indices", active_indices # gather all dimensions regarded by active features active_dimensions = np.zeros((len(s)), dtype="int") closest_neighbor = np.zeros((len(s))) for i in active_indices: for j in self.features[i].dim: active_dimensions[j] += 1 closest_neighbor[j] = max(closest_neighbor[j], phi_s_unnorm[i]) # add new base features for all dimension not regarded for j in xrange(len(s)): if active_dimensions[j] < self.max_active_base_feat and (closest_neighbor[j] < self.max_base_feat_sim or active_dimensions[j] < 1): active_indices.append(self.add_base_feature(s, j, Q=Q)) discovered += 1 # update relevance statistics of all feature candidates if discovered: phi_s = self.phi(s, terminal) la = len(active_indices) if la * (la - 1) < len(self.candidates): for ind, cand in self.candidates.items(): g, h = ind rel = self.update_relevance_stat( cand, g, h, td_error, s, a, phi_s) self.max_relevance = max(rel, self.max_relevance) # add if relevance is high enough if rel > self.discover_threshold: self.add_refined_feature(g, h, Q=Q) discovered += 1 else: # the result of both branches can be very different as this one # updates only combinations which are considered active. for g, h in combinations(active_indices, 2): # note: g, h are ordered as active_indices are ordered cand = self.candidates.get((g, h)) if cand is None: continue rel = self.update_relevance_stat( cand, g, h, td_error, s, a, phi_s) self.max_relevance = max(rel, self.max_relevance) # add if relevance is high enough if rel > self.discover_threshold: self.add_refined_feature(g, h, Q=Q) discovered += 1 if discovered: self.max_relevance = 0. return discovered def update_relevance_stat( self, candidate, index1, index2, td_error, s, a, phi_s): """ make sure that inputs are ordered, i.e.,index1 <= index2! returns the relevance of a potential feature combination """ candidate.td_error_sum += phi_s[index1] * phi_s[index2] * td_error candidate.activation_count += phi_s[index1] ** 2 * phi_s[index2] ** 2 if candidate.activation_count == 0.: return 0. rel = np.abs(candidate.td_error_sum) / \ np.sqrt(candidate.activation_count) return rel def add_base_feature(self, center, dim, Q): """ adds a new 1-dimensional feature and returns its index """ new_f = KernelizedFeature( center=center, dim=[dim], kernel_args=self.kernel_args, kernel=self.kernel, index=self.features_num) self.features.append(new_f) self.base_id_sets.add(new_f.base_ids) self.sorted_ids.push(-1, self.features_num) self.logger.debug( "Added Feature {} {}".format( self.features_num, new_f)) # add combinations with all existing features as candidates new_cand = {(f, self.features_num): Candidate(f, self.features_num) for f in xrange(self.features_num) if dim not in self.features[f].dim} self.candidates.update(new_cand) for f, _ in new_cand.keys(): self.base_id_sets.add(new_f.base_ids | self.features[f].base_ids) self.features_num += 1 # add parameter dimension if self.normalization: self.weight_vec = addNewElementForAllActions( self.weight_vec, self.domain.actions_num, Q) else: self.weight_vec = addNewElementForAllActions( self.weight_vec, self.domain.actions_num) return self.features_num - 1 def add_refined_feature(self, index1, index2, Q): """ adds the combination of 2 existing features to the representation """ f1 = self.features[index1] f2 = self.features[index2] new_center = np.zeros_like( cnt = np.zeros_like( cnt[f1.dim] += 1 cnt[f2.dim] += 1 cnt[cnt == 0] = 1. new_center[f1.dim] +=[f1.dim] new_center[f2.dim] +=[f2.dim] new_center /= cnt new_dim = list(frozenset(f1.dim) | frozenset(f2.dim)) new_base_ids = f1.base_ids | f2.base_ids new_dim.sort() new_f = KernelizedFeature(center=new_center, dim=new_dim, kernel_args=self.kernel_args, kernel=self.kernel, index=self.features_num, base_ids=new_base_ids) self.features.append(new_f) # Priority is the negative number of base ids self.sorted_ids.push(-len(new_f.base_ids), self.features_num) #assert(len(self.sorted_ids.toList()) == self.features_num + 1) self.base_id_sets.add(new_f.base_ids) del self.candidates[(index1, index2)] # add new candidates new_cand = {(f, self.features_num): Candidate(f, self.features_num) for f in xrange(self.features_num) if (self.features[f].base_ids | new_base_ids) not in self.base_id_sets and len(frozenset(self.features[f].dim) & frozenset(new_dim)) == 0} for c, _ in new_cand.keys(): self.base_id_sets.add(new_base_ids | self.features[c].base_ids) self.candidates.update(new_cand) self.logger.debug( "Added refined feature {} {}".format( self.features_num, new_f)) self.logger.debug("{} candidates".format(len(self.candidates))) self.features_num += 1 if self.normalization: self.weight_vec = addNewElementForAllActions( self.weight_vec, self.domain.actions_num, Q) else: self.weight_vec = addNewElementForAllActions( self.weight_vec, self.domain.actions_num) return self.features_num - 1
class iFDD(Representation): # It is a good starting point to see how relevances grow if threshold is # set to infinity. PRINT_MAX_RELEVANCE = False discovery_threshold = None # psi in the paper # boolean specifying the use of the trick mentioned in the paper so that # features are getting sparser with more feature discoveries (i.e. use # greedy algorithm for feature activation) sparsify = None # dictionary mapping initial feature sets to iFDD_feature iFDD_features = None # dictionary mapping initial feature sets to iFDD_potential iFDD_potentials = None # dictionary mapping each feature index (ID) to its feature object featureIndex2feature = None debug = 0 # Print more stuff # dictionary mapping initial active feature set phi_0(s) to its # corresponding active features at phi(s). Based on Tuna's Trick to speed # up iFDD cache = None # this should only increase speed. If results are different something is # wrong useCache = 0 # Number of features to be expanded in the batch setting maxBatchDiscovery = 0 # Minimum value of feature relevance for the batch setting batchThreshold = 0 # ICML 11 iFDD would add sum of abs(TD-errors) while the iFDD plus uses # the abs(sum(TD-Error))/sqrt(potential feature presence count) iFDDPlus = 0 # This is a priority queue based on the size of the features (Largest -> # Smallest). For same size features, it is also sorted based on the newest # -> oldest. Each element is the pointer to feature object. sortediFDDFeatures = None # A Representation that provides the initial set of features for iFDD initial_representation = None # Helper parameter to get a sense of appropriate threshold on the # relevance for discovery maxRelevance = -np.inf # As Christoph mentioned adding new features may affect the phi for all # states. This idea was to make sure both conditions for generating active # features generate the same result. use_chirstoph_ordered_features = True def __init__( self, domain, discovery_threshold, initial_representation, sparsify=True, discretization=20, debug=0, useCache=0, maxBatchDiscovery=1, batchThreshold=0, iFDDPlus=1): self.iFDD_features = {} self.iFDD_potentials = {} self.featureIndex2feature = {} self.cache = {} self.discovery_threshold = discovery_threshold self.sparsify = sparsify self.setBinsPerDimension(domain, discretization) self.features_num = initial_representation.features_num self.debug = debug self.useCache = useCache self.maxBatchDiscovery = maxBatchDiscovery self.batchThreshold = batchThreshold self.sortediFDDFeatures = PriorityQueueWithNovelty() self.initial_representation = initial_representation self.iFDDPlus = iFDDPlus self.isDynamic = True self.addInitialFeatures() super(iFDD, self).__init__(domain, discretization) def phi_nonTerminal(self, s): """ Based on Tuna's Master Thesis 2012 """ F_s = np.zeros(self.features_num, 'bool') F_s_0 = self.initial_representation.phi_nonTerminal( s) activeIndices = np.where(F_s_0 != 0)[0] if self.useCache: finalActiveIndices = self.cache.get(frozenset(activeIndices)) if finalActiveIndices is None: # run regular and update the cache finalActiveIndices = self.findFinalActiveFeatures( activeIndices) else: finalActiveIndices = self.findFinalActiveFeatures( activeIndices) F_s[finalActiveIndices] = 1 return F_s def findFinalActiveFeatures(self, intialActiveFeatures): """ Given the active indices of phi_0(s) find the final active indices of phi(s) based on discovered features """ finalActiveFeatures = [] k = len(intialActiveFeatures) initialSet = set(intialActiveFeatures) if 2 ** k <= self.features_num: # k can be big which can cause this part to be very slow # if k is large then find active features by enumerating on the # discovered features. if self.use_chirstoph_ordered_features: for i in range(k, 0, -1): if len(initialSet) == 0: break # generate list of all combinations with i elements cand_i = [(c, self.iFDD_features[frozenset(c)].index) for c in combinations(initialSet, i) if frozenset(c) in self.iFDD_features] # sort (recent features (big ids) first) cand_i.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) #idx = -1 for candidate, ind in cand_i: # the next block is for testing only #cur_idx = self.iFDD_features[frozenset(candidate)].index # if idx > 0: # assert(idx > cur_idx) #idx = cur_idx if len(initialSet) == 0: # No more initial features to be mapped to extended # ones break # This was missing from ICML 2011 paper algorithm. # Example: [0,1,20], [0,20] is discovered, but if [0] # is checked before [1] it will be added even though it # is already covered by [0,20] if initialSet.issuperset(set(candidate)): feature = self.iFDD_features.get( frozenset(candidate)) if feature is not None: finalActiveFeatures.append(feature.index) if self.sparsify: # print "Sets:", initialSet, feature.f_set initialSet = initialSet - feature.f_set # print "Remaining Set:", initialSet else: for candidate in powerset(initialSet, ascending=0): if len(initialSet) == 0: # No more initial features to be mapped to extended # ones break # This was missing from ICML 2011 paper algorithm. Example: # [0,1,20], [0,20] is discovered, but if [0] is checked # before [1] it will be added even though it is already # covered by [0,20] if initialSet.issuperset(set(candidate)): feature = self.iFDD_features.get(frozenset(candidate)) if feature is not None: finalActiveFeatures.append(feature.index) if self.sparsify: # print "Sets:", initialSet, feature.f_set initialSet = initialSet - feature.f_set # print "Remaining Set:", initialSet else: # print "********** Using Alternative: %d > %d" % (2**k, self.features_num) # Loop on all features sorted on their size and then novelty and # activate features for feature in self.sortediFDDFeatures.toList(): if len(initialSet) == 0: # No more initial features to be mapped to extended ones break if initialSet.issuperset(set(feature.f_set)): finalActiveFeatures.append(feature.index) if self.sparsify: # print "Sets:", initialSet, feature.f_set initialSet = initialSet - feature.f_set # print "Remaining Set:", initialSet if self.useCache: self.cache[frozenset(intialActiveFeatures)] = finalActiveFeatures return finalActiveFeatures def post_discover(self, s, terminal, a, td_error, phi_s): """ returns the number of added features """ # Indices of non-zero elements of vector phi_s activeFeatures = phi_s.nonzero()[0] discovered = 0 for g_index, h_index in combinations(activeFeatures, 2): discovered += self.inspectPair(g_index, h_index, td_error) return discovered def inspectPair(self, g_index, h_index, td_error): # Inspect feature f = g union h where g_index and h_index are the indices of features g and h # If the relevance is > Threshold add it to the list of features # Returns True if a new feature is added g = self.featureIndex2feature[g_index].f_set h = self.featureIndex2feature[h_index].f_set f = g.union(h) feature = self.iFDD_features.get(f) if not self.iFDDPlus: td_error = abs(td_error) if feature is not None: # Already exists return False # Look it up in potentials potential = self.iFDD_potentials.get(f) if potential is None: # Generate a new potential and put it in the dictionary potential = iFDD_potential(f, g_index, h_index) self.iFDD_potentials[f] = potential potential.cumtderr += td_error potential.cumabstderr += abs(td_error) potential.count += 1 # Check for discovery if np.random.rand() < self.iFDDPlus: relevance = abs(potential.cumtderr) / np.sqrt(potential.count) else: relevance = potential.cumabstderr if relevance >= self.discovery_threshold: self.maxRelevance = -np.inf self.addFeature(potential) return True else: self.updateMaxRelevance(relevance) return False def show(self): self.showFeatures() self.showPotentials() self.showCache() def updateWeight(self, p1_index, p2_index): # Add a new weight corresponding to the new added feature for all actions. # The new weight is set to zero if sparsify = False, and equal to the # sum of weights corresponding to the parents if sparsify = True a = self.domain.actions_num # Number of feature before adding the new one f = self.features_num - 1 if self.sparsify: newElem = (self.weight_vec[p1_index::f] + self.weight_vec[p2_index::f]).reshape((-1, 1)) else: newElem = None self.weight_vec = addNewElementForAllActions(self.weight_vec, a, newElem) # We dont want to reuse the hased phi because phi function is changed! self.hashed_s = None def addInitialFeatures(self): for i in xrange(self.initial_representation.features_num): feature = iFDD_feature(i) # shout(self,self.iFDD_features[frozenset([i])].index) self.iFDD_features[frozenset([i])] = feature self.featureIndex2feature[feature.index] = feature # priority is 1/number of initial features corresponding to the # feature priority = 1 self.sortediFDDFeatures.push(priority, feature) def addFeature(self, potential): # Add it to the list of features # Features_num is always one more than the max index (0-based) potential.index = self.features_num self.features_num += 1 feature = iFDD_feature(potential) self.iFDD_features[potential.f_set] = feature # Expand the size of the weight_vec self.updateWeight(feature.p1, feature.p2) # Update the index to feature dictionary self.featureIndex2feature[feature.index] = feature # print "IN IFDD, New Feature = %d => Total Features = %d" % (feature.index, self.features_num) # Update the sorted list of features # priority is 1/number of initial features corresponding to the feature priority = 1 / (len(potential.f_set) * 1.) self.sortediFDDFeatures.push(priority, feature) # If you use cache, you should invalidate entries that their initial # set contains the set corresponding to the new feature if self.useCache: for initialActiveFeatures in self.cache.keys(): if initialActiveFeatures.issuperset(feature.f_set): if self.sparsify: self.cache.pop(initialActiveFeatures) else: # If sparsification is not used, simply add the new # feature id to all cached values that have feature set # which is a super set of the features corresponding to # the new discovered feature self.cache[initialActiveFeatures].append(feature.index) if self.debug: def batchDiscover(self, td_errors, phi, states): # Discovers features using iFDD in batch setting. # TD_Error: p-by-1 (How much error observed for each sample) # phi: n-by-p features corresponding to all samples (each column corresponds to one sample) # self.batchThreshold is the minimum relevance value for the feature to # be expanded SHOW_PLOT = 0 # Shows the histogram of relevances maxDiscovery = self.maxBatchDiscovery n = self.features_num # number of features p = len(td_errors) # Number of samples counts = np.zeros((n, n)) relevances = np.zeros((n, n)) for i in xrange(p): phiphiT = np.outer(phi[i, :], phi[i,:]) if self.iFDDPlus: relevances += phiphiT * td_errors[i] else: relevances += phiphiT * abs(td_errors[i]) counts += phiphiT # Remove Diagonal and upper part of the relevances as they are useless relevances = np.triu(relevances, 1) non_zero_index = np.nonzero(relevances) if self.iFDDPlus: # Calculate relevances based on theoretical results of ICML 2013 # potential submission relevances[non_zero_index] = np.divide( np.abs(relevances[non_zero_index]), np.sqrt(counts[non_zero_index])) else: # Based on Geramifard11_ICML Paper relevances[non_zero_index] = relevances[non_zero_index] # Find indexes to non-zero excited pairs # F1 and F2 are the parents of the potentials (F1, F2) = relevances.nonzero() relevances = relevances[F1, F2] if len(relevances) == 0: # No feature to add self.logger.debug("iFDD Batch: Max Relevance = 0") return False if SHOW_PLOT: e_vec = relevances.flatten() e_vec = e_vec[e_vec != 0] e_vec = np.sort(e_vec) plt.ioff() plt.plot(e_vec, linewidth=3) # Sort based on relevances # We want high to low hence the reverse: [::-1] sortedIndices = np.argsort(relevances)[::-1] max_relevance = relevances[sortedIndices[0]] # Add top <maxDiscovery> features self.logger.debug( "iFDD Batch: Max Relevance = {0:g}".format(max_relevance)) added_feature = False new_features = 0 for j in xrange(len(relevances)): if new_features >= maxDiscovery: break max_index = sortedIndices[j] f1 = F1[max_index] f2 = F2[max_index] relevance = relevances[max_index] if relevance > self.batchThreshold: # print "Inspecting", # f1,f2,'=>',self.getStrFeatureSet(f1),self.getStrFeatureSet(f2) if self.inspectPair(f1, f2, np.inf): self.logger.debug( 'New Feature %d: %s, Relevance = %0.3f' % (self.features_num - 1, self.getStrFeatureSet(self.features_num - 1), relevances[max_index])) new_features += 1 added_feature = True else: # Because the list is sorted, there is no use to look at the # others break return ( # A signal to see if the representation has been expanded or not added_feature ) def showFeatures(self): print "Features:" print "-" * 30 print " index\t| f_set\t| p1\t| p2\t | Weights (per action)" print "-" * 30 for feature in reversed(self.sortediFDDFeatures.toList()): # for feature in self.iFDD_features.itervalues(): # print " %d\t| %s\t| %s\t| %s\t| %s" % # (feature.index,str(list(feature.f_set)),feature.p1,feature.p2,str(self.weight_vec[feature.index::self.features_num])) print " %d\t| %s\t| %s\t| %s\t| Omitted" % (feature.index, self.getStrFeatureSet(feature.index), feature.p1, feature.p2) def showPotentials(self): print "Potentials:" print "-" * 30 print " index\t| f_set\t| relevance\t| count\t| p1\t| p2" print "-" * 30 for _, potential in self.iFDD_potentials.iteritems(): print " %d\t| %s\t| %0.2f\t| %d\t| %s\t| %s" % (potential.index, str(np.sort(list(potential.f_set))), potential.relevance, potential.count, potential.p1, potential.p2) def showCache(self): if self.useCache: print "Cache:" if len(self.cache) == 0: print 'EMPTY!' return print "-" * 30 print " initial\t| Final" print "-" * 30 for initial, active in self.cache.iteritems(): print " %s\t| %s" % (str(list(initial)), active) def updateMaxRelevance(self, newRelevance): # Update a global max relevance and outputs it if it is updated if self.maxRelevance < newRelevance: self.maxRelevance = newRelevance if self.PRINT_MAX_RELEVANCE: self.logger.debug( "iFDD Batch: Max Relevance = {0:g}".format(newRelevance)) def getFeature(self, f_id): # returns a feature given a feature id if f_id in self.featureIndex2feature.keys(): return self.featureIndex2feature[f_id] else: print "F_id %d is not valid" % f_id return None def getStrFeatureSet(self, f_id): # returns a string that corresponds to the set of features specified by # the given feature_id if f_id in self.featureIndex2feature.keys(): return str(sorted(list(self.featureIndex2feature[f_id].f_set))) else: print "F_id %d is not valid" % f_id return None def featureType(self): return bool def __deepcopy__(self, memo): ifdd = iFDD( self.domain, self.discovery_threshold, self.initial_representation, self.sparsify, self.discretization, self.debug, self.useCache, self.maxBatchDiscovery, self.batchThreshold, self.iFDDPlus) for s, f in self.iFDD_features.items(): new_f = deepcopy(f) new_s = deepcopy(s) ifdd.iFDD_features[new_s] = new_f ifdd.featureIndex2feature[new_f.index] = new_f for s, p in self.iFDD_potentials.items(): new_s = deepcopy(s) new_p = deepcopy(p) ifdd.iFDD_potentials[new_s] = deepcopy(new_p) ifdd.cache = deepcopy(self.cache) ifdd.sortediFDDFeatures = deepcopy(self.sortediFDDFeatures) ifdd.features_num = self.features_num ifdd.weight_vec = deepcopy(self.weight_vec) return ifdd