Exemple #1
    def basic_filtration_test(self):
        """Test that structures with higher octet deviation get filtered out"""
        adj1 = """
        multiplicity 2
        1 N u0 p1 c0 {2,D} {3,S}
        2 O u0 p2 c0 {1,D}
        3 O u1 p2 c0 {1,S}
        adj2 = """
        multiplicity 2
        1 N u1 p1 c0 {2,S} {3,S}
        2 O u0 p2 c+1 {1,S}
        3 O u0 p3 c-1 {1,S}
        adj3 = """
        multiplicity 2
        1 O u1 p2 c0 {3,S}
        2 O u0 p3 c-1 {3,S}
        3 N u0 p1 c+1 {1,S} {2,S}

        mol1 = Molecule().from_adjacency_list(adj1)
        mol2 = Molecule().from_adjacency_list(adj2)
        mol3 = Molecule().from_adjacency_list(adj3)

        mol_list = [mol1, mol2, mol3]
        octet_deviation_list = get_octet_deviation_list(mol_list)
        filtered_list = filter_structures(mol_list)

        self.assertEqual(octet_deviation_list, [1, 3, 3])
        self.assertEqual(len(filtered_list), 1)
            all([atom.charge == 0 for atom in filtered_list[0].vertices]))
    def basic_filtration_test(self):
        """Test that structures with higher octet deviation get filtered out"""
        adj1 = """
        multiplicity 2
        1 N u0 p1 c0 {2,D} {3,S}
        2 O u0 p2 c0 {1,D}
        3 O u1 p2 c0 {1,S}
        adj2 = """
        multiplicity 2
        1 N u1 p1 c0 {2,S} {3,S}
        2 O u0 p2 c+1 {1,S}
        3 O u0 p3 c-1 {1,S}
        adj3 = """
        multiplicity 2
        1 O u1 p2 c0 {3,S}
        2 O u0 p3 c-1 {3,S}
        3 N u0 p1 c+1 {1,S} {2,S}

        mol1 = Molecule().fromAdjacencyList(adj1)
        mol2 = Molecule().fromAdjacencyList(adj2)
        mol3 = Molecule().fromAdjacencyList(adj3)

        mol_list = [mol1,mol2,mol3]
        octet_deviation_list = get_octet_deviation_list(mol_list)
        filtered_list = filter_structures(mol_list)

        self.assertEqual(octet_deviation_list,[1, 3, 3])
        self.assertEqual(len(filtered_list), 1)
        self.assertTrue(all([atom.charge == 0 for atom in filtered_list[0].vertices]))
Exemple #3
def _generate_resonance_structures(mol_list, method_list, keep_isomorphic=False, copy=False, filter_structures=True):
    Iteratively generate all resonance structures for a list of starting molecules using the specified methods.

        mol_list             starting list of molecules
        method_list          list of resonance structure algorithms
        keep_isomorphic      if False, removes any structures that give is_isomorphic=True (default)
                            if True, only remove structures that give is_identical=True
        copy                if False, append new resonance structures to input list (default)
                            if True, make a new list with all of the resonance structures
    cython.declare(index=cython.int, molecule=Molecule, new_mol_list=list, new_mol=Molecule, mol=Molecule)

    if copy:
        # Make a copy of the list so we don't modify the input list
        mol_list = mol_list[:]

    min_octet_deviation = min(filtration.get_octet_deviation_list(mol_list))
    min_charge_span = min(filtration.get_charge_span_list(mol_list))

    # Iterate over resonance structures
    index = 0
    while index < len(mol_list):
        molecule = mol_list[index]
        new_mol_list = []

        # On-the-fly filtration: Extend methods only for molecule that don't deviate too much from the octet rule
        # (a +2 distance from the minimal deviation is used, octet deviations per species are in increments of 2)
        # Sometimes rearranging the structure requires an additional higher charge span structure, so allow
        # structures with a +1 higher charge span compared to the minimum, e.g., [O-]S#S[N+]#N
        # This is run by default even if filter_structures=False.
        octet_deviation = filtration.get_octet_deviation(molecule)
        charge_span = molecule.get_charge_span()
        if octet_deviation <= min_octet_deviation + 2 and charge_span <= min_charge_span + 1:
            for method in method_list:
            if octet_deviation < min_octet_deviation:
                # update min_octet_deviation to make this criterion tighter
                min_octet_deviation = octet_deviation
            if charge_span < min_charge_span:
                # update min_charge_span to make this criterion tighter
                min_charge_span = charge_span

        for new_mol in new_mol_list:
            # Append to structure list if unique
            for mol in mol_list:
                if not keep_isomorphic and mol.is_isomorphic(new_mol):
                elif keep_isomorphic and mol.is_identical(new_mol):

        # Move to the next resonance structure
        index += 1

    # check net charge
    for mol in mol_list:
        if mol.get_net_charge() != 0:
            raise ResonanceError('Resonance generation gave a net charged molecule:\n{0}'
                                 'Ions are not yet supported in RMG.'.format(

    return mol_list