Exemple #1
    def testInitialSpecies(self):
        " Test we can check whether the solvent is listed as one of the initial species in various scenarios "

        # Case 1. when SMILES for solvent is available, the molecular structures of the initial species and the solvent
        # are compared to check whether the solvent is in the initial species list

        # Case 1-1: the solvent water is not in the initialSpecies list, so it raises Exception
        rmg.initialSpecies = []
        solute = Species(label='n-octane', molecule=[Molecule().fromSMILES('C(CCCCC)CC')])
        rmg.solvent = 'water'
        solventStructure = Species().fromSMILES('O')
        self.assertRaises(Exception, self.database.checkSolventinInitialSpecies, rmg, solventStructure)

        # Case 1-2: the solvent is now octane and it is listed as the initialSpecies. Although the string
        # names of the solute and the solvent are different, because the solvent SMILES is provided,
        # it can identify the 'n-octane' as the solvent
        rmg.solvent = 'octane'
        solventStructure = Species().fromSMILES('CCCCCCCC')
        self.database.checkSolventinInitialSpecies(rmg, solventStructure)

        # Case 2: the solvent SMILES is not provided. In this case, it can identify the species as the
        # solvent by looking at the string name.

        # Case 2-1: Since 'n-octane and 'octane' are not equal, it raises Exception
        solventStructure = None
        self.assertRaises(Exception, self.database.checkSolventinInitialSpecies, rmg, solventStructure)

        # Case 2-2: The label 'n-ocatne' is corrected to 'octane', so it is identified as the solvent
        rmg.initialSpecies[0].label = 'octane'
        self.database.checkSolventinInitialSpecies(rmg, solventStructure)
Exemple #2
    def testInitialSpecies(self):
        " Test we can check whether the solvent is listed as one of the initial species in various scenarios "

        # Case 1. when SMILES for solvent is available, the molecular structures of the initial species and the solvent
        # are compared to check whether the solvent is in the initial species list

        # Case 1-1: the solvent water is not in the initialSpecies list, so it raises Exception
        rmg.initialSpecies = []
        solute = Species(label='n-octane', molecule=[Molecule().fromSMILES('C(CCCCC)CC')])
        rmg.solvent = 'water'
        solventStructure = Species().fromSMILES('O')
        self.assertRaises(Exception, self.database.checkSolventinInitialSpecies, rmg, solventStructure)

        # Case 1-2: the solvent is now octane and it is listed as the initialSpecies. Although the string
        # names of the solute and the solvent are different, because the solvent SMILES is provided,
        # it can identify the 'n-octane' as the solvent
        rmg.solvent = 'octane'
        solventStructure = Species().fromSMILES('CCCCCCCC')
        self.database.checkSolventinInitialSpecies(rmg, solventStructure)

        # Case 2: the solvent SMILES is not provided. In this case, it can identify the species as the
        # solvent by looking at the string name.

        # Case 2-1: Since 'n-octane and 'octane' are not equal, it raises Exception
        solventStructure = None
        self.assertRaises(Exception, self.database.checkSolventinInitialSpecies, rmg, solventStructure)

        # Case 2-2: The label 'n-ocatne' is corrected to 'octane', so it is identified as the solvent
        rmg.initialSpecies[0].label = 'octane'
        self.database.checkSolventinInitialSpecies(rmg, solventStructure)
from rmgpy.rmg.model import CoreEdgeReactionModel
from rmgpy.rmg.main import RMG
from rmgpy import settings
from rmgpy.data.rmg import RMGDatabase

rmg = RMG()
rmg.database = RMGDatabase()
path = os.path.join(settings['database.directory'])
mol = Molecule().fromSMILES('C1=CC=CC=C1')
tdt = rmg.database.thermo.estimateThermoViaGroupAdditivity(mol)
print tdt.comment
print mol.isAromatic()

spc = Species().fromSMILES('C1=CC=CC=C1')
tdt = rmg.database.thermo.getThermoDataFromGroups(spc)
print tdt.comment
print '\n'
rmg.reactionModel = CoreEdgeReactionModel()
spc, isNew = rmg.reactionModel.makeNewSpecies(mol)
rmg.initialSpecies = []
for species in rmg.initialSpecies:
	#species.generateThermoData(rmg.database, quantumMechanics=rmg.reactionModel.quantumMechanics)
	#print species.thermo.comment
	tdt = rmg.database.thermo.getThermoDataFromGroups(spc)
	print tdt.comment

Exemple #4
rmg.scratchDirectory = '.'
rmg.databaseDirectory = databaseDirectory
rmg.thermoLibraries = ['primaryThermoLibrary']
rmg.kineticsFamilies = ['H_Abstraction',]
rmg.reactionLibraries = [('KlippensteinH2O2', False),]
rmgpy.rmg.input.rmg = rmg  # put it in this scope so these functions can modify it
#rmg.loadDatabase()  # this seems to hang (forever??) but turns out it's not needed!
logging.info("Loaded database.")

# In[4]:

rmg.reactionModel = rmgpy.rmg.model.CoreEdgeReactionModel()
rmg.reactionModel.kineticsEstimator = 'rate rules'
rmg.reactionModel.verboseComments = True
rmg.initialSpecies = []
rmg.reactionSystems = []

def makeOrEmptyDirectory(path):
    """Either create a directory at `path` or delete everything in it if it exists"""
    if os.path.exists(path):
        assert os.path.isdir(path), "Path {0} exists but is not a directory".format(path)
        # empty it out
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path, topdown=False):
            for name in files:
                os.remove(os.path.join(root, name))
            for name in dirs:
                os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name))