Exemple #1
    def generate_conditions(self,
                            reactor_type_list: Type[List[tuple]],
                            reaction_time_list: Type[List[tuple]],
                            mol_frac_list: Type[List[dict]],
                            T0_list: Type[List[tuple]] = None,
                            P0_list: Type[List[tuple]] = None,
                            V0_list: Type[List[tuple]] = None,
        Saves all the reaction conditions.

            reactor_type_list (list): A list of strings specifying the type of supported Cantera reactor:
                                      IdealGasReactor: A constant volume, zero-dimensional reactor for ideal gas mixtures
                                      IdealGasConstPressureReactor: A homogeneous, constant pressure, zero-dimensional reactor for ideal gas mixtures
                                      IdealGasConstPressureTemperatureReactor: A homogenous, constant pressure and constant temperature, zero-dimensional reactor
                                                                              for ideal gas mixtures (the same as RMG's SimpleReactor)
            reaction_time_list (tuple): A tuple object giving the ([list of reaction times], units)
            mol_frac_list (list): A list of molfrac dictionaries with species object keys
                               and mole fraction values

            To specify the system for an ideal gas, 2 of the following 3 parameters must be defined:
                T0_list (tuple): A tuple giving the ([list of initial temperatures], units)
                P0_list (tuple): A tuple giving the ([list of initial pressures], units)
                V0_list (tuple): A tuple giving the ([list of initial specific volumes], units)

        self.conditions = generate_cantera_conditions(reactor_type_list,
    def generate_conditions(self, reactor_type_list, reaction_time_list, mol_frac_list,
                            Tlist=None, Plist=None, Vlist=None):
        Creates a list of conditions from from the lists provided. 
        ======================= ====================================================
        Argument                Description
        ======================= ====================================================
        `reactor_type_list`     A list of strings of the cantera reactor type. List of supported types below:
            IdealGasReactor: A constant volume, zero-dimensional reactor for ideal gas mixtures
            IdealGasConstPressureReactor: A homogeneous, constant pressure, zero-dimensional reactor for ideal gas mixtures

        `reaction_time_list`    A tuple object giving the ([list of reaction times], units)
        `mol_frac_list`         A list of molfrac dictionaries with species object keys
                                and mole fraction values
        To specify the system for an ideal gas, you must define 2 of the following 3 parameters:
        `T0List`                A tuple giving the ([list of initial temperatures], units)
        'P0List'                A tuple giving the ([list of initial pressures], units)
        'V0List'                A tuple giving the ([list of initial specific volumes], units)
        This saves all the reaction conditions into both the old and new cantera jobs.
        # Store the conditions in the observables test case, for bookkeeping
        self.conditions = generate_cantera_conditions(reactor_type_list, reaction_time_list, mol_frac_list,
                                                      Tlist=Tlist, Plist=Plist, Vlist=Vlist)

        # Map the mole fractions dictionaries to species objects from the old and new models
        old_mol_frac_list = []
        new_mol_frac_list = []

        for mol_frac in mol_frac_list:
            old_condition = {}
            new_condition = {}
            old_species_dict = get_rmg_species_from_user_species(list(mol_frac.keys()), self.old_sim.species_list)
            new_species_dict = get_rmg_species_from_user_species(list(mol_frac.keys()), self.new_sim.species_list)
            for smiles, molfrac in mol_frac.items():
                if old_species_dict[smiles] is None:
                    raise Exception('SMILES {0} was not found in the old model!'.format(smiles))
                if new_species_dict[smiles] is None:
                    raise Exception('SMILES {0} was not found in the new model!'.format(smiles))

                old_condition[old_species_dict[smiles]] = molfrac
                new_condition[new_species_dict[smiles]] = molfrac

        # Generate the conditions in each simulation
        self.old_sim.generate_conditions(reactor_type_list, reaction_time_list, old_mol_frac_list,
                                         Tlist=Tlist, Plist=Plist, Vlist=Vlist)
        self.new_sim.generate_conditions(reactor_type_list, reaction_time_list, new_mol_frac_list,
                                         Tlist=Tlist, Plist=Plist, Vlist=Vlist)