def getArrheniusJSMath(A, Aunits, n, nunits, Ea, Eaunits, T0, T0units):
    result = '{0!s}'.format(getLaTeXScientificNotation(A))
    if n != 0:
        if T0 != 1:
            result += r' \left( \frac{{T}}{{ {0:g} \ \mathrm{{ {1!s} }} }} \right)^{{ {2:.2f} }}'.format(T0, T0units, n)
            result += r' T^{{ {0:.2f} }}'.format(n)
    if Ea != 0:
        result += r' \exp \left( - \, \frac{{ {0:.2f} \ \mathrm{{ {1!s} }} }}{{ R T }} \right)'.format(Ea, Eaunits)
    result += ' \ \mathrm{{ {0!s} }}'.format(Aunits)
    return result
def get_temp_specific_rate(kinetics, temperature):
    Return the rate in nice units given a specified temperature.
    Outputs in pretty Latex scientific notation.
    if kinetics is None:
        return "// There are no kinetics for this entry."
    kunits, kunits_low, kfactor, numReactants = getRateCoefficientUnits(kinetics)
    rate = kinetics.getRateCoefficient(temperature)*kfactor
    result = '<div class="math">k(T) = {0!s}'.format(getLaTeXScientificNotation(rate))
    result += '\ \mathrm{{ {0!s} }}</div>'.format(kunits)
    return mark_safe(result)
Exemple #3
def get_specific_rate(kinetics, eval):
    Return the rate in nice units given a specified temperature.
    Outputs in pretty Latex scientific notation.
    if kinetics is None:
        return "// There are no kinetics for this entry."
    temperature, pressure = eval
    kunits, kunits_low, kfactor = getRateCoefficientUnits(kinetics)
    rate = kinetics.get_rate_coefficient(temperature, pressure)*kfactor
    result = '<script type="math/tex; mode=display">k(T, P) = {0!s}'.format(getLaTeXScientificNotation(rate))
    result += '\ \mathrm{{ {0!s} }}</script>'.format(kunits)
    return mark_safe(result)
Exemple #4
def getArrheniusJSMath(A, Aunits, n, nunits, Ea, Eaunits, T0, T0units):
    result = '{0!s}'.format(getLaTeXScientificNotation(A))
    if n != 0:
        if T0 != 1:
            result += r' \left( \frac{{T}}{{ {0:g} \ \mathrm{{ {1!s} }} }} \right)^{{ {2:.2f} }}'.format(T0, T0units, n)
            result += r' T^{{ {0:.2f} }}'.format(n)
    if Ea > 0:
        result += r' \exp \left( - \, \frac{{ {0:.2f} \ \mathrm{{ {1!s} }} }}{{ R T }} \right)'.format(Ea, Eaunits)
    elif Ea < 0:
        result += r' \exp \left(\frac{{ {0:.2f} \ \mathrm{{ {1!s} }} }}{{ R T }} \right)'.format(-Ea, Eaunits)
    result += ' \ \mathrm{{ {0!s} }}'.format(Aunits)
    return result
def get_specific_rate(kinetics, eval):
    Return the rate in nice units given a specified temperature.
    Outputs in pretty Latex scientific notation.
    if kinetics is None:
        return "// There are no kinetics for this entry."
    temperature, pressure = eval
    kunits, kunits_low, kfactor, numReactants = getRateCoefficientUnits(kinetics)
    rate = kinetics.getRateCoefficient(temperature, pressure)*kfactor
    result = '<script type="math/tex; mode=display">k(T, P) = {0!s}'.format(getLaTeXScientificNotation(rate))
    result += '\ \mathrm{{ {0!s} }}</script>'.format(kunits)
    return mark_safe(result)
def render_thermo_math(thermo, user=None):
    Return a math representation of the given `thermo` using jsMath. If a 
    `user` is specified, the user's preferred units will be used; otherwise 
    default units will be used.
    # Define other units and conversion factors to use
    if user and user.is_authenticated():
        user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=user)
        Tunits = str(user_profile.temperatureUnits)
        Punits = str(user_profile.pressureUnits)
        Cpunits = str(user_profile.heatCapacityUnits)
        Hunits = str(user_profile.energyUnits)
        Sunits = str(user_profile.heatCapacityUnits)
        Gunits = str(user_profile.energyUnits)
        Tunits = 'K'
        Punits = 'bar'
        Cpunits = 'cal/(mol*K)'
        Hunits = 'kcal/mol'
        Sunits = 'cal/(mol*K)'
        Gunits = 'kcal/mol'
    Tfactor = Quantity(1, Tunits).getConversionFactorFromSI()
    Pfactor = Quantity(1, Punits).getConversionFactorFromSI()
    Cpfactor = Quantity(1, Cpunits).getConversionFactorFromSI()
    Hfactor = Quantity(1, Hunits).getConversionFactorFromSI()
    Sfactor = Quantity(1, Sunits).getConversionFactorFromSI()
    Gfactor = Quantity(1, Gunits).getConversionFactorFromSI()
    # The string that will be returned to the template
    result = ''
    if isinstance(thermo, ThermoData):
        # The thermo is in ThermoData format
        result += '<table class="thermoEntryData">\n'
        if thermo.H298 is not None:
            result += '<tr>'
            result += r'    <td class="key"><span class="math">\Delta H_\mathrm{f}^\circ(298 \ \mathrm{K})</span></td>'
            result += r'    <td class="equals">=</td>'
            result += r'    <td class="value"><span class="math">{0:.2f} \ \mathrm{{ {1!s} }}</span></td>'.format(thermo.H298.value_si * Hfactor, Hunits)
            result += '</tr>\n'
        if thermo.S298 is not None:
            result += '<tr>'
            result += r'    <td class="key"><span class="math">\Delta S_\mathrm{f}^\circ(298 \ \mathrm{K})</span></td>'
            result += r'    <td class="equals">=</td>'
            result += r'    <td class="value"><span class="math">{0:.2f} \ \mathrm{{ {1!s} }}</span></td>'.format(thermo.S298.value_si * Sfactor, Sunits)
            result += '</tr>\n'
        if thermo.Tdata is not None and thermo.Cpdata is not None:
            for T, Cp in zip(thermo.Tdata.value_si, thermo.Cpdata.value_si):
                result += '<tr>'
                result += r'    <td class="key"><span class="math">C_\mathrm{{p}}^\circ({0:g} \ \mathrm{{ {1!s} }})</span></td>'.format(T * Tfactor, Tunits)
                result += r'    <td class="equals">=</td>'
                result += r'    <td class="value"><span class="math">{0:.2f} \ \mathrm{{ {1!s} }}</span></td>'.format(Cp * Cpfactor, Cpunits)
                result += '</tr>\n'
        result += '</table>\n'
    elif isinstance(thermo, Wilhoit):
        # The thermo is in Wilhoit format
        result += '<div class="math">\n'
        result += r'\begin{split}'
        result += r'C_\mathrm{p}(T) &= C_\mathrm{p}(0) + \left[ C_\mathrm{p}(\infty) -'
        result += r'    C_\mathrm{p}(0) \right] y^2 \left[ 1 + (y - 1) \sum_{i=0}^3 a_i y^i \right] \\'
        result += r'H^\circ(T) &= H_0 + \int_0^\infty C_\mathrm{p}(T) \ dT \\'
        result += r'S^\circ(T) &= S_0 + \int_0^\infty \frac{C_\mathrm{p}(T)}{T} \ dT\\'
        result += r'y &\equiv \frac{T}{T + B}'
        result += r'\end{split}'
        result += '</div>\n'

        result += '<table class="thermoEntryData">\n'
        result += '<tr>'
        result += r'    <td class="key"><span class="math">C_\mathrm{p}(0)</span></td>'
        result += r'    <td class="equals">=</td>'
        result += r'    <td class="value"><span class="math">{0:.2f} \ \mathrm{{ {1!s}  }}</span></td>'.format(thermo.cp0.value_si * Cpfactor, Cpunits)
        result += '</tr>\n'
        result += '<tr>'
        result += r'    <td class="key"><span class="math">C_\mathrm{p}(\infty)</span></td>'
        result += r'    <td class="equals">=</td>'
        result += r'    <td class="value"><span class="math">{0:.2f} \ \mathrm{{ {1!s} }}</span></td>'.format(thermo.cpInf.value_si * Cpfactor, Cpunits)
        result += '</tr>\n'
        result += '<tr>'
        result += r'    <td class="key"><span class="math">a_0</span></td>'
        result += r'    <td class="equals">=</td>'
        result += r'    <td class="value"><span class="math">{0!s}</span></td>'.format(getLaTeXScientificNotation(thermo.a0))
        result += '</tr>\n'
        result += '<tr>'
        result += r'    <td class="key"><span class="math">a_1</span></td>'
        result += r'    <td class="equals">=</td>'
        result += r'    <td class="value"><span class="math">{0!s}</span></td>'.format(getLaTeXScientificNotation(thermo.a1))
        result += '</tr>\n'
        result += '<tr>'
        result += r'    <td class="key"><span class="math">a_2</span></td>'
        result += r'    <td class="equals">=</td>'
        result += r'    <td class="value"><span class="math">{0!s}</span></td>'.format(getLaTeXScientificNotation(thermo.a2))
        result += '</tr>\n'
        result += '<tr>'
        result += r'    <td class="key"><span class="math">a_3</span></td>'
        result += r'    <td class="equals">=</td>'
        result += r'    <td class="value"><span class="math">{0!s}</span></td>'.format(getLaTeXScientificNotation(thermo.a3))
        result += '</tr>\n'
        result += '<tr>'
        result += r'    <td class="key"><span class="math">H_0</span></td>'
        result += r'    <td class="equals">=</td>'
        result += r'    <td class="value"><span class="math">{0:.2f} \ \mathrm{{ {1!s} }}</span></td>'.format(thermo.H0.value_si * Hfactor, Hunits)
        result += '</tr>\n'
        result += '<tr>'
        result += r'    <td class="key"><span class="math">S_0</span></td>'
        result += r'    <td class="equals">=</td>'
        result += r'    <td class="value"><span class="math">{0:.2f} \ \mathrm{{ {1!s} }}</span></td>'.format(thermo.S0.value_si * Sfactor, Sunits)
        result += '</tr>\n'
        result += '<tr>'
        result += r'    <td class="key"><span class="math">B</span></td>'
        result += r'    <td class="equals">=</td>'
        result += r'    <td class="value"><span class="math">{0:.2f} \ \mathrm{{ {1!s} }}</span></td>'.format(thermo.B.value_si * Tfactor, Tunits)
        result += '</tr>\n'
        result += '</table>\n'
    elif isinstance(thermo, NASA):
        # The thermo is in NASA format
        result += '<div class="math">\n'
        result += r'\frac{C_\mathrm{p}^\circ(T)}{R} = a_{-2} T^{-2} + a_{-1} T^{-1} + a_0 + a_1 T + a_2 T^2 + a_3 T^3 + a_4 T^4'
        result += '</div>\n'
        result += '<div class="math">\n'
        result += r'\frac{H^\circ(T)}{RT} = -a_{-2} T^{-2} + a_{-1} \frac{\ln T}{T} + a_0 + \frac{1}{2} a_1 T + \frac{1}{3} a_2 T^2 + \frac{1}{4} a_3 T^3 + \frac{1}{5} a_4 T^4 + \frac{a_5}{T}'
        result += '</div>\n'
        result += '<div class="math">\n'
        result += r'\frac{S^\circ(T)}{R} = -\frac{1}{2} a_{-2} T^{-2} - a_{-1} T^{-1} + a_0 \ln T + a_1 T + \frac{1}{2} a_2 T^2 + \frac{1}{3} a_3 T^3 + \frac{1}{4} a_4 T^4 + a_6'
        result += '</div>\n'

        result += '<table class="thermoEntryData">\n'
        result += '<tr>'
        result += r'    <td class="key">Temperature range</td>'
        result += r'    <td class="equals">=</td>'
        for polynomial in thermo.polynomials:
            result += r'    <td class="value">{0:g} to {1:g} {2!s}</td>'.format(polynomial.Tmin.value_si * Tfactor, polynomial.Tmax.value_si * Tfactor, Tunits)
        result += '</tr>\n'
        result += '<tr>'
        result += r'    <td class="key"><span class="math">a_{-2}</span></td>'
        result += r'    <td class="equals">=</td>'
        for polynomial in thermo.polynomials:
            result += r'    <td class="value"><span class="math">{0!s}</span></td>'.format(getLaTeXScientificNotation(polynomial.cm2))
        result += '</tr>\n'
        result += '<tr>'
        result += r'    <td class="key"><span class="math">a_{-1}</span></td>'
        result += r'    <td class="equals">=</td>'
        for polynomial in thermo.polynomials:
            result += r'    <td class="value"><span class="math">{0!s}</span></td>'.format(getLaTeXScientificNotation(polynomial.cm1))
        result += '</tr>\n'
        result += '<tr>'
        result += r'    <td class="key"><span class="math">a_0</span></td>'
        result += r'    <td class="equals">=</td>'
        for polynomial in thermo.polynomials:
            result += r'    <td class="value"><span class="math">{0!s}</span></td>'.format(getLaTeXScientificNotation(polynomial.c0))
        result += '</tr>\n'
        result += '<tr>'
        result += r'    <td class="key"><span class="math">a_1</span></td>'
        result += r'    <td class="equals">=</td>'
        for polynomial in thermo.polynomials:
            result += r'    <td class="value"><span class="math">{0!s}</span></td>'.format(getLaTeXScientificNotation(polynomial.c1))
        result += '</tr>\n'
        result += '<tr>'
        result += r'    <td class="key"><span class="math">a_2</span></td>'
        result += r'    <td class="equals">=</td>'
        for polynomial in thermo.polynomials:
            result += r'    <td class="value"><span class="math">{0!s}</span></td>'.format(getLaTeXScientificNotation(polynomial.c2))
        result += '</tr>\n'
        result += '<tr>'
        result += r'    <td class="key"><span class="math">a_3</span></td>'
        result += r'    <td class="equals">=</td>'
        for polynomial in thermo.polynomials:
            result += r'    <td class="value"><span class="math">{0!s}</span></td>'.format(getLaTeXScientificNotation(polynomial.c3))
        result += '</tr>\n'
        result += '<tr>'
        result += r'    <td class="key"><span class="math">a_4</span></td>'
        result += r'    <td class="equals">=</td>'
        for polynomial in thermo.polynomials:
            result += r'    <td class="value"><span class="math">{0!s}</span></td>'.format(getLaTeXScientificNotation(polynomial.c4))
        result += '</tr>\n'
        result += '<tr>'
        result += r'    <td class="key"><span class="math">a_5</span></td>'
        result += r'    <td class="equals">=</td>'
        for polynomial in thermo.polynomials:
            result += r'    <td class="value"><span class="math">{0!s}</span></td>'.format(getLaTeXScientificNotation(polynomial.c5))
        result += '</tr>\n'
        result += '<tr>'
        result += r'    <td class="key"><span class="math">a_6</span></td>'
        result += r'    <td class="equals">=</td>'
        for polynomial in thermo.polynomials:
            result += r'    <td class="value"><span class="math">{0!s}</span></td>'.format(getLaTeXScientificNotation(polynomial.c6))
        result += '</tr>\n'
        result += '</table>\n'
    elif isinstance(thermo, list):
        # The thermo is a link
        index = thermo[1]
        url = reverse('database.views.thermoEntry', {'section': section, 'subsection': subsection, 'index': index})
        result += '<table class="thermoEntryData">\n'
        result += '<tr>'
        result += r'    <td class="key">Link:</td>'
        result += r'    <td class="value"><a href="{0!s}">{1}</a></td>'.format(url, index)
        result += '</tr>\n'
        result += '<\table>\n'
    # Temperature range
    if isinstance(thermo, (ThermoData, Wilhoit, NASA)):
        result += '<table class="thermoEntryData">'
        if thermo.Tmin is not None and thermo.Tmax is not None:
            result += '<tr><td class="key">Temperature range</td><td class="equals">=</td><td class="value">{0:g} to {1:g} {2!s}</td></tr>'.format(thermo.Tmin.value_si, thermo.Tmax.value_si, Tunits)
        result += '</table>'

    return mark_safe(result)
def render_kinetics_math(kinetics, user=None):
    Return a math representation of the given `kinetics` using jsMath. If a 
    `user` is specified, the user's preferred units will be used; otherwise 
    default units will be used.
    if kinetics is None:
        return mark_safe("<p>There are no kinetics for this entry.</p>")
    # Define other units and conversion factors to use
    if user and user.is_authenticated():
        user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=user)
        Tunits = str(user_profile.temperatureUnits)
        Punits = str(user_profile.pressureUnits)
        Eunits = str(user_profile.energyUnits)
        Tunits = 'K'
        Punits = 'bar'
        Eunits = 'kcal/mol'
    kunits, kunits_low, kfactor, numReactants = getRateCoefficientUnits(kinetics, user=user)
    Tfactor = Quantity(1, Tunits).getConversionFactorFromSI()
    Pfactor = Quantity(1, Punits).getConversionFactorFromSI()
    Efactor = Quantity(1, Eunits).getConversionFactorFromSI()
    if kunits == 's^-1':
        kunits = 's^{-1}'   
    # The string that will be returned to the template
    result = ''
    if isinstance(kinetics, Arrhenius):
        # The kinetics is in Arrhenius format
        result += r'<div class="math">k(T) = {0!s}</div>'.format(getArrheniusJSMath(
            kinetics.A.value * kfactor, kunits, 
            kinetics.n.value, '', 
            kinetics.Ea.value * Efactor, Eunits, 
            kinetics.T0.value * Tfactor, Tunits,
    elif isinstance(kinetics, ArrheniusEP):
        # The kinetics is in ArrheniusEP format
        result += r'<div class="math">k(T) = {0!s}'.format(getLaTeXScientificNotation(kinetics.A.value * kfactor))
        if kinetics.n.value != 0:
            result += r' T^{{ {0:.2f} }}'.format(kinetics.n.value)
        result += r' \exp \left( - \, \frac{{ {0:.2f} \ \mathrm{{ {1!s} }} + {2:.2f} \Delta H_\mathrm{{rxn}}^\circ }}{{ R T }} \right)'.format(kinetics.E0.value * Efactor, Eunits, kinetics.alpha.value)
        result += ' \ \mathrm{{ {0!s} }}</div>'.format(kunits)
    elif isinstance(kinetics, KineticsData):
        # The kinetics is in KineticsData format
        result += r'<table class="KineticsData">'
        result += r'<tr><th>Temperature</th><th>Rate coefficient</th></tr>'
        for T, k in zip(kinetics.Tdata.values, kinetics.kdata.values):
            result += r'<tr><td><span class="math">{0:g} \ \mathrm{{ {1!s} }}</span></td><td><span class="math">{2!s} \ \mathrm{{ {3!s} }}</span></td></tr>'.format(T * Tfactor, Tunits, getLaTeXScientificNotation(k * kfactor), kunits)
        result += r'</table>'
        # fit to an arrhenius
        arr = kinetics.toArrhenius()
        result += "Fitted to an Arrhenius:"
        result += r'<div class="math">k(T) = {0!s}</div>'.format(getArrheniusJSMath(
            arr.A.value * kfactor, kunits, 
            arr.n.value, '', 
            arr.Ea.value * Efactor, Eunits, 
            arr.T0.value * Tfactor, Tunits,
    elif isinstance(kinetics, PDepArrhenius):
        # The kinetics is in PDepArrhenius format
        for P, arrh in zip(kinetics.pressures.values, kinetics.arrhenius):
            result += r'<div class="math">k(T, \ {0:g} \ \mathrm{{ {1!s} }}) = {2}</div>'.format(
                P * Pfactor, Punits, 
                    arrh.A.value * kfactor, kunits, 
                    arrh.n.value, '', 
                    arrh.Ea.value * Efactor, Eunits, 
                    arrh.T0.value * Tfactor, Tunits,
    elif isinstance(kinetics, Chebyshev):
        # The kinetics is in Chebyshev format
        result += r"""<div class="math">
\log k(T,P) &= \sum_{t=1}^{N_T} \sum_{p=1}^{N_P} C_{tp} \phi_t(\tilde{T}) \phi_p(\tilde{P}) [\mathrm{ {{ kineticsParameters.coeffs.1 }} }] \\
\tilde{T} &\equiv \frac{2T^{-1} - T_\mathrm{min}^{-1} - T_\mathrm{max}^{-1}}{T_\mathrm{max}^{-1} - T_\mathrm{min}^{-1}} \\
\tilde{P} &\equiv \frac{2 \log P - \log P_\mathrm{min} - \log P_\mathrm{max}}{\log P_\mathrm{max} - \log P_\mathrm{min}}
<div class="math">\mathbf{C} = \begin{bmatrix}
        for t in range(kinetics.degreeT):
            for p in range(kinetics.degreeP):
                if p > 0: result += ' & '
                result += '{0:g}'.format(kinetics.coeffs[t,p])
            result += '\\\\ \n'
        result += '\end{bmatrix}</div>'
    elif isinstance(kinetics, Troe):
        # The kinetics is in Troe format
        Fcent = r'(1 - \alpha) \exp \left( -T/T_3 \right) + \alpha \exp \left( -T/T_1 \right) + \exp \left( -T_2/T \right)'
        if kinetics.T2 is not None:
            Fcent += r' + \exp \left( -T_2/T \right)'
        result += r"""<div class="math">
k(T,P) &= k_\infty(T) \left[ \frac{{P_\mathrm{{r}}}}{{1 + P_\mathrm{{r}}}} \right] F \\
P_\mathrm{{r}} &= \frac{{k_0(T)}}{{k_\infty(T)}} [\mathrm{{M}}] \\
\log F &= \left\{{1 + \left[ \frac{{\log P_\mathrm{{r}} + c}}{{n - d (\log P_\mathrm{{r}} + c)}} \right]^2 \right\}}^{{-1}} \log F_\mathrm{{cent}} \\
c &= -0.4 - 0.67 \log F_\mathrm{{cent}} \\
n &= 0.75 - 1.27 \log F_\mathrm{{cent}} \\
d &= 0.14 \\
F_\mathrm{{cent}} &= {0}
</div><div class="math">\begin{{split}}
        result += r'k_\infty(T) &= {0!s} \\'.format(getArrheniusJSMath(
            kinetics.arrheniusHigh.A.value * kfactor, kunits, 
            kinetics.arrheniusHigh.n.value, '', 
            kinetics.arrheniusHigh.Ea.value * Efactor, Eunits, 
            kinetics.arrheniusHigh.T0.value * Tfactor, Tunits,
        result += r'k_0(T) &= {0!s} \\'.format(getArrheniusJSMath(
            kinetics.arrheniusLow.A.value * kfactor * kfactor, kunits_low, 
            kinetics.arrheniusLow.n.value, '', 
            kinetics.arrheniusLow.Ea.value * Efactor, Eunits, 
            kinetics.arrheniusLow.T0.value * Tfactor, Tunits,
        result += r'\alpha &= {0:g} \\'.format(kinetics.alpha.value)
        result += r'T_3 &= {0:g} \ \mathrm{{ {1!s} }} \\'.format(kinetics.T3.value * Tfactor, Tunits)
        result += r'T_1 &= {0:g} \ \mathrm{{ {1!s} }} \\'.format(kinetics.T1.value * Tfactor, Tunits)
        if kinetics.T2 is not None:
            result += r'T_2 &= {0:g} \ \mathrm{{ {1!s} }} \\'.format(kinetics.T2.value * Tfactor, Tunits)
        result += r'\end{split}</div>'
    elif isinstance(kinetics, Lindemann):
        # The kinetics is in Lindemann format
        result += r"""<div class="math">
k(T,P) &= k_\infty(T) \left[ \frac{{P_\mathrm{{r}}}}{{1 + P_\mathrm{{r}}}} \right] \\
P_\mathrm{{r}} &= \frac{{k_0(T)}}{{k_\infty(T)}} [\mathrm{{M}}] \\
</div><div class="math">\begin{{split}}
        result += r'k_\infty(T) &= {0!s} \\'.format(getArrheniusJSMath(
            kinetics.arrheniusHigh.A.value * kfactor, kunits, 
            kinetics.arrheniusHigh.n.value, '', 
            kinetics.arrheniusHigh.Ea.value * Efactor, Eunits, 
            kinetics.arrheniusHigh.T0.value * Tfactor, Tunits,
        result += r'k_0(T) &= {0!s} \\'.format(getArrheniusJSMath(
            kinetics.arrheniusLow.A.value * kfactor * kfactor, kunits_low, 
            kinetics.arrheniusLow.n.value, '', 
            kinetics.arrheniusLow.Ea.value * Efactor, Eunits, 
            kinetics.arrheniusLow.T0.value * Tfactor, Tunits,
        result += r'\end{split}</div>'
    elif isinstance(kinetics, ThirdBody):
        # The kinetics is in ThirdBody format
        result += r"""<div class="math">
k(T,P) = k_0(T) [\mathrm{{M}}]
</div><div class="math">
        result += r'k_0(T) = {0!s}'.format(getArrheniusJSMath(
            kinetics.arrheniusHigh.A.value * kfactor * kfactor, kunits_low, 
            kinetics.arrheniusHigh.n.value, '', 
            kinetics.arrheniusHigh.Ea.value * Efactor, Eunits, 
            kinetics.arrheniusHigh.T0.value * Tfactor, Tunits,
        result += '</div>'
    elif isinstance(kinetics, MultiKinetics):
        # The kinetics is in MultiKinetics format
        result = ''
        start = ''
        for i, k in enumerate(kinetics.kineticsList):
            res = render_kinetics_math(k, user=user)
            start += '{0} + '.format(res.split(' = ')[0].replace('<div class="math">k(T', 'k_{{ {0:d} }}(T'.format(i+1), 1))
            result += res.replace('k(T', 'k_{{ {0:d} }}(T'.format(i+1), 1) + '<br/>'
        result = r"""<div class="math">
k(T,P) = {0!s}
        """.format(start[:-3]) + result

    # Collision efficiencies
    if hasattr(kinetics, 'efficiencies'):
        result += '<table>\n'
        result += '<tr><th colspan="2">Collision efficiencies</th></tr>'
        for smiles, eff in kinetics.efficiencies.iteritems():
            result += '<tr><td>{0}</td><td>{1:g}</td></tr>\n'.format(getStructureMarkup(smiles), eff)
        result += '</table><br/>\n'
    # Temperature and pressure ranges
    result += '<table class="kineticsEntryData">'
    if kinetics.Tmin is not None and kinetics.Tmax is not None:
        result += '<tr><td class="key">Temperature range</td><td class="equals">=</td><td class="value">{0:g} to {1:g} {2!s}</td></tr>'.format(kinetics.Tmin.value * Tfactor, kinetics.Tmax.value * Tfactor, Tunits)
    if kinetics.Pmin is not None and kinetics.Pmax is not None:
        result += '<tr><td class="key">Pressure range</td><td class="equals">=</td><td class="value">{0:g} to {1:g} {2!s}</td></tr>'.format(kinetics.Pmin.value * Pfactor, kinetics.Pmax.value * Pfactor, Punits)
    result += '</table>'

    return mark_safe(result)
Exemple #8
def render_kinetics_math(kinetics, user=None):
    Return a math representation of the given `kinetics` using MathJax. If a
    `user` is specified, the user's preferred units will be used; otherwise
    default units will be used.
    if kinetics is None:
        return mark_safe("<p>There are no kinetics for this entry.</p>")
    # Define other units and conversion factors to use
    if user and user.is_authenticated:
        user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=user)
        Tunits = user_profile.temperature_units
        Punits = user_profile.pressure_units
        Eunits = user_profile.energy_units
        Tunits = 'K'
        Punits = 'Pa'
        Eunits = 'J/mol'
    kunits, kunits_low, kfactor = getRateCoefficientUnits(kinetics, user=user)
    Tfactor = Quantity(1, Tunits).get_conversion_factor_from_si()
    Pfactor = Quantity(1, Punits).get_conversion_factor_from_si()
    Efactor = Quantity(1, Eunits).get_conversion_factor_from_si()
    if kunits == 's^-1':
        kunits = 's^{-1}'

    # The string that will be returned to the template
    result = ''

    if isinstance(kinetics, (Arrhenius, SurfaceArrhenius, StickingCoefficient)):
        # The kinetics is in Arrhenius format
        result += r'<script type="math/tex; mode=display">k(T) = {0!s}</script>'.format(getArrheniusJSMath(
            kinetics.A.value_si * kfactor, kunits,
            kinetics.n.value_si, '',
            kinetics.Ea.value_si * Efactor, Eunits,
            kinetics.T0.value_si * Tfactor, Tunits,

    elif isinstance(kinetics, (ArrheniusEP, SurfaceArrheniusBEP, StickingCoefficientBEP)):
        # The kinetics is in ArrheniusEP format
        result += r'<script type="math/tex; mode=display">k(T) = {0!s}'.format(getLaTeXScientificNotation(kinetics.A.value_si * kfactor))
        if kinetics.n.value_si != 0:
            result += r' T^{{ {0:.2f} }}'.format(kinetics.n.value_si)
        result += r' \exp \left( - \, \frac{{ {0:.2f} \ \mathrm{{ {1!s} }} + {2:.2f} \Delta H_\mathrm{{rxn}}^\circ }}{{ R T }} \right)'.format(kinetics.E0.value_si * Efactor, Eunits, kinetics.alpha.value_si)
        result += r' \ \mathrm{{ {0!s} }}</script>'.format(kunits)

    elif isinstance(kinetics, ArrheniusBM):
        # The kinetics is in ArrheniusBM format
        result += r'<script type="math/tex; mode=display">\begin{{split}}k(T) &= {0!s}'.format(getLaTeXScientificNotation(kinetics.A.value_si * kfactor))
        if kinetics.n.value_si != 0:
            result += r' T^{{ {0:.2f} }}' .format(kinetics.n.value_si)
        result += r' \exp \left(- \, \frac{{ E_\mathrm{{a}} }}{{RT}} \right) \ \mathrm{{ {0!s} }} \\'.format(kunits)
        result += r'''
E_\mathrm{{a}} &= \frac{{ \left( w_{{0}} + 0.5 \Delta H_\mathrm{{rxn}} \right)
\left( V_\mathrm{{p}} - 2 w_{{0}} + \Delta H_\mathrm{{rxn}} \right) ^ {{2}} }}
{{ V_\mathrm{{p}} ^ {{2}} - \left( 2 w_{{0}} \right) ^ {{2}} + \Delta H_\mathrm{{rxn}} ^ {{2}} }} \\
V_\mathrm{{p}} &= 2 w_{{0}} \left( \frac{{ w_{{0}} + E_{{0}} }} {{ w_{{0}} - E_{{0}} }} \right) \\
w_{{0}} &= {0:.2f}\ \mathrm{{ {1!s} }} \\
E_{{0}} &= {2:.2f}\ \mathrm{{ {1!s} }} \end{{split}}</script>
'''.format(kinetics.w0.value_si * Efactor, Eunits, kinetics.E0.value_si * Efactor)
    elif isinstance(kinetics, KineticsData):
        # The kinetics is in KineticsData format
        result += r'<table class="KineticsData">'
        result += r'<tr><th>Temperature</th><th>Rate coefficient</th></tr>'
        for T, k in zip(kinetics.Tdata.value_si, kinetics.kdata.value_si):
            result += r'<tr><td><script type="math/tex">{0:g} \ \mathrm{{ {1!s} }}</script></td><td><script type="math/tex">{2!s} \ \mathrm{{ {3!s} }}</script></td></tr>'.format(T * Tfactor, Tunits, getLaTeXScientificNotation(k * kfactor), kunits)
        result += r'</table>'
        # fit to an arrhenius
        arr = kinetics.to_arrhenius()
        result += "Fitted to an Arrhenius:"
        result += r'<script type="math/tex; mode=display">k(T) = {0!s}</script>'.format(getArrheniusJSMath(
            arr.A.value_si * kfactor, kunits,
            arr.n.value_si, '',
            arr.Ea.value_si * Efactor, Eunits,
            arr.T0.value_si * Tfactor, Tunits,

    elif isinstance(kinetics, PDepArrhenius):
        # The kinetics is in PDepArrhenius format
        for P, arrh in zip(kinetics.pressures.value_si, kinetics.arrhenius):
            if isinstance(arrh, Arrhenius):
                result += r'<script type="math/tex; mode=display">k(T, {0} \mathrm{{ {1!s} }}) = {2}</script>'.format(
                    getLaTeXScientificNotation(P * Pfactor), Punits,
                        arrh.A.value_si * kfactor, kunits,
                        arrh.n.value_si, '',
                        arrh.Ea.value_si * Efactor, Eunits,
                        arrh.T0.value_si * Tfactor, Tunits,
            elif isinstance(arrh, MultiArrhenius):
                start = (r'<script type="math/tex; mode=display">'
                         r'k(T, {0} \mathrm{{ {1!s} }}) = '.format(getLaTeXScientificNotation(P * Pfactor), Punits))
                res = ''
                for i, k in enumerate(arrh.arrhenius):
                    start += 'k_{{ {0:d} }}(T, {1} \mathrm{{ {2!s} }}) + '.format(i + 1, getLaTeXScientificNotation(P * Pfactor), Punits)
                    res += r'<script type="math/tex; mode=display">k_{{ {0:d} }}(T, {1} \mathrm{{ {2!s} }}) = {3}</script>'.format(
                        i + 1, getLaTeXScientificNotation(P * Pfactor), Punits,
                            k.A.value_si * kfactor, kunits,
                            k.n.value_si, '',
                            k.Ea.value_si * Efactor, Eunits,
                            k.T0.value_si * Tfactor, Tunits,
                result += start[:-3] + '</script>\n' + res + '<br/>'

    elif isinstance(kinetics, Chebyshev):
        # The kinetics is in Chebyshev format
        result += r"""<script type="math/tex; mode=display">
\log k(T,P) &= \sum_{t=1}^{N_T} \sum_{p=1}^{N_P} C_{tp} \phi_t(\tilde{T}) \phi_p(\tilde{P}) [\mathrm{""" + kinetics.kunits + r""" }] \\
\tilde{T} &\equiv \frac{2T^{-1} - T_\mathrm{min}^{-1} - T_\mathrm{max}^{-1}}{T_\mathrm{max}^{-1} - T_\mathrm{min}^{-1}} \\
\tilde{P} &\equiv \frac{2 \log P - \log P_\mathrm{min} - \log P_\mathrm{max}}{\log P_\mathrm{max} - \log P_\mathrm{min}}
<script type="math/tex; mode=display">\mathbf{C} = \begin{bmatrix}
        for t in range(kinetics.degreeT):
            for p in range(kinetics.degreeP):
                if p > 0:
                    result += ' & '
                result += '{0:g}'.format(kinetics.coeffs.value_si[t, p])
            result += '\\\\ \n'
        result += '\end{bmatrix}</script>'

    elif isinstance(kinetics, Troe):
        # The kinetics is in Troe format
        Fcent = r'(1 - \alpha) \exp \left( -T/T_3 \right) + \alpha \exp \left( -T/T_1 \right) + \exp \left( -T_2/T \right)'
        if kinetics.T2 is not None:
            Fcent += r' + \exp \left( -T_2/T \right)'
        result += r"""<script type="math/tex; mode=display">
k(T,P) &= k_\infty(T) \left[ \frac{{P_\mathrm{{r}}}}{{1 + P_\mathrm{{r}}}} \right] F \\
P_\mathrm{{r}} &= \frac{{k_0(T)}}{{k_\infty(T)}} [\mathrm{{M}}] \\
\log F &= \left\{{1 + \left[ \frac{{\log P_\mathrm{{r}} + c}}{{n - d (\log P_\mathrm{{r}} + c)}} \right]^2 \right\}}^{{-1}} \log F_\mathrm{{cent}} \\
c &= -0.4 - 0.67 \log F_\mathrm{{cent}} \\
n &= 0.75 - 1.27 \log F_\mathrm{{cent}} \\
d &= 0.14 \\
F_\mathrm{{cent}} &= {0}
</script><script type="math/tex; mode=display">\begin{{split}}
        result += r'k_\infty(T) &= {0!s} \\'.format(getArrheniusJSMath(
            kinetics.arrheniusHigh.A.value_si * kfactor, kunits,
            kinetics.arrheniusHigh.n.value_si, '',
            kinetics.arrheniusHigh.Ea.value_si * Efactor, Eunits,
            kinetics.arrheniusHigh.T0.value_si * Tfactor, Tunits,
        result += r'k_0(T) &= {0!s} \\'.format(getArrheniusJSMath(
            kinetics.arrheniusLow.A.value_si * kfactor * kfactor, kunits_low,
            kinetics.arrheniusLow.n.value_si, '',
            kinetics.arrheniusLow.Ea.value_si * Efactor, Eunits,
            kinetics.arrheniusLow.T0.value_si * Tfactor, Tunits,
        result += r'\alpha &= {0:g} \\'.format(kinetics.alpha)
        result += r'T_3 &= {0:g} \ \mathrm{{ {1!s} }} \\'.format(kinetics.T3.value_si * Tfactor, Tunits)
        result += r'T_1 &= {0:g} \ \mathrm{{ {1!s} }} \\'.format(kinetics.T1.value_si * Tfactor, Tunits)
        if kinetics.T2 is not None:
            result += r'T_2 &= {0:g} \ \mathrm{{ {1!s} }} \\'.format(kinetics.T2.value_si * Tfactor, Tunits)
        result += r'\end{split}</script>'

    elif isinstance(kinetics, Lindemann):
        # The kinetics is in Lindemann format
        result += r"""<script type="math/tex; mode=display">
k(T,P) &= k_\infty(T) \left[ \frac{{P_\mathrm{{r}}}}{{1 + P_\mathrm{{r}}}} \right] \\
P_\mathrm{{r}} &= \frac{{k_0(T)}}{{k_\infty(T)}} [\mathrm{{M}}] \\
</script><script type="math/tex; mode=display">\begin{{split}}
        result += r'k_\infty(T) &= {0!s} \\'.format(getArrheniusJSMath(
            kinetics.arrheniusHigh.A.value_si * kfactor, kunits,
            kinetics.arrheniusHigh.n.value_si, '',
            kinetics.arrheniusHigh.Ea.value_si * Efactor, Eunits,
            kinetics.arrheniusHigh.T0.value_si * Tfactor, Tunits,
        result += r'k_0(T) &= {0!s} \\'.format(getArrheniusJSMath(
            kinetics.arrheniusLow.A.value_si * kfactor * kfactor, kunits_low,
            kinetics.arrheniusLow.n.value_si, '',
            kinetics.arrheniusLow.Ea.value_si * Efactor, Eunits,
            kinetics.arrheniusLow.T0.value_si * Tfactor, Tunits,
        result += r'\end{split}</script>'

    elif isinstance(kinetics, ThirdBody):
        # The kinetics is in ThirdBody format
        result += r"""<script type="math/tex; mode=display">
k(T,P) = k_0(T) [\mathrm{{M}}]
</script><script type="math/tex; mode=display">
        result += r'k_0(T) = {0!s}'.format(getArrheniusJSMath(
            kinetics.arrheniusLow.A.value_si * kfactor * kfactor, kunits_low,
            kinetics.arrheniusLow.n.value_si, '',
            kinetics.arrheniusLow.Ea.value_si * Efactor, Eunits,
            kinetics.arrheniusLow.T0.value_si * Tfactor, Tunits,
        result += '</script>'

    elif isinstance(kinetics, (MultiArrhenius, MultiPDepArrhenius)):
        # The kinetics is in MultiArrhenius or MultiPDepArrhenius format
        result = ''
        start = r'<script type="math/tex; mode=display">k(T, P) = '
        for i, k in enumerate(kinetics.arrhenius):
            res = render_kinetics_math(k, user=user)
            start += 'k_{{ {0:d} }}(T, P) + '.format(i+1)
            result += res.replace('k(T', 'k_{{ {0:d} }}(T'.format(i+1)) + '<br/>'

        result = start[:-3] + '</script><br/>' + result

    # Collision efficiencies
    if hasattr(kinetics, 'efficiencies') and kinetics.efficiencies:
        result += '<table>\n'
        result += '<tr><th colspan="2">Collision efficiencies</th></tr>'
        for smiles, eff in kinetics.efficiencies.items():
            result += '<tr><td>{0}</td><td>{1:g}</td></tr>\n'.format(getStructureMarkup(smiles), eff)
        result += '</table><br/>\n'

    # Temperature and pressure ranges
    result += '<table class="kineticsEntryData">'
    if kinetics.Tmin is not None and kinetics.Tmax is not None:
        result += '<tr><td class="key">Temperature range</td><td class="equals">=</td><td class="value">{0:g} to {1:g} {2!s}</td></tr>'.format(kinetics.Tmin.value_si * Tfactor, kinetics.Tmax.value_si * Tfactor, Tunits)
    if kinetics.Pmin is not None and kinetics.Pmax is not None:
        result += '<tr><td class="key">Pressure range</td><td class="equals">=</td><td class="value">{0:g} to {1:g} {2!s}</td></tr>'.format(kinetics.Pmin.value_si * Pfactor, kinetics.Pmax.value_si * Pfactor, Punits)
    result += '</table>'

    return mark_safe(result)