Exemple #1
def match(ref_geom, geom_to_match):
    rmsd_before = rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(ref_geom.coords3d, geom_to_match.coords3d)
    print(f"Kabsch RMSD before: {rmsd_before:.4f}")
    matched_geom = match_geom_atoms(ref_geom, geom_to_match, hydrogen=True)

    # Right now the atoms are not in the right order as we only sorted the
    # individual coord blocks by atom.
    # This dictionary will hold the counter indices for the individual atom
    atom_type_inds = {atom: 0 for atom in ref_geom.atom_types}
    matched_coord_blocks, _ = matched_geom.coords_by_type
    new_coords = list()
    for atom in ref_geom.atoms:
        # Get the current counter/index from the dicitonary for the given atom
        cur_atom_ind = atom_type_inds[atom]
        # Select the appropriate atom from the coords block
        atom_coords = matched_coord_blocks[atom][cur_atom_ind]
        # Increment the counter so the next time the same atom type comes up
        # we fetch the next entry of the coord block.
        atom_type_inds[atom] += 1
    # Assign the updated atom order and corresponding coordinates
    matched_geom.atoms = ref_geom.atoms
    matched_geom.coords = np.array(new_coords).flatten()
    rmsd_after = rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(ref_geom.coords3d, matched_geom.coords3d)
    print(f"Kabsch RMSD after: {rmsd_after:.4f}")
    return [matched_geom, ]
Exemple #2
def test_reorder_qml():

    filename_1 = pathlib.PurePath(RESOURCE_PATH, "CHEMBL3039407.xyz")

    p_atoms, p_coord = rmsd.get_coordinates_xyz(filename_1)

    # Reorder atoms
    n_atoms = len(p_atoms)
    random_reorder = np.arange(n_atoms, dtype=int)

    q_atoms = copy.deepcopy(p_atoms)
    q_coord = copy.deepcopy(p_coord)
    q_atoms = q_atoms[random_reorder]
    q_coord = q_coord[random_reorder]

    # Mess up the distance matrix by rotating the molecule
    theta = 180.0
    rotation_y = np.array(
            [np.cos(theta), 0, np.sin(theta)],
            [0, 1, 0],
            [-np.sin(theta), 0, np.cos(theta)],

    q_coord = np.dot(q_coord, rotation_y)

    # Reorder with standard hungarian, this will fail reorder and give large
    # RMSD
    view_dist = rmsd.reorder_hungarian(p_atoms, q_atoms, p_coord, q_coord)
    q_atoms_dist = q_atoms[view_dist]
    q_coord_dist = q_coord[view_dist]
    _rmsd_dist = rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(p_coord, q_coord_dist)
    assert q_atoms_dist.tolist() == p_atoms.tolist()
    assert _rmsd_dist > 3.0

    # Reorder based in chemical similarity
    view = rmsd.reorder_similarity(p_atoms, q_atoms, p_coord, q_coord)
    q_atoms = q_atoms[view]
    q_coord = q_coord[view]

    # Calculate new RMSD with correct atom order
    _rmsd = rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(p_coord, q_coord)

    # Assert correct atom order
    assert q_atoms.tolist() == p_atoms.tolist()

    # Assert this is the same molecule
    pytest.approx(0.0) == _rmsd
Exemple #3
def test_pdb(example_path="examples", threshold=0.001):
    A simple test for the PDB functionality
    :return: True if all test passed
    p_atoms, P = rmsd.get_coordinates(example_path+'/ci2_1.pdb', 'pdb')
    q_atoms, Q = rmsd.get_coordinates(example_path+'/ci2_2.pdb', 'pdb')

    n_rmsd = rmsd.rmsd(P, Q)
    Pc = rmsd.centroid(P)
    Qc = rmsd.centroid(Q)
    P -= Pc
    Q -= Qc

    k_rmsd = rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(P, Q)
    q_rmsd = rmsd.quaternion_rmsd(P, Q)

    if abs(n_rmsd - 26.975) > threshold:
        print('Failed to calculate normal RMSD, result: {0}'.format(n_rmsd))
        return False
    if abs(k_rmsd - 11.777) > threshold:
        print('Failed to calculate Kabsch RMSD, result: {0}'.format(k_rmsd))
        return False
    if abs(q_rmsd - 11.777) > threshold:
        print('Failed to calculate quaternion RMSD, result: {0}'.format(q_rmsd))
        return False
    if abs(q_rmsd - k_rmsd) > threshold ** 2:
        print('Failed to yield similar Kabsch and quaternion RMSD, result: {0} vs {1}'.format(k_rmsd, q_rmsd))
        return False
    return True
Exemple #4
 def step(self, action):
     resi, angles = action
     self._set_residue_torsion(resi, angles)
     self.state = cmd.get_coords()
     reward = rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(self.state.copy(), self.atom_coords.copy(), translate=True)
     done = reward < 1
     return self.state, reward, done, self.info
Exemple #5
def compute_pairwise_rmsd(confs):
    n_conf = confs.shape[0]
    rmsds = []
    for i in range(n_conf):
        for j in range(n_conf):
            rmsds.append(kabsch_rmsd(confs[i, :, :], confs[j, :, :]))
    return np.mean(rmsds)
Exemple #6
def main():
    trajectory = get_trajectory(*sys.argv[1:])
    rmsds = {}
    for key in trajectory.keys():
        rmsds[key] = list()
        for i in range(len(trajectory[key])):
                rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(trajectory[key][0], trajectory[key][i]))

    # avreages
    avrgs = {key: np.average(rmsds[key]) for key in rmsds.keys()}

    sorted_keys = list(
            sorted([item for item in avrgs.items()],
    print('"","' + '","'.join(list(map(str, sorted_keys))) + '"')
        list(map(str, [avrgs[key] for key in sorted_keys])))))

    for i in range(len(sys.argv[1:])):
        row = [str(i + 1)]
        for key in sorted_keys:
Exemple #7
def rmsd_distance(atoms_list,

    N = len(atoms_list)

    kernel = np.zeros((N, N))

    # Lower triangular

    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(i):

            coord_i = coordinates_list[i]
            coord_j = coordinates_list[j]

            # unique pairs
            if translation:
                coord_i = coord_i - rmsd.centroid(coord_i)
                coord_j = coord_j - rmsd.centroid(coord_j)

            if rotation:
                kernel[i, j] = rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(coord_i, coord_j)
                kernel[i, j] = rmsd.rmsd(coord_i, coord_j)

            kernel[j, i] = kernel[i, j]

    # np.fill_diagonal(kernel, 0.0)
    # iu2 = np.triu_indices(N, 1)
    # il2 = np.tril_indices(N, -1)
    # kernel[iu2] = kernel[il2]

    return kernel
Exemple #8
def assert_geom(ref_fn, zmat_fn, atol=2.5e-5):
    zmat = zmat_from_fn(zmat_fn)
    geom = geom_from_zmat(zmat)

    ref = geom_loader(ref_fn)
    rmsd = kabsch_rmsd(geom.coords3d, ref.coords3d, translate=True)
    print(f"RMSD: {rmsd:.6f}")
    assert rmsd == pytest.approx(0., abs=atol)
Exemple #9
def new_fitness(masses, network, target_coordinates, dim):
    Fitness with new possible variation of laplacian
    laplacian = create_customized_laplacian(network, masses)
    guess_coordinates = get_spectral_coordinates(laplacian, dim=dim)
    return rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(guess_coordinates.values,
Exemple #10
def count_rmsd(t1, t2):
    P = np.array([[float(v.x), float(v.y), float(v.z)] for v in t1.points])
    Q = np.array([[float(v.x), float(v.y), float(v.z)] for v in t2.points])

    # print("RMSD before translation: ", round(rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(P, Q), 6))
    P -= rmsd.centroid(P)
    Q -= rmsd.centroid(Q)
    # print("RMSD after translation: ", round(rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(P, Q), 6))
    return round(rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(P, Q), 4)  # round 6 in triangles_matrix
Exemple #11
def fitness(masses, network, target_coordinates, dim):
    Defines the fitness score for a given individual.
    mod_matrix = create_inverse_mod_matrix(masses)
    guess_coordinates = get_spectral_coordinates(
        nx.laplacian_matrix(network).todense(), mod_matrix, dim)
    return rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(guess_coordinates.values,
Exemple #12
def CalRmsdFrame(coor_frame, ref_coor_frame):
    Calculate the rmsd between two frames.
    coor_tmp = coor_frame.reshape(-1, 3)
    ref_tmp = ref_coor_frame.reshape(-1, 3)
    coor_tmp -= rmsd.centroid(coor_tmp)
    ref_tmp -= rmsd.centroid(ref_tmp)
    return rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(coor_tmp, ref_tmp)
Exemple #13
def compute_rmsd_matrix(confs):
    n_conf = confs.shape[0]
    rmsds = np.zeros((n_conf, n_conf))
    for i in range(n_conf):
        for j in range(n_conf):
            r = kabsch_rmsd(confs[i, :, :], confs[j, :, :])
            rmsds[i, j] = r
            rmsds[j, i] = r
    return rmsds
Exemple #14
def RMSDmetric(structure1, structure2):
    numParticles = len(structure1) / 3

    coords1 = structure1.reshape(int(numParticles), 3)
    coords2 = structure2.reshape(int(numParticles), 3)

    coords1 = coords1 - rmsd.centroid(coords1)
    coords2 = coords2 - rmsd.centroid(coords2)

    return rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(coords1, coords2)
def fitness_single(masses, fitness_parameters):
    # fitness_parameters[0] = protein_network
    # fitness_parameters[1] = target_coordinates
    network = nt.modify_edges_weitghts(fitness_parameters[0], masses)
    guess_coordinates = nt.get_spectral_coordinates(
        mod_matrix=np.diag([float(1 / a[1]) for a in network.degree]),
    return rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(guess_coordinates.values,
Exemple #16
def compute_similarity(site_a, site_b):
    Compute the similarity between two given ActiveSite instances.

    Input: two ActiveSite instances
    Output: the similarity between them (a floating point number)
    # Get strings of single letter aa residues
    s_a = output_aa_string(site_a.residues)
    s_b = output_aa_string(site_b.residues)
    # Align strings using local alignment algorithm which relies
    # on dynamic programming to compute all possible alignments and
    # returns the highest scoring alignment. 
    # Local alignment aims to find the max alignment for substrings
    # of two larger strings.
    # Matches = +1
    # Mismatches, gaps = +0
    alignments = pairwise2.align.localxx(s_a, s_b) # perform alignment
    if len(alignments) == 0: return float("inf") # return INF if no alignment found
    align_a, align_b, s = alignments[0][:3] # extract first alignment
    # Output indices where nucleotides in alignment match
    inds_a, inds_b = match(align_a, align_b)
    if len(inds_a) < 2: return float("inf")
    # Create matrix of coordinates for atom CA
    V = create_coord_matrix(site_a, inds_a)
    W = create_coord_matrix(site_b, inds_b)
    # Center and rotate Ca matrices then calculate Root-Mean-Square-Deviation (RMSD)
    # It measures the average distance between backbone atoms of two
    # superimposed proteins.

    # The greater the RMSD, the less similar the proteins are.
    # A RMSD equal to 0 represents identical proteins.

    # Each protein is a matrix containing x, y, and z coordinates for each CA atom
    # The rows of the two matrices are matching residues obtained from the alignment

    # To minimize RMSD you must first center the coordinates on the origin so the
    # two vectors can be near each other.
    V -= rmsd.centroid(V)
    W -= rmsd.centroid(W)

    # Then find the optimal rotation for matrix W that aligns it best with V
    # This is the Kabasch algorithm which works by calculating a covariance matrix
    # and then finding the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the cov. matrix
    # Last, find the optimal rotation matrix which is the dot product of V and W
    # optimized by lowest RMSD
    return rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(V,W)
Exemple #17
 def get_unique_geometries(self, geoms):
     geom_num = len(geoms)
     rmsds = np.full((geom_num, geom_num), np.inf)
     for i, j in it.combinations(range(geom_num), 2):
         coords1 = geoms[i].coords.reshape(-1, 3)
         coords2 = geoms[j].coords.reshape(-1, 3)
         rmsds[i, j] = rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(coords1, coords2)
     is_, js = np.where(rmsds < self.rmsd_thresh)
     similar_inds = np.unique(js)
     unique_geoms = [geoms[i] for i in range(geom_num) if i not in similar_inds]
     return unique_geoms
Exemple #18
def test_reorder_inertia_hungarian():

    # coordinates of scrambled and rotated butane
    atoms = np.array(
        ["C", "C", "C", "C", "H", "H", "H", "H", "H", "H", "H", "H", "H", "H"]

    p_coord = np.array(
            [2.142e00, 1.395e00, -8.932e00],
            [3.631e00, 1.416e00, -8.537e00],
            [4.203e00, -1.200e-02, -8.612e00],
            [5.691e00, 9.000e-03, -8.218e00],
            [1.604e00, 7.600e-01, -8.260e00],
            [1.745e00, 2.388e00, -8.880e00],
            [2.043e00, 1.024e00, -9.930e00],
            [4.169e00, 2.051e00, -9.210e00],
            [3.731e00, 1.788e00, -7.539e00],
            [3.665e00, -6.470e-01, -7.940e00],
            [4.104e00, -3.840e-01, -9.610e00],
            [6.088e00, -9.830e-01, -8.270e00],
            [5.791e00, 3.810e-01, -7.220e00],
            [6.230e00, 6.440e-01, -8.890e00],

    q_coord = np.array(
            [6.71454, -5.53848, -3.50851],
            [6.95865, -6.22697, -2.15264],
            [8.16747, -5.57632, -1.45606],
            [5.50518, -6.19016, -4.20589],
            [5.33617, -5.71137, -5.14853],
            [7.58263, -5.64795, -4.12498],
            [6.51851, -4.49883, -3.35011],
            [6.09092, -6.11832, -1.53660],
            [5.70232, -7.22908, -4.36475],
            [7.15558, -7.26640, -2.31068],
            [8.33668, -6.05459, -0.51425],
            [7.97144, -4.53667, -1.29765],
            [4.63745, -6.08152, -3.58986],
            [9.03610, -5.68475, -2.07173],

    p_coord -= rmsd.centroid(p_coord)
    q_coord -= rmsd.centroid(q_coord)

    review = rmsd.reorder_inertia_hungarian(atoms, atoms, p_coord, q_coord)

    result_rmsd = rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(p_coord, q_coord[review])

    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(0, result_rmsd, decimal=2)
Exemple #19
def test_geom_from_zmat(this_dir):
    zmat = [
        ZLine("C", 0, 1.510486 * AB),
        ZLine("N", 0, 1.459785 * AB, 1, 112.257683),
        ZLine("O", 1, 1.220389 * AB, 0, 118.653885, 2, -179.541229),
        ZLine("O", 1, 1.353023 * AB, 0, 122.591621, 2, 0.825231),

    geom = geom_from_zmat(zmat)

    reference = geom_loader(this_dir / "glycine_noh.xyz")
    rmsd = kabsch_rmsd(geom.coords3d, reference.coords3d, translate=True)
    assert rmsd == pytest.approx(0., abs=1e-6)
Exemple #20
    def rmsd_with(self, structure):
        """Calculates the Root Mean Square Deviation between this structure and

        :param AtomStructure structure: the structure to check against.
        :raises ValueError: if the other structure has a different number of\
        :rtype: ``float``"""

        pairing = self.pairing_with(structure)
        coords1, coords2 = [[a.location for a in atoms]
                            for atoms in zip(*pairing.items())]
        c1, c2 = self.center_of_mass, structure.center_of_mass
        coords1 = [[x - c1[0], y - c1[1], z - c1[2]] for x, y, z in coords1]
        coords2 = [[x - c2[0], y - c2[1], z - c2[2]] for x, y, z in coords2]
        return round(rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(coords1, coords2), 12)
Exemple #21
def get_rmsd(coords, reference):
    Calculate the rmsd of the given coordinates compared to a reference.

        > coords        list[np.array, np.array, ...]; coordinates to be compared
                        vs. the reference coordinates
        > reference     list[np.array, np.array, ...]; reference to compare
                        coordinates to

    Sources:   https://pypi.org/project/rmsd/
    # translate center of geometry to the origin for reference and
    # current frame
    coords -= rmsd.centroid(coords)
    reference -= rmsd.centroid(reference)
    return rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(coords, reference)
def myRMSDmetric(arr1, arr2):
    This function is built under the assumption that the space dimension is 3!!!
    Requirement from sklearn radius_neighbors_graph: The callable should take two arrays as input and return one value indicating the distance between them.
     Input: One row from reshaped XYZ trajectory as number of steps times nDOF
     Inside: Reshape to XYZ format and apply rmsd as r=rmsd(X[i], X[j])
     Output: rmsd distance

    nParticles = len(arr1) / 3
    assert (nParticles == int(nParticles))

    X1 = arr1.reshape(int(nParticles), 3)
    X2 = arr2.reshape(int(nParticles), 3)

    X1 = X1 - rmsd.centroid(X1)
    X2 = X2 - rmsd.centroid(X2)

    return rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(X1, X2)
Exemple #23
def compare_positions(pos, pos_list, threshold=0.005):


    iterate over views
    - hydrogen views on carbons (Based on bonds)
    - heavy atoms


    for posc in pos_list:
        comparision = rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(pos, posc)

        if comparision < threshold:
            return False

    return True
def fitness_all(masses, fitness_parameters):
    # fitness_parameters[0] = protein_network_list
    # fitness_parameters[1] = target_coordinates_list
    # fitness_parameters[2] = dataset_list
    # fitness_parameters[3] = edge_aa_list
    aa_contact_map = create_AA_contact_map(masses)
    fitness = 0.0
    laplacian_list = refresh_network_weights(fitness_parameters[2],
    for i in range(len(laplacian_list)):
        guess_coordinates = nt.get_spectral_coordinates(
            mod_matrix=np.diag(1 / np.diag(laplacian_list[i])),
        fitness += rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(guess_coordinates.values,
    return fitness
def calculate_transformation_kabsch(
        src_points: np.ndarray,
        dst_points: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.array, float]:
    Calculates the optimal rigid transformation from src_points to
    (regarding the least squares error)
    src_points: array
        (3,N) matrix
    dst_points: array
        (3,N) matrix

    rotation_matrix: array
        (3,3) matrix

    translation_vector: array
        (3,1) matrix
    rmsd_value: float
    assert src_points.shape == dst_points.shape
    if src_points.shape[0] != 3:
        raise Exception(
            "The input data matrix had to be transposed in order to compute transformation."

    src_points = src_points.transpose()
    dst_points = dst_points.transpose()

    src_points_centered = src_points - rmsd.centroid(src_points)
    dst_points_centered = dst_points - rmsd.centroid(dst_points)

    rotation_matrix = rmsd.kabsch(src_points_centered, dst_points_centered)
    rmsd_value = rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(src_points_centered, dst_points_centered)

    translation_vector = rmsd.centroid(dst_points) - np.matmul(
        rmsd.centroid(src_points), rotation_matrix)

    return create_homogenous(rotation_matrix.transpose(),
                             translation_vector.transpose()), rmsd_value
Exemple #26
def find_rotation_matrix(ax, ay, az, imu_ax, imu_ay, imu_az):
    print("Finding rotation matrix...")
    rx = 0
    ry = 0
    rz = 0

    diff_a = []
    imu_a = []

    # Kabsch algorithm setup
    for i in range(np.minimum(len(ax), len(imu_ax))):
        diff_a.append([ax[i] / 9.81, ay[i] / 9.81, az[i] / 9.81])
    for i in range(np.minimum(len(ax), len(imu_ax))):
        imu_a.append([imu_ax[i], imu_ay[i], imu_az[i]])

    diff_a = np.array(diff_a)
    imu_a = np.array(imu_a)

    print("Rotation matrix: ", rmsd.kabsch(diff_a, imu_a))
    print("RMSD: ", rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(diff_a, imu_a))
    # diff_a -= rmsd.centroid(diff_a)
    # imu_a -= rmsd.centroid(imu_a)
    # print("Rotation matrix after translation: ", rmsd.kabsch(diff_a, imu_a))
    # print("RMSD after translation: ", rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(diff_a, imu_a))

    rotated_a = rmsd.kabsch_rotate(diff_a, imu_a)
    r_ax = []
    r_ay = []
    r_az = []
    for i in range(len(rotated_a)):

    x_axis = np.array(range(len(r_ax)))
    plt.title("Rotated Differentiated Acceleration")
    plt.plot(x_axis, r_ax, label='x', color='red')
    plt.plot(x_axis, r_ay, label='y', color='green')
    plt.plot(x_axis, r_az, label='z', color='blue')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    P = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 3])
    Q = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 3])
    P_cent = P - tf_centroid(P)
    Q_cent = Q - tf_centroid(Q)
    pq_rmsd = tf_kabsch_rmsd(P_cent, Q_cent)

    _, P_np = rmsd.get_coordinates_pdb('ci2_1.pdb')
    _, Q_np = rmsd.get_coordinates_pdb('ci2_2.pdb')

    sess = tf.Session()

    qp_rmsd_tf = sess.run(pq_rmsd, feed_dict={P: Q_np, Q: P_np})
    qp_rmsd_np = rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(Q_np - rmsd.centroid(Q_np),
                                  P_np - rmsd.centroid(P_np))

    pq_rmsd_tf = sess.run(pq_rmsd, feed_dict={P: P_np, Q: Q_np})
    pq_rmsd_np = rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(P_np - rmsd.centroid(P_np),
                                  Q_np - rmsd.centroid(Q_np))

    print("Kabsch RMSD(Q, P): Numpy implementation {}, TF implementation {}".
          format(qp_rmsd_np, qp_rmsd_tf))
    assert (isclose(qp_rmsd_tf, qp_rmsd_np, abs_tol=1e-5))

    print("Kabsch RMSD(P, Q): Numpy implementation {}, TF implementation {}".
          format(pq_rmsd_np, pq_rmsd_tf))
    assert (isclose(pq_rmsd_tf, pq_rmsd_np, abs_tol=1e-5))
Exemple #28
centroidData = []
for i in range(numOfStructures):
    commonData[i] = np.array(commonData[i])
    centroidPos = rmsd.centroid(commonData[i])
    commonData[i] -= centroidPos

# calculate pairwise deviation and rotate
deviations = np.empty((numOfLoci, 0), float)
for i in range(numOfStructures):
    for j in range(numOfStructures):
        if j == i:
        # mirror image if needed
        mirrorFactor = 1.0
        if rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(commonData[i], commonData[j]) > rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(
                commonData[i], -1.0 * commonData[j]):
            mirrorFactor = -1.0
        # calculate deviation
        rotationMatrix = rmsd.kabsch(mirrorFactor * commonData[j],
        if j > i:
            deviation = np.linalg.norm(
                np.dot(mirrorFactor * commonData[j], rotationMatrix) -
            deviations = np.c_[deviations, deviation]
            sys.stderr.write('median deviation between ' + str(i) + ' and ' +
                             str(j) + ': ' + str(np.median(deviation)) + '\n')
        # rotate j to align with i
        sys.stderr.write('aligning ' + str(j) + ' to ' + str(i) + '\n')
Exemple #29
def align(argv):
    # default parameters
    output_prefix = None

    # read arguments
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "o:")
    except getopt.GetoptError as err:
        sys.stderr.write("[E::" + __name__ + "] unknown command\n")
        return 1
    if len(args) == 0:
            "Usage: dip-c align [options] <in1.3dg> <in2.3dg> ...\n")
        sys.stderr.write("  -o STR        output prefix [no output]\n")
        sys.stderr.write("  tab-delimited: homolog, locus, RMSD\n")
            "  additionally with \"-o\": 3DG files aligned to each other\n")

        return 1
    for o, a in opts:
        if o == "-o":
            output_prefix = a

    # load 3dg files
    input_data = []
    num_structures = len(args)
    if num_structures < 2:
        sys.stderr.write("[E::" + __name__ +
                         "] at least 2 structures are required\n")
        return 1
    counter = 0
    for input_filename in args:
        sys.stderr.write("[M::" + __name__ + "] reading 3dg file " +
                         str(counter) + ": " + input_filename + "\n")
        for input_file_line in open(input_filename, "rb"):
            input_file_line_data = input_file_line.strip().split()
                            int(input_file_line_data[1]))] = [
        counter += 1

    # find common particles
    common_loci = set(input_data[0])
    for input_structure in input_data[1:]:
        common_loci = common_loci.intersection(set(input_structure))
    num_loci = len(common_loci)
    common_loci = list(common_loci)
    common_data = []
    for input_structure in input_data:
        for common_locus in common_loci:
    sys.stderr.write("[M::" + __name__ + "] found " + str(num_loci) +
                     " common particles\n")

    # subtract centroid
    common_data = np.array(common_data)
    centroid_data = []
    for i in range(num_structures):
        common_data[i] = np.array(common_data[i])
        centroid_pos = rmsd.centroid(common_data[i])
        common_data[i] -= centroid_pos
    sys.stderr.write("[M::" + __name__ + "] found centroids for " +
                     str(num_structures) + " structures\n")

    # calculate pairwise deviation and rotate
    deviations = np.empty((num_loci, 0), float)
    for i in range(num_structures):
        for j in range(num_structures):
            if j == i:
            # mirror image if needed
            mirror_factor = 1.0
            if rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(common_data[i],
                                common_data[j]) > rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(
                                    common_data[i], -1.0 * common_data[j]):
                mirror_factor = -1.0
            # calculate deviation
            rotation_matrix = rmsd.kabsch(mirror_factor * common_data[j],
            if j > i:
                deviation = np.linalg.norm(
                    np.dot(mirror_factor * common_data[j], rotation_matrix) -
                deviations = np.c_[deviations, deviation]
                sys.stderr.write("[M::" + __name__ +
                                 "] median deviation between file " + str(i) +
                                 " and file " + str(j) + ": " +
                                 str(np.median(deviation)) + "\n")

            # rotate
            if output_prefix is not None:
                # rotate j to align with i
                sys.stderr.write("[M::" + __name__ + "] aligning file " +
                                 str(j) + " to file " + str(i) + "\n")
                aligned_filename = output_prefix + str(j) + "_to_" + str(
                    i) + ".3dg"
                aligned_file = open(aligned_filename, "wb")
                for input_locus in input_data[j]:
                    aligned_pos = np.dot(
                        (np.array(input_data[j][input_locus]) -
                         centroid_data[j]) * mirror_factor,
                        rotation_matrix) + centroid_data[i]
                    ]) + "\n")

    # summarize rmsd and print
    rmsds = np.sqrt((deviations**2).mean(axis=1))
    totalrmsd = np.sqrt((rmsds**2).mean(axis=0))
    sys.stderr.write("[M::" + __name__ + "] RMS RMSD: " + str(totalrmsd) +
    sys.stderr.write("[M::" + __name__ + "] median RMSD: " +
                     str(np.median(rmsds, axis=0)) + "\n")
    sys.stderr.write("[M::" + __name__ + "] writing output\n")
    for i in range(num_loci):
            map(str, [common_loci[i][0], common_loci[i][1], rmsds[i]])) + "\n")

    return 0
Exemple #30
def calc_exact_rmsd(ref_atoms, mob_atoms):
    ra = np.array(copy.deepcopy(ref_atoms))
    ma = np.array(copy.deepcopy(mob_atoms))
    ra -= rmsd.centroid(ra)
    ma -= rmsd.centroid(ma)
    return rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(ra, ma)
Exemple #31
def matched_rmsd(geom1, geom2, thresh=5e-2):
    """RMSD for optimally aligned and matched geometries.

    matched_rmsd : float
        RMSD of optimally aligned and matched geometries.
    matched_geoms : tuple(Geometry, Geometry)
        Tuple of the optimally aligned and matched geometries.

    # Work on copies of the Geometries, as calling standard_orientation
    # moves their coordinates.
    geom1_copy = geom1.copy()
    coords3d_1 = geom1_copy.coords3d
    geom2_copy = geom2.copy()
    coords3d_2 = geom2_copy.coords3d.copy()

    # After bringing the Geometries into standard orientation we may
    # still have to consider additional axis swaps and reflections to
    # allow optimal atom matching using the Hungarian method.

    # Six possible axis swaps, (3*2, (x, y, z)*((x), (y), (z))).
    axes = (0, 1, 2)
    swaps =  list(it.permutations(axes))
    # Eight possible reflections, (±x, ±y, ±z).
    reflections = (
            ( 1,  1,  1),  # no reflection
            (-1,  1,  1),  # reflect on yz plane
            ( 1, -1,  1),  # reflect on xz plane
            ( 1,  1, -1),  # reflect on xy plane
            (-1, -1,  1),  # reflect on yz and xz planes
            (-1,  1, -1),  # reflect on yz and xy planes
            ( 1, -1, -1),  # reflect on xz and xy planes
            (-1, -1, -1)   # reflect on yz, xz, xy planes
    # 48 combinations of six axis swaps and eight reflections.
    transforms = list(it.product(swaps, reflections))

    matched_rmsds = list()
    matched_coords = list()
    for i, transform in enumerate(transforms):
        # Apply swap and reflection
        c3d_trans = apply_transform(coords3d_2.copy(), *transform)
        geom2_to_match = geom2.copy()
        geom2_to_match.coords3d = c3d_trans
        # Apply Hungarian method to the transformed Geometry
        geom2_matched = match_geom_atoms(geom1_copy, geom2_to_match)
        mrmsd = rmsd.kabsch_rmsd(coords3d_1, geom2_matched.coords3d)

        # Break when the two geometries are similar. Then we don't have to
        # apply the remaining transformations.
        if mrmsd <= thresh:

    matched_rmsds = np.array(matched_rmsds)
    min_rmsd_ind = matched_rmsds.argmin()
    min_rmsd = matched_rmsds.min()
    best_matching_coords = matched_coords[min_rmsd_ind]
    geom2_copy.coords = best_matching_coords
    return min_rmsd, (geom1_copy, geom2_copy)