Exemple #1
    def requirement(self, requirement):
        '''Output one requirement - and collect information about the
           requirement's coherence.'''
        ident = "          "[0:self.__level]
            '%s"%s" [%s];\n' %
            (ident, requirement.name, graph.node_attributes(requirement)))

        for d in sorted(requirement.incoming, key=lambda r: r.get_id()):
            self.__req_dep_graph += '"%s" -> "%s";\n' \
                                    % (requirement.get_id(), d.get_id())
Exemple #2
    def requirement(self, requirement):
        '''Output one requirement - and collect information about the
           requirement's coherence.'''
        ident = "          "[0:self.__level]
        self.__output_file.write('%s"%s" [%s];\n'
                                 % (ident, requirement.name,

        for d in sorted(requirement.incoming, key=lambda r: r.get_id()):
            self.__req_dep_graph += '"%s" -> "%s";\n' \
                                    % (requirement.get_id(), d.get_id())
Exemple #3
    def output_topic(self, dotfile, topic):
        ident = "          "[0:topic.level]
        # The _GRAPH_ is there to differentiate between topics and
        # possible equally named requiremnts. 
        dotfile.write('%ssubgraph cluster_GRAPH_%s {\n'
                      ' label="Topic: %s";\n' % (ident, topic.name, topic.name))

        # Write out the sub-sub-graphs
        for t in sorted(topic.outgoing, key = lambda t: t.name):
            self.output_topic(dotfile, t)
        for req in sorted(topic.reqs, key = lambda r: r.id):
            dotfile.write('%s"%s" [%s];\n'
                          % (ident, req.name, graph.node_attributes(req)))
        dotfile.write('%s}\n' % ident)