Exemple #1
    def statue(self):
        The statue AI pattern is as follows:

        If a monster that meets certain conditions is in view, do
        a general haste.
        If no such monster is in view, teleport adjacent to a damaged monster.
        If no such monster exists, then teleport randomly.

        for d in self.fov.dudes:
            if self.spec == "QUICKEN":
                if (not d.isPlayer()) and (d.AICode != "STATUE"):
                    return action.HasteAll(self, 8, False, False)
                assert False

# If the statue is stuck, it can't teleport, so it just stays.
        if self.hasCondition("STUCK"):
            return action.Wait(self)

# If the statue did not do anything to monsters in view, it must teleport.
        for m in self.currentLevel.dudeLayer:
            if m.cur_HP < m.max_HP and not m.isPlayer() and (m.AICode !=
                # Aha, a target!
                destination_candidates = coordinates.adjacent_coords(m.coords)
                destination_options = [
                    i for i in destination_candidates
                    if self.currentLevel.isEmpty(i)
                    and i not in self.currentLevel.dudeLayer
                if destination_options != []:
                    return action.Teleport(self,

# If there are no monsters to which the statue can teleport, teleport randomly.
        for i in range(100):
            destination = rng.randomPointInRect(
                (0, 0), (self.currentLevel.dimensions[0] - 1,
                         self.currentLevel.dimensions[1] - 1))
            if self.currentLevel.isEmpty(destination) and \
                destination not in self.currentLevel.dudeLayer:

                return action.Teleport(self, destination)

        return action.Wait(self)
Exemple #2
def populate_level(pop_level, floor_def):
    Populate a given level with monsters.

    level_nwcorner = (0, 0)
    level_secorner = [dim - 1 for dim in pop_level.dimensions]

    for i in range(NUMBER_OF_MONSTERS):
        monster_to_be_made = floor_def.getRandomMonster()
        monster_has_been_created = False
        while not monster_has_been_created:
            monster_coords = rng.randomPointInRect(level_nwcorner, level_secorner)
            if pop_level.dungeonGlyph(monster_coords) in level.PASSABLE_TERRAIN and \
                monster_coords not in pop_level.dudeLayer:
                pop_level.addDude(monster_to_be_made, monster_coords, False)
                monster_has_been_created = True
Exemple #3
def randomDungeon():
    Gets a random dungeon, using a very simple room/corridor model.
    The room/corridor model used is similar to that of Rogue; the map is
    divided into nine sectors, each of which is randomly called a room,
    a corridor, or empty.  Once this is done, rooms and corridors are connected
    to adjacent rooms and corridors.
    This is coded terribly because it will be replaced someday.
    map_dimensions = (60, 60)
    map_nwcorner = (10, 10)
    sector_size = (12, 12)
    sector_nwcorners = {}
    for x in range(0, 3):
        for y in range(0, 3):
            sector_nwcorners[(x, y)] = (
                map_nwcorner[0] + sector_size[0] * x,
                map_nwcorner[1] + sector_size[1] * y
    sector_types = {}
    for x in range(0, 3):
        for y in range(0, 3):
            percent = rng.randInt(1, 100)
            if percent <= 60:
                sector_types[(x, y)] = 1 # it's a room!
            elif percent <= 75:
                sector_types[(x, y)] = 2 # it's a corridor!
                sector_types[(x, y)] = 0 # it's empty!
    room_nwcoords = {}
    room_secoords = {}
    for sector_coords in sector_types.keys():
        if sector_types[sector_coords] == 1:
            room_created = False
            sector_nw = sector_nwcorners[sector_coords]
            sector_se = (sector_nw[0] + sector_size[0] - 1, sector_nw[1] + sector_size[1] - 1)
            while not room_created:
                room_nw = (rng.randInt(sector_nw[0], sector_se[0]),
                           rng.randInt(sector_nw[1], sector_se[1]))
                room_se = (room_nw[0] + rng.randInt(3, 8),
                           room_nw[1] + rng.randInt(3, 8))
                # check validity of room dimensions
                if room_se[0] <= sector_se[0] and room_se[1] <= sector_se[1]:
                    room_nwcoords[sector_coords] = room_nw
                    room_secoords[sector_coords] = room_se
                    room_created = True
        elif sector_types[sector_coords] == 2:
            # A corridor is currently implemented as just a 1-space room.
            corridor_coords = (rng.randInt(sector_nwcorners[sector_coords][0],
                                           sector_nwcorners[sector_coords][0] + sector_size[0] - 1,),
                                           sector_nwcorners[sector_coords][1] + sector_size[1] - 1,))
            room_nwcoords[sector_coords] = corridor_coords
            room_secoords[sector_coords] = corridor_coords
    # Check whether everywhere is accessible; if not, do a redo.
    sector_is_accessible = {}
    for x in range(3):
        for y in range(3):
            sector_is_accessible[(x, y)] = False
    for coord in ((0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2)):
        if True not in sector_is_accessible.values() and sector_types[coord] != 0:
            sector_is_accessible[coord] = True
        if sector_is_accessible[coord] == True and sector_types[coord] != 0:
            for coord_adjustment in ((1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (0, -1)):
                adjacent_coord = coordinates.add(coord, coord_adjustment)
                if (adjacent_coord[0] >= 0 and
                    adjacent_coord[0] < 3 and
                    adjacent_coord[1] >= 0 and
                    adjacent_coord[1] < 3):
                    sector_is_accessible[adjacent_coord] = True
    for accessible in sector_is_accessible.items():
        if sector_types[accessible[0]] != 0 and not accessible[1]:
            # Oops.  Give up and try again.
            return randomDungeon()
    entrance_sector = rng.choice([coords for coords in sector_types.keys() if sector_types[coords] == 1])
    exit_sector = rng.choice([coords for coords in sector_types.keys() if sector_types[coords] == 1])
    entrance_coords = rng.randomPointInRect(room_nwcoords[entrance_sector], room_secoords[entrance_sector])
    exit_coords = rng.randomPointInRect(room_nwcoords[exit_sector], room_secoords[exit_sector])
    ret_dungeon = level.empty_dungeon(map_dimensions)
    for coord in ((0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2)):
        if sector_types[coord] != 0:
            for x in range(room_nwcoords[coord][0], room_secoords[coord][0] + 1):
                for y in range(room_nwcoords[coord][1], room_secoords[coord][1] + 1):
                    if sector_types[coord] == 1:
                        ret_dungeon[(x, y)] = level.ROOM_INTERIOR_GLYPH
                        ret_dungeon[(x, y)] = level.CORRIDOR_GLYPH
            for coord_adjustment in ((1, 0), (0, 1)):
                adjacent_coord = coordinates.add(coord, coord_adjustment)
                if (adjacent_coord[0] < 3 and adjacent_coord[1] < 3 and sector_types[adjacent_coord] != 0):
                        rng.randomPointInRect(room_nwcoords[coord], room_secoords[coord]),
                        rng.randomPointInRect(room_nwcoords[adjacent_coord], room_secoords[adjacent_coord]))
    ret_dungeon[entrance_coords] = level.UPSTAIRS_GLYPH
    ret_dungeon[exit_coords] = level.DOWNSTAIRS_GLYPH
    return ret_dungeon
Exemple #4
def randomDungeon():
    Gets a random dungeon, using a very simple room/corridor model.
    The room/corridor model used is similar to that of Rogue; the map is
    divided into nine sectors, each of which is randomly called a room,
    a corridor, or empty.  Once this is done, rooms and corridors are connected
    to adjacent rooms and corridors.
    This is coded terribly because it will be replaced someday.
    map_dimensions = (MAX_SIZE_X, MAX_SIZE_Y)
    map_nwcorner = (NW_CORNER_X, NW_CORNER_Y)
    sector_size = (SECTOR_SIZE_X, SECTOR_SIZE_Y)
    sector_list = [(x, y) for x in range(NUM_SECTORS_X) 
                          for y in range(NUM_SECTORS_Y)]
    sector_nwcorners = {}
    for x in range(NUM_SECTORS_X):
        for y in range(NUM_SECTORS_Y):
            sector_nwcorners[(x, y)] = (
                map_nwcorner[0] + sector_size[0] * x,
                map_nwcorner[1] + sector_size[1] * y
    sector_types = {}
    for x in range(NUM_SECTORS_X):
        for y in range(NUM_SECTORS_Y):
            percent = rng.randInt(1, 100)
            if percent <= 25:
                sector_types[(x, y)] = st.ROOM
            elif percent <= 60:
                sector_types[(x, y)] = st.DOUBLE_ROOM
            elif percent <= 75:
                sector_types[(x, y)] = st.CORRIDOR
                sector_types[(x, y)] = st.EMPTY
    room_nwcoords = {}
    room_secoords = {}
    for sector_coords in sector_types.keys():
        sector_nw = sector_nwcorners[sector_coords]
        sector_se = (sector_nw[0] + sector_size[0] - 1,
                     sector_nw[1] + sector_size[1] - 1)

        if sector_types[sector_coords] in (st.ROOM, st.DOUBLE_ROOM):
            (room_nwcoords[sector_coords], room_secoords[sector_coords]) \
                = choose_room_corners(sector_nw, sector_se)
        elif sector_types[sector_coords] == st.CORRIDOR:
            # A corridor is currently implemented as just a 1-space room.
            corridor_coords = (rng.randInt(sector_nw[0], sector_se[0]),
                rng.randInt(sector_nw[1], sector_se[1]))

            room_nwcoords[sector_coords] = corridor_coords
            room_secoords[sector_coords] = corridor_coords
    # Check whether everywhere is accessible; if not, do a redo.
    sector_is_accessible = {}
    for x in range(NUM_SECTORS_X):
        for y in range(NUM_SECTORS_Y):
            sector_is_accessible[(x, y)] = False
    for coord in sector_list:

        if True not in sector_is_accessible.values() \
            and sector_types[coord] != 0:

            sector_is_accessible[coord] = True
        if sector_is_accessible[coord] == True \
            and sector_types[coord] != st.EMPTY:

            for coord_adjustment in ((1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (0, -1)):
                adjacent_coord = coordinates.add(coord, coord_adjustment)
                if (adjacent_coord[0] >= 0 and
                    adjacent_coord[0] < NUM_SECTORS_X and
                    adjacent_coord[1] >= 0 and
                    adjacent_coord[1] < NUM_SECTORS_Y):
                    sector_is_accessible[adjacent_coord] = True
    for accessible in sector_is_accessible.items():
        if sector_types[accessible[0]] != 0 and not accessible[1]:
            # Oops.  Give up and try again.
            return randomDungeon()
    entrance_sector = rng.choice([coords for coords in sector_types.keys() 
                                 if sector_types[coords] in 
                                 (st.ROOM, st.DOUBLE_ROOM)])
    exit_sector = rng.choice([coords for coords in sector_types.keys() 
                              if sector_types[coords] in
                              (st.ROOM, st.DOUBLE_ROOM)])
    entrance_coords = rng.randomPointInRect(room_nwcoords[entrance_sector], 
    exit_coords = rng.randomPointInRect(room_nwcoords[exit_sector], 
    ret_dungeon = level.empty_dungeon(map_dimensions)
    for coord in sector_list:
        if sector_types[coord] != st.EMPTY:
            if sector_types[coord] == st.CORRIDOR:
                fill_glyph = level.CORRIDOR_GLYPH
                fill_glyph = level.ROOM_INTERIOR_GLYPH

            arrays.fill_rect(ret_dungeon, room_nwcoords[coord], 
                room_secoords[coord], fill_glyph)
# If there is another room to the south or east, make a corridor from this room
# to it.
            for coord_adjustment in ((1, 0), (0, 1)):
                adjacent_coord = coordinates.add(coord, coord_adjustment)
                if (adjacent_coord[0] < NUM_SECTORS_X 
                    and adjacent_coord[1] < NUM_SECTORS_Y
                    and sector_types[adjacent_coord] != 0):


# If the room type is DOUBLE_ROOM, bolt on a second room to the first.
# This room can overflow! That is intentional.
            if sector_types[coord] == st.DOUBLE_ROOM:
                max_second_se = (room_secoords[coord][0] + MIN_ROOM_SIZE,
                                 room_secoords[coord][1] + MIN_ROOM_SIZE)
                (second_nw, second_se) = choose_room_corners(
                    room_nwcoords[coord], max_second_se)

                arrays.fill_rect(ret_dungeon, second_nw, second_se, 
    ret_dungeon[entrance_coords] = level.UPSTAIRS_GLYPH
    ret_dungeon[exit_coords] = level.DOWNSTAIRS_GLYPH
    return ret_dungeon