Exemple #1
def eg1():

# Set up for demonstration of case 1 algorithm
# This returns the path posterior probabilities for the given example

    # Environment parameters
    sidelen = 100
    # Measurement parameters
    sig = 0.5    # measurement standard deviation
    g = 5       # network grid size
    t = 45.     # surveillance duration
    s0 = 20.    # starting location along first edge
    se = 45.    # ending location along final edge
    obstimes = [0.,22.,t]  # observation times
    # Vehicle parameters
    p = [0,1,2,7,12,17,18]  # path nodes
    # Parameters used for path generation
    vmax = 60./3.6
    a = 5.
    b = 1.25
    # Algorithm parameters
    n = 100  # number of samples
    K = 100  # minimum number of candidate paths
    vmean = 10. # mean velocity
    vvar = 4. # velocity variance
    # Generate graph
    G = roadnet.makegridgraph(g,sidelen)
    # Generate data
    tact = 0
    while abs(tact-t)>0.01:
        [z,tact] = roadnet.makedata(G,p,obstimes,s0,se,sig,vmax,a,b)
    t0 = time.time()
    [pp,sep,wp] = calcpostprobs(G,z,obstimes,n,K,vmean,vvar,sig*sig)
    et = time.time()-t0
    print et
    # Plot best paths
    np = len(pp)
    idxsort = numpy.argsort(wp)            
    nplot = min([3,np])
    for j in range(len(z)):
    return pp, wp
def sim1(nsim):

    # Environment parameters
    sidelen = 100.0

    # Measurement parameters
    sig = 5.0
    g = 5
    t = 60
    t = 40.0
    obstimes1_w = [10]  # [10,15,20] # way points only at this point
    obstimes2_w = [5, 20]

    # Vehicle parameters
    # p = [0,1,7,13,14,15,21,22]
    p1 = [0, 1, 6, 7, 12, 11, 16]
    p2 = [13, 12, 7, 6, 1, 2]
    # p = [0,1,2,7]
    vmax = 60 / 3.6
    alph = 5
    bet = 1.25

    # Algorithm parameters
    n = 100
    K = 5
    m1 = 10
    m2 = 10

    # Generate graph
    G = roadnet.makegridgraph(g, sidelen)

    # Generate candidate paths
    numcandp1 = 0
    d1 = 0
    while numcandp1 < K:
        candp1 = list(nx.all_simple_paths(G, p1[0], p1[-1], d1))
        numcandp1 = len(candp1)
        d1 = d1 + 1

    numcandp2 = 0
    d2 = 0
    while numcandp2 < K:
        candp2 = list(nx.all_simple_paths(G, p2[0], p2[-1], d2))
        numcandp2 = len(candp2)
        d2 = d2 + 1

        # print numcandp
    # Put in a suitable format for processing
    segls1 = numpy.zeros((numcandp1, d1 - 1))
    for i in range(numcandp1):
        print candp1[i]
        for j in range(len(candp1[i]) - 1):
            segls1[i, j] = sidelen
    segls2 = numpy.zeros((numcandp2, d2 - 1))
    for i in range(numcandp2):
        print candp2[i]
        for j in range(len(candp2[i]) - 1):
            segls2[i, j] = sidelen

    # Generate data
    tact = 0
    while abs(tact - t) > 0.01:
        [z1, tact] = roadnet.makedata(G, p1, obstimes1_w, sig, vmax, alph, bet)
    tact = 0
    while abs(tact - t) > 0.01:
        [z2, tact] = roadnet.makedata(G, p2, obstimes2_w, sig, vmax, alph, bet)

    for cnt in range((nsim)):
        print cnt

        # Generate data
        tact = 0
        while abs(tact - t) > 0.01:
            [z1, tact] = roadnet.makedata(G, p1, obstimes1_w, sig, vmax, alph, bet)
        tact = 0
        while abs(tact - t) > 0.01:
            [z2, tact] = roadnet.makedata(G, p2, obstimes2_w, sig, vmax, alph, bet)

        # First stage of processing
        obstimes1 = numpy.zeros((len(obstimes1_w) + 2))
        obstimes1[0] = 0.0
        for i in range(len(obstimes1_w)):
            obstimes1[i + 1] = obstimes1_w[i]
        obstimes1[-1] = t
        obstimes2 = numpy.zeros((len(obstimes2_w) + 2))
        obstimes2[0] = 0.0
        for i in range(len(obstimes2_w)):
            obstimes2[i + 1] = obstimes2_w[i]
        obstimes2[-1] = t
        [datamat1, isvalid1, pP01, v1, tcum1] = case2.arclgen(obstimes1, segls1, n, vmax, alph, bet)
        [datamat2, isvalid2, pP02, v2, tcum2] = case2.arclgen(obstimes2, segls2, n, vmax, alph, bet)

        # Convert to positions in 2D space
        xpts1 = numpy.zeros((n * numcandp1, 2 * len(obstimes1)))
        for i in range((numcandp1)):
            for k in range((n)):
                cnt = k + i * n
                if isvalid1[cnt]:
                    # print candp[i]
                    for j in range(len(obstimes1)):
                        pos = roadnet.getpos(G, candp1[i], datamat1[cnt, j], sidelen)
                        xpts1[cnt, 2 * j] = pos[0]
                        xpts1[cnt, 2 * j + 1] = pos[1]
        xpts2 = numpy.zeros((n * numcandp2, 2 * len(obstimes2)))
        for i in range((numcandp2)):
            for k in range((n)):
                cnt = k + i * n
                if isvalid2[cnt]:
                    # print candp[i]
                    for j in range(len(obstimes2)):
                        pos = roadnet.getpos(G, candp2[i], datamat2[cnt, j], sidelen)
                        xpts2[cnt, 2 * j] = pos[0]
                        xpts2[cnt, 2 * j + 1] = pos[1]
                    # print datamat[cnt,:]
                    # print xpts[cnt,:]

        [pP1, w1, pP1w, ww1] = case2.calcpostprobs(z1, xpts1, isvalid1, pP01, sig)

        [pP2, w2, pP2w, ww2] = case2.calcpostprobs(z2, xpts2, isvalid2, pP02, sig)

        print pP1w
        print pP2w

        npts = 20
        tax = numpy.linspace(1, 35, npts)

        bcoeff = numpy.zeros(npts)
        w1cdf = numpy.cumsum(ww1)
        w2cdf = numpy.cumsum(ww2)
        for a in range((npts)):
            # print a
            uj = random.uniform(0, 1.0 / m1)
            i = 0
            for j in range((m1)):
                while w2cdf[i] < uj:
                    i = i + 1
                # Find s
                pathidx = i / n
                [snum, seg, pos] = roadnet.getseg(G, candp2[pathidx], v2[i, :], tcum2[i, :], tax[a], sidelen)
                res2 = abs((pos - G.node[candp2[pathidx][snum]]["pos"]).sum())
                # print seg
                # MC approximation of p1 and p2
                uk = random.uniform(0, 1.0 / m2)
                l1 = 0
                l2 = 0
                post1 = 0
                post2 = 0
                # print i, ww2[i]
                for k in range((m2)):
                    while w1cdf[l1] < uk:
                        l1 = l1 + 1
                    while w2cdf[l2] < uk:
                        l2 = l2 + 1
                    pathidx1 = l1 / n
                    [snum1, seg1, pos1] = roadnet.getseg(G, candp1[pathidx1], v1[l1, :], tcum1[l1, :], tax[a], sidelen)
                    if (seg1[0] == seg[0]) and (seg1[1] == seg[1]):
                        if snum1 > 0:
                            tleft = tax[a] - tcum1[l1, snum1 - 1]
                            tleft = tax[a]
                        post1 = post1 + scipy.stats.beta.pdf(res2 / (vmax * tleft), alph, bet) / (m2 * vmax * tleft)
                    elif (seg1[0] == seg[1]) and (seg1[1] == seg[0]):
                        if snum1 > 0:
                            tleft = tax[a] - tcum1[l1, snum1 - 1]
                            tleft = tax[a]
                        post1 = post1 + scipy.stats.beta.pdf((sidelen - res2) / (vmax * tleft), alph, bet) / (
                            m2 * vmax * tleft
                    pathidx2 = l2 / n
                    [snum2, seg2, pos2] = roadnet.getseg(G, candp2[pathidx2], v2[l2, :], tcum2[l2, :], tax[a], sidelen)
                    # print seg, seg2
                    if (seg2[0] == seg[0]) and (seg2[1] == seg[1]):
                        if snum2 > 0:
                            tleft = tax[a] - tcum2[l2, snum2 - 1]
                            tleft = tax[a]
                        post2 = post2 + scipy.stats.beta.pdf(res2 / (vmax * tleft), alph, bet) / (m2 * vmax * tleft)
                    uk = uk + 1.0 / m2
                # print p1, p2
                if post2 > 1e-20:
                    bcoeff[a] = bcoeff[a] + math.sqrt(post1 / post2) / m1
                uj = uj + 1.0 / m1

        print bcoeff

    return ww1, ww2