Exemple #1
    def update(self, model):
        self.model = model

        self.sn2 = self.model.get_noise()
        mu, var = self.model.predict(np.array(self.zb), full_cov=True)

        self.logP, self.dlogPdMu, self.dlogPdSigma, self.dlogPdMudMu = \
                        epmgp.joint_min(mu, var, with_derivatives=True)

        self.W = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(
            np.linspace(1. / (self.Np + 1), 1 - 1. / (self.Np + 1),
                        self.Np))[np.newaxis, :]

        self.logP = np.reshape(self.logP, (self.logP.shape[0], 1))
Exemple #2
    def update(self, model):
        self.model = model

        self.sn2 = self.model.get_noise()
        mu, var = self.model.predict(np.array(self.zb), full_cov=True)

        self.logP, self.dlogPdMu, self.dlogPdSigma, self.dlogPdMudMu = \
                        epmgp.joint_min(mu, var, with_derivatives=True)

        self.W = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(np.linspace(1. / (self.Np + 1),
                                    1 - 1. / (self.Np + 1),
                                    self.Np))[np.newaxis, :]

        self.logP = np.reshape(self.logP, (self.logP.shape[0], 1))
    def test_compute_pmin(self):

        # Uniform distribution
        m = np.ones([self.acquisition_func.Nb, 1])
        v = np.eye(self.acquisition_func.Nb)

        pmin = epmgp.joint_min(m, v)
        pmin = np.exp(pmin)

        uprob = 1. / self.acquisition_func.Nb

        assert pmin.shape[0] == self.acquisition_func.Nb
        assert np.any(pmin < (uprob + 0.03)) and np.any(pmin > uprob - 0.01)

        # Dirac delta
        m = np.ones([self.acquisition_func.Nb, 1]) * 1000
        m[0] = 1
        v = np.eye(self.acquisition_func.Nb)

        pmin = epmgp.joint_min(m, v)
        pmin = np.exp(pmin)
        uprob = 1. / self.acquisition_func.Nb
        assert pmin[0] == 1.0
        assert np.any(pmin[:1] > 1e-10)
    def test_compute_pmin(self):

        # Uniform distribution
        m = np.ones([self.acquisition_func.Nb, 1])
        v = np.eye(self.acquisition_func.Nb)

        pmin = epmgp.joint_min(m, v)
        pmin = np.exp(pmin)

        uprob = 1. / self.acquisition_func.Nb

        assert pmin.shape[0] == self.acquisition_func.Nb
        assert np.any(pmin < (uprob + 0.03)) and np.any(pmin > uprob - 0.01)

        # Dirac delta
        m = np.ones([self.acquisition_func.Nb, 1]) * 1000
        m[0] = 1
        v = np.eye(self.acquisition_func.Nb)

        pmin = epmgp.joint_min(m, v)
        pmin = np.exp(pmin)
        uprob = 1. / self.acquisition_func.Nb
        assert pmin[0] == 1.0
        assert np.any(pmin[:1] > 1e-10)