Exemple #1
modes[2] = Mode("subs", -140, math.cos(fl.font.italic_angle) * -140 * -1)

dnomGlyphs = []

for glyph in fl.font.glyphs:
    splitName = glyph.name.split('.')
    if len(splitName) > 1 and splitName[1] == "dnom":

print "\nWelcome to FontLab Studio 5.\n"
print "Fonts  open: ", len(fl)

for x in range(0, len(modes)):
    print "Adding", modes[x].kind, "glyphs"
    for sGlyph in dnomGlyphs:
        newGlyph = Glyph()
        comp = Component(sGlyph.index)
        newGlyphName = sGlyph.name.split('.')[0] + "." + modes[x].kind
        newGlyph.width = sGlyph.width
        f[newGlyphName].width = sGlyph.width
                                        (modes[x].xShift, modes[x].yShift))

endCount = len(f.glyphs)

print "Starting glyph count was ", startCount
print "Final glyph count is ", endCount
print "Added ", (endCount - startCount), "glyphs"
	's_t': ['', 's_t', ''],
	'c_t': ['', 'c_t', ''],

print ""
print "Starting latin-extended-A glyph placeholder generation"

font = CurrentFont()

print font

for glyph in glyphs:

	gUnicode = glyphs[glyph][0]
	gName = glyphs[glyph][1]
	if gName is not "":	
		if gName in font:
			font[gName].mark = 250
			print gName + " already in font"
			new = font.newGlyph(gName, False)
			print new
			# font[gName].unicode = gUnicode
			font[gName].mark = 200

print "Script done"
print ""
# robofab manual
# 	Interpolate howto
#	Interpolating glyphs examples

from robofab.world import CurrentFont
f = CurrentFont()
g = f.newGlyph("interpolated")
g.interpolate(.5, f["a"], f["b"]
# if you're in fontlab:
Exemple #4
# The main job is done here:

if f is not None:
    print 'Drawing boxes ...'

    generatedGlyphs = []
    # Keeping track of the glyph order

    for name, uni in sorted(names, key=lambda x: int(x[1], 16)):
        # sorting the dictionary by the Unicode value of the glyph.
        commands = names[name, uni]
        print name

        g = f.newGlyph(name, clear=True)
        g.width = WIDTH
        boxPen = g.getPen()
        for command in commands:

        if not inShell:

        g.unicode = int(uni, 16)


    if inShell:
#FLM: Draw Pseudo Ogee

# Description:
# Create an Pseudo Ogee shape

# Credits:
# Pablo Impallari1
# http://www.impallari.com

# Dependencies
from robofab.world import CurrentFont
f = CurrentFont()

# Creo un Glyphs Nuevo
newGlyph = f.newGlyph('ogee', clear=True)
# Creo un nuevo Pen
pen = newGlyph.getPen()

# Defino Medidas
alto = 500
ancho = 100

# Calculo
inicio_x = 100
inicio_y = 0
angulo = alto / 10 * 4.666666
curva = alto / 3.333333
# Lo mando a donde tiene que ir
# rasterise the shape in glyph "A"
# and draw boxes in a new glyph named "A.silly"

from robofab.world import CurrentFont, CurrentGlyph

sourceGlyph = "a"

f = CurrentFont()
source = f[sourceGlyph]

# find out how big the shape is from the glyph.box attribute
xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax = source.box

# create a new glyph
dest = f.newGlyph(sourceGlyph + ".silly")
dest.width = source.width

# get a pen to draw in the new glyph
myPen = dest.getPen()

# a function which draws a rectangle at a specified place
def drawRect(pen, x, y, size=50):
    pen.moveTo((x - .5 * size, y - .5 * size))
    pen.lineTo((x + .5 * size, y - .5 * size))
    pen.lineTo((x + .5 * size, y + .5 * size))
    pen.lineTo((x - .5 * size, y + .5 * size))

# robofab manual
# Buildingaccents howto
# usage examples

from robofab.world import CurrentFont 

f = CurrentFont()
f["aacute"].appendComponent("acute", (200, 0))
f["aacute"].width = f["a"].width

from robofab.world import CurrentFont
import math
f = CurrentFont()

baseline = 0
descender = f.info.descender
xHeight = f.info.xHeight
capHeight = f.info.capHeight
ascender = f.info.ascender
angle = f.info.italicAngle

metrics = [baseline, descender, xHeight, capHeight, ascender]

g = f.newGlyph("fontmetrics", True)

p = g.getPen()
print dir(p)
w = 600

u = 1
gap = 10

# rotation point is half of x-height
offset = math.tan(math.radians(angle)) * xHeight/2
for m in metrics:
    # offset for italic angle
    shift = math.tan(math.radians(angle)) * m - offset
Exemple #9
# robofab manual
# Usepens howto
# usage examples

from robofab.world import CurrentFont

f = CurrentFont()

newGlyph = f.newGlyph('demoDrawGlyph', clear=True)
newGlyph.width = 1000

# hey, what's this:
pen = newGlyph.getPen()
# ha! a sneaky way to get a pen object!

pen.moveTo((100, 100))
pen.lineTo((800, 100))
pen.curveTo((1000, 300), (1000, 600), (800, 800))
pen.lineTo((100, 800))
pen.lineTo((100, 100))


Exemple #10
# robothon06
# rasterise the shape in glyph "A"
# and draw boxes in a new glyph named "A.silly"

from robofab.world import CurrentFont, CurrentGlyph

sourceGlyph = "a"

f = CurrentFont()
source = f[sourceGlyph]

# find out how big the shape is from the glyph.box attribute
xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax = source.box

# create a new glyph
dest = f.newGlyph(sourceGlyph+".silly")
dest.width = source.width

# get a pen to draw in the new glyph
myPen = dest.getPen()

# a function which draws a rectangle at a specified place
def drawRect(pen, x, y, size=50):
    pen.moveTo((x-.5*size, y-.5*size))
    pen.lineTo((x+.5*size, y-.5*size))
    pen.lineTo((x+.5*size, y+.5*size))
    pen.lineTo((x-.5*size, y+.5*size))

# the size of the raster unit
resolution = 30
Exemple #11

# main

f = CurrentFont()

glyphnames = f.selection

start = int(round(time()))

for sourcename in glyphnames:
    source = f[sourcename]
    #	if not(source.name[-6:-1] == ".calt"):
    if not (f.has_key(source.name + suffix)):
        dest = f.newGlyph(source.name + suffix)
        dest = f[source.name + suffix]
    dest.width = source.width
    pressure = float(randint(pmin, pmax)) / 10
    print "Ribbonize glyph " + source.name + " with pressure= " + str(pressure)
    ribbonGlyph(source, dest, pressure)

stop = int(round(time()))
if len(glyphnames) > 0:
    print("\nFinished. Time per glyph:", (stop - start) / len(glyphnames),
Exemple #12
# In which an adventurous glyph of your choice
# makes a trip into RoboFab land,
# and returns safely home after various inspections
# and modifications.

from robofab.world import CurrentGlyph, CurrentFont

c = CurrentGlyph()
f = CurrentFont()

from robofab.objects.objectsRF import RGlyph
d = RGlyph()

# woa! d is now  a rf version of a fl glyph!
d.width = 100


e = f.newGlyph('copyTest')

# dump the rf glyph back to a fl glyph!

# see, it still takes its own kind as well

	if specialSmallCapAccents == 0:
		whatToDo = TwoChecks('Use cap accents', 'Use special accents', value1=0, value2=0)
		if whatToDo == 1:
			scAccentSuffix = suffix
		if whatToDo == 2:
			scAccentSuffix = AskString('Suffix for small cap accents', scSuffix)
	smallCapList = rewriteSmallCapList(baseUpperCaseList, scSuffix, scAccentSuffix)

buildAccents(font, lowerCaseList, 'Building lowercase accents', overwrite)
buildAccents(font, upperCaseList, 'Building uppercase accents', overwrite)
if buildSmallCap == 1:
	buildAccents(font, smallCapList, 'Building small cap accents', overwrite)

#Build a couple of accents that would be missed
font.newGlyph('uni021B', clear=True)
font.newGlyph('uni021A', clear=True)
font.newGlyph('Dotlessi.sc', clear=True)
dotlessisc = font['I.sc'].copy()
duplicatetcommaaccent = font['tcommaaccent'].copy()
duplicateTcommaaccent = font['Tcommaaccent'].copy()
font['uni021B'].width = duplicatetcommaaccent.width
font['uni021B'].leftMargin = duplicatetcommaaccent.leftMargin
font['uni021B'].rightMargin = duplicatetcommaaccent.rightMargin
font['uni021B'].mark = 200
font['uni021A'].width = duplicateTcommaaccent.width
font['uni021A'].leftMargin = duplicateTcommaaccent.leftMargin
font['uni021A'].rightMargin = duplicateTcommaaccent.rightMargin
Exemple #14
font = CurrentFont()

print 'Making glyphs...'

for glyph in alts:
    base, extension = glyph.split('.')
    if base in to_make:
        for g in to_make[base]:
            if g == 'uni021A':
                old_name = 'uni021A'
                new_name = 'uni021A.' + extension
                old_name = base + g
                new_name = old_name + '.' + extension
            if new_name not in font:
                old_comp = font[old_name].components
                offset = ()
                scale = ()
                if len(old_comp) != 0:
                    for c in old_comp:
                        if c.baseGlyph == g:
                            offset = c.offset
                            scale = c.scale
                        if base == 'L' and g == 'caron' and c.baseGlyph == 'caronSlovak':
                            offset = c.offset
                            scale = c.scale
                            g = 'caronSlovak'
                        if g == 'uni021A' and c.baseGlyph == 'commaaccent':
                            offset = c.offset
# The main job is done here:

if f is not None:
    print 'Drawing boxes ...'

    generatedGlyphs = []
    # Keeping track of the glyph order

    for name, uni in sorted(names, key=lambda x: int(x[1], 16)):
        # sorting the dictionary by the Unicode value of the glyph.
        commands = names[name, uni]
        print name

        g = f.newGlyph(name, clear=True)
        g.width = WIDTH
        boxPen = g.getPen()
        for command in commands:

        if not inShell:

        g.unicode = int(uni, 16)


    if inShell:
# Removes all control points, so that there are no
# curves anymore only straight lines

from robofab.world import CurrentFont

font = CurrentFont()

for g in [glyph.name for glyph in font]:
    old = font[g]
    print len(old)
    new = font.newGlyph("dummytmp", clear=True)
    pen = new.getPointPen()
    for contour in old:
        for point in contour.points:
            if point.type != "offCurve":
    font.newGlyph(g, clear=True)
    print len(new)

#	demo of drawing with RoboFab

import robofab
from robofab.world import CurrentFont, CurrentGlyph

# (make sure you have a font opened in FontLab)

f = CurrentFont()
if f == None:
	Message("You should open a font first, there's nothing to look at now!")
	newGlyph = f.newGlyph('demoDrawGlyph', clear=True)
	newGlyph.width = 1000

	# The drawing is done through a specialised pen object.
	# There are pen objects for different purposes, this one
	# will draw in a FontLab glyph. The point of this is that
	# Robofab glyphs all respond to the standard set of 
	# pen methods, and it is a simple way to re-interpret the 
	# glyph data. 
	# Make a new pen with the new glyph we just made
	pen = newGlyph.getPen()
	# Tell the pen to draw things
	pen.moveTo((100, 100))
	pen.lineTo((800, 100))
Exemple #18
        hweight = int(60)
        descender = font.info.descender
        xheight = font.info.xHeight
        ascender = font.info.ascender
        capheight = font.info.capHeight
        overshoot = abs(int(font["round"].box[1]))
        strtRM = font['straight'].rightMargin
        rndRM = font['round'].rightMargin
        rndlgRM = font['roundleg'].rightMargin
        slant = False
        buildG = ['D','E','F','H','I','L','O','T','a','b','c','d','e','f','h','i','l','m','n','o','p','q','t','u','v','space','straightX','straightD','ucStraight','ucCrossbar']

        for glyph in buildG:
        #building an x-height, desender, and upper-case straights
        ucStraight = font['ucStraight']
        sX = font['straightX']
        sD = font['straightD']
        pts = [0,0]
        ptsB = [0,0]
        ptsW = [0,0]
        for contour in sD:
            for point in contour.points:
                if point == contour.points[0]:
                    pts[0] =  pts[1] = ptsB[0] = ptsB[1] = ptsW[0] = ptsW[1] = point
                if point.y > pts[0].y:
                    pts[1] = pts[0]
"""Import one glyph from a .ufo, 
	i.e. a single .glif file.

from robofab.world import CurrentFont
from robofab.objects.objectsRF import OpenFont
from robofab.interface.all.dialogs import SelectGlyph, Message

flFont = CurrentFont()
if flFont is None:
	Message("Please have a FontLab destination font ready..")
	# pick a .ufo
	rfFont = OpenFont()
	if rfFont is not None:
		# pick a glyph in the .ufo
		rfGlyph = SelectGlyph(rfFont)
		if rfGlyph is not None:
			# make a new glyph in the FL font
			flGlyph = flFont.newGlyph(rfGlyph.name, clear=True)
			# draw the glyph into the FL font
			pen = flGlyph.getPointPen()
			# set the width, unicodes and lib
			flGlyph.width = rfGlyph.width
			flGlyph.unicodes = rfGlyph.unicodes
			flGlyph.lib = rfGlyph.lib
			flGlyph.note = rfGlyph.note
"""Import one glyph from a .ufo, 
	i.e. a single .glif file.

from robofab.world import CurrentFont
from robofab.objects.objectsRF import OpenFont
from robofab.interface.all.dialogs import SelectGlyph, Message

flFont = CurrentFont()
if flFont is None:
    Message("Please have a FontLab destination font ready..")
    # pick a .ufo
    rfFont = OpenFont()
    if rfFont is not None:
        # pick a glyph in the .ufo
        rfGlyph = SelectGlyph(rfFont)
        if rfGlyph is not None:
            # make a new glyph in the FL font
            flGlyph = flFont.newGlyph(rfGlyph.name, clear=True)
            # draw the glyph into the FL font
            pen = flGlyph.getPointPen()
            # set the width, unicodes and lib
            flGlyph.width = rfGlyph.width
            flGlyph.unicodes = rfGlyph.unicodes
            flGlyph.lib = rfGlyph.lib
            flGlyph.note = rfGlyph.note
Exemple #21
# robothon06
# building a glyph from parts
# the hard way
from robofab.world import CurrentFont

f = CurrentFont()

# make a new glyph

# add the component for the base glyph, a

# add the component for the accent, acute
# note it has an offset
f["aacute"].appendComponent("acute", (200, 0))

# set the width too
f["aacute"].width = f["a"].width

Exemple #22
for lig in base:
    parts = lig.split('_')
    temp = []
    for x in parts:
        if x in accented.keys():
    toMake = combinations(temp)
    for i in toMake:
        name = ''
        for x in i:
            name = name + '_' + x
        name = name[1:]
        if name not in font.keys():
            font[name].mark = 200
            font[name].rightMargin = 20
            glyphs = name.split('_')
            previous = ''
            index = 1
            for n in glyphs:
                if n in position.keys():
                    if index == 1:
                    if index == 2:
                        if splitAccent(n)[0] == 'J':
                            p = (position[n][1][0] + 854, position[n][1][1])
                        elif previous == 'A':
Exemple #23
#FLM: Draw Pseudo Ogee

# Description:
# Create an Pseudo Ogee shape

# Credits:
# Pablo Impallari1
# http://www.impallari.com

# Dependencies
from robofab.world import CurrentFont
f = CurrentFont()

# Creo un Glyphs Nuevo
newGlyph = f.newGlyph('ogee', clear=True)

# Creo un nuevo Pen
pen = newGlyph.getPen()

# Defino Medidas
alto = 500
ancho = 100

# Calculo
inicio_x = 100
inicio_y = 0
angulo = alto / 10 * 4.666666
curva = alto / 3.333333

# Lo mando a donde tiene que ir
Exemple #24
for lig in base:
    parts = lig.split('_')
    temp = []
    for x in parts:
        if x in accented.keys():
    toMake = combinations(temp)
    for i in toMake:
        name = ''
        for x in i:
            name = name + '_' + x
        name = name[1:]
        if name not in font.keys():
            font[name].mark = 200
            font[name].rightMargin = 20
            glyphs = name.split('_')
            previous = ''
            index = 1
            for n in glyphs:
                if n in position.keys():
                    if index == 1:
                        font[name].appendComponent(position[n][0], position[n][1])
                    if index == 2:
                        if splitAccent(n)[0] == 'J':
                            p = (position[n][1][0] + 854, position[n][1][1])
                        elif previous == 'A':
                            p = (position[n][1][0] + 865, position[n][1][1])
from robofab.world import CurrentFont, CurrentGlyph, RGlyph

f = CurrentFont()

for glyph in ['a', 'b']:
    sourceGlyph = glyph
    source = f[sourceGlyph]
    # find out how big the shape is from the glyph.box attribute
    xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax = source.box
    # create a new glyph
    dest = f.newGlyph("silly")
    dest.width = source.width
    # get a pen to draw in the new glyph
    myPen = dest.getPen()
    # a function which draws a rectangle at a specified place
    def drawRect(pen, x, y, size=50):
        pen.moveTo((x-.5*size, y-.5*size))
        pen.lineTo((x+.5*size, y-.5*size))
        pen.lineTo((x+.5*size, y+.5*size))
        pen.lineTo((x-.5*size, y+.5*size))
    # the size of the raster unit
    resolution = 30
# robofab manual
# Glyphmath howto
# Fun examples

#FLM: Fun with GlyphMath

# this example is meant to run with the RoboFab Demo Font
# as the Current Font. So, if you're doing this in FontLab
# import the Demo Font UFO first.

from robofab.world import CurrentFont
from random import random

f = CurrentFont()
condensedLight = f["a#condensed_light"]
wideLight = f["a#wide_light"]
wideBold = f["a#wide_bold"]

diff = wideLight - condensedLight

destination = f.newGlyph("a#deltaexperiment")
x = wideBold + (condensedLight - wideLight) * random()

destination.width = x.width

modes[1]=Mode("sups",400,math.cos(fl.font.italic_angle) * 400 * -1)
modes[2]=Mode("subs",-140,math.cos(fl.font.italic_angle) * -140 * -1)

dnomGlyphs = []
for glyph in fl.font.glyphs:
	splitName = glyph.name.split('.')
	if len(splitName)>1 and splitName[1]=="dnom":

print "\nWelcome to FontLab Studio 5.\n"
print "Fonts  open: ", len(fl)

for x in range (0, len(modes)):
	print "Adding", modes[x].kind, "glyphs"
	for sGlyph in dnomGlyphs:
		newGlyph = Glyph() ;
		comp = Component(sGlyph.index) ;
		newGlyphName = sGlyph.name.split('.')[0]+"."+modes[x].kind ;
		newGlyph.width = sGlyph.width ;
		f.newGlyph(newGlyphName) ;
		f[newGlyphName].width = sGlyph.width ;
		f[newGlyphName].appendComponent(sGlyph.name, (modes[x].xShift,modes[x].yShift)) ;
		f.update() ;

endCount = len(f.glyphs)

print "Starting glyph count was ", startCount
print "Final glyph count is ", endCount
print "Added ", (endCount - startCount), "glyphs"
Exemple #28
# robofab manual
# Glyphmath howto
# Fun examples

#FLM: Fun with GlyphMath
# this example is meant to run with the RoboFab Demo Font
# as the Current Font. So, if you're doing this in FontLab
# import the Demo Font UFO first.
from robofab.world import CurrentFont
from random import random
f = CurrentFont()
condensedLight = f["a#condensed_light"]
wideLight = f["a#wide_light"]
wideBold = f["a#wide_bold"]
diff = wideLight - condensedLight
destination = f.newGlyph("a#deltaexperiment")
x = wideBold + (condensedLight-wideLight)*random()
destination.appendGlyph( x)
destination.width = x.width

from robofab.world import CurrentFont
import math
f = CurrentFont()

baseline = 0
descender = f.info.descender
xHeight = f.info.xHeight
capHeight = f.info.capHeight
ascender = f.info.ascender
angle = f.info.italicAngle

metrics = [baseline, descender, xHeight, capHeight, ascender]

g = f.newGlyph("fontmetrics", True)

p = g.getPen()
print dir(p)
w = 600

u = 1
gap = 10

# rotation point is half of x-height
offset = math.tan(math.radians(angle)) * xHeight / 2

for m in metrics:
    # offset for italic angle
    shift = math.tan(math.radians(angle)) * m - offset
Exemple #30
font = CurrentFont()

print 'Making glyphs...'

for glyph in alts:
    base, extension = glyph.split('.')
    if base in to_make:
        for g in to_make[base]:
            if g == 'uni021A':
                old_name = 'uni021A'
                new_name = 'uni021A.' + extension
                old_name = base + g
                new_name = old_name + '.' + extension
            if new_name not in font:
                old_comp = font[old_name].components
                offset = ()
                scale = ()
                if len(old_comp) != 0:
                    for c in old_comp:
                        if c.baseGlyph == g:
                            offset = c.offset
                            scale = c.scale
                        if base == 'L' and g == 'caron' and c.baseGlyph == 'caronSlovak':
                            offset = c.offset
                            scale = c.scale
                            g = 'caronSlovak'
                        if g == 'uni021A' and c.baseGlyph == 'commaaccent':
                            offset = c.offset