Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, sim_state: SimulationState = SimulationState()) -> None:
        BasicStrategy.__init__(self, sim_state)

        self.seed: Coordinate = Coordinate(0, 0)
        self.cache: Coordinate = Coordinate(0, 1)
        self.goal_stack: Goals = []
        self.index = 0
        self.goal_stacks: List[Goals] = []
        self.sinstructions: List[List[Tuple[Coordinate, SInstruction]]] = []
    def create_base_sim(strat: ClassVar[BasicStrategy],
                        target: CoordinateList = list()):
        sim_state = SimulationState()

        sim_state.s_blocks[Coordinate(0, 0)] = ScaffoldState(SInstruction.STOP)
        sim_state.robots[Coordinate(0, 0)] = BuilderState()
        sim_state.target_structure = target

        sim = BasicAnalyzerSimulation(sim_state, strat)
        sim.strategy.cache = Down
        return sim
Exemple #3
    def configure_target(target: CoordinateList, allow_offset: bool = True) \
            -> CoordinateList:
        if allow_offset:
            min_x = min(coord.x for coord in target)
            min_y = min(coord.y for coord in target)
            max_y = max(coord.y for coord in target)
            rows = [0]*(max_y-min_y+1)

            centroid_y = sum(coord.y for coord in target) / len(target)
            centroid_y = int(centroid_y+0.5)
            # to do use counter class
            for coord in target:
                rows[coord.y-min_y] += 1

            row_indicies =[]
            row_value = 0
            for i, value in enumerate(rows):
                if value > row_value:
                    row_indicies= [i+min_y]
                    row_value = value
                elif value == row_value:

            row_value = abs(centroid_y - row_indicies[0])
            row = row_indicies[0]
            for curr_row in row_indicies[1:]:
                if abs(centroid_y - curr_row) < row_value:
                    row = curr_row
                    row_value = abs(centroid_y - curr_row)
            offset = Coordinate(1 - min_x, -row)

            target = [coord + offset for coord in target]

        return target
    def move_robot(self, robo_coord: Coordinate, robot: BuilderState):
        new_coords = robo_coord.get_coord_in_direction(robot.direction)
        if new_coords not in self.sim_state.s_blocks:
            raise RobotActionError(
                'Robot is moving onto a space without scaffolding')

        del self.sim_state.robots[robo_coord]
        self.sim_state.robots[new_coords] = robot
 def load_run(self):
     strat = LoadStrat
     sim = BasicSimulation.create_with_target_structure([Coordinate(0, 0)], strat)
     file_name = self.load_box.get('1.0', 'end').strip('\n')
     player = BasicPlayer(self.winfo_toplevel(), sim, BasicCreator, 'Create')
     player.winfo_toplevel().title("RoboScaffold Sim")
 def load(self):
     file_name = self.load_box.get('1.0', 'end')[:-1]
     with open(file_name) as file:
         struct = load_coords(file)
         min_x = min(coord.x for coord in struct)
         min_y = min(coord.y for coord in struct)
         offset = Coordinate(-min_x, -min_y)
         struct = [coord+offset for coord in struct]
    def update_off_block(self, h_coord: Coordinate, work_dir: Dir,
                         work_y: int) -> Dir:

        off_spine_block: ScaffoldState = self.sim_state.s_blocks[Coordinate(
            h_coord.x, 0)]
        if work_y != h_coord.y != 0:
            dir = Dir.SOUTH if h_coord.y > 0 else Dir.NORTH
            work_dir = off_spine_block.set_drive_instr(work_dir, dir)
        return work_dir
    def configure_target(target: CoordinateList, allow_offset: bool=True) \
            -> CoordinateList:
        target.sort(key=lambda coord: (coord.x, -coord.y))
        if allow_offset:
            min_x = min(coord.x for coord in target)
            min_y = min(coord.y for coord in target)
            offset = Coordinate(1 - min_x, 1 - min_y)

            target = [coord + offset for coord in target]
        return target
    def configure_target(target: CoordinateList, allow_offset: bool = True) \
            -> CoordinateList:
        if allow_offset:
            min_x = min(coord.x for coord in target)
            centroid_y = sum(coord.y for coord in target) / len(target)
            centroid_y = int(centroid_y+0.5)
            offset = Coordinate(1 - min_x, -centroid_y)

            target = [coord + offset for coord in target]

        return target
    def configure_target(target: CoordinateList, allow_offset: bool = True) \
            -> CoordinateList:
        if allow_offset:
            min_x = min(coord.x for coord in target)
            min_y = min(coord.y for coord in target)
            max_y = max(coord.y for coord in target)
            offset = Coordinate(1 - min_x, -int(round((max_y - min_y) / 2)))

            target = [coord + offset for coord in target]

        return target
Exemple #11
    def pick(self, robo_coord: Coordinate, robot: BuilderState):
        block_coord = robo_coord.get_coord_in_direction(robot.direction)

        if block_coord in self.sim_state.s_blocks:
            del self.sim_state.s_blocks[block_coord]
            robot.block = HeldBlock.SCAFFOLD
        elif block_coord in self.sim_state.b_blocks:
            robot.block = HeldBlock.BUILD
            raise RobotActionError(
                f'Attempting to pick an empty block at {block_coord}')
Exemple #12
def add_inner_struct(dimension, n, structure):
    # print(f'inner {n}')
    for y in range(dimension - 1):
        for x in range(dimension - 1):
            if n % 2:
                structure.append(Coordinate(x + 1, y + 1))
            n //= 2
            if n == 0:
            elif n < 0:
                raise Exception('n should always be positive')
    raise Exception(
        f'n should be 0 and function should have returned by now but is {n}')
Exemple #13
def add_outer_struct(dimension, n, structure):
    # print(f'outer {n}')
    for x in range(dimension - 1):
        if n % 2:
            # print(f'outer x hit {x+1} at {n}')
            structure.append(Coordinate(x + 1, 0))
        n //= 2
        if n == 0:
        elif n < 0:
            raise Exception('n should always be positive')
    for y in range(dimension - 1):
        if n % 2:
            # print(f'outer y hit {y+1} at {n}')
            structure.append(Coordinate(0, y + 1))
        n //= 2
        if n == 0:
        elif n < 0:
            raise Exception('n should always be positive')
    if n not in [0, 1]:
        raise Exception('n should be 0 or 1')
    elif n:
        structure.append(Coordinate(0, 0))
Exemple #14
    def drop(self, robo_coord: Coordinate, robot: BuilderState):
        block_coord = robo_coord.get_coord_in_direction(robot.direction)
        if robot.block is HeldBlock.NONE:
            raise RobotActionError('Cannot drop NONE Block')

        sim_state = self.sim_state
        if block_coord in sim_state.b_blocks or block_coord in sim_state.s_blocks:
            raise RobotActionError('Block already present')

        if robot.block is HeldBlock.BUILD:
        elif robot.block is HeldBlock.SCAFFOLD:
            self.sim_state.s_blocks[block_coord] = ScaffoldState()

        robot.block = HeldBlock.NONE
    def coord_is_reachable(self, start: Coordinate, goal: Coordinate) -> bool:
        work_coord = Coordinate(start.x, start.y)

        while work_coord.x != goal.x:
            while work_coord.y != 0:
                work_coord += Up if work_coord.y > 0 else Down
                if work_coord not in self.sim_state.s_blocks:
                    return False
            work_coord += Right if work_coord.x < goal.x else Left
            if work_coord not in self.sim_state.s_blocks:
                return False

        while work_coord.y != goal.y:
            work_coord += Down if work_coord.y < goal.y else Up
            if work_coord not in self.sim_state.s_blocks:
                return False

        return True
    def update_start_on_blocks(self, robo_coord: Coordinate,
                               h_coord: Coordinate,
                               work_dir: Dir) -> (Dir, int):

        start_block = self.sim_state.s_blocks[robo_coord]
        on_spine_block = self.sim_state.s_blocks[Coordinate(robo_coord.x, 0)]

        if robo_coord.x != h_coord.x:
            if robo_coord.y != 0:
                dir = Dir.NORTH if robo_coord.y > 0 else Dir.SOUTH
                work_dir = start_block.set_drive_instr(work_dir, dir)

            move_dir = Dir.EAST if robo_coord.x < h_coord.x else Dir.WEST
            work_dir = on_spine_block.set_drive_instr(work_dir, move_dir)
            return work_dir, 0
            if robo_coord.y < h_coord.y:
                work_dir = start_block.set_drive_instr(work_dir, Dir.SOUTH)
                return work_dir, h_coord.y
            elif robo_coord.y > h_coord.y:
                work_dir = start_block.set_drive_instr(work_dir, Dir.NORTH)
                return work_dir, h_coord.y
        return work_dir, robo_coord.y
import tkinter as tk

from roboscaffold_sim.coordinate import Coordinate
from roboscaffold_sim.simulators.basic_simulator import BasicSimulation
from roboscaffold_sim.veiw.basic_player import BasicPlayer

sim = BasicSimulation.create_with_target_structure([Coordinate(5, 5)])

root = tk.Tk()
player = BasicPlayer(root, sim, load_to=100)
    def __init__(self, sim_state: SimulationState) -> None:
        BasicStrategy.__init__(self, sim_state)

        self.seed: Coordinate = Coordinate(0, 0)
        self.cache: Coordinate = Coordinate(0, 1)
        self.goal_stack = list()
def create_scaffold(string: str) -> Tuple[Coordinate, SInstruction]:
    coord, stype = string.split(':')
    coord = Coordinate.from_string(coord)
    stype = SInstruction[stype]
    return coord, stype
state_controls.max_state = 10

s_blocks = {}
b_blocks = {}
robots = {}
for instruction in SInstruction:
    s_blocks[get_next_coord()] = ScaffoldState(instruction)

b_blocks[get_next_coord()] = BuildingBlockState()

for direction in Direction:
    for held_block in HeldBlock:
        robot = BuilderState()
        robot.block = held_block
        robot.direction = direction
        coord = get_next_coord()
        s_blocks[coord] = ScaffoldState(SInstruction.DRIVE_RIGHT)
        robots[coord] = robot

sim = SimulationState()
sim.s_blocks = s_blocks
sim.b_blocks = b_blocks
sim.robots = robots
sim.target_structure = [get_next_coord()]

goal = Goal(get_next_coord(), GoalType.PLACE_SCAFFOLD, Coordinate(0, 0),
def load_coords(file: TextIO) -> CoordinateList:
    coords: CoordinateList = []
    line = file.readline()
    for block in line.split():
    return coords
 def set_struct(self, target):
     min_x = min(coord.x for coord in target)
     min_y = min(coord.y for coord in target)
     offset = Coordinate(-min_x, -min_y)
     target = [coord+offset for coord in target]
     return lambda: self.struct_callback(target)
from roboscaffold_sim.coordinate import Coordinate

column = [
    Coordinate(5, 5),
    Coordinate(5, 4),
    Coordinate(5, 3),
    Coordinate(5, 2),
    Coordinate(5, 1),

house = [
    Coordinate(1, 4),
    Coordinate(1, 5),
    Coordinate(1, 6),
    Coordinate(1, 7),
    Coordinate(1, 8),
    Coordinate(1, 9),
    Coordinate(2, 9),
    Coordinate(3, 9),
    Coordinate(4, 9),
    Coordinate(5, 9),
    Coordinate(6, 9),
    Coordinate(6, 8),
    Coordinate(6, 7),
    Coordinate(6, 6),
    Coordinate(6, 5),
    Coordinate(6, 4),
    Coordinate(5, 4),
    Coordinate(4, 4),
    Coordinate(3, 4),
    Coordinate(2, 4),
def create_goal(string: str) -> Goal:
    coord, gtype = string.split(':')
    coord = Coordinate.from_string(coord)
    gtype = GoalType[gtype]
    return Goal(coord, gtype, Origin, Origin)
Exemple #25
def get_next_coord() -> Coordinate:
    global i
    next_coord = Coordinate(i % 10, i // 10)
    i += 1
    return next_coord
    get_next_coord(): ScaffoldState(SInstruction.NONE),
    get_next_coord(): ScaffoldState(SInstruction.STOP),
    get_next_coord(): ScaffoldState(SInstruction.STOP),
    get_next_coord(): ScaffoldState(SInstruction.NONE),

    # row 9
    get_next_coord(): ScaffoldState(SInstruction.DRIVE_RIGHT),
    get_next_coord(): ScaffoldState(SInstruction.NONE),
    get_next_coord(): ScaffoldState(SInstruction.NONE),
    get_next_coord(): ScaffoldState(SInstruction.DRIVE_RIGHT),
    get_next_coord(): ScaffoldState(SInstruction.STOP),
    get_next_coord(): ScaffoldState(SInstruction.STOP),
    get_next_coord(): ScaffoldState(SInstruction.DRIVE_RIGHT),
    get_next_coord(): ScaffoldState(SInstruction.NONE),
    get_next_coord(): ScaffoldState(SInstruction.NONE),
    get_next_coord(): ScaffoldState(SInstruction.DRIVE_RIGHT),

sim = SimulationState()
sim.s_blocks = s_blocks

robot = BuilderState()
robot.direction = Direction.EAST
robot.block = HeldBlock.BUILD
sim.robots = {Coordinate(1, 0): copy.copy(robot)}

root = tk.Tk()
player = BasicPlayer(root, sim)