class GoBang(object): def __init__(self): self.someoneWin = False self.humanChessed = False self.IsStart = False self.player = 0 self.playMethod = 0 self.bla_start_pos = [235, 235] self.whi_chessed = [] self.bla_chessed = [] self.board = self.init_board() self.window = Tk() self.var = IntVar() self.var.set(0) self.var1 = IntVar() self.var1.set(0) self.window.title("myGoBang") self.window.geometry("600x470+80+80") self.window.resizable(0, 0) self.can = Canvas(self.window, bg="#EEE8AC", width=470, height=470) self.draw_board() self.can.grid(row=0, column=0) self.net_board = self.get_net_board() self.robot = Robot(self.board) def init_board(self): # Initiate board list1 = [[-1]*15 for i in range(15)] return list1 def draw_board(self): # Draw board for row in range(15): if row == 0 or row == 14: self.can.create_line((25, 25 + row * 30), (445, 25 + row * 30), width=2) else: self.can.create_line((25, 25 + row * 30), (445, 25 + row * 30), width=1) for col in range(15): if col == 0 or col == 14: self.can.create_line((25 + col * 30, 25), (25 + col * 30, 445), width=2) else: self.can.create_line((25 + col * 30, 25), (25 + col * 30, 445), width=1) self.can.create_oval(112, 112, 118, 118, fill="black") self.can.create_oval(352, 112, 358, 118, fill="black") self.can.create_oval(112, 352, 118, 358, fill="black") self.can.create_oval(232, 232, 238, 238, fill="black") self.can.create_oval(352, 352, 358, 358, fill="black") def get_nearest_po(self, x, y): # Get nearest position of cursor's coordinate flag = 600 position = () for point in self.net_board: distance = get_distance([x, y], point) if distance < flag: flag = distance position = point return position def no_in_chessed(self, pos): # positions which not be placed by chess whi_chess = self.check_chessed(pos, self.whi_chessed) bla_chess = self.check_chessed(pos, self.bla_chessed) return whi_chess == False and bla_chess == False def ai_no_in_chessed(self, pos, value): """ whether the position which was generated by ai has been placed, and if the max value less than 400, return True """ no_in_chessed = self.no_in_chessed(pos) return no_in_chessed and value < 400 def check_chessed(self, point, chessed): # check whether the position has been placed if len(chessed) == 0: return False flag = 0 for p in chessed: if point[0] == p[0] and point[1] == p[1]: flag = 1 if flag == 1: return True else: return False def have_five(self, chessed): # check whether there are 5 chess formed a straight line if len(chessed) == 0: return False for row in range(15): for col in range(15): x = 25 + row * 30 y = 25 + col * 30 if self.check_chessed((x, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x, y + 30), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x, y + 60), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x, y + 90), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x, y + 120), chessed) == True: return True elif self.check_chessed((x, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 30, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 60, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 90, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 120, y), chessed) == True: return True elif self.check_chessed((x, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 30, y + 30), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 60, y + 60), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 90, y + 90), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 120, y + 120), chessed) == True: return True elif self.check_chessed((x, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 30, y - 30), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 60, y - 60), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 90, y - 90), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 120, y - 120), chessed) == True: return True else: pass return False def check_win(self): # check whether there is someone win if self.have_five(self.whi_chessed) == True: label = Label(self.window, text="White Win!", background='#FFF8DC', font=("宋体", 15, "bold")), rely=0, x=480, y=40) return True elif self.have_five(self.bla_chessed) == True: label = Label(self.window, text="Black Win!", background='#FFF8DC', font=("宋体", 15, "bold")), rely=0, x=480, y=40) return True else: return False def draw_chessed(self): # draw chess that already be placed in board if len(self.whi_chessed) != 0: for tmp in self.whi_chessed: oval = pos_to_draw(*tmp[0:2]) self.can.create_oval(oval, fill="white") if len(self.bla_chessed) != 0: for tmp in self.bla_chessed: oval = pos_to_draw(*tmp[0:2]) self.can.create_oval(oval, fill="black") def draw_a_chess(self, x, y, player): # Draw a chess _x, _y = pos_in_game(x, y) oval = pos_to_draw(x, y) if player == 0: self.can.create_oval(oval, fill="black") self.bla_chessed.append([x, y, 0]) self.board[_x][_y] = 1 elif player == 1: self.can.create_oval(oval, fill="white") self.whi_chessed.append([x, y, 1]) self.board[_x][_y] = 0 else: print(AttributeError("请选择棋手")) return def robotChess(self): # play chess by robot if self.player == 0: if len(self.bla_chessed) == 0 and len(self.whi_chessed) == 0: '''电脑执黑棋,开局优化''' self.draw_a_chess(*self.bla_start_pos, player=0) return else: _x, _y, _ = self.robot.MaxValue_po(0, 1) newPoint = pos_in_board(_x, _y) self.draw_a_chess(*newPoint, player=0) else: # 白棋下 _x, _y, _ = self.robot.MaxValue_po(1, 0) newPoint = pos_in_board(_x, _y) self.draw_a_chess(*newPoint, player=1) def chess(self, event): # play chess if self.someoneWin == True or self.IsStart == False: """判断是否有人赢了或者是否按了开始键""" return ex = event.x ey = event.y if not click_in_board(ex, ey): """检查鼠标点击的坐标是否在棋盘内""" return neibor_po = self.get_nearest_po(ex, ey) if self.no_in_chessed(neibor_po): if self.player == 0: self.draw_a_chess(*neibor_po, 1) else: self.draw_a_chess(*neibor_po, 0) self.someoneWin = self.check_win() if self.playmethod == 0: self.AIrobotChess() else: self.robotChess() self.someoneWin = self.check_win() def get_net_board(self): # get the information of points in board net_list = [] for row in range(15): for col in range(15): point = pos_in_board(row, col) net_list.append(point) return net_list def resetButton(self): # reset the board self.someoneWin = False self.IsStart = False self.whi_chessed.clear() self.bla_chessed.clear() self.board = self.init_board() #self.robot = Robot(self.board) label = Label(self.window, text=" ", background="#F0F0F0", font=("宋体", 15, "bold")), rely=0, x=480, y=40) self.can.delete("all") self.draw_board() self.can.grid(row=0, column=0) def BakcAChess(self): """悔棋按钮的回调函数""" if self.someoneWin == False: if len(self.whi_chessed) != 0: p = self.whi_chessed.pop() x, y = pos_in_game(*p[0:2]) self.board[x][y] = -1 if self.player == 0 and len(self.bla_chessed) != 1: p = self.bla_chessed.pop() x, y = pos_in_game(*p[0:2]) self.board[x][y] = -1 elif self.player == 1 and len(self.bla_chessed) != 0: p = self.bla_chessed.pop() x, y = pos_in_game(*p[0:2]) self.board[x][y] = -1 else: pass self.can.delete("all") self.draw_board() self.draw_chessed() def startButton(self): """开始按钮的回调函数""" if self.IsStart == False: self.IsStart = True if self.player % 2 == 0: if self.playmethod == 0: self.AIrobotChess() elif self.playmethod == 1: self.robotChess() self.draw_chessed() def selectColor(self): """选择执棋的颜色""" if self.IsStart == False: if self.var.get() == 0: self.player = 0 elif self.var.get() == 1: self.player = 1 else: pass return def selectMathod(self): """选择下棋的方式,与robot下还是与ai下,0:跟ai,1:跟robot""" if self.IsStart == False: if self.var1.get() == 0: self.playmethod = 0 elif self.var1.get() == 1: self.playmethod = 1 else: pass return def OpenFile(self): """打开保存好的棋谱""" file_path = askopenfilename(filetypes=(('sgf file', '*.sgf'), ('All File', '*.*'))) if len(file_path) == 0: return qipu = self.sgf.openfile(file_path) self.whi_chessed.clear() self.bla_chessed.clear() for point in qipu: pos = pos_in_board(*point[0:2]) if point[2] == 0: self.bla_chessed.append([*pos, 0]) else: self.whi_chessed.append([*pos, 1]) self.can.delete("all") self.draw_board() self.draw_chessed() def SaveFile(self, method=1): """保存棋谱""" qipu = self.createqipu() if method == 0: try: file = asksaveasfile(filetypes=(('sgf file', '*.sgf'), ('All File', '*.*'))) file.close() except AttributeError: return pathName = newName = pathName + '.sgf' os.rename(pathName, newName) f = open(newName, 'w') data = self.sgf.createdata(qipu) f.write(data) f.close() elif method == 1: self.sgf.savefile(qipu) def start(self): b3 = Button(self.window, text="开始", command=self.startButton), rely=0, x=495, y=100) b1 = Button(self.window, text="重置", command=self.resetButton), rely=0, x=495, y=150) b2 = Button(self.window, text="悔棋", command=self.BakcAChess), rely=0, x=495, y=200) b4 = Radiobutton(self.window, text="电脑执黑棋", variable=self.var, value=0, command=self.selectColor), rely=0, x=495, y=250) b5 = Radiobutton(self.window, text="电脑执白棋", variable=self.var, value=1, command=self.selectColor), rely=0, x=495, y=280) b6 = Button(self.window, text="打开棋谱", command=self.OpenFile), rely=0, x=495, y=400) b7 = Button(self.window, text="保存棋谱", command=self.SaveFile), rely=0, x=495, y=430) b8 = Radiobutton(self.window, text="用神经网络走", variable=self.var1, value=0, command=self.selectMathod), rely=0, x=490, y=320) b9 = Radiobutton(self.window, text="用普通规则走", variable=self.var1, value=1, command=self.selectMathod), rely=0, x=490, y=350) self.can.bind("<Button-1>", lambda x: self.chess(x)) self.window.mainloop()
class GoBang(object): def __init__(self): """ 初始化: someoneWin:标识是否有人赢了 humanChessed:人类玩家是否下了 IsStart:是否开始游戏了 player:玩家是哪一方 playmethod:模式,和robot下棋,还是和ai下棋 bla_start_pos:黑棋开局时下在正中间的位置 bla_chessed:保存黑棋已经下过的棋子 whi_chessed:保存白棋已经下过的棋子 board:棋盘 window:窗口 var:用于标记选择玩家颜色的一个变量 var1:用于标记选择robot或者ai的一个变量 can:画布,用于绘出棋盘 net_board:棋盘的点信息 robot:机器人 sgf:处理棋谱 cnn:cnnc神经网络 """ self.someoneWin = False self.humanChessed = False self.IsStart = False self.player = 0 self.playmethod = 0 self.bla_start_pos = [235, 235] self.whi_chessed = [] self.bla_chessed = [] self.board = self.init_board() self.window = Tk() self.var = IntVar() self.var.set(0) self.var1 = IntVar() self.var1.set(0) self.window.title("myGoBang") self.window.geometry("600x470+80+80") self.window.resizable(0, 0) self.can = Canvas(self.window, bg="#EEE8AC", width=470, height=470) self.draw_board() self.can.grid(row=0, column=0) self.net_board = self.get_net_board() self.robot = Robot(self.board) self.sgf = SGFflie() self.cnn = myCNN() self.cnn.restore_save() def init_board(self): """初始化棋盘""" list1 = [[-1] * 15 for i in range(15)] return list1 def draw_board(self): """画出棋盘""" for row in range(15): if row == 0 or row == 14: self.can.create_line((25, 25 + row * 30), (445, 25 + row * 30), width=2) else: self.can.create_line((25, 25 + row * 30), (445, 25 + row * 30), width=1) for col in range(15): if col == 0 or col == 14: self.can.create_line((25 + col * 30, 25), (25 + col * 30, 445), width=2) else: self.can.create_line((25 + col * 30, 25), (25 + col * 30, 445), width=1) self.can.create_oval(112, 112, 118, 118, fill="black") self.can.create_oval(352, 112, 358, 118, fill="black") self.can.create_oval(112, 352, 118, 358, fill="black") self.can.create_oval(232, 232, 238, 238, fill="black") self.can.create_oval(352, 352, 358, 358, fill="black") def get_nearest_po(self, x, y): """得到坐标(x, y)在棋盘各点中最近的一个点""" flag = 600 position = () for point in self.net_board: distance = get_distance([x, y], point) if distance < flag: flag = distance position = point return position def no_in_chessed(self, pos): """pos 没有下过""" whi_chess = self.check_chessed(pos, self.whi_chessed) bla_chess = self.check_chessed(pos, self.bla_chessed) return whi_chess == False and bla_chess == False def ai_no_in_chessed(self, pos, value): """ ai预测出来的点是否已经下过, 以及结合机器人计算出来的值, 如果ai的点为下过,而且机器 人预测出来的最大值小于400 返回真 """ no_in_chessed = self.no_in_chessed(pos) return no_in_chessed and value < 4000 def check_chessed(self, point, chessed): """检测是否已经下过了""" if len(chessed) == 0: return False flag = 0 for p in chessed: if point[0] == p[0] and point[1] == p[1]: flag = 1 if flag == 1: return True else: return False def have_five(self, chessed): """检测是否存在连五了""" if len(chessed) == 0: return False for row in range(15): for col in range(15): x = 25 + row * 30 y = 25 + col * 30 if self.check_chessed((x, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x, y + 30), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x, y + 60), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x, y + 90), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x, y + 120), chessed) == True: return True elif self.check_chessed((x, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 30, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 60, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 90, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 120, y), chessed) == True: return True elif self.check_chessed((x, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 30, y + 30), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 60, y + 60), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 90, y + 90), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 120, y + 120), chessed) == True: return True elif self.check_chessed((x, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 30, y - 30), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 60, y - 60), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 90, y - 90), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 120, y - 120), chessed) == True: return True else: pass return False def check_win(self): """检测是否有人赢了""" if self.have_five(self.whi_chessed) == True: label = Label(self.window, text="White Win!", background='#FFF8DC', font=("宋体", 15, "bold")), rely=0, x=480, y=40) return True elif self.have_five(self.bla_chessed) == True: label = Label(self.window, text="Black Win!", background='#FFF8DC', font=("宋体", 15, "bold")), rely=0, x=480, y=40) return True else: return False def draw_chessed(self): """在棋盘中画出已经下过的棋子""" if len(self.whi_chessed) != 0: for tmp in self.whi_chessed: oval = pos_to_draw(*tmp[0:2]) self.can.create_oval(oval, fill="white") if len(self.bla_chessed) != 0: for tmp in self.bla_chessed: oval = pos_to_draw(*tmp[0:2]) self.can.create_oval(oval, fill="black") def draw_a_chess(self, x, y, player=None): """在棋盘中画一个棋子""" _x, _y = pos_in_qiju(x, y) oval = pos_to_draw(x, y) if player == 0: self.can.create_oval(oval, fill="black") self.bla_chessed.append([x, y, 0]) self.board[_x][_y] = 1 elif player == 1: self.can.create_oval(oval, fill="white") self.whi_chessed.append([x, y, 1]) self.board[_x][_y] = 0 else: print(AttributeError("请选择棋手")) return def AIrobotChess(self): """ai机器人下棋""" cnn_predict = self.cnn.predition(self.board) #预测 if self.player % 2 == 0: """开局优化""" if len(self.bla_chessed) == 0 and len(self.whi_chessed) == 0: self.draw_a_chess(*self.bla_start_pos, 0) else: #机器人计算出全局价值最大的点 _x, _y, _ = self.robot.MaxValue_po(1, 0) newPoint = pos_in_board(_x, _y) if self.ai_no_in_chessed(cnn_predict, _): self.draw_a_chess(*cnn_predict, 0) else: self.draw_a_chess(*newPoint, 0) else: ''' 由于我没有训练白色棋子的神经网络 所以,在这里直接让robot来下 ''' self.robotChess() def robotChess(self): """机器人下棋""" if self.player == 0: if len(self.bla_chessed) == 0 and len(self.whi_chessed) == 0: '''电脑执黑棋,开局优化''' self.draw_a_chess(*self.bla_start_pos, player=0) return else: _x, _y, _ = self.robot.MaxValue_po(0, 1) newPoint = pos_in_board(_x, _y) self.draw_a_chess(*newPoint, player=0) else: #白棋下 _x, _y, _ = self.robot.MaxValue_po(1, 0) newPoint = pos_in_board(_x, _y) self.draw_a_chess(*newPoint, player=1) def chess(self, event): """下棋函数""" if self.someoneWin == True or self.IsStart == False: """判断是否有人赢了或者是否按了开始键""" return ex = event.x ey = event.y if not click_in_board(ex, ey): """检查鼠标点击的坐标是否在棋盘内""" return neibor_po = self.get_nearest_po(ex, ey) if self.no_in_chessed(neibor_po): if self.player == 0: self.draw_a_chess(*neibor_po, 1) else: self.draw_a_chess(*neibor_po, 0) self.someoneWin = self.check_win() if self.playmethod == 0: self.AIrobotChess() else: self.robotChess() self.someoneWin = self.check_win() def get_net_board(self): """得到棋盘的点信息""" net_list = [] for row in range(15): for col in range(15): point = pos_in_board(row, col) net_list.append(point) return net_list def resetButton(self): """重置按钮的回调函数,实现了整个棋盘重置""" self.someoneWin = False self.IsStart = False self.whi_chessed.clear() self.bla_chessed.clear() self.board = self.init_board() self.robot = Robot(self.board) label = Label(self.window, text=" ", background="#F0F0F0", font=("宋体", 15, "bold")), rely=0, x=480, y=40) self.can.delete("all") self.draw_board() self.can.grid(row=0, column=0) def BakcAChess(self): """悔棋按钮的回调函数""" if self.someoneWin == False: if len(self.whi_chessed) != 0: p = self.whi_chessed.pop() x, y = pos_in_qiju(*p[0:2]) self.board[x][y] = -1 if self.player == 0 and len(self.bla_chessed) != 1: p = self.bla_chessed.pop() x, y = pos_in_qiju(*p[0:2]) self.board[x][y] = -1 elif self.player == 1 and len(self.bla_chessed) != 0: p = self.bla_chessed.pop() x, y = pos_in_qiju(*p[0:2]) self.board[x][y] = -1 else: pass self.can.delete("all") self.draw_board() self.draw_chessed() def startButton(self): """开始按钮的回调函数""" if self.IsStart == False: self.IsStart = True if self.player % 2 == 0: if self.playmethod == 0: self.AIrobotChess() elif self.playmethod == 1: self.robotChess() self.draw_chessed() def selectColor(self): """选择执棋的颜色""" if self.IsStart == False: if self.var.get() == 0: self.player = 0 elif self.var.get() == 1: self.player = 1 else: pass return def selectMathod(self): """选择下棋的方式,与robot下还是与ai下,0:跟ai,1:跟robot""" if self.IsStart == False: if self.var1.get() == 0: self.playmethod = 0 elif self.var1.get() == 1: self.playmethod = 1 else: pass return def createqipu(self): """将棋盘中的棋局生成棋盘""" qipu = [] step = 0 totalstep = len(self.whi_chessed) + len(self.bla_chessed) while step < totalstep: if totalstep == 0: break flag = int(step / 2) if step % 2 == 0: pos = pos_in_qiju(*self.bla_chessed[flag][0:2]) qipu.append([*pos, 0, step + 1]) else: pos = pos_in_qiju(*self.whi_chessed[flag][0:2]) qipu.append([*pos, 1, step + 1]) step += 1 return qipu def OpenFile(self): """打开保存好的棋谱""" file_path = askopenfilename(filetypes=(('sgf file', '*.sgf'), ('All File', '*.*'))) if len(file_path) == 0: return qipu = self.sgf.openfile(file_path) self.whi_chessed.clear() self.bla_chessed.clear() for point in qipu: pos = pos_in_board(*point[0:2]) if point[2] == 0: self.bla_chessed.append([*pos, 0]) else: self.whi_chessed.append([*pos, 1]) self.can.delete("all") self.draw_board() self.draw_chessed() def SaveFile(self, method=1): """保存棋谱""" qipu = self.createqipu() if method == 0: try: file = asksaveasfile(filetypes=(('sgf file', '*.sgf'), ('All File', '*.*'))) file.close() except AttributeError: return pathName = newName = pathName + '.sgf' os.rename(pathName, newName) f = open(newName, 'w') data = self.sgf.createdata(qipu) f.write(data) f.close() elif method == 1: self.sgf.savefile(qipu) def start(self): """开始,主要实现一些按钮与按键""" b3 = Button(self.window, text="开始", command=self.startButton), rely=0, x=495, y=100) b1 = Button(self.window, text="重置", command=self.resetButton), rely=0, x=495, y=150) b2 = Button(self.window, text="悔棋", command=self.BakcAChess), rely=0, x=495, y=200) b4 = Radiobutton(self.window, text="电脑执黑棋", variable=self.var, value=0, command=self.selectColor), rely=0, x=495, y=250) b5 = Radiobutton(self.window, text="电脑执白棋", variable=self.var, value=1, command=self.selectColor), rely=0, x=495, y=280) b6 = Button(self.window, text="打开棋谱", command=self.OpenFile), rely=0, x=495, y=400) b7 = Button(self.window, text="保存棋谱", command=self.SaveFile), rely=0, x=495, y=430) b8 = Radiobutton(self.window, text="用神经网络走", variable=self.var1, value=0, command=self.selectMathod), rely=0, x=490, y=320) b9 = Radiobutton(self.window, text="用普通规则走", variable=self.var1, value=1, command=self.selectMathod), rely=0, x=490, y=350) self.can.bind("<Button-1>", lambda x: self.chess(x)) self.window.mainloop()