Exemple #1
    def test_negative_duplicate_name_variable(self):
        """Create Smart Variable with an existing name.

        :id: cc219111-1d2a-47ae-9b22-0b399f2d586d


            1. Create a smart Variable with Valid name and default value.
            2. Attempt to create a variable with same name from same/other

        :expectedresults: The variable with same name are not allowed to create
            from any class.

        :CaseImportance: Critical
        name = gen_string('alpha')
            'variable': name,
            'puppet-class': self.puppet_class['name']
        with self.assertRaises(CLIReturnCodeError):
                'variable': name,
                'puppet-class': self.puppet_class['name']
Exemple #2
    def test_negative_create(self):
        """Create Smart Variable with invalid name.

        :id: 3f71f39f-4178-42e7-be40-2a3538361466

        :steps: Create a smart Variable with Invalid name.

        :expectedresults: The smart Variable is not created.

        name = invalid_values_list()[0]
        with self.assertRaises(CLIReturnCodeError):
            SmartVariable.create({'variable': name, 'puppet-class': self.puppet_class['name']})
    def test_negative_create(self):
        """Create Smart Variable with invalid name.

        @id: 3f71f39f-4178-42e7-be40-2a3538361466


        1. Create a smart Variable with Invalid name.

        @assert: The smart Variable is not created.
        for name in invalid_values_list():
            with self.subTest(name):
                with self.assertRaises(CLIReturnCodeError):
                        'variable': name,
                        'puppet-class': self.puppet_class['name']
Exemple #4
    def test_negative_create(self):
        """Create Smart Variable with invalid name.

        @id: 3f71f39f-4178-42e7-be40-2a3538361466


        1. Create a smart Variable with Invalid name.

        @assert: The smart Variable is not created.
        for name in invalid_values_list():
            with self.subTest(name):
                with self.assertRaises(CLIReturnCodeError):
                        'variable': name,
                        'puppet-class': self.puppet['name']
Exemple #5
    def test_negative_validate_default_value_with_list(self):
        """Test variable is not created for unmatched validator type list.

        :id: dc2b6471-99d7-448b-b90a-9675baacbebe

        :steps: Attempt to create variable with default value that doesn't
            match values from validator list

        :expectedresults: Variable is not created for unmatched validator rule.

        :CaseImportance: High
        with self.assertRaises(CLIReturnCodeError):
                'puppet-class': self.puppet_class['name'],
                'default-value': gen_string('alphanumeric'),
                'validator-type': 'list',
                'validator-rule': '5, test',
    def test_negative_validate_default_value_with_list(self):
        """Test variable is not created for unmatched validator type list.

        @id: dc2b6471-99d7-448b-b90a-9675baacbebe


        1.  Attempt to create variable with default value that doesn't match
        values from validator list

        @assert: Variable is not created for unmatched validator rule.
        with self.assertRaises(CLIReturnCodeError):
                'puppet-class': self.puppet_class['name'],
                'default-value': gen_string('alphanumeric'),
                'validator-type': 'list',
                'validator-rule': '5, test',
    def test_negative_duplicate_name_variable(self):
        """Create Smart Variable with an existing name.

        @id: cc219111-1d2a-47ae-9b22-0b399f2d586d


        1. Create a smart Variable with Valid name and default value.
        2. Attempt to create a variable with same name from same/other class.

        @assert: The variable with same name are not allowed to create from
        any class.
        name = gen_string('alpha')
            {'variable': name, 'puppet-class': self.puppet_class['name']})
        with self.assertRaises(CLIReturnCodeError):
                'variable': name, 'puppet-class': self.puppet_class['name']})