Exemple #1
    def run(self, params, args):
        file, = self.fillParams([("file", None)])
        hosts = self.getHostnames(args)

        if len(hosts) < 1:
            self.abort("must supply host")

        if file and len(hosts) > 1:
            self.abort('if you supply the "file" parameter, ' + "then you only can specify one VM host")

        vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)

        for host in hosts:
            physhost = vm.getPhysHost(host)

            if not file:
                diskprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(physhost)
                if diskprefix:
                    file = os.path.join(diskprefix, "xen/disks/%s.saved" % host)

            if physhost and file:
                # send the restore command to the physical node
                import rocks.vmconstant

                hipervisor = libvirt.open(rocks.vmconstant.connectionURL % physhost)
Exemple #2
	def run(self, params, args):
		file, = self.fillParams( [('file', None)] )
		hosts = self.getHostnames(args)

		if len(hosts) < 1:
			self.abort('must supply host')

		if file and len(hosts) > 1:
			self.abort('if you supply the "file" parameter, ' +
				'then you only can specify one VM host')

		vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)

		for host in hosts:
			physhost = vm.getPhysHost(host)

			if not file:
				diskprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(physhost)
				if diskprefix:
					file = os.path.join(diskprefix,
						'xen/disks/%s.saved' % host)

			if physhost and file:
				# send the restore command to the physical node
				import rocks.vmconstant
				hipervisor = libvirt.open( rocks.vmconstant.connectionURL % physhost)
Exemple #3
	def run(self, params, args):
		file, = self.fillParams( [('file', None)] )
		hosts = self.getHostnames(args)

		if len(hosts) < 1:
			self.abort('must supply host')

		if file and len(hosts) > 1:
			self.abort('if you supply the "file" parameter, ' +
				'then you only can specify one VM host')
		import rocks.vm
		vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)

		for host in hosts:
			physhost = vm.getPhysHost(host)

			if not file:
				diskprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(physhost)
				if diskprefix:
					file = os.path.join(diskprefix,
						'kvm/disks/%s.saved' % host)

			# we need to start vlan interface if any
			self.command('sync.host.vlan', [host])

			if physhost and file:
				# send the restore command to the physical node
				import rocks.vmconstant
				hipervisor = libvirt.open( rocks.vmconstant.connectionURL % physhost)
Exemple #4
	def run(self, params, args):
		file, = self.fillParams( [('file', None)] )
		hosts = self.getHostnames(args)

		if len(hosts) < 1:
			self.abort('must supply host')

		if file and len(hosts) > 1:
			self.abort('if you supply the "file" parameter, ' +
				'then you only can specify one VM host')

		import rocks.vm
		vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)

		for host in hosts:
			physhost = vm.getPhysHost(host)
			if not physhost:
			if not file:
				diskprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(physhost)
				if diskprefix:
					# create a default file name
					file = os.path.join(os.path.join(
						diskprefix, 'kvm/disks'),
						'%s.saved' % host)

			if physhost and file:
				# send the save command to the physical node
				import rocks.vmconstant
				hipervisor = libvirt.open( rocks.vmconstant.connectionURL % physhost)
				domU = hipervisor.lookupByName(host)
Exemple #5
    def run(self, params, args):
        file, = self.fillParams([('file', None)])
        hosts = self.getHostnames(args)

        if len(hosts) < 1:
            self.abort('must supply host')

        if file and len(hosts) > 1:
            self.abort('if you supply the "file" parameter, ' +
                       'then you only can specify one VM host')

        import rocks.vm
        vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)

        for host in hosts:
            physhost = vm.getPhysHost(host)
            if not physhost:

            if not file:
                diskprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(physhost)
                if diskprefix:
                    # create a default file name
                    file = os.path.join(os.path.join(diskprefix, 'kvm/disks'),
                                        '%s.saved' % host)

            if physhost and file:
                # send the save command to the physical node
                import rocks.vmconstant
                hipervisor = libvirt.open(rocks.vmconstant.connectionURL %
                domU = hipervisor.lookupByName(host)
Exemple #6
    def run(self, params, args):
        (args, tophyshost) = self.fillPositionalArgs(('physhost', ))
        file, = self.fillParams([('file', None)])

        if len(args) != 1:
            self.abort('must supply only one VM host')

        vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)

        # validate the 'to' physical host name
        h = self.getHostnames([tophyshost])

        hosts = self.getHostnames(args)
        host = hosts[0]
        fromphyshost = vm.getPhysHost(host)

        if tophyshost == fromphyshost:
            self.abort("The source physical host, and the destination " +
                       "host are the same: " + tophyshost)

        if not file:
            filename = '%s.saved' % host

            fromdiskprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(fromphyshost)
            fromdir = os.path.join(fromdiskprefix, 'kvm/disks')
            fromsavefile = os.path.join(fromdir, filename)
            fromsavefile = file

        print "Saving the VM's current state."

        # save the VM's running state
        self.command('save.host.vm', [host, "file=%s" % fromsavefile])

        # copy the VM save file to the physical node
        # running state
        todiskprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(tophyshost)
        todir = os.path.join(todiskprefix, 'kvm/disks')
        tosavefile = os.path.join(todir, filename)

        #make the directory
        #I can not use run.command cos it doesn't return the exit status
        cmd = preparedir % (tophyshost, tosavefile)
        debug = os.system(cmd)
        if debug != 0:
                "Unabled to create destination directory on physical host, " +

        #copy the file
        cmd = copycmd % (fromphyshost, fromsavefile, tophyshost, tosavefile)
        debug = os.system(cmd)
        if debug != 0:
            self.abort("Unabled to copy vm state on the new physical host, " +

        # copy the VMs disks to the 'from' host
        rows = self.db.execute("""select vn.id from vm_nodes vn,
			nodes n where n.name = "%s" and vn.node = n.id""" % host)
        if rows < 1:

        vmnodeid, = self.db.fetchone()

        rows = self.db.execute("""select vbd_type, prefix, name from
			vm_disks where vm_node = %s""" % vmnodeid)

        if rows > 0:
            for vbd_type, prefix, name in self.db.fetchall():
                if vbd_type not in ['tap:aio', 'file']:

                print "Copying VM disk file to %s." % tophyshost

                filename = os.path.join(prefix, name)

                print "Moving virtual disk (%s) to %s" % \
                 (filename, tophyshost)

                toprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(tophyshost)
                todir = os.path.join(toprefix, 'kvm/disks')
                tofile = os.path.join(todir, name)

                #make the directory
                cmd = preparedir % (tophyshost, tofile)
                debug = os.system(cmd)
                if debug != 0:
                    self.abort("Unabled to create destination " +
                               "directory on physical host, " + tophyshost)

                #copy the file
                cmd = copycmd % (fromphyshost, filename, tophyshost, tofile)
                debug = os.system(cmd)
                if debug != 0:
                    self.abort("Unabled to copy vm state on the new " +
                               "physical host, " + tophyshost)

                # update the disk specification in the database
                self.db.execute("""update vm_disks set
					prefix = "%s" where vm_node = %s""" % (todir, vmnodeid))

        # update which physical node now houses this VM
        rows = self.db.execute("""select id from nodes where
			name = "%s" """ % (tophyshost))
        if rows < 1:

        physhostid, = self.db.fetchone()

        self.db.execute("""update vm_nodes set physnode = %s where
			id = %s """ % (physhostid, vmnodeid))

        # update vlan on physhostid if it is not already present
        rows = self.db.execute(
            """select vlanid from networks as net, nodes as n 
				where n.id = net.node and n.name='%s'""" % host)
        if rows < 1:
            self.abort("Unable to find vlanid for host " + host)
        vlanid, = self.db.fetchone()

        if vlanid != None:
            # we are moving a virtual cluster node
            # hence we need to move its' vlan as well
            rows = self.db.execute("""select sub.name  
				from networks as net, nodes as n, subnets sub 
				where n.name='%s' and net.vlanid=%s 
				and n.id=net.node and sub.id=net.subnet""" % (tophyshost, vlanid))
            if rows < 1:
                self.abort("Unable to find subnet for host migration")
            subnet, = self.db.fetchone()

            self.addVlanToHost(tophyshost, vlanid, subnet)

        # restore the VM's running state
        print "Restarting the VM on %s." % (tophyshost)
        self.command('restore.host.vm', [host, "file=%s" % tosavefile])
Exemple #7
	def run(self, params, args):
		(args, tophyshost) = self.fillPositionalArgs(('physhost', ))
		file, = self.fillParams( [('file', None)] )
		if len(args) != 1:
			self.abort('must supply only one VM host')

		vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)

		# validate the 'to' physical host name
		h = self.getHostnames([ tophyshost ])

		hosts = self.getHostnames(args)
		host = hosts[0]
		fromphyshost = vm.getPhysHost(host)

		if tophyshost == fromphyshost:
			self.abort("The source physical host, and the destination " +
				"host are the same: " + tophyshost)

		if not file:
			filename = '%s.saved' % host

			fromdiskprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(fromphyshost)
			fromdir = os.path.join(fromdiskprefix, 'kvm/disks')
			fromsavefile = os.path.join(fromdir, filename)
			fromsavefile = file

		print "Saving the VM's current state."

		# save the VM's running state
		self.command('save.host.vm', [ host, "file=%s" % fromsavefile] )

		# copy the VM save file to the physical node
		# running state
		todiskprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(tophyshost)
		todir = os.path.join(todiskprefix, 'kvm/disks')
		tosavefile = os.path.join(todir, filename)

		#make the directory
		#I can not use run.command cos it doesn't return the exit status 
		cmd = preparedir % (tophyshost, tosavefile)
		debug = os.system(cmd)
		if debug != 0 :
			self.abort("Unabled to create destination directory on physical host, " 
				+ tophyshost)

		#copy the file
		cmd = copycmd % (fromphyshost, fromsavefile, 
			tophyshost, tosavefile)
		debug = os.system(cmd)
		if debug != 0 :
			self.abort("Unabled to copy vm state on the new physical host, " 
				+ tophyshost)

		# copy the VMs disks to the 'from' host
		rows = self.db.execute("""select vn.id from vm_nodes vn,
			nodes n where n.name = "%s" and vn.node = n.id""" 
			% host)	
		if rows < 1:

		vmnodeid, = self.db.fetchone()

		rows = self.db.execute("""select vbd_type, prefix, name from
			vm_disks where vm_node = %s""" % vmnodeid)

		if rows > 0:
			for vbd_type, prefix, name in self.db.fetchall():
				if vbd_type not in [ 'tap:aio', 'file' ]:

				print "Copying VM disk file to %s." % tophyshost

				filename = os.path.join(prefix, name)

				print "Moving virtual disk (%s) to %s" % \
					(filename, tophyshost)

				toprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(tophyshost)
				todir = os.path.join(toprefix, 'kvm/disks')
				tofile = os.path.join(todir, name)

				#make the directory
				cmd = preparedir % (tophyshost, tofile)
				debug = os.system(cmd)
				if debug != 0 :
					self.abort("Unabled to create destination " 
						+"directory on physical host, " + tophyshost)
				#copy the file
				cmd = copycmd % (fromphyshost, filename, tophyshost, tofile)
				debug = os.system(cmd)
				if debug != 0 :
					self.abort("Unabled to copy vm state on the new "
						+ "physical host, " + tophyshost)

				# update the disk specification in the database
				self.db.execute("""update vm_disks set
					prefix = "%s" where vm_node = %s"""
					% (todir, vmnodeid))

		# update which physical node now houses this VM
		rows = self.db.execute("""select id from nodes where
			name = "%s" """ % (tophyshost))
		if rows < 1:

		physhostid, = self.db.fetchone()

		self.db.execute("""update vm_nodes set physnode = %s where
			id = %s """ % (physhostid, vmnodeid))

		# update vlan on physhostid if it is not already present
		rows = self.db.execute("""select vlanid from networks as net, nodes as n 
				where n.id = net.node and n.name='%s'""" % host)
		if rows < 1:
			self.abort("Unable to find vlanid for host " + host)
		vlanid, = self.db.fetchone()

		if vlanid != None:
			# we are moving a virtual cluster node
			# hence we need to move its' vlan as well
			rows = self.db.execute("""select sub.name  
				from networks as net, nodes as n, subnets sub 
				where n.name='%s' and net.vlanid=%s 
				and n.id=net.node and sub.id=net.subnet""" %
				(tophyshost, vlanid))
			if rows < 1:
				self.abort("Unable to find subnet for host migration")
			subnet, = self.db.fetchone()

			self.addVlanToHost(tophyshost, vlanid, subnet)

		# restore the VM's running state
		print "Restarting the VM on %s." % (tophyshost)
		self.command('restore.host.vm', [ host, "file=%s" % tosavefile])
Exemple #8
	def run(self, params, args):
		(args, tophyshost) = self.fillPositionalArgs(('physhost', ))
		file, = self.fillParams( [('file', None)] )
		if len(args) != 1:
			self.abort('must supply only one VM host')

		vm = rocks.vm.VM(self.db)

		# validate the 'to' physical host name
		h = self.getHostnames([ tophyshost ])

		hosts = self.getHostnames(args)
		host = hosts[0]
		fromphyshost = vm.getPhysHost(host)

		if not file:
			filename = '%s.saved' % host

			fromdiskprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(fromphyshost)
			fromdir = os.path.join(fromdiskprefix, 'xen/disks')
			fromsavefile = os.path.join(fromdir, filename)
			fromsavefile = file

		print "Saving the VM's current state."

		# save the VM's running state
		self.command('save.host.vm', [ host, "file=%s" % fromsavefile] )

		fromsavefilestat = self.command('run.host', [ fromphyshost,
			statcmd % fromsavefile ]).strip()

		print "Copying the VM's current state to %s." % (tophyshost)

		# copy the VM save file to the physical node
		# running state
		todiskprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(tophyshost)
		todir = os.path.join(todiskprefix, 'xen/disks')
		tosavefile = os.path.join(todir, filename)

		cmd = copyfile % (fromphyshost, fromsavefile, fromsavefilestat,
		debug = self.command('run.host',
			[ tophyshost, 'command=%s' % cmd ])

		# copy the VMs disks to the 'from' host
		rows = self.db.execute("""select vn.id from vm_nodes vn,
			nodes n where n.name = "%s" and vn.node = n.id""" 
			% host)	
		if rows < 1:

		vmnodeid, = self.db.fetchone()

		rows = self.db.execute("""select vbd_type, prefix, name from
			vm_disks where vm_node = %s""" % vmnodeid)

		if rows > 0:
			for vbd_type, prefix, name in self.db.fetchall():
				if vbd_type not in [ 'tap:aio', 'file' ]:

				print "Copying VM disk file to %s." % tophyshost

				filename = os.path.join(prefix, name)
				filestat = self.command('run.host',
					[ fromphyshost,
					statcmd % filename ]).strip()

				print "Moving virtual disk (%s) to %s" % \
					(filename, tophyshost)

				toprefix = vm.getLargestPartition(tophyshost)
				todir = os.path.join(toprefix, 'xen/disks')
				tofile = os.path.join(todir, name)

				cmd = copyfile % (fromphyshost, filename,
					filestat, tofile)
				debug = self.command('run.host',
					[ tophyshost, 'command=%s' % cmd ])
				# print 'run.host output: ', debug

				# update the disk specification in the database
				self.db.execute("""update vm_disks set
					prefix = "%s" where vm_node = %s"""
					% (todir, vmnodeid))

		# update which physical node now houses this VM
		rows = self.db.execute("""select id from nodes where
			name = "%s" """ % (tophyshost))
		if rows < 1:

		physhostid, = self.db.fetchone()

		self.db.execute("""update vm_nodes set physnode = %s where
			id = %s """ % (physhostid, vmnodeid))

		# remove the VM configuration file on the 'from' physical host
		cmd = 'rm -f /etc/xen/rocks/%s' % host
		self.command('run.host', [ fromphyshost, 'command=%s' % cmd ])

		# restore the VM's running state
		print "Restarting the VM on %s." % (tophyshost)
		self.command('restore.host.vm', [ host, "file=%s" % tosavefile])