Exemple #1
def greet(ent:int, style=0) -> int: # attempt to init conversation
    # new disposition after dialogue concludes
    new_disposition = dispcompo.disposition
    # effective disposition during this dialogue (not the new disposition)
    ed = dispcompo.disposition + _get_reaction(
        ent, TALK_GREETING, personality, dispcompo.disposition,
        style=style, mx=0.5
    reaction = rog.sign(ed) # just nudge disposition
    fdisp = ed / MAX_DISPOSITION
    # roll for speech success
    speech_bonus = rog.getskill(pc, SKL_PERSUASION)
    roll=dice.roll(100) + speech_bonus
    if fdisp < 0.4:
        roll -= 8/fdisp
        roll += 100*fdisp
    # cases
    if roll <= 0:
        _response(ent, RESPONSE_REJECTION)
        _response(ent, RESPONSE_ACCEPT)
    return reaction
Exemple #2
def _get_transaction_value(
    ent:int, personality:int, disposition:int,
    pc_offer:BarterOffer, npc_offer:BarterOffer,
    ) -> int:
    world = rog.world()
    pc = rog.pc()
    total = 0        

    # modifiers
    my_base = 2     # by default, I value my own things more highly
    pc_base = 0.5   # other people's stuff is much less valuable
    my_modf = PERSONALITIES[personality][3]
    pc_modf = PERSONALITIES[personality][4]

    # disposition
    disp_influence = 0.5 # how much does disp. affect perceived value?
    dr = (disposition - 0.5*DMAX)/DMAX
    my_disp_modf = 1 - dr*disp_influence
    pc_disp_modf = 1 + dr*disp_influence

    # speech skill level
    speech_influence = 1 # how much does speech affect perceived value?
    pc_speech = rog.getskill(pc, SKL_PERSUASION)
    my_speech = rog.getskill(ent, SKL_PERSUASION)
    sr = (my_speech - pc_speech)/MAX_SKILL
    my_speech_modf = 1 - sr*speech_influence
    pc_speech_modf = 1 + sr*speech_influence
    # PC offer
    total += pc_offer.money # money
    for item in pc_offer.items: # items
        value = world.component_for_entity(item, cmp.Form).value
        total += value*pc_base*pc_modf*pc_disp_modf*pc_speech_modf
    # NPC offer
    total += npc_offer.money # money
    for item in npc_offer.items: # items
        value = world.component_for_entity(item, cmp.Form).value
        total -= value*my_base*my_modf*my_disp_modf*my_speech_modf
    return int(total)
Exemple #3
def talk_flirt(ent:int, personality:int, disposition:int, value=0, style=0) -> tuple:
    reaction=_get_reaction(ent, ttype, personality, disposition, style=style)
    success = (reaction > 0)
    if not success:
        sb = rog.getskill(rog.pc(), SKL_PERSUASION)//5
        if dice.roll(20) > (10 + sb + reaction//4):
    _change_disposition(ent, reaction, PERSUASION[ttype][2])
    annoy(ent, 5)
    return _talk(ent, success, ttype, personality, disposition, 600)
Exemple #4
def diabetes(ent): # buildup for Diabetes Status
    if world.has_component(ent, cmp.GetsDiabetes):
        compo = world.component_for_entity(ent, cmp.GetsDiabetes)
        dice_size = 140 - rog.getskill(rog.pc(),SKL_PERSUASION)
        dice_size = _apply_compatibility_modifier_pseudostatus(
            ent, dice_size, factor=1.5 )
        dice_size *= res_diabetes(ent)
        compo.diabetes += dice.roll(rog.around(dice_size))
        if compo.diabetes >= MAX_DIABETES:
            compo.diabetes = 0
            rog.set_status(ent, cmp.StatusDiabetes)
Exemple #5
def _select_skill(_skillID):
    _skillName = rog.get_skill_name(_skillID)    
    _skillPts = get_skill_skillpts(_skillID) + rog.getskill(pc, _skillID)//SKILL_INCREQ
    if rog.getskill(pc, _skillID) >= MAX_SKILL:
        return False
    if Chargen.skillPts < _skillPts:
        _insufficientPoints(Chargen.skillPts, _skillPts, "skill")
        return False
    # change skill level
    rog.setskill(pc, _skillID, min(
        100, rog.getskill(pc, _skillID) + SKILL_LEVELS_PER_SELECTION) )
    # save selected data
    Chargen.skillPts -= _skillPts
    if Chargen.skillPts <= 0:
        Chargen.open_skills = False
    print("skill chosen: {} (pts: {})".format(_skillName, Chargen.skillPts))
    return True
Exemple #6
def talk_debate(ent:int, personality:int, disposition:int, value=0, style=0) -> tuple:
    ttype = TALK_DEBATE
    reaction=_get_reaction(ent, ttype, personality, disposition, style=style)
    success = (reaction > 0)
    _change_disposition(ent, reaction, PERSUASION[ttype][2])
    if (success and rog.world().has_component(ent,cmp.GetsAngry)):
        # success of anger roll depends on speech skill
        tobeat = 10 + rog.getskill(rog.pc(),SKL_PERSUASION)//10
        # the following personalities anger people more easily in debate:
        if (rog.get_personality(rog.pc())==PERSON_APATHETIC
            or rog.get_personality(rog.pc())==PERSON_PROUD
            or rog.get_personality(rog.pc())==PERSON_ARGUMENTATIVE
            tobeat -= 10
        # roll
        if dice.roll(20) >= tobeat:
            anger(ent, reaction)
    # end if
    annoy(ent, 10)
    return _talk(ent, success, ttype, personality, disposition, 900)
Exemple #7
def _chargen_skills():
    if Chargen.open_skills:
            {"- skills (pts: {})".format(Chargen.skillPts) : "close-skills",})
        sortdict = {k:v for k,v in sorted(
            SKILLS.items(), key=lambda item: item[1][SKILL_I_NAME].lower())}
        for k, sk in sortdict.items(): # Python 3.6+ remembers dict ordering so skills are already ordered
            skilllv = rog.getskill(pc, k)
            x = skilllv // SKILL_INCREQ
            cost = "({})".format(sk[SKILL_I_COST] + x) if skilllv < 100 else "<MAX>"
            string = "... {} {}".format(cost, sk[SKILL_I_NAME])
            Chargen.skilldict.update({string : k})
        for k,v in Chargen.skilldict.items():
            {"+ skills (pts: {})".format(Chargen.skillPts) : "open-skills",})
Exemple #8
def _get_reaction(
    ent:int, persuasion_type:int, personality:int, disposition:int,
    leverage=0, mx=1, value=0, style=0
    ) -> int:
    ''' get reaction from an entity based on conversational parameters
        leverage: who has the power advantage? Pos: PC. TODO: implement!
        mx: multiplier for intensity
        value: value of transaction, if it's a barter or bribe
        Returns >0 values for positive reactions, <0 for negative
            the greater the value, the higher the intensity
    reaction = -20
    dice_size = 20
        # ---- initialize ---- #
    # get stats for player
    speech = rog.getskill(pc, SKL_PERSUASION)
    speech_bonus_modf = 0.5 + speech/MAX_SKILL
    speech_penalty_modf = 2.25 - 2*speech/MAX_SKILL
    pc_idn = rog.getms(pc, 'idn')
    pc_bea = rog.getms(pc, 'bea')
    pc_cou = rog.getms(pc, 'cou')
    pc_str = rog.getms(pc, 'str')//MULT_STATS
    pc_int = rog.getms(pc, 'int')//MULT_STATS
    pc_pos = world.component_for_entity(pc, cmp.Position)
    # get stats for conversational partner
    ent_sight = rog.getms(ent,'sight')
    ent_cansee = rog.can_see(ent, pc_pos.x,pc_pos.y, ent_sight)
    disposition = get_effective_disposition(ent, disposition)

        # ---- basic reaction ---- #
    # (perceived) value of the transaction
    value_modf = max(1, (value//MULT_VALUE)*0.1)
    reaction += leverage

    # reaction based on existing disposition
    if disposition == 0:
        reaction -= 24
    elif disposition < 0.1*DMAX:
        reaction -= 18
    elif disposition < 0.2*DMAX:
        reaction -= 12
    elif disposition < 0.3*DMAX:
        reaction -= 6
    elif disposition < 0.4*DMAX:
    elif disposition < 0.5*DMAX:
        reaction += 3
    elif disposition < 0.6*DMAX:
        reaction += 6
    elif disposition < 0.7*DMAX:
        reaction += 9
    elif disposition < 0.8*DMAX:
        reaction += 12
    elif disposition < 0.9*DMAX:
        reaction += 15
    elif disposition < DMAX:
        reaction += 18
        reaction += 21
        # ---- status reaction ---- #
    if world.has_component(ent, cmp.StatusAnnoyed):
        compo = world.component_for_entity(ent, cmp.StatusAnnoyed)
        if compo.entity == pc:
            reaction -= 40
        # ---- special cases ---- #
    # people of high moral standing who never accept a bribe
    if world.has_component(ent, cmp.NeverAcceptsBribes):
        value_modf = 0
    # rich people don't care about low-value deals
    if (world.has_component(ent, cmp.Rich) and value < 100*MULT_VALUE):
        value_modf = 0
        if value < 10*MULT_VALUE:
            reaction -= 40
            reaction -= 20
        # ---- intensity, default reactions ---- #

    # intensity of the conversation based on transaction value    
    intensity = 1
    speech_mod = 0.4
    # intensity, base reaction, random variation (size of dice), and
    #   speech modifier (how much speech level affects reaction);
    #   based on type of conversation / persuasion
    if persuasion_type==TALK_TORTURE:
        speech_mod = 1.25*speech_mod
        dice_size = 100
        reaction -= 0.15*DMAX
        intensity = 10 * intensity
    elif persuasion_type==TALK_INTERROGATE:
        speech_mod = 1.5*speech_mod
        dice_size = 60
        reaction -= 0.085*DMAX
        intensity = 5 * intensity
    elif persuasion_type==TALK_INTIMIDATION:
        reaction -= 0.01*DMAX
        intensity = 4 * intensity
    elif persuasion_type==TALK_BEG:
        speech_mod = 1.33334*speech_mod
        reaction -= 0.05*DMAX
        intensity = 3 * intensity
    elif persuasion_type==TALK_BARTER:
        dice_size = 40
        intensity = 2 * intensity
        reaction -= 0.01*DMAX
        reaction += value_modf * value//MULT_VALUE
    elif persuasion_type==TALK_BRIBERY:
        dice_size = 40
        intensity = 2 * intensity
        reaction -= 0.02*DMAX
        reaction += value_modf * value//MULT_VALUE
    elif persuasion_type==TALK_CHARM: # relies on speech skill
        speech_mod = 1.5*speech_mod
        reaction -= 20
    elif persuasion_type==TALK_BOAST: # relies on perceived strength/fame
        speech_mod = 1.25*speech_mod
        reaction -= 40
        reaction += rog.get_power_level(rog.pc())
    elif persuasion_type==TALK_DEBATE:
        speech_mod = 1.5*speech_mod
        intensity = 2 * intensity
    elif persuasion_type==TALK_FLIRTATION:
        speech_mod = 1.5*speech_mod
        dice_size = 80
        reaction -= 50
        intensity = 2 * intensity
    elif persuasion_type==TALK_ASKFAVOR:
        reaction -= 0.025*DMAX
        intensity = 2 * intensity
    elif persuasion_type==TALK_FLATTERY:
        speech_mod = 1.5*speech_mod
        reaction -= 15
        dice_size = 40
        intensity = 1.5 * intensity
            # special combo-persuasion: Taunt -> Flattery
        if (world.has_component(ent, cmp.Taunted)
            and not world.has_component(ent, cmp.ComboTauntFlattery)
            if dice.roll(20) <= 5 + speech//5:
                reaction += 40
                intensity += 0.1
                rog.world().add_component(ent, cmp.ComboTauntFlattery())
                diabetes(ent) # gives more diabetes than usual flattery
    elif persuasion_type==TALK_TAUNT:
        speech_mod = 1.2*speech_mod
        reaction -= 0.01*DMAX
        intensity = 1.5 * intensity
    elif persuasion_type==TALK_SMALLTALK:
        speech_mod = 0.75*speech_mod
        reaction += 5
        intensity = 0.5 * intensity
    elif persuasion_type==TALK_GREETING:
        reaction += 1
        intensity = 0.25 * intensity
        # ---- attraction ---- #
    attraction = 0
    pc_isfemale = rog.get_gender(pc)=="female"
    pc_ismale = rog.get_gender(pc)=="male"
    # Sexual Attraction to Women
    if (ent_cansee and pc_isfemale
        and world.has_component(ent, cmp.AttractedToWomen)
        intensity += 1
        attraction += get_attraction_feminine(pc_bea)
    # Sexual Attraction to Men
    elif (ent_cansee and pc_ismale
        and world.has_component(ent, cmp.AttractedToMen)
        intensity += 1
        attraction += get_attraction_masculine(
            pc_bea, pc_idn, pc_cou, pc_str, pc_int
    # end if
    # apply attraction reaction
    attraction = rog.around(attraction)
        # flirtation-specific
    if persuasion_type==TALK_FLIRTATION:
            # special cases #
        # sorry hun, I'm taken.
        if world.has_component(ent, cmp.Taken):
            reaction -= 20
        # I don't do sex.
        if world.has_component(ent, cmp.Ascetic):
            reaction -= 40
        # attraction matter more for flirtation than other
        #   types of conversation.
        reaction += attraction
        # other
        reaction += attraction*0.5
    # end if
        # ---- compatibility ---- #
    # personality compatibility
    pc_personality = rog.get_personality(pc)
    compat = get_compatibility(personality, pc_personality)
    if compat==1:
        reaction -= 20
    elif compat==2:
        reaction -= 10
    elif compat==3:
    elif compat==4:
        reaction += 10
    elif compat==5:
        reaction += 20
##    print("personalities: ent: {}, player: {}".format(
##        personality, pc_personality))
##    print("personalities: ent: {}, player: {}".format(
##        PERSONALITIES[personality][0], PERSONALITIES[pc_personality][0]))
##    print("personality compatibility: ", compat)
    # likes and dislikes
    if persuasion_type == likes[0]:
        reaction += ( 0.01*DMAX * speech_bonus_modf * mx ) * intensity
    elif persuasion_type == dislikes[0]:
        reaction -= ( 0.02*DMAX * speech_penalty_modf * mx ) * intensity
    # special cases #
    # intensity and energy level
         or personality==PERSON_LOWENERGY)
        and intensity >= 3
        reaction -= 0.01*DMAX
    elif ((personality==ARGUMENTATIVE
           or personality==PERSON_BUBBLY)
         and intensity >= 3
        reaction += 0.01*DMAX
    # never accepts bribes
    if (persuasion_type==TALK_BRIBERY
        and world.has_component(ent, cmp.NeverAcceptsBribes)
        reaction = -0.05*DMAX * mx # set reaction
    # diabetes from too much flattery
    if (persuasion_type==TALK_FLATTERY
        and world.has_component(ent, cmp.StatusDiabetes)
        reaction = -0.075*DMAX * speech_penalty_modf * mx
    # auxiliary likes/dislikes
    if (persuasion_type==TALK_BEG and personality==PERSON_PROUD):
        reaction -= 0.05*DMAX * mx
    elif (persuasion_type==TALK_INTERROGATE and personality==PERSON_RELAXED):
        reaction -= 0.02*DMAX * mx
    elif (persuasion_type==TALK_CHARM and personality==PERSON_LOWENERGY):
        reaction -= 0.01*DMAX * mx
    elif (persuasion_type==TALK_CHARM and personality==PERSON_BUBBLY):
        reaction += 0.01*DMAX * mx
    elif (persuasion_type==TALK_BOAST and personality==PERSON_PROACTIVE):
        reaction -= 0.01*DMAX * mx
    elif (persuasion_type==TALK_BOAST and personality==PERSON_MOTIVATED):
        reaction += 0.01*DMAX * mx
    # creeped out
    if (world.has_component(ent, cmp.StatusCreepedOut)
        and pc==world.component_for_entity(ent, cmp.StatusCreepedOut).entity):
        reaction -= 40 if persuasion_type==TALK_FLIRTATION else 20
    # waste my time with 0 value offer -> minus some disp.
    if (persuasion_type==TALK_BRIBERY or persuasion_type==TALK_BARTER):
        if value == 0:
            reaction = min(-10, value)
    # add speech modifier
    reaction += speech * speech_mod
    # add element of random chance -- size of dice determined above
    reaction += dice.roll(dice_size)
    # trying to charm while already charmed -> loss of disposition
    if persuasion_type==TALK_CHARM:
        if world.has_component(ent, cmp.StatusCharmed):
            reaction = min(reaction - 100, -20)
    elif persuasion_type==TALK_BOAST:
        if world.has_component(ent, cmp.StatusCharmed):
            reaction = min(reaction - 100, -20)
    # people who have a hard time learning to like/trust others
    if (disposition >= 0.5*DMAX # lose reaction once disp crosses a threshold
        and world.has_component(ent, cmp.Untrusting)):
        reaction -= 20
    if (world.has_component(ent, cmp.Antisocial)):
        reaction -= 10
    return math.ceil(abs(reaction)) * rog.sign(reaction)