Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, slot, start=None, stop=None, pslice=None):
     super(SubRegion, self).__init__(slot)
     if pslice != None or start is not None and stop is None and pslice is None:
         if pslice is None:
             pslice = start
         shape = self.slot.meta.shape
         if shape is None:
             # Okay to use a shapeless slot if the key is bounded
             # AND if the key has the correct length
             assert slicingtools.is_bounded(pslice)
             # Supply a dummy shape
             shape = [0] * len(pslice)
         self.start, self.stop = sliceToRoi(pslice, shape)
     elif start is None and pslice is None:
         self.start, self.stop = sliceToRoi(slice(None, None, None), self.slot.meta.shape)
         self.start = TinyVector(start)
         self.stop = TinyVector(stop)
     self.dim = len(self.start)
Exemple #2
 def __init__(self, slot, start = None, stop = None, pslice = None):
   if pslice != None or start is not None and stop is None and pslice is None:
     if pslice is None:
       pslice = start
     assert self.slot.meta.shape is not None
     self.start, self.stop = sliceToRoi(pslice,self.slot.meta.shape)
     self.start = start
     self.stop = stop