def compareShapes(h1,h2,outFile,xTitle="",yTitle="",yRange=[],xRange=[],log=False,label1="",label2="",labelR="Data/MC",data=False): hRpf_mj = createRatio(h1,h2) hRatio = [] hRatioErrors = [] hDataErrors = [] hData = [] hDataCentres = [] for i in range(1,hRpf_mj.GetNbinsX()+1): hRatio.append(hRpf_mj.GetBinContent(i)) hRatioErrors.append(hRpf_mj.GetBinError(i)) for i in range(1,h2.GetNbinsX()+1): hData.append(h2.GetBinContent(i)) hDataCentres.append(h2.GetBinCenter(i)) hDataErrors.append(h2.GetBinError(i)) #numpy histograms h1, h1Edges = hist2array(h1,return_edges=True) h2, h2Edges = hist2array(h2,return_edges=True) hRatio = np.asarray(hRatio) hRatioErrors = np.asarray(hRatioErrors) centresRatio = (h1Edges[0][:-1] + h1Edges[0][1:])/2.[]) f, axs = plt.subplots(2,1, sharex=True, sharey=False,gridspec_kw={'height_ratios': [4, 1],'hspace': 0.05}) axs = axs.flatten()[0]) if(log): axs[0].set_yscale("log") hep.histplot(h1,h1Edges[0],stack=False,ax=axs[0],label = label1, histtype="step",color="r") if(label2=="data_obs"): print("Plotting data") plt.errorbar(hDataCentres,hData, yerr=hDataErrors, fmt='o',color="k",label = label2) else: hep.histplot(h2,h2Edges[0],stack=False,ax=axs[0],label = label2, histtype="step",color="k") plt.ylabel(yTitle, horizontalalignment='right', y=1.0) axs[0].legend() axs[1].set_xlabel(xTitle) #axs[0].set_ylabel(yTitle) axs[1].set_ylabel(labelR) if(yRange): axs[0].set_ylim(yRange) if(xRange): axs[0].set_xlim(xRange) if data: hep.cms.text("WiP",loc=1) hep.cms.lumitext(text='59.8 $fb^{-1} (13 TeV)$', ax=axs[0], fontname=None, fontsize=None) else: hep.cms.lumitext(text='2018', ax=axs[0], fontname=None, fontsize=None) hep.cms.text("Simulation WiP",loc=1) plt.legend(loc="best")#loc = (0.4,0.2))[1])#switch to lower pad axs[1].axhline(y=1.0, xmin=0, xmax=1, color="r") axs[1].set_ylim([0.0,2.0]) plt.xlabel(xTitle, horizontalalignment='right', x=1.0) plt.errorbar(centresRatio,hRatio, yerr=hRatioErrors, fmt='o',color="k") print("Saving {0}".format(outFile)) plt.savefig(outFile)
def check_array2hist(hist): shape = np.array([hist.GetNbinsX(), hist.GetNbinsY(), hist.GetNbinsZ()]) shape = shape[:hist.GetDimension()] arr = RNG.randint(0, 10, size=shape) rnp.array2hist(arr, hist) arr_hist = rnp.hist2array(hist) assert_array_equal(arr_hist, arr) shape_overflow = shape + 2 arr_overflow = RNG.randint(0, 10, size=shape_overflow) hist_overflow = hist.Clone() hist_overflow.Reset() rnp.array2hist(arr_overflow, hist_overflow) arr_hist_overflow = rnp.hist2array(hist_overflow, include_overflow=True) assert_array_equal(arr_hist_overflow, arr_overflow) if len(shape) == 1: return # overflow not specified on all axes arr_overflow2 = arr_overflow[1:-1] hist_overflow2 = hist.Clone() hist_overflow2.Reset() rnp.array2hist(arr_overflow2, hist_overflow2) arr_hist_overflow2 = rnp.hist2array(hist_overflow2, include_overflow=True) assert_array_equal(arr_hist_overflow2[1:-1], arr_overflow2)
def getMiniGroupHists(lpgbt_hists, minigroups_swap, root=False): minigroup_hists = [] minigroup_hists_inclusive = {} minigroup_hists_phi60 = {} for minigroup, lpgbts in minigroups_swap.items(): inclusive = ROOT.TH1D( "minigroup_ROverZ_silicon_" + str(minigroup) + "_0", "", 42, 0.076, 0.58) phi60 = ROOT.TH1D("minigroup_ROverZ_silicon_" + str(minigroup) + "_1", "", 42, 0.076, 0.58) for lpgbt in lpgbts: inclusive.Add(lpgbt_hists[0][lpgbt]) phi60.Add(lpgbt_hists[1][lpgbt]) inclusive_array = hist2array(inclusive) phi60_array = hist2array(phi60) if (root): minigroup_hists_inclusive[minigroup] = inclusive minigroup_hists_phi60[minigroup] = phi60 else: minigroup_hists_inclusive[minigroup] = inclusive_array minigroup_hists_phi60[minigroup] = phi60_array minigroup_hists.append(minigroup_hists_inclusive) minigroup_hists.append(minigroup_hists_phi60) return minigroup_hists
def compare(shared_paths, pr_flat_dict, base_flat_dict, paths_to_save_in_pr, paths_to_save_in_base): # Collect paths that have to be written to both output files for path in shared_paths: pr_item = pr_flat_dict[path] base_item = base_flat_dict[path] if pr_item == None or base_item == None: continue are_different=False if pr_item.InheritsFrom('TProfile2D') and base_item.InheritsFrom('TProfile2D'): # Compare TProfile (content, entries and errors) are_different = not compare_TProfile(pr_item, base_item) elif pr_item.InheritsFrom('TProfile') and base_item.InheritsFrom('TProfile'): # Compare TProfile (content, entries and errors) are_different = not compare_TProfile(pr_item, base_item) elif pr_item.InheritsFrom('TH1') and base_item.InheritsFrom('TH1'): # Compare bin by bin pr_array = root_numpy.hist2array(hist=pr_item, include_overflow=True, copy=False) base_array = root_numpy.hist2array(hist=base_item, include_overflow=True, copy=False) if pr_array.shape != base_array.shape or not np.allclose(pr_array, base_array, equal_nan=True): are_different = True else: # Compare non histograms if pr_item != base_item: are_different = True if are_different: paths_to_save_in_pr.append(path) paths_to_save_in_base.append(path)
def root_to_template(root_name, file_name, histogram_names=None, metadata={ "version": "0.0", "date":'%Y%m%d_%H:%M:%S') }): if not HAVE_ROOT: raise NotImplementedError("root_to_template requires ROOT, root_numpy") froot = rt.TFile(root_name) if histogram_names is None: histogram_names = [] for k in froot.GetListOfKeys(): if froot.Get(k.GetName()).InheritsFrom("TH1"): histogram_names.append(k.GetName()) _, bins = root_numpy.hist2array(froot.Get(histogram_names[0]), return_edges=True) axis_names = get_root_hist_axis_labels(froot.Get(histogram_names[0])) histograms = [] for histogram_name in histogram_names: histogram, _ = root_numpy.hist2array(froot.Get(histogram_name), return_edges=True) histograms.append(histogram) numpy_to_template(bins, histograms, file_name, histogram_names=histogram_names, axis_names=axis_names, metadata=metadata)
def correct_bbb(hist, vorig, funcname, normname=''): if vorig == 'mllVSmth_4x3': # 4 mth x 3 mll ([10, 40, 55, 210]) vfolding = [range(i, i + 12, 3) for i in range(3)] vmapping = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2] elif vorig == 'mllVSmth_3x3': # [10, 40, 70, 210] vfolding = [range(i, i + 9, 3) for i in range(3)] vmapping = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2] elif vorig == 'mllVSmth_2x2': # [10, 50, 210] vfolding = [range(i, i + 4, 2) for i in range(2)] vmapping = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1] postfit_full = common.make_roofit_histogram('postfit', postfit_ws, funcname, normname=normname, fold=vfolding) postfit_nobbb = common.make_roofit_histogram('prefit', nobbb_ws, funcname, normname=normname, fold=vfolding) cont = rnp.hist2array(hist, copy=False) cont *= (rnp.hist2array(postfit_full, copy=False) / rnp.hist2array(postfit_nobbb, copy=False))[np.array(vmapping)] postfit_full.Delete() postfit_nobbb.Delete()
def makeMCTruthDataset(data, etas, pts, masses): #add charge for mc truth events charge1 = np.ones_like(data['eta1']) charge2 = -np.ones_like(data['eta1']) datasetMCTruth = np.array([np.concatenate((data['eta1'],data['eta2']),axis=None),np.concatenate((charge1*data['mcpt1'],charge2*data['mcpt2']),axis=None),np.concatenate((data['res1'], data['res2']),axis=None)]) histoMCTruth, edges = np.histogramdd(datasetMCTruth.T, bins = [etas,pts,masses]) good_idx = np.nonzero(np.sum(histoMCTruth,axis=-1)>100.) histoMCTruth = histoMCTruth[good_idx] #compute mean in each bin (integrating over mass) for pt-dependent terms massesfull = np.array([masses[0],masses[-1]]) histoden = np.histogramdd(datasetMCTruth.T, bins = [etas,pts,massesfull])[0][good_idx] k = 1./datasetMCTruth[1] eta = datasetMCTruth[0] sEta = np.sin(2*np.arctan(np.exp(-eta))) L = computeTrackLength(eta) fIn = ROOT.TFile.Open("resolutionMCtruth.root") bHisto = fIn.Get("b") dHisto = fIn.Get("d") bterm = hist2array(bHisto) dterm = hist2array(dHisto) terms_etas = np.linspace(-2.4, 2.4, bterm.shape[0]+1, dtype='float64') findBin = np.digitize(eta, terms_etas)-1 b = bterm[findBin] d = dterm[findBin] terms = [] terms.append(1./k) terms.append(np.abs(sEta*k)) terms.append(1./np.square(k)) terms.append(np.square(L)) #terms.append(b*np.square(L)*np.reciprocal(1.+d/np.square(pt)/np.square(L))) terms.append(np.square(k)) means = [] for term in terms: histoterm = np.histogramdd(datasetMCTruth.T, bins = [etas,pts,massesfull], weights=term)[0][good_idx] ret = histoterm/histoden #remove spurious mass dimension ret = np.squeeze(ret, axis=-1) means.append(ret.flatten()) mean = np.stack(means,axis=-1) pkg = {} pkg['dataset'] = histoMCTruth pkg['edges'] = edges pkg['binCenters'] = mean pkg['good_idx'] = good_idx return pkg
def check_hist2array_THnSparse(hist): hist_thnsparse = ROOT.THnSparse.CreateSparse("", "", hist) array = rnp.hist2array(hist) array_thnsparse = rnp.hist2array(hist_thnsparse) # non-zero elements assert_true(np.any(array)) # arrays should be identical assert_array_equal(array, array_thnsparse)
def check_hist2array_THn(hist): hist_thn = ROOT.THn.CreateHn("", "", hist) array = rnp.hist2array(hist) array_thn = rnp.hist2array(hist_thn) # non-zero elements assert_true(np.any(array)) # arrays should be identical assert_array_equal(array, array_thn)
def plotSidebandsMJY_mpl(h_3d,outFile,xTitle="",yTitle="",yRange=[],xRange=[],log=False): nBinsX = h_3d.GetNbinsX() nBinsY = h_3d.GetNbinsY() nBinsZ = h_3d.GetNbinsZ() wp = 0.8 point = 0.0 taggerLowBin = h_3d.GetXaxis().FindBin(point) taggerHighBin = h_3d.GetXaxis().FindBin(wp) - 1 h_mj_fail = h_3d.ProjectionZ("mj_failProjection" ,taggerLowBin,taggerHighBin,1,nBinsY) h_mj_pass = h_3d.ProjectionZ("mj_passProjection" ,taggerHighBin,nBinsX,1,nBinsY) h_mj_fail.Scale(1/h_mj_fail.Integral()) h_mj_pass.Scale(1/h_mj_pass.Integral()) h_mj_pass.Rebin(2) h_mj_fail.Rebin(2) hRpf_mj = createRatio(h_mj_pass,h_mj_fail) hRatio = [] hRatioErrors = [] for i in range(1,hRpf_mj.GetNbinsX()+1): hRatio.append(hRpf_mj.GetBinContent(i)) hRatioErrors.append(hRpf_mj.GetBinError(i)) #numpy histograms hMJYFail, hMJYFailEdges = hist2array(h_mj_fail,return_edges=True) hMJYPass, hMJYPassEdges = hist2array(h_mj_pass,return_edges=True) hRatio = np.asarray(hRatio) hRatioErrors = np.asarray(hRatioErrors) centresRatio = (hMJYPassEdges[0][:-1] + hMJYPassEdges[0][1:])/2.[]) f, axs = plt.subplots(2,1, sharex=True, sharey=False,gridspec_kw={'height_ratios': [4, 1],'hspace': 0.05}) axs = axs.flatten()[0]) if(log): axs[0].set_yscale("log") hep.histplot(hMJYPass,hMJYPassEdges[0],stack=False,ax=axs[0],label = "Pass", histtype="step",color="r") hep.histplot(hMJYFail,hMJYFailEdges[0],stack=False,ax=axs[0],label = "Fail", histtype="step",color="b") axs[0].legend() axs[1].set_xlabel(xTitle) axs[0].set_ylabel(yTitle) axs[1].set_ylabel("Data/MC") plt.ylabel(yTitle, horizontalalignment='right', x=1.0) if(yRange): axs[0].set_ylim(yRange) if(xRange): axs[0].set_xlim(xRange) hep.cms.lumitext(text='59.8 $fb^{-1} (13 TeV)$', ax=axs[0], fontname=None, fontsize=None) hep.cms.text("Simulation WiP",loc=1) plt.legend(loc="best")#loc = (0.4,0.2))[1])#switch to lower pad axs[1].axhline(y=1.0, xmin=0, xmax=1, color="r") axs[1].set_ylim([0.0,2.0]) plt.xlabel(xTitle, horizontalalignment='right', x=1.0) plt.errorbar(centresRatio,hRatio, yerr=hRatioErrors, fmt='o',color="k") print("Saving {0}".format(outFile)) plt.savefig(outFile)
def add_hist(total, hist): if args.combination_sideways: nx = hist.GetNbinsX() first, last = nx * isource, nx * (isource + 1) tc = rnp.hist2array(total, copy=False) tc[first:last] += rnp.hist2array(hist, copy=False) te2 = rnp.array(total.GetSumw2(), copy=False)[1:-1] te2[first:last] += rnp.array(hist.GetSumw2(), copy=False)[1:-1] else: total.Add(hist)
def addHist(self, histname): histogram = self.file.Get(histname) if len( == 0: = np.atleast_2d(rp.hist2array(histogram)) self.bin_edges = getBinEdges(histogram) else: data_new = np.empty(([0] + 1,[1])) data_new[-1, :] = rp.hist2array(histogram) data_new[:-1, :] = = data_new
def get_data(folder, fname, drift_margin = 0, crop = True, blur = None, white_noise = 0, coherent_noise = 0): print 'Reading', fname try: if isinstance(folder, TFile): # read from ROOT file A_raw = hist2array(folder.Get(fname + '_raw')) A_deposit = hist2array(folder.Get(fname + '_deposit')) A_pdg = hist2array(folder.Get(fname + '_pdg')) else: # read text files A_raw = np.genfromtxt(folder+'/'+fname + '.raw', delimiter=' ', dtype=np.float32) A_deposit = np.genfromtxt(folder+'/'+fname + '.deposit', delimiter=' ', dtype=np.float32) A_pdg = np.genfromtxt(folder+'/'+fname + '.pdg', delimiter=' ', dtype=np.int32) except: print 'Bad event, return empty arrays' return None, None, None, None, None if A_raw.shape[0] < 8 or A_raw.shape[1] < 8: return None, None, None, None, None test_pdg = np.sum(A_pdg) test_dep = np.sum(A_deposit) test_raw = np.sum(A_raw) if test_raw == 0.0 or test_dep == 0.0 or test_pdg == 0: return None, None, None, None, None print test_raw, test_dep, test_pdg #assert np.sum(A_deposit) > 0 # get main event body (99% signal) if crop: evt_start_ind, evt_stop_ind = get_event_bounds(A_deposit, drift_margin) A_raw = A_raw[:,evt_start_ind:evt_stop_ind] A_deposit = A_deposit[:,evt_start_ind:evt_stop_ind] A_pdg = A_pdg[:,evt_start_ind:evt_stop_ind] else: evt_start_ind = 0 evt_stop_ind = A_raw.shape[1] print evt_start_ind, evt_stop_ind A_raw = applyBlur(A_raw, blur) A_raw = addWhiteNoise(A_raw, white_noise) A_raw = addCoherentNoise(A_raw, coherent_noise) deposit_th_ind = A_deposit < 2.0e-5 A_pdg[deposit_th_ind] = 0 tracks = A_pdg.copy() showers = A_pdg.copy() tracks[(A_pdg & 0x0FFF) == 11] = 0 tracks[tracks > 0] = 1 showers[(A_pdg & 0x0FFF) != 11] = 0 showers[showers > 0] = 1 return A_raw, A_deposit, A_pdg, tracks, showers
def read_decorr(self): myfile = root_open(self.filename, 'read') awesome = myfile.Get( cumu_dW2TwoTwoD = rnp.hist2array( awesome.Get('cumulants').Get('mixed').Get('dW2TwoTwoD').Get( 'cumu_dW2TwoTwoD')) cumu_dW2TwoTwoN = rnp.hist2array( awesome.Get('cumulants').Get('mixed').Get('dW2TwoTwoN').Get( 'cumu_dW2TwoTwoN')) self.differential_mixedn[..., dW2TwoTwoD] = cumu_dW2TwoTwoD self.differential_mixedn[..., dW2TwoTwoN] = cumu_dW2TwoTwoN
def get_efficiency(title1, title2): #nPV_reconstructed nums1, edges1 = rn.hist2array(title1, return_edges=True, copy=True) n_ed = np.sum(nums1) #nPV_reconstructible nums2, edges2 = rn.hist2array(title2, return_edges=True, copy=True) n_ible = np.sum(nums2) efficiency = n_ed / n_ible return efficiency
def get_hists(filename): import sys sys.argv.append('-b') from ROOT import TFile from root_numpy import hist2array f = TFile(filename, 'READ') h_ep = f.Get('gem_efficiency_ep') h_ee = f.Get('gem_efficiency_ee') hist_ep, edges = hist2array(h_ep, return_edges=True) hist_ee, edges = hist2array(h_ee, return_edges=True) return hist_ep[1:], hist_ee[1:], edges[0][1:]
def Saver(bkgfilename, sgfilename, B_events, S_events): sig = ROOT.TFile.Open(sgfilename) bkg = ROOT.TFile.Open(bkgfilename) Nbkg = len(bkg.GetListOfKeys()) Nsig = len(sig.GetListOfKeys()) bkgArray = [] sigArray = [] bkg_iteration = random.sample(xrange(0, Nbkg), B_events) sig_iteration = random.sample(xrange(0, Nsig), S_events) #print(bkg_iteration) countBKG = 0 countSig = 0 RangeSig = [0, Nsig, int(math.floor(Nsig / S_events))] for i in range(0, Nbkg, int(math.floor(Nbkg / B_events))): histoname = "histo" + str(i) aHisto = bkg.Get(histoname) aHisto.Print() #This prevents all the array elements being 0. #print("BKG") anArrayfromHisto = root_numpy.hist2array(aHisto) anArrayfromHisto = np.rot90(anArrayfromHisto) bkgArray.append(anArrayfromHisto) countBKG = countBKG + 1 print(countBKG) for i in range(0, Nsig, int(math.floor(Nsig / S_events))): histoname = "histo" + str(i) aHisto = sig.Get(histoname) aHisto.Print() #This prevents all the array elements being 0. #print("SIG") anArrayfromHisto = root_numpy.hist2array(aHisto) anArrayfromHisto = np.rot90(anArrayfromHisto) if np.sum(anArrayfromHisto) != 0.0: sigArray.append(anArrayfromHisto) countSig = countSig + 1 print(countSig) bkgArray = np.array(bkgArray) sigArray = np.array(sigArray) print(countBKG) print(countSig) return bkgArray, sigArray
def extract_hist(directory, process_dict, total_signal_list, total_background_list, total_list): for key in directory.GetListOfKeys(): print(key.GetName()) subdir = directory.Get(key.GetName()) for subkey in subdir.GetListOfKeys(): print(subkey.GetName()) print(subkey.GetName() == "total_signal") if subkey.GetName() == "data": continue hist = subdir.Get(subkey.GetName()) if "total" not in subkey.GetName(): if subkey.GetName() not in process_dict.keys(): process_dict[subkey.GetName()] = [] process_dict[subkey.GetName()] = np.append(process_dict[subkey.GetName()], root_numpy.hist2array(hist)) elif subkey.GetName() == "total_signal": total_signal_list.append(list(root_numpy.hist2array(hist))) elif subkey.GetName() == "total_background": total_background_list.append(list(root_numpy.hist2array(hist))) elif subkey.GetName() == "total": total_list.append(list(root_numpy.hist2array(hist)))
def getErrors(default, others): dfarr = root_numpy.hist2array(default) errs = np.zeros(len(dfarr)) for other in others: if type(other) == list: err1 = root_numpy.hist2array(other[0]) - dfarr err1 = err1**2 err2 = root_numpy.hist2array(other[1]) - dfarr err2 = err2**2 err = np.maximum(err1, err2) errs += err else: err = root_numpy.hist2array(other) - dfarr err = err**2 errs += err return errs
def get_max_res_map(fname): """Get the histogram showing the acceptance of the detector at maximal resolution""" with root_open(fname) as f: h = list(f.c2_correlations)[0][-1] if h.GetName() != "etaPhiZvtx_max_res": raise ValueError("Histogram order is different than expected") return root_numpy.hist2array(h, return_edges=True)
def makeForwardPlotsSum(awesome, Zinit, mydata, doedges, dofill): histname = 'NUAforward' z = hist2array(awesome.FindObject('EventInfo').FindObject('Vertex')) zbins = 10 Zinit = np.nansum(Zinit, axis=2) z = np.nansum(z) Znorm = nua_norm(Zinit, z) myplot(Znorm[:, :], mydata + '/forward/nua_norm', '', r'$dN / d\varphi d\eta$', False, -1, 'FMD') myplot(Znorm[:, :], mydata + '/forward/nua_norm_wfill', 'w. fills', r'$dN_{ch} / d\eta d\varphi$', False, -1, 'FMD') Zmean = nua_meanSum(Znorm) Znew = nua_frac(Zmean, Znorm) Zmean[Zmean == 0] = np.nan myplot(Zmean[:, :], mydata + '/forward/nua_mean_wfill', '', r'$\langle N_{ch} \rangle / d\eta$', False, -1, 'FMD') myplot(Znew[:, :], mydata + '/forward/nua_frac', '', r'$\langle N \rangle / N$', False, -1, 'FMD') Zres = nua_result(Znew, Znorm) Zforward = Znew myplot(Zres[:, :], mydata + '/forward/nua_res', '', r'$\langle N \rangle / N$', False, -1, 'FMD') return Zforward
def get_curve(self, observable=None, norm=1, npoints=1000): """ Get projection of the pdf curve Args: observable (str, optional): Name of the observable norm (float, optional): normalisation for the pdf, default=1 npoints (int): number of points, default=1000 Returns: hx, hy : numpy arrays of x and y points of the pdf projection Examples: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> plt.plot(*pdf.get_curve()) """ import root_numpy import numpy as np if observable is not None: assert isinstance(observable, str), "please specify the name of the observable" assert observable in self.observables, "observable not found" else: observable = self.get_observable().GetName() h = self.roo_pdf.createHistogram(observable, npoints) hy, hx = root_numpy.hist2array(h, False, False, True) # Normalise y hy = npoints * hy / np.sum(hy) # center x hx = (hx[0][:-1] + hx[0][1:]) / 2. return hx, np.multiply(hy, norm)
def getErrors(default, others, keys): dfarr = root_numpy.hist2array(default) errs = {} for other, key in zip(others, keys): if type(other) == list: err1 = root_numpy.hist2array(other[0]) - dfarr err1 = abs(err1) err2 = root_numpy.hist2array(other[1]) - dfarr err2 = abs(err2) err = numpy.maximum(err1, err2) errs[key] = err else: err = root_numpy.hist2array(other) - dfarr err = abs(err) errs[key] = err return errs
def convert_histos(root_files, hist): global input_dir # Set histogram directory prefix based on ECAL subdetector if hist.startswith("EB"): hist_name = 'EcalBarrel/Run summary/%s' % hist else: hist_name = 'EcalEndcap/Run summary/%s' % hist hists = [] for root_file in root_files: histo = root_file.Get( 'DQMData/Run %d/%s' % (run, hist_name) ) # Get list of associated ROOT histograms (ROOT::TH2F or ROOT::TProfile2D) try: histo.Scale(1 / histo.GetBinContent( histo.GetMaximumBin())) #Normalize Histograms by its max hists.append(histo) except ZeroDivisionError: print "Empty histogram: ", hist, " in file: ", root_file except AttributeError: print "Empty root filr: ", root_file X = np.stack([hist2array(hist).T for hist in hists ]) # Convert ROOT histograms to NumPy arrays and stack return X
def __init__(self, options): self.rebin = options.rebin self.options = options self.pedfile_fullres_name = options.pedfile_fullres_name self.tmpname = options.tmpname geometryPSet = open( 'modules_config/geometry_{det}.txt'.format(det=options.geometry), 'r') geometryParams = eval( = cameraGeometry(geometryParams) self.xmax = if not os.path.exists(self.pedfile_fullres_name): print("WARNING: pedestal file with full resolution ", self.pedfile_fullres_name, " not existing. First calculate them...") self.calcPedestal(options, 1) if not options.justPedestal: print("Pulling pedestals...") # first the one for clustering with rebin ctools = cameraTools( # then the full resolution one pedrf_fr = ROOT.TFile.Open(self.pedfile_fullres_name) self.pedmap_fr = pedrf_fr.Get('pedmap').Clone() self.pedmap_fr.SetDirectory(0) self.pedarr_fr = hist2array(self.pedmap_fr).T self.noisearr_fr = ctools.noisearray(self.pedmap_fr).T pedrf_fr.Close() if options.vignetteCorr: self.vignmap = ctools.loadVignettingMap() else: self.vignmap = np.ones((self.xmax, self.xmax))
def magnify_dump(ctx, out, filename): '''Dump magnify histograms into Numpy .npz files. The underlying histogram array is dumped into an array of the same name. For every dimension of histogram an array of bin edges is dumped as <name>_<dim>edges where <dim> is "x", "y" or "z". ''' import ROOT import numpy from root_numpy import hist2array from time import time print "Reading ROOT file" t1 = time() arrs = dict() tfile = ROOT.TFile.Open(filename) for key in tfile.GetListOfKeys(): cname = key.GetClassName() if cname[:3] not in ["TH1", "TH2", "TH3"]: continue th = key.ReadObj() hname = th.GetName() arr, edges = hist2array(th, return_edges=True) arrs[hname] = arr for dim, edge in enumerate(edges): arrs["%s_%sedge" % (hname, "xyz"[dim])] = edge t2 = time() print t2 - t1 # takes 5.7 seconds compared to 5.3 seconds loading npz print "Writing NPZ file" numpy.savez_compressed(out, **arrs) t3 = time() print t3 - t2
def channel_responses(ctx, tscale, scale, name, infile, outfile): '''Produce the per-channel calibrated response JSON file from a TH2D of the given name in the input ROOT file provided by the analysis. - tscale :: a number to multiply to the time axis of the histogram in order to bring the result into the WCT system of units. It may be expressed as a string of an algebraic expression which includes symbols, eg "0.5*us". - scale :: a number multiplied to all samples in the histogram in order to make the sample value a unitless relative measure. It may be expressed as a string of an algebraic expression which includes symbols, eg "0.5*us". For uBoone's initial 20171006_responseWaveforms.root the appropriate scale is 1e-9*0.5/1.13312 = 4.41267e-10 ''' import json import ROOT import numpy from root_numpy import hist2array tscale = eval(tscale, units.__dict__) scale = eval(scale, units.__dict__) tf = ROOT.TFile.Open(str(infile)) assert(tf) h = tf.Get(str(name)) if not h: click.echo('Failed to get histogram "%s" from %s' % (name, infile)) sys.exit(1) arr,edges = hist2array(h, return_edges=True) arr *= scale tedges = edges[1] t0,t1 = tscale*(tedges[0:2]) tick = t1-t0 nchans, nticks = arr.shape channels = list() for ch in range(nchans): # reduce down to ~32 bit float precision to save file space res = [float("%.6g"%x) for x in arr[ch,:].tolist()] one = [ch, res] channels.append(one) dat = dict(tick=tick, t0=t0, channels=channels) jtext = json.dumps(dat, indent=4) if outfile.endswith(".json.bz2"): import bz2 bz2.BZ2File(outfile, 'w').write(jtext) return if outfile.endswith(".json.gz"): import gzip, 'wb').write(jtext) # wb? return open(outfile, 'w').write(jtext) return
def loadVignettingMap(self): print("Loading vignette map from: {vf}...".format( vf=self.geometry.vignette)) det = if det == 'lemon': # not implemented (we were taking the efficienct region within the FC) return self.vignetteMap[det] elif det == 'lime' or 'Mango_full': if not self.vignetteMap[det].any(): tf = ROOT.TFile.Open(self.geometry.vignette) hmap = tf.Get('normmap_lime') vignetteMapRebinned = hist2array(hmap) tf.Close() rebinx = int(self.geometry.npixx / vignetteMapRebinned.shape[0]) rebiny = int(self.geometry.npixx / vignetteMapRebinned.shape[1]) macroPixel = np.zeros((rebinx, rebiny)) print("Macro-pixel of the vignetting map has size = ", macroPixel.shape) for ibx in range(vignetteMapRebinned.shape[0]): for iby in range(vignetteMapRebinned.shape[1]): macroPixel[:, :] = 1. / vignetteMapRebinned[iby, ibx] (self.vignetteMap[det] )[int(ibx * rebinx):int((ibx + 1) * rebinx), int(iby * rebiny):int((iby + 1) * rebiny)] = macroPixel return self.vignetteMap[det] else: return self.vignetteMap[det] else: print('WARNING! Geometry ', det, ' not foreseen. Return correction 1') return self.vignetteMap[det]
def getProfile2DataRaw(root_file, root_folder, coll_name): print "opening...", root_file # open root file profile_file = TFile(root_file) # get data profile_data = profile_file.Get(root_folder + coll_name) #print histdata # get dimension, sums and x,y-positions. Note: using hist2array for Th2profile data sums, edges = hist2array(profile_data, include_overflow=False, return_edges=True) #print counts, edge # get contents contents = np.zeros(shape=np.shape(sums)) for y_index, y_value in enumerate(sums[0]): for x_index, x_value in enumerate(sums.T[0]): contents[x_index][y_index] = profile_data.GetBinContent( x_index + 1, y_index + 1) # get errors errors = np.zeros(shape=np.shape(sums)) for y_index, y_value in enumerate(sums[0]): for x_index, x_value in enumerate(sums.T[0]): errors[x_index][y_index] = profile_data.GetBinError( x_index + 1, y_index + 1) # calculate counts counts = np.divide(sums, contents) # shift hist data by half of the binwidth binwidth_x = abs(edges[0][1] - edges[0][0]) bincenters_x = np.array(edges[0][:-1]) + binwidth_x / 2. binwidth_y = abs(edges[1][1] - edges[1][0]) bincenters_y = np.array(edges[1][:-1]) + binwidth_y / 2. # return counts (x, y)-array, x_edges and y_edges data return contents, counts, bincenters_x, bincenters_y, edges[0], edges[ 1], errors
def nua_raw(awesome, hist): nuahist = awesome.FindObject(hist) Zinit = hist2array(nuahist) Zinit[Zinit == 0] = np.nan return Zinit
def check_array2hist(hist): shape = np.array([hist.GetNbinsX(), hist.GetNbinsY(), hist.GetNbinsZ()]) shape = shape[:hist.GetDimension()] arr = RNG.randint(0, 10, size=shape) rnp.array2hist(arr, hist) arr_hist = rnp.hist2array(hist) assert_array_equal(arr_hist, arr) # Check behaviour if errors are supplied errors = arr * 0.1 _hist = hist.Clone() _hist.Reset() rnp.array2hist(arr, _hist, errors=errors) arr_hist = rnp.hist2array(_hist) assert_array_equal(arr_hist, arr) if hist.GetDimension() == 1: errors_from_hist = np.array([_hist.GetBinError(ix) for ix in range(1, _hist.GetNbinsX() + 1)]) if hist.GetDimension() == 2: errors_from_hist = np.array([[_hist.GetBinError(ix, iy) for iy in range(1, _hist.GetNbinsY() + 1)] for ix in range(1, _hist.GetNbinsX() + 1)]) if hist.GetDimension() == 3: errors_from_hist = np.array([[[_hist.GetBinError(ix, iy, iz) for iz in range(1, _hist.GetNbinsZ() + 1)] for iy in range(1, _hist.GetNbinsY() + 1)] for ix in range(1, _hist.GetNbinsX() + 1)]) assert_array_equal(errors, errors_from_hist) shape_overflow = shape + 2 arr_overflow = RNG.randint(0, 10, size=shape_overflow) hist_overflow = hist.Clone() hist_overflow.Reset() rnp.array2hist(arr_overflow, hist_overflow) arr_hist_overflow = rnp.hist2array(hist_overflow, include_overflow=True) assert_array_equal(arr_hist_overflow, arr_overflow) if len(shape) == 1: return # overflow not specified on all axes arr_overflow2 = arr_overflow[1:-1] hist_overflow2 = hist.Clone() hist_overflow2.Reset() rnp.array2hist(arr_overflow2, hist_overflow2) arr_hist_overflow2 = rnp.hist2array(hist_overflow2, include_overflow=True) assert_array_equal(arr_hist_overflow2[1:-1], arr_overflow2)
def __init__(self, working_points, functions, efficiency_map): efficiency_array = hist2array(efficiency_map) working_points_indices = find_closest(working_points, efficiency_array) self.function_index_map = efficiency_map.empty_clone() array2hist(working_points_indices, self.function_index_map) self.indices = working_points_indices self.functions = functions self.dim = len(efficiency_array.shape)
def hist2d_to_matrix( hist2d ): ''' hist2d to matrix + bin edges ''' from root_numpy import hist2array values = hist2array(hist2d) xedges = list(hist2d.xedges()) yedges = list(hist2d.yedges()) return values, xedges, yedges
def get_hist(rfile, histname, get_overflow=False): """Read a 1D Histogram.""" import root_numpy as rnp rfile = open_rfile(rfile) hist = rfile[histname] xlims = np.array(list(hist.xedges())) bin_values = rnp.hist2array(hist, include_overflow=get_overflow) rfile.close() return bin_values, xlims
def check_hist2array(hist, include_overflow, copy): array = rnp.hist2array(hist, include_overflow=include_overflow, copy=copy) assert_equal(hist.GetDimension(), array.ndim) for iaxis, axis in enumerate('XYZ'[:array.ndim]): if include_overflow: assert_equal(array.shape[iaxis], getattr(hist, 'GetNbins{0}'.format(axis))() + 2) else: assert_equal(array.shape[iaxis], getattr(hist, 'GetNbins{0}'.format(axis))()) # non-zero elements assert_true(np.any(array))
def check_hist2array(hist, include_overflow, copy): array = rnp.hist2array(hist, include_overflow=include_overflow, copy=copy) assert_equal(hist.GetDimension(), array.ndim) for iaxis, axis in enumerate('XYZ'[:array.ndim]): if include_overflow: assert_equal(array.shape[iaxis], getattr(hist, 'GetNbins{0}'.format(axis))() + 2) else: assert_equal(array.shape[iaxis], getattr(hist, 'GetNbins{0}'.format(axis))()) hist_sum = hist.Integral() assert_true(hist_sum > 0) assert_equal(hist_sum, np.sum(array))
def test_hist2array(): assert_raises(TypeError, rnp.hist2array, object()) for ndim in (1, 2, 3): for hist_type in 'DFISC': hist = make_histogram(hist_type, shape=(5,) * ndim) yield check_hist2array, hist, False, False yield check_hist2array, hist, False, True yield check_hist2array, hist, True, False yield check_hist2array, hist, True, True yield check_hist2array_THn, hist # check that the memory was copied arr = rnp.hist2array(hist, copy=True) hist_sum = hist.Integral() assert_true(hist_sum > 0) hist.Reset() assert_equal(np.sum(arr), hist_sum) # check that the memory is shared hist = make_histogram(hist_type, shape=(5,) * ndim) arr = rnp.hist2array(hist, copy=False) hist_sum = hist.Integral() assert_true(hist_sum > 0) assert_true(np.sum(arr) == hist_sum) hist.Reset() assert_true(np.sum(arr) == 0)
def th2_to_arrays(th2): # NOTE: man how much I hate ROOT! # So much effort to do the simplest thing... # Get first all the lower edges of the bins, then the last edge is the upper edge of the last bin # (so these edges can be used in np.histogram) n_x = th2.GetNbinsX() xax = th2.GetXaxis() x_edges = _get_edges(xax, n_x) # Same for y n_y = th2.GetNbinsY() yax = th2.GetYaxis() y_edges = _get_edges(yax, n_y) # Finally get the array of values matrix = root_numpy.hist2array(th2) return x_edges, y_edges, matrix
def check_hist2array_edges(hist, ndim, bins): _, edges = rnp.hist2array(hist, return_edges=True) assert_equal(len(edges), ndim) for axis_edges in edges: assert_array_equal(axis_edges, np.arange(bins + 1, dtype=np.double))
if checkExtension( inFile, "root" ): cOutputName = changeExtension( inFile, '.npz' ) if args.change_output_folder: import os.path cOutputName = os.path.join( os.path.abspath(args.change_output_folder) , os.path.basename(cOutputName) ) f = ROOT.TFile( inFile, 'r' ) data = {} for keyName, obj in getall(f): mainLogger.debug("Reading key: %s", keyName) shortKey = keyName.split('/')[-1] if not issubclass(type(obj), ROOT.TH1): mainLogger.verbose("Ignoring key: %s", shortKey ) continue hist = obj if all( [wanted not in shortKey for wanted in args.filter_keys] ): mainLogger.debug("key <%s> does not match any filter", shortKey ) continue if all( [exclude in shortKey for exclude in args.exclude_keys] ): mainLogger.debug("key <%s> matches exclude pattern", shortKey ) continue if not hist: mainLogger.warning("Couldn't retrieve histogram with key: %s", shortKey ) data[ shortKey ] = rnp.hist2array( hist, include_overflow=True, return_edges=True ) savedPath = save(data, cOutputName, protocol = 'savez_compressed')"Successfully created numpy file: %s", cOutputName) else: mainLogger.error("Cannot transform file '%s' to numpy format." % inFile) # end of (for fileCollection)
for (ioff, off) in enumerate(offMC): print off for (izen, zen) in enumerate(zenMC): print zen filehistoarea = + "/" + results.config + "/gFixedEnergy_paris_0-8-8-8_CamOptimal_hwtrig_eff" + str( eff) + "/CollectionArea.root" filehistoresol = + "/" + results.config + "/gFixedEnergy_paris_0-8-8-8_CamOptimal_hwtrig_eff" + str( eff) + "/EnergyResolution.root" TFileArea = ROOT.TFile(filehistoarea) TFileResol = ROOT.TFile(filehistoresol) if (izen == 0): name_hist_area = "EffArea_00deg_" + str(off) + "off_eff" + str(eff) + "_FixedE" name_hist_biais = "Resol_Biais_00deg_" + str(off) + "off_eff" + str(eff) + "_FixedE" name_hist_sigma = "Resol_Sigma_00deg_" + str(off) + "off_eff" + str(eff) + "_FixedE" else: name_hist_area = "EffArea_" + str(zen) + "deg_" + str(off) + "off_eff" + str(eff) + "_FixedE" name_hist_biais = "Resol_Biais_" + str(zen) + "deg_" + str(off) + "off_eff" + str(eff) + "_FixedE" name_hist_sigma = "Resol_Sigma_" + str(zen) + "deg_" + str(off) + "off_eff" + str(eff) + "_FixedE" histoarea = TFileArea.Get(name_hist_area) histobiais = TFileResol.Get(name_hist_biais) histosigma = TFileResol.Get(name_hist_sigma) AreaArray = hist2array(histoarea)[ind_area] AreaBiais = hist2array(histobiais)[ind_resol] AreaSigma = hist2array(histosigma)[ind_resol] TableArea[:, ioff, izen, ieff] = AreaArray TableBiais[:, ioff, izen, ieff] = AreaBiais TableSigma[:, ioff, izen, ieff] = AreaSigma outdir="output_4Dnumpyarrays" np.savez(outdir+"/IRF_"+results.config+".npz", TableArea=TableArea, TableBiais=TableBiais, TableSigma=TableSigma, enMC=enMC, lnenMC=lnenMC, zenMC=zenMC, offMC=offMC, effMC=effMC)