Exemple #1
def run(key, altUrl='https://api.rosette.com/rest/v1/'):
    # Create an API instance
    api = API(user_key=key, service_url=altUrl)

    params = NameMatchingParameters()
    params["name1"] = {"text": "Michael Jackson", "language": "eng", "entityType": "PERSON"}
    params["name2"] = {"text": "迈克尔·杰克逊", "entityType": "PERSON"}
    return api.matched_name(params)
def test_just_text():
    endpoints = ["categories", "entities", "entities/linked", "language", "matched-name", "morphology-complete",
                 "sentiment", "translated-name", "relationships"]
    expected_status_filename = response_file_dir + "eng-sentence-entities.status"
    expected_output_filename = response_file_dir + "eng-sentence-entities.json"
    for rest_endpoint in endpoints:
        httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.POST, "https://api.rosette.com/rest/v1/" + rest_endpoint,

    with open(expected_output_filename, "r") as expected_file:
        expected_result = json.loads(expected_file.read())

    # need to mock /info call too because the api will call it implicitly
    with open(response_file_dir + "info.json", "r") as info_file:
        body = info_file.read()
        httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET, "https://api.rosette.com/rest/v1/info",
                               body=body, status=200, content_type="application/json")
        httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.POST, "https://api.rosette.com/rest/v1/info",
                               body=body, status=200, content_type="application/json")

    api = API("0123456789")

    content = "He also acknowledged the ongoing U.S. conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, noting that he is the \"commander in chief of a country that is responsible for ending a war and working in another theater to confront a ruthless adversary that directly threatens the American people\" and U.S. allies."

    result = api.entities(content)
    # Check that it work for entities
    assert result == expected_result

    # Check that it throws the correct error for matched-name
        assert False
    except RosetteException as e:
        assert e.status == "incompatible"

    # Check that it throws the correct error for translated-name
        assert False
    except RosetteException as e:
        assert e.status == "incompatible"
Exemple #3
def wikipedia_summary(query, key=user_key, alt_url=ros_url):
    # Create an API instance
    api = API(user_key=key, service_url=alt_url)

    params = NameMatchingParameters()
    params['name1'] = query
    max = ['error', 0]
    for x in wikipedia.search(query):
        params["name2"] = x
        val = json.loads(json.dumps(api.matched_name(params), indent=2,
                                    ensure_ascii=False))['result']['score'] > max[1]
        if val > max[1]:
            max = [x, val]
    if max[0] != 'error':
        return wikipedia.summary(max[0])
        raise Exception("No wiki articles found")
Exemple #4
def proper_key_words(key_word, key=user_key, alt_url=ros_url):
    # Create an API instance
    api = API(user_key=key, service_url=alt_url)

    params = NameMatchingParameters()
    params['name1'] = key_word
    max = ['error', 0]
    for x in wikipedia.search(key_word):
        params["name2"] = x
        val = json.loads(json.dumps(api.matched_name(params), indent=2,
                                    ensure_ascii=False))['result']['score'] > max[1]
        if val > max[1]:
            max = [x, val]
    params = DocumentParameters()
    params['content'] = wikipedia.summary(max[0])
    json_obj = json.loads(json.dumps(api.entities(params), indent=2, ensure_ascii=False,
    return parse_with_queue(json_obj, key_word)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Example code to call Rosette API to get match score (similarity) of two names.

import argparse
import pprint

from rosette.api import API, NameMatchingParameters

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Get the similarity score of two names")
parser.add_argument("--key", required=True, help="Rosette API key")
parser.add_argument("--service_url", nargs="?", help="Optional user service URL")
args = parser.parse_args()

# Create an API instance
if args.service_url:
    api = API(service_url=args.service_url, user_key=args.key)
    api = API(user_key=args.key)

params = NameMatchingParameters()
params["name1"] = {"text": "Michael Jackson", "language": "eng", "entityType": "PERSON"}
params["name2"] = {"text": "迈克尔·杰克逊", "entityType": "PERSON"}
result = api.matched_name(params)
