def odometryCallback(self, msg): # Get error between waypoint and current state current_waypoint = np.array( self.waypoint_list[self.current_waypoint_index]) current_position = np.array([ msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y, msg.pose.pose.position.z ]) # orientation in quaternion form qw = msg.pose.pose.orientation.w qx = msg.pose.pose.orientation.x qy = msg.pose.pose.orientation.y qz = msg.pose.pose.orientation.z # yaw from quaternion y = np.arctan2(2 * (qw * qz + qx * qy), 1 - 2 * (qy**2 + qz**2)) error = current_position - current_waypoint[0:3] # replace next line with rotation matrix # i_to_b = quaternion_matrix([msg.pose.pose.orientation.x, msg.pose.pose.orientation.y, msg.pose.pose.orientation.z, msg.pose.pose.orientation.w]) i_to_b = np.eye(3) print("i_to_b needs to be fixed ---- currently set to be identity", i_to_b) error_b = i_to_b * error if np.linalg.norm(error) < self.threshold: # Get new waypoint index self.current_waypoint_index += 1 if self.cyclical_path: self.current_waypoint_index %= len(self.waypoint_list) else: if self.current_waypoint_index > len(self.waypoint_list): self.current_waypoint_index -= 1 next_waypoint = np.array( self.waypoint_list[self.current_waypoint_index]) command_msg = Command() command_msg.x = next_waypoint[0] command_msg.y = next_waypoint[1] command_msg.F = next_waypoint[2] if len(current_waypoint) <= 3: next_point = self.waypoint_list[(self.current_waypoint_index + 1) % len(self.waypoint_list)] delta = next_point - current_waypoint current_waypoint.append(np.atan2(delta[1], delta[0])) # altitude send directly command_msg.F = next_waypoint[2] # velocity commands, Proportional gain and saturation command_msg.x = saturate(2.0 * error_b[0], 2.0, -2.0) command_msg.y = saturate(2.0 * error_b[0], 2.0, -2.0) command_msg.z = saturate(1.507 * (current_waypoint[3] - y), 1.507, -1.507) command_msg.mode = Command.MODE_XVEL_YVEL_YAWRATE_ALTITUDE self.waypoint_pub_.publish(command_msg)
def odometryCallback(self, msg): # Get error between waypoint and current state current_waypoint = np.array( self.waypoint_list[self.current_waypoint_index]) (r, p, y) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([ msg.pose.pose.orientation.x, msg.pose.pose.orientation.y, msg.pose.pose.orientation.z, msg.pose.pose.orientation.w ]) current_position = np.array([ msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y, msg.pose.pose.position.z ]) error = current_position - current_waypoint[0:3] i_to_b = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix([ msg.pose.pose.orientation.x, msg.pose.pose.orientation.y, msg.pose.pose.orientation.z, msg.pose.pose.orientation.w ]) print "i_to_b", i_to_b error_b = i_to_b * error if np.linalg.norm(error) < self.threshold: # Get new waypoint index self.current_waypoint_index += 1 if self.cyclical_path: self.current_waypoint_index %= len(self.waypoint_list) else: if self.current_waypoint_index > len(self.waypoint_list): self.current_waypoint_index -= 1 next_waypoint = np.array( self.waypoint_list[self.current_waypoint_index]) command_msg = Command() command_msg.x = next_waypoint[0] command_msg.y = next_waypoint[1] command_msg.F = next_waypoint[2] if len(current_waypoint) <= 3: next_point = self.waypoint_list[(self.current_waypoint_index + 1) % len(self.waypoint_list)] delta = next_point - current_waypoint current_waypoint.append(math.atan2(delta[1], delta[0])) # altitude send directly command_msg.F = next_waypoint[2] # velocity commands, Proportional gain and saturation command_msg.x = saturate(2.0 * error_b[0], 2.0, -2.0) command_msg.y = saturate(2.0 * error_b[0], 2.0, -2.0) command_msg.z = saturate(1.507 * (current_waypoint[3] - y), 1.507, -1.507) command_msg.mode = Command.MODE_XVEL_YVEL_YAWRATE_ALTITUDE self.waypoint_pub_.publish(command_msg)
def send_waypoint_command(self): if self.mode_flag == 'mavros': waypoint_command_msg = PositionTarget() waypoint_command_msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() waypoint_command_msg.coordinate_frame = waypoint_command_msg.FRAME_LOCAL_NED waypoint_command_msg.type_mask = self.ned_pos_mask waypoint_command_msg.position.x = self.wp_E # E waypoint_command_msg.position.y = self.wp_N # N waypoint_command_msg.position.z = self.rendezvous_height # U # This converts an NED heading command into an ENU heading command yaw = -self.heading_command + np.radians(90.0) while yaw > np.radians(180.0): yaw = yaw - np.radians(360.0) while yaw < np.radians(-180.0): yaw = yaw + np.radians(360.0) waypoint_command_msg.yaw = yaw # Publish. self.command_pub_mavros.publish(waypoint_command_msg) else: wp_command_msg = Command() wp_command_msg.x = self.wp_N wp_command_msg.y = self.wp_E wp_command_msg.F = -self.rendezvous_height wp_command_msg.z = self.heading_command wp_command_msg.mode = Command.MODE_XPOS_YPOS_YAW_ALTITUDE # Publish. self.command_pub_roscopter.publish(wp_command_msg)
def __init__(self): # get parameters try: self.waypoint_list = rospy.get_param('~waypoints') except KeyError: rospy.logfatal('waypoints not set') rospy.signal_shutdown('Parameters not set') # how close does the MAV need to get before going to the next waypoint? self.threshold = rospy.get_param('~threshold', 5) self.cyclical_path = rospy.get_param('~cycle', True) self.prev_time = # set up Services self.add_waypoint_service = rospy.Service('add_waypoint', AddWaypoint, self.addWaypointCallback) self.remove_waypoint_service = rospy.Service('remove_waypoint', RemoveWaypoint, self.addWaypointCallback) self.set_waypoint_from_file_service = rospy.Service( 'set_waypoints_from_file', SetWaypointsFromFile, self.addWaypointCallback) # Set Up Publishers and Subscribers self.xhat_sub_ = rospy.Subscriber('state', Odometry, self.odometryCallback, queue_size=5) self.waypoint_pub_ = rospy.Publisher('high_level_command', Command, queue_size=5, latch=True) self.current_waypoint_index = 0 command_msg = Command() current_waypoint = np.array(self.waypoint_list[0]) command_msg.x = current_waypoint[0] command_msg.y = current_waypoint[1] command_msg.F = current_waypoint[2] if len(current_waypoint) > 3: command_msg.z = current_waypoint[3] else: next_point = self.waypoint_list[(self.current_waypoint_index + 1) % len(self.waypoint_list)] delta = next_point - current_waypoint command_msg.z = math.atan2(delta[1], delta[0]) command_msg.mode = Command.MODE_XPOS_YPOS_YAW_ALTITUDE command_msg.header = Header() command_msg.header.stamp = self.waypoint_pub_.publish(command_msg) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # wait for new messages and call the callback when they arrive rospy.spin()
def execute_landing(self): if self.mode_flag == 'mavros': # Update the status flag. self.status_flag = 'LAND' # Ramp down the motors. self.ramp_down_motors(self.landing_thrust0) # rospy.wait_for_service('/mavros/set_mode') # try: # isModeChanged = self.set_mode_srv(custom_mode='AUTO.LAND') # if isModeChanged: # self.land_mode_sent = True # print "mode %s sent." % 'AUTO.LAND' # self.status_flag = 'LAND' # except rospy.ServiceException, e: # print "service call set_mode failed: %s" % e else: command_msg = Command() command_msg.x = 0.0 command_msg.y = 0.0 command_msg.F = 0.0 command_msg.z = 0.0 command_msg.mode = Command.MODE_ROLL_PITCH_YAWRATE_THROTTLE self.command_pub_roscopter.publish(command_msg) self.status_flag = 'LAND'
def control(self, event): command = Command() command.mode = command.MODE_PASS_THROUGH command.ignore = command.IGNORE_NONE # edit starting right here!!!! # you can get GPS sensor information: # self.currentGPS.latitude # Deg # self.currentGPS.longitude # Deg # self.currentGPS.altitude # m # self.currentGPS.speed # m/s # self.currentGPS.ground_course # atan2(east/north) # code below computes ground course in rad clockwise from the north # ground_course = self.currentGPS.ground_course # if ground_course < 0: # ground_course += 2*pi command.F = 0.75 # throttle command 0.0 to 1.0 command.x = 0.0 # aileron servo command -1.0 to 1.0 positive rolls to right command.y = -0.03 # elevator servo command -1.0 to 1.0 positive pitches up command.z = 0.0 # rudder servo command -1.0 to 1.0 positive yaws to left self.command_publisher.publish(command)
def __init__(self): # get parameters try: self.waypoint_list = rospy.get_param('~waypoints') except KeyError: rospy.logfatal('waypoints not set') rospy.signal_shutdown('Parameters not set') # how close does the MAV need to get before going to the next waypoint? self.threshold = rospy.get_param('~threshold', 5) self.cyclical_path = rospy.get_param('~cycle', True) self.prev_time = # set up Services self.add_waypoint_service = rospy.Service('add_waypoint', AddWaypoint, self.addWaypointCallback) self.remove_waypoint_service = rospy.Service('remove_waypoint', RemoveWaypoint, self.removeWaypointCallback) self.set_waypoint_from_file_service = rospy.Service('set_waypoints_from_file', SetWaypointsFromFile, self.addWaypointCallback) # Set Up Publishers and Subscribers self.xhat_sub_ = rospy.Subscriber('state', Odometry, self.odometryCallback, queue_size=5) self.obstacle_sub_ = rospy.Subscriber('nearest_obstacle',Float32, self.obstacleCallback, queue_size=5) self.waypoint_pub_ = rospy.Publisher('high_level_command', Command, queue_size=5, latch=True) self.end_waypoint_pub_ = rospy.Publisher('last_waypoint', Int16 , queue_size = 5, latch = True) self.check_path_pub_ = rospy.Publisher('check_path',Int16, queue_size = 5, latch = True) # Initialize other variables self.current_waypoint_index = 0 self.current_yaw = 0.0 #when making a new waypoint, after clearing old waypoints, # use same yaw self.planning_flag = 1 #this flag is published and used by path planner to decide # how to plan next path. 1 = visual planning, # 2 = no visualization self.obstacle_angle = 0 #angle of current nearest obstacle detected self.obstacle_offset = 0.4 #how far to move away from obstacle after it trips threshold self.new_waypoint = rospy.ServiceProxy('/slammer/add_waypoint', AddWaypoint) command_msg = Command() current_waypoint = np.array(self.waypoint_list[0]) command_msg.x = current_waypoint[0] command_msg.y = current_waypoint[1] command_msg.F = current_waypoint[2] if len(current_waypoint) > 3: command_msg.z = current_waypoint[3] else: next_point = self.waypoint_list[(self.current_waypoint_index + 1) % len(self.waypoint_list)] delta = next_point - current_waypoint command_msg.z = np.atan2(delta[1], delta[0]) command_msg.mode = Command.MODE_XPOS_YPOS_YAW_ALTITUDE self.waypoint_pub_.publish(command_msg) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # wait for new messages and call the callback when they arrive rospy.spin()
def __init__(self): # get parameters try: self.waypoint_list = rospy.get_param('~waypoints') except KeyError: rospy.logfatal('waypoints not set') rospy.signal_shutdown('Parameters not set') # how close does the MAV need to get before going to the next waypoint? self.threshold = rospy.get_param('~threshold', 5) self.cyclical_path = rospy.get_param('~cycle', True) self.prev_time = # set up Services self.add_waypoint_service = rospy.Service('add_waypoint', AddWaypoint, self.addWaypointCallback) self.remove_waypoint_service = rospy.Service('remove_waypoint', RemoveWaypoint, self.addWaypointCallback) self.set_waypoint_from_file_service = rospy.Service('set_waypoints_from_file', SetWaypointsFromFile, self.addWaypointCallback) # Wait a second before we publish the first waypoint while ( < rospy.Time(2.)): pass # Set Up Publishers and Subscribers self.xhat_sub_ = rospy.Subscriber('state', Odometry, self.odometryCallback, queue_size=5) self.waypoint_pub_ = rospy.Publisher('high_level_command', Command, queue_size=5, latch=True) self.relPose_pub_ = rospy.Publisher('relative_pose', RelativePose, queue_size=5, latch=True) #Create the initial relPose estimate message relativePose_msg = RelativePose() relativePose_msg.x = 0 relativePose_msg.y = 0 relativePose_msg.z = 0 relativePose_msg.F = 0 self.relPose_pub_.publish(relativePose_msg) #Create the initial command message self.current_waypoint_index = 0 command_msg = Command() current_waypoint = np.array(self.waypoint_list[0]) command_msg.header.stamp = command_msg.x = current_waypoint[0] command_msg.y = current_waypoint[1] command_msg.F = current_waypoint[2] if len(current_waypoint) > 3: command_msg.z = current_waypoint[3] else: command_msg.z = 0. command_msg.mode = Command.MODE_XPOS_YPOS_YAW_ALTITUDE self.waypoint_pub_.publish(command_msg) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # wait for new messages and call the callback when they arrive rospy.spin()
def odometryCallback(self, msg): # Get error between waypoint and current state if len(self.waypoint_list)==0: current_waypoint = [np.inf,np.inf,np.inf] else: current_waypoint = np.array(self.waypoint_list[self.current_waypoint_index]) (r, p, y) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([msg.pose.pose.orientation.x, msg.pose.pose.orientation.y, msg.pose.pose.orientation.z, msg.pose.pose.orientation.w]) current_position = np.array([msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y, msg.pose.pose.position.z]) self.pos = current_position error = np.linalg.norm(current_position - current_waypoint[0:3]) if error < self.threshold: # Get new waypoint index self.current_waypoint_index += 1 if self.cyclical_path: self.current_waypoint_index %= len(self.waypoint_list) else: # When at the last waypoint, publish the replan flag once if self.current_waypoint_index >= len(self.waypoint_list): self.current_waypoint_index -=1 if not self.last_wp_published: obstacle_flag = Int16() = self.planning_flag self.end_waypoint_pub_.publish(obstacle_flag) self.planning_flag = 1 self.last_wp_published = True else: self.last_wp_published = False #send flag to check if path is still feasible check_path_flag = Int16() = self.current_waypoint_index self.check_path_pub_.publish(check_path_flag) next_waypoint = np.array(self.waypoint_list[self.current_waypoint_index]) command_msg = Command() command_msg.x = next_waypoint[0] command_msg.y = next_waypoint[1] command_msg.F = next_waypoint[2] if len(current_waypoint) > 3: command_msg.z = current_waypoint[3] self.current_yaw = command_msg.z else: next_point = self.waypoint_list[(self.current_waypoint_index + 1) % len(self.waypoint_list)] delta = next_point - current_waypoint command_msg.z = np.atan2(delta[1], delta[0]) command_msg.mode = Command.MODE_XPOS_YPOS_YAW_ALTITUDE self.waypoint_pub_.publish(command_msg)
def resetWaypoints(self): command_msg = Command() command_msg.x = self.pos[0]-self.obstacle_offset*np.cos(self.obstacle_angle) command_msg.y = self.pos[1]-self.obstacle_offset*np.sin(self.obstacle_angle) command_msg.F = self.pos[2] command_msg.z = self.current_yaw command_msg.mode = Command.MODE_XPOS_YPOS_YAW_ALTITUDE self.waypoint_pub_.publish(command_msg) rospy.wait_for_service('/slammer/add_waypoint') try: success = self.new_waypoint(x=self.pos[0],y=self.pos[1], z=self.pos[2],yaw=self.current_yaw, radius = 0.1, difficulty = 1.0) if success: pass except rospy.ServiceException,e: print "service call add_waypoint failed: %s" %e
def odometryCallback(self, msg): # Get error between waypoint and current state current_waypoint = np.array(self.waypoint_list[self.current_waypoint_index]) current_position = np.array([msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y, -msg.pose.pose.position.z]) # orientation in quaternion form qw = msg.pose.pose.orientation.w qx = msg.pose.pose.orientation.x qy = msg.pose.pose.orientation.y qz = msg.pose.pose.orientation.z # yaw from quaternion y = np.arctan2(2*(qw*qz + qx*qy), 1 - 2*(qy**2 + qz**2)) error = np.linalg.norm(current_position - current_waypoint[0:3]) #publish the relative pose estimate relativePose_msg = RelativePose() relativePose_msg.x = current_position[0] relativePose_msg.y = current_position[1] relativePose_msg.z = y relativePose_msg.F = current_position[2] self.relPose_pub_.publish(relativePose_msg) if error < self.threshold: # Get new waypoint index self.current_waypoint_index += 1 if self.cyclical_path: self.current_waypoint_index %= len(self.waypoint_list) else: if self.current_waypoint_index > len(self.waypoint_list): self.current_waypoint_index -=1 next_waypoint = np.array(self.waypoint_list[self.current_waypoint_index]) command_msg = Command() command_msg.header.stamp = command_msg.x = next_waypoint[0] command_msg.y = next_waypoint[1] command_msg.F = next_waypoint[2] if len(next_waypoint) > 3: command_msg.z = next_waypoint[3] else: command_msg.z = 0. command_msg.mode = Command.MODE_XPOS_YPOS_YAW_ALTITUDE self.waypoint_pub_.publish(command_msg)
def odometryCallback(self, msg): # Get error between waypoint and current state current_waypoint = np.array( self.waypoint_list[self.current_waypoint_index]) (r, p, y) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([ msg.pose.pose.orientation.x, msg.pose.pose.orientation.y, msg.pose.pose.orientation.z, msg.pose.pose.orientation.w ]) current_position = np.array([ msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y, msg.pose.pose.position.z ]) error = np.linalg.norm(current_position - current_waypoint[0:3]) if error < self.threshold: # Get new waypoint index self.current_waypoint_index += 1 if self.cyclical_path: self.current_waypoint_index %= len(self.waypoint_list) else: if self.current_waypoint_index > len(self.waypoint_list): self.current_waypoint_index -= 1 next_waypoint = np.array( self.waypoint_list[self.current_waypoint_index]) command_msg = Command() command_msg.x = next_waypoint[0] command_msg.y = next_waypoint[1] command_msg.F = next_waypoint[2] if len(current_waypoint) > 3: command_msg.z = current_waypoint[3] else: next_point = self.waypoint_list[(self.current_waypoint_index + 1) % len(self.waypoint_list)] delta = next_point - current_waypoint command_msg.z = math.atan2(delta[1], delta[0]) command_msg.mode = Command.MODE_XPOS_YPOS_YAW_ALTITUDE command_msg.header = Header() command_msg.header.stamp = self.waypoint_pub_.publish(command_msg)
# add aileron control del_a = # ? # add elevator control here del_e = # ? # add rudder control here del_r # add thrust control here del_f if __name__ == '__main__': # this section communitcates with gazebo through ROS you do not need to modify # this section sub = rospy.Subscriber('/dflat', Dflat, control) pub = rospy.Publisher('/junker/command', Command, queue_size = 10) rospy.init_node('att_contr', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(150) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): cmd = Command() cmd.mode = Command.MODE_PASS_THROUGH cmd.ignore = Command.IGNORE_NONE cmd.x = del_a cmd.y = del_e cmd.z = del_r cmd.F = del_f pub.publish(cmd) rate.sleep()
sleep_rate = 1.0 / sleep_time rate = rospy.Rate(sleep_rate) # retrieve benchmarks bench_times = rospy.get_param('~bench_times') bench_types = rospy.get_param('~bench_types') bench_com_x = rospy.get_param('~bench_com_x') bench_com_y = rospy.get_param('~bench_com_y') bench_com_z = rospy.get_param('~bench_com_z') bench_com_F = rospy.get_param('~bench_com_F') command_k = Command() command_k.mode = Command.MODE_ROLL_PITCH_YAWRATE_THROTTLE command_k.ignore = 8 command_k.F = 0.0 command_k.x = 0.0 command_k.y = 0.0 command_k.z = 0.0 time_k = bench_times.pop(0) type_k = getCommandType(bench_types.pop(0)) comx_k = bench_com_x.pop(0) comy_k = bench_com_y.pop(0) comz_k = bench_com_z.pop(0) comF_k = bench_com_F.pop(0) idx = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): command_k.header.stamp = time_i = idx * sleep_time
rospy.wait_for_service('/mavros/set_mode') try: isModeChanged = self.set_mode_srv(custom_mode='AUTO.LAND') if isModeChanged: self.land_mode_sent = True print "mode %s sent." % 'AUTO.LAND' self.status_flag = 'LAND' except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "service call set_mode failed: %s" % e else: command_msg = Command() command_msg.x = 0.0 command_msg.y = 0.0 command_msg.F = 0.0 command_msg.z = 0.0 command_msg.mode = Command.MODE_ROLL_PITCH_YAWRATE_THROTTLE self.command_pub_roscopter.publish(command_msg) self.status_flag = 'LAND' def send_ibvs_command(self, flag): if self.mode_flag == 'mavros': if flag == 'inner': ibvs_command_msg = PositionTarget() ibvs_command_msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()