class RiCBattery(Device): def __init__(self, param, output): Device.__init__(self, param.getBatteryName(), output) self._pub = Publisher('%s' % self._name, Float32, queue_size=param.getBatteryPubHz()) self._haveRightToPublish = False #KeepAliveHandler(self._name, Float32) def publish(self, data): msg = Float32() = data self._pub.publish(msg) def getType(self): return Battery def checkForSubscribers(self): try: subCheck ='Subscribers:.*', rostopic.get_info_text(': ')[1] if not self._haveRightToPublish and subCheck == '': self._output.write(PublishRequest(Battery, 0, True).dataTosend()) self._haveRightToPublish = True elif self._haveRightToPublish and subCheck == 'None': self._output.write(PublishRequest(Battery, 0, False).dataTosend()) self._haveRightToPublish = False except: pass
def main_auto(): # initialize ROS node init_node('auto_mode', anonymous=True) nh = Publisher('ecu', ECU, queue_size = 10) # set node rate rateHz = get_param("controller/rate") rate = Rate(rateHz) dt = 1.0 / rateHz t_i = 0 # get experiment parameters t_0 = get_param("controller/t_0") # time to start test t_f = get_param("controller/t_f") # time to end test FxR_target = get_param("controller/FxR_target") d_f_target = pi/180*get_param("controller/d_f_target") # main loop while not is_shutdown(): # get command signal (FxR, d_f) = circular(t_i, t_0, t_f, d_f_target, FxR_target) # send command signal ecu_cmd = ECU(FxR, d_f) nh.publish(ecu_cmd) # wait t_i += dt rate.sleep()
class Program: def main(self): if len(sys.argv) >= 3: rospy.init_node("RiC_PPM") topicNamePmm = sys.argv[1] topicNameDiff = sys.argv[2] # print 'PPM Topic: ' + topicNamePmm + '\n' + 'Diff Topic: ' + topicNameDiff = Publisher(topicNameDiff, Twist,queue_size=1) Subscriber(topicNamePmm, PPM, self.callBack, queue_size=1) rospy.spin() def callBack(self, msg): leftAndRight = 0 upAndDown = 0 if 1450 < msg.channels[0] < 1550: leftAndRight = 0 else: leftAndRight = 0.032 * (float(msg.channels[0])) - 48 if 1450 < msg.channels[1] < 1550: upAndDown = 0 else: upAndDown = 0.032 * (float(msg.channels[1])) - 48 msgPub = Twist() msgPub.angular.z = leftAndRight msgPub.linear.x = -upAndDown
class RiCURF(Device): def __init__(self, devId, param): Device.__init__(self, param.getURFName(devId), None) self._urfType = param.getURFType(devId) self._frameId = param.getURFFrameId(devId) self._pub = Publisher('%s' % self._name, Range, queue_size=param.getURFPubHz(devId)) def getType(self): return self._urfType def publish(self, data): msg = Range() msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() msg.header.frame_id = self._frameId if self._urfType == URF_HRLV: msg.min_range = MIN_RANGE_URF_HRLV_MaxSonar msg.max_range = MAX_RANGE_URF_HRLV_MaxSonar msg.field_of_view = FIELD_OF_VIEW_URF_HRLV_MaxSonar else: msg.min_range = MIN_RANGE_URF_LV_MaxSonar msg.max_range = MAX_RANGE_URF_LV_MaxSonar msg.field_of_view = FIELD_OF_VIEW_URF_LV_MaxSonar msg.radiation_type = Range.ULTRASOUND msg.range = data self._pub.publish(msg)
class RiCPPM(Device): def __init__(self, param, output): Device.__init__(self, param.getPPMName(), output) self._pub = Publisher('%s' % self._name, PPM, queue_size=param.getPPMPubHz()) self._haveRightToPublish = False def getType(self): return PPM def publish(self, data): msg = PPM() msg.channels = data.getChannels() self._pub.publish(msg) def checkForSubscribers(self): try: subCheck ='Subscribers:.*', rostopic.get_info_text(': ')[1] if not self._haveRightToPublish and subCheck == '': self._output.write(PublishRequest(7, 0, True).dataTosend()) self._haveRightToPublish = True elif self._haveRightToPublish and subCheck == 'None': self._output.write(PublishRequest(7, 0, False).dataTosend()) self._haveRightToPublish = False except: pass
class RiCSwitch(Device): def __init__(self, devId,param, output): Device.__init__(self, param.getSwitchName(devId), output) self._pub = Publisher('%s' % self._name, Bool, queue_size=param.getSwitchPubHz(devId)) self._switchId = devId self._haveRightToPublish = False def publish(self, data): msg = Bool() = data self._pub.publish(msg) def checkForSubscribers(self): try: subCheck ='Subscribers:.*', rostopic.get_info_text(': ')[1] if not self._haveRightToPublish and subCheck == '': self._output.write(PublishRequest(Button, self._switchId, True).dataTosend()) self._haveRightToPublish = True elif self._haveRightToPublish and subCheck == 'None': self._output.write(PublishRequest(Button, self._switchId, False).dataTosend()) self._haveRightToPublish = False except: pass def getType(self): return Button
def __init__(self, param, output): Device.__init__(self, param.getIMUName(), output) self._frameId = param.getIMUFrameId() self._angle = param.getIMUOrientation() self._pub = Publisher("%s_AGQ" % self._name, Imu, queue_size=param.getIMUPubHz()) self._pubMag = Publisher("%s_M" % self._name, MagneticField, queue_size=param.getIMUPubHz()) Service("%s_Calibration" % self._name, calibIMU, self.serviceCallBack) self._haveRightToPublish = False
def random_temperatures(delay=1): print('Starting random temperatures...') pub = Publisher('/cpu/temperature', Temperature) msg = Temperature() = ['cpu0', 'cpu1', 'cpu2', 'cpu2'] while not rospy.is_shutdown(): msg.temperature = [random.randint(30, 80) for i in range(4)] sleep(delay) pub.publish(msg)
def random_co2(delay=1): print('Starting random battery data...') pub = Publisher('/sensors/co2', Co2Msg) msg = Co2Msg() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): msg.header = rospy.Header() msg.co2_percentage = random.random() * 10 sleep(delay) pub.publish(msg)
class RiCBattery(Device): def __init__(self, param): Device.__init__(self, param.getBatteryName(), None) self._pub = Publisher('%s' % self._name, Float32, queue_size=param.getBatteryPubHz()) def publish(self, data): msg = Float32() = data self._pub.publish(msg)
def random_thermal(delay=1): print('Starting random thermal data...') pub = Publisher('/sensors/thermal', ThermalMeanMsg) msg = ThermalMeanMsg() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): msg.header = rospy.Header() msg.thermal_mean = random.randint(20, 40) sleep(delay) pub.publish(msg)
class RiCDiffCloseLoop(Device): def __init__(self, param, output): Device.__init__(self, param.getCloseDiffName(), output) self._baseLink = param.getCloseDiffBaseLink() self._odom = param.getCloseDiffOdom() self._maxAng = param.getCloseDiffMaxAng() self._maxLin = param.getCloseDiffMaxLin() self._pub = Publisher("%s/odometry" % self._name, Odometry, queue_size=param.getCloseDiffPubHz()) self._broadCase = TransformBroadcaster() Subscriber('%s/command' % self._name, Twist, self.diffServiceCallback, queue_size=1) Service('%s/setOdometry' % self._name, set_odom, self.setOdom) def diffServiceCallback(self, msg): if msg.angular.z > self._maxAng: msg.angular.z = self._maxAng elif msg.angular.z < -self._maxAng: msg.angular.z = -self._maxAng if msg.linear.x > self._maxLin: msg.linear.x = self._maxLin elif msg.linear.x < -self._maxLin: msg.linear.x = -self._maxLin # print msg.angular.z, msg.linear.x self._output.write(CloseDiffRequest(msg.angular.z, msg.linear.x).dataTosend()) def setOdom(self, req): self._output.write(CloseDiffSetOdomRequest(req.x, req.y, req.theta).dataTosend()) return set_odomResponse(True) def publish(self, data): q = Quaternion() q.x = 0 q.y = 0 q.z = data[6] q.w = data[7] odomMsg = Odometry() odomMsg.header.frame_id = self._odom odomMsg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() odomMsg.child_frame_id = self._baseLink odomMsg.pose.pose.position.x = data[0] odomMsg.pose.pose.position.y = data[1] odomMsg.pose.pose.position.z = 0 odomMsg.pose.pose.orientation = q self._pub.publish(odomMsg) traMsg = TransformStamped() traMsg.header.frame_id = self._odom traMsg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() traMsg.child_frame_id = self._baseLink traMsg.transform.translation.x = data[0] traMsg.transform.translation.y = data[1] traMsg.transform.translation.z = 0 traMsg.transform.rotation = q self._broadCase.sendTransformMessage(traMsg)
class RiCPPM(Device): def __init__(self, param): Device.__init__(self, param.getPPMName(), None) self._pub = Publisher('%s' % self._name, PPM, queue_size=param.getPPMPubHz()) def publish(self, data): msg = PPM() msg.channels = data.getChannels() self._pub.publish(msg)
def random_imu(delay=1): print('Starting random imu...') pub = Publisher('/sensors/imu_rpy', ImuRPY) msg = ImuRPY() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): msg.roll = random.random() * 50 msg.pitch = random.random() * 50 msg.yaw = random.random() * 50 pub.publish(msg) sleep(delay)
class RiCSwitch(Device): def __init__(self, devId,param): Device.__init__(self, param.getSwitchName(devId), None) self._pub = Publisher('%s' % self._name, Bool, queue_size=param.getSwitchPubHz(devId)) def publish(self, data): msg = Bool() = data self._pub.publish(msg)
def random_battery(delay=1): print('Starting random battery data...') pub = Publisher('/sensors/battery', BatteryMsg) msg = BatteryMsg() = ['PSU', 'Motors'] while not rospy.is_shutdown(): battery1 = random.randint(18, 25) battery2 = random.randint(18, 25) msg.voltage = [battery1, battery2] sleep(delay) pub.publish(msg)
def quad_controller(route_queue, position_queue, arming_queue, trgt_queue, waypoints_queue): flight_done_pub = Publisher('remove', UInt32, queue_size=1) while not is_shutdown(): # Take a route route = route_queue.get(True, None) loginfo('Received route with id #'+str('.') if not route.valid: logerr('Route invalid!') return target_pos = trgt_queue.get(True, None) need_waypoint_id = None # Determine the point where you want to dump the load need_waypoint_id = find_waypoint_id(route, (target_pos.latitude, target_pos.longitude)) loginfo('need_waypoint_id: ' + str(need_waypoint_id)) # Push a mission into flight controller push_mission(waypointWrap(route.route)) loginfo('Mission loaded to flight controller.') # Set manual mode set_mode('ACRO') # Enable motors arming() # Set autopilot mode set_mode('AUTO') loginfo('Flight!') # Wainting for arming sleep(5) drop_all(arming_queue) # If you do not have a goal to clear cargo, # we believe that already dropped droped = (need_waypoint_id == None) while arming_queue.get().data and not droped: waypoints = None # To not accumulate elements in arming_queue try: waypoints = waypoints_queue.get_nowait().waypoints except Empty: continue current_waypoint_id = find_cur_waypoint_id(waypoints) if current_waypoint_id > need_waypoint_id: droped = True drop_cargo() # TODO: More elegant case for mission finish check while arming_queue.get().data: pass loginfo('Mission #'+str(' complete!') flight_done_pub.publish(
class ScanSensor: __MIN_ANGLE = 0.0 __MAX_ANGLE = 2.0*pi __ANGLE_INCREMENT = 2.0*pi/360.0 def __init__(self, pub_name, frame_id, min_range, max_range): self._publisher = Publisher(pub_name, LaserScan, queue_size=10) self._frame_id = frame_id self._min_range = min_range self._max_range = max_range self._last_time = try: self._hal_proxy = BaseHALProxy() except BaseHALProxyError: raise ScanSensorError("Unable to create HAL") def _get_data(self): """ This method is overridden in the subclasses and returns a tuple of ranges (distances), intensities, and delta time """ return [], [], 0 def _msg(self, ranges, intensities, scan_time): new_time = delta_time = new_time - self._last_time self._last_time = new_time msg = LaserScan() msg.header.frame_id = self._frame_id msg.header.stamp = msg.angle_max = self.__MAX_ANGLE msg.angle_min = self.__MIN_ANGLE msg.angle_increment = self.__ANGLE_INCREMENT # Note: time_increment is the time between measurements, i.e. how often we read the scan and publish it (in # seconds) msg.time_increment = 0.1 #delta_time.secs # Note: scan_time is the time between scans of the laser, i.e., the time it takes to read 360 degrees. msg.scan_time = 0.1 # scan_time msg.range_min = float(self._min_range) msg.range_max = float(self._max_range) msg.ranges = [min(max(range, msg.range_min), msg.range_max) for range in ranges] msg.intensities = intensities return msg def Publish(self): ranges, intensities, scan_time = self._get_data() self._publisher.publish(self._msg(ranges, intensities, scan_time))
class Estimator(): """ Estimator Node: publishes final result once a second. Accumulate predictions and publishes a final result every second """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Constructor.""" rospy.init_node('ocular_object_id_averager', anonymous=True) self.node_name = rospy.get_name() rospy.on_shutdown(self.shutdown) loginfo("Initializing " + self.node_name + " node...") with eh(logger=logfatal, log_msg="Couldn't load parameters", reraise=True): self.hz = load_params(['rate']).next() # Publishers and Subscribers = Publisher('final_object_id', SystemOutput) Subscriber("object_id", RecognizedObject, self.callback) # self.r = rospy.Rate(self.hz) # Accumulates Hz items in per second. Ex: 30Hz -> ~30items/sec self.accumulator = Accumulator(self.hz) def callback(self, data): """Callback that publishes updated predictions when new msg is recv.""" self.accumulator.append(data.object_id) if self.accumulator.isfull(): rospy.logdebug("Accumulator full. Printing all predictions") rospy.logdebug("{}".format(self.accumulator)) predictions_rgb, predictions_pcloud = zip(*self.accumulator) y, y_rgb, y_pcloud = estimate(predictions_rgb, predictions_pcloud) output_msg = SystemOutput(id_2d_plus_3d=y, id_2d=y_rgb, id_3d=y_pcloud) try: except ValueError as ve: rospy.logwarn(str(ve)) def run(self): """Run (wrapper of ``rospy.spin()``.""" rospy.spin() def shutdown(self): """Shudown hook to close the node.""" loginfo('Shutting down ' + rospy.get_name() + ' node.')
class RiCGPS(Device): def __init__(self, param, output): Device.__init__(self, param.getGpsName(), output) self._frameId = param.getGpsFrameId() self._pub = Publisher('%s' % self._name, NavSatFix, queue_size=param.getGpsPubHz()) self._haveRightToPublish = False self._old_fix = 0 self._wd = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) KeepAliveHandler(self._name, NavSatFix) def publish(self, data): now = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) msg = NavSatFix() msg.header.frame_id = self._frameId msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() msg.latitude = data.getLat() msg.longitude = data.getLng() msg.altitude = data.getMeters() cur_fix = data.getFix() #print cur_fix if (cur_fix != self._old_fix): msg.status.status = 0 self._old_fix = cur_fix self._wd = now elif (now - self._wd) < GPS_WD_TIMEOUT: msg.status.status = 0 else: msg.status.status = -1 msg.position_covariance_type = 1 msg.position_covariance[0] = data.getHDOP() * data.getHDOP() msg.position_covariance[4] = data.getHDOP() * data.getHDOP() msg.position_covariance[8] = 4 * data.getHDOP() * data.getHDOP() msg.status.service = 1 self._pub.publish(msg) def getType(self): return GPS def checkForSubscribers(self): try: subCheck ='Subscribers:.*', rostopic.get_info_text(': ')[1] if not self._haveRightToPublish and subCheck == '': self._output.write(PublishRequest(GPS, 0, True).dataTosend()) self._haveRightToPublish = True elif self._haveRightToPublish and subCheck == 'None': self._output.write(PublishRequest(GPS, 0, False).dataTosend()) self._haveRightToPublish = False except: pass
def __init__(self, param, output): Device.__init__(self, param.getIMUName(), output) self._frameId = param.getIMUFrameId() self._angle = param.getIMUOrientation() self._pub = Publisher('%s_AGQ' % self._name, Imu, queue_size=param.getIMUPubHz()) self._pubMag = Publisher('%s_M' % self._name, MagneticField, queue_size=param.getIMUPubHz()) self._pubCalib = Publisher('/imu_calib_publisher', imuCalib, queue_size=param.getIMUPubHz()) Service('/imu_Calibration', calibIMU, self.serviceCallBack) self._haveRightToPublish = False self._calib = False self._xMax = 0.0 self._yMax = 0.0 self._zMax = 0.0 self._xMin = 0.0 self._yMin = 0.0 self._zMin = 0.0
def __init__(self, params, servoNum, output): Device.__init__(self, params.getServoName(servoNum), output) self._servoNum = servoNum self._pub = Publisher('%s/Position' % self._name, Float32, queue_size=params.getServoPublishHz(servoNum)) Subscriber('%s/command' % self._name, Float32, self.servoCallBack) self._haveRightToPublish = False
class RiCCloseLoopMotor(Device): def __init__(self, motorNum ,param,output): Device.__init__(self, param.getCloseLoopMotorName(motorNum), output) self._motorId = motorNum self._pub = Publisher('%s/feedback' % self._name, Motor, queue_size=param.getCloseLoopMotorPubHz(motorNum)) Subscriber('%s/command' % self._name, Float32, self.MotorCallback) def publish(self, data): msg = Motor() msg.position = data[0] msg.velocity = data[1] self._pub.publish(msg) def MotorCallback(self, msg): req = CloseMotorRequest(self._motorId, self._output.write(req.dataTosend())
def __init__(self, param, output): Device.__init__(self, param.getGpsName(), output) self._frameId = param.getGpsFrameId() self._pub = Publisher('%s' % self._name, NavSatFix, queue_size=param.getGpsPubHz()) self._haveRightToPublish = False self._old_fix = 0 self._wd = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) KeepAliveHandler(self._name, NavSatFix)
def __init__(self, devId, param, output): Device.__init__(self, param.getURFName(devId), output) self._urfType = param.getURFType(devId) self._frameId = param.getURFFrameId(devId) self._pub = Publisher('%s' % self._name, Range, queue_size=param.getURFPubHz(devId)) #KeepAliveHandler(self._name, Range) self._devId = devId self._haveRightToPublish = False
class RiCServo(Device): def __init__(self, params, servoNum, output): Device.__init__(self, params.getServoName(servoNum), output) self._servoNum = servoNum self._pub = Publisher('%s/Position' % self._name, Float32, queue_size=params.getServoPublishHz(servoNum)) Subscriber('%s/command' % self._name, Float32, self.servoCallBack) def publish(self, data): msg = Float32() = data self._pub.publish(msg) def servoCallBack(self, recv): # TOOD: ServoRequest position = msg = ServoRequest(self._servoNum, position) self._output.write(msg.dataTosend())
def main(self): if len(sys.argv) >= 3: rospy.init_node("RiC_PPM") topicNamePmm = sys.argv[1] topicNameDiff = sys.argv[2] # print 'PPM Topic: ' + topicNamePmm + '\n' + 'Diff Topic: ' + topicNameDiff = Publisher(topicNameDiff, Twist,queue_size=1) Subscriber(topicNamePmm, PPM, self.callBack, queue_size=1) rospy.spin()
def main_auto(): global read_yaw0, yaw_local # initialize ROS node init_node('auto_mode', anonymous=True) ecu_pub = Publisher('ecu', ECU, queue_size = 10) se_sub = Subscriber('imu/data', Imu, imu_callback) # set node rate rateHz = get_param("controller/rate") rate = Rate(rateHz) dt = 1.0 / rateHz # get PID parameters p = get_param("controller/p") i = get_param("controller/i") d = get_param("controller/d") pid = PID(P=p, I=i, D=d) setReference = False # get experiment parameters t_0 = get_param("controller/t_0") # time to start test t_f = get_param("controller/t_f") # time to end test FxR_target = get_param("controller/FxR_target") t_params = (t_0, t_f, dt) while not is_shutdown(): # OPEN LOOP if read_yaw0: # set reference angle if not setReference: pid.setPoint(yaw_local) setReference = True t_i = 0.0 # apply open loop command else: (FxR, d_f) = straight(t_i, pid, t_params, FxR_target) ecu_cmd = ECU(FxR, d_f) ecu_pub.publish(ecu_cmd) t_i += dt # wait rate.sleep()
def __init__(self, param, output): Device.__init__(self, param.getCloseDiffName(), output) self._baseLink = param.getCloseDiffBaseLink() self._odom = param.getCloseDiffOdom() self._maxAng = param.getCloseDiffMaxAng() self._maxLin = param.getCloseDiffMaxLin() self._pub = Publisher("%s/odometry" % self._name, Odometry, queue_size=param.getCloseDiffPubHz()) self._broadCase = TransformBroadcaster() Subscriber('%s/command' % self._name, Twist, self.diffServiceCallback, queue_size=1) Service('%s/setOdometry' % self._name, set_odom, self.setOdom)
def arduino_interface(): # launch node, subscribe to motorPWM and servoPWM, publish ecu init_node('arduino_interface') llc = low_level_control() Subscriber('ecu', ECU, llc.pwm_converter_callback, queue_size=1) llc.ecu_pub = Publisher('ecu_pwm', ECU, queue_size=1) # Set motor to neutral on shutdown on_shutdown(llc.neutralize) # process callbacks and keep alive spin()
class TestHeadClient(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): rospy.init_node('effector_clients_test') self.head_pub = Publisher('/mock/head', String) self.client_instance = HeadClient() self.effector_goal = MoveEndEffectorGoal() self.effector_goal.command = 'TEST' self.effector_goal.point_of_interest = '0,0,1' rospy.sleep(1) def test_init(self): self.assertEqual(type(self.client_instance.client), type(Client(move_head_topic, MoveSensorAction))) # Following three must be in accordance to client_dict self.assertEqual(type(self.client_instance.goal), type(MoveSensorGoal())) self.assertEqual(self.client_instance.topic, move_head_topic) self.assertEqual(type(self.client_instance.action), type(MoveSensorAction)) def test_fill_goal(self): self.client_instance.fill_goal(self.effector_goal) self.assertEqual(self.client_instance.goal.command, 0) self.assertEqual(self.client_instance.goal.point_of_interest, '0,0,1') def test_send_goal(self): self.client_instance.wait_server() self.client_instance.fill_goal(self.effector_goal) self.client_instance.send_goal() rospy.sleep(1) self.assertEqual(self.client_instance.client.get_state(), GoalStatus.ACTIVE) def test_has_succeeded(self): self.head_pub.publish(String('success:1')) rospy.sleep(1) self.client_instance.wait_server() self.client_instance.fill_goal(self.effector_goal) self.client_instance.send_goal() self.client_instance.wait_result() self.assertTrue(self.client_instance.has_succeeded()) def test_has_aborted(self): self.head_pub.publish(String('abort:1')) rospy.sleep(1) self.client_instance.wait_server() self.client_instance.fill_goal(self.effector_goal) self.client_instance.send_goal() self.client_instance.wait_result() self.assertTrue(self.client_instance.has_aborted()) def test_has_preempted(self): self.head_pub.publish(String('preempt:1')) rospy.sleep(1) self.client_instance.wait_server() self.client_instance.fill_goal(self.effector_goal) self.client_instance.send_goal() self.client_instance.wait_result() self.assertTrue(self.client_instance.has_preempted())
def arduino_interface(): global ecu_pub, motor_pwm, servo_pwm init_node('arduino_interface') # set node rate loop_rate = 50 dt = 1.0 / loop_rate rate = rospy.Rate(loop_rate) time_prev = time.time() ecu_pub = Publisher('ecu_pwm', ECU, queue_size=10) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if time.time() >= time_prev and time.time() < time_prev + 2: motor_pwm = 1580.0 elif time.time() < time_prev + 4: motor_pwm = 1620.0 elif time.time() < time_prev + 6: motor_pwm = 1500.0 elif time.time() < time_prev + 9: motor_pwm = 1580.0 servo_pwm = 1200.0 elif time.time() < time_prev + 11: motor_pwm = 1500.0 servo_pwm = 1500 elif time.time() < time_prev + 14: motor_pwm = 1580.0 servo_pwm = 1800.0 elif time.time() < time_prev + 17: motor_pwm = 1500.0 servo_pwm = 1500 elif time.time() >= time_prev + 18: break ecu_cmd = ECU(motor_pwm, servo_pwm) ecu_pub.publish(ecu_cmd) # wait rate.sleep()
def step(): publisher = Publisher('turtle1/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size = 10) init_node('control') rate = Rate(100) while not is_shutdown(): keys = { "fwd": get_param('fwd'), "bwd": get_param('bwd'), "rht": get_param('rht'), "lft": get_param('lft') } system('clear') display(keys) move = get_move(keys) if move == 'quit': return True break if move is not None: publisher.publish(move) rate.sleep()
def main_auto(): global throttle, steering # initialize the ROS node init_node('manual_control', anonymous=True) Subscriber('rc_inputs', ECU_PWM, rc_inputs_callback) nh = Publisher('ecu_pwm', ECU_PWM, queue_size=1) # set node rate rateHz = 50 dt = 1.0 / rateHz rate = Rate(rateHz) throttle = 1500 steering = 1500 # main loop while not is_shutdown(): ecu_cmd = ECU_PWM(throttle, steering) nh.publish(ecu_cmd) rospy.loginfo('ecu_pwm_pub send [%s]' % str(ecu_cmd)) rate.sleep()
def sonar(): pub = Publisher('sonar_meas', Float64WithHeader, queue_size=10) pub1 = Publisher('sonar_meas_control', Float64, queue_size=10) init_node('sonar', anonymous=True) rate = Rate(20) # 10hz while not is_shutdown(): GPIO.output(TRIG, True) time.sleep(0.00001) GPIO.output(TRIG, False) count = 0 while GPIO.input(ECHO) == 0: if count > 1000: break pulse_start = time.time() count += 1 count = 0 while GPIO.input(ECHO) == 1: if count > 1000: break pulse_end = time.time() count += 1 pulse_duration = pulse_end - pulse_start distance = pulse_duration * 17150 distance = distance / 100.0 sonar_data = Float64WithHeader() sonar_data.header.stamp = get_rostime() if abs(distance) < 2.0: = distance pub1.publish(distance) else: = 0.0 pub1.publish(0.0) pub.publish(sonar_data) rate.sleep()
def arduino_interface(): global ecu_pub # launch node, subscribe to motorPWM and servoPWM, publish ecu init_node('arduino_interface') Subscriber('ecu', ECU, pwm_converter_callback, queue_size=1) ecu_pub = Publisher('ecu_pwm', ECU, queue_size=1) # Set motor to neutral on shutdown on_shutdown(neutralize) # process callbacks and keep alive spin()
class TestInitState(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for the init state. """ def setUp(self): rospy.init_node('state_init_test') self.effector_mock = Publisher('mock/effector', String) self.agent = Agent(strategy='normal') self.agent.set_breakpoint('exploration') def test_init_to_exploration(self): self.effector_mock.publish('success:1') self.agent.to_init() self.assertEqual(self.agent.state, 'exploration') def test_initialization_with_effector_failure(self): self.effector_mock.publish('abort:1') # If the end effector is not responsive the init # task will loop forever. Using this decorator # we limit the execution time of the task. # Wrap your function and test the wrapper. @TimeLimiter(timeout=5) def init_wrapper(): self.agent.to_init() self.assertRaises(TimeoutException, init_wrapper) self.effector_mock.publish('preempt:1') @TimeLimiter(timeout=5) def init_wrapper(): self.agent.to_init() self.assertRaises(TimeoutException, init_wrapper) def test_global_state_change(self): self.effector_mock.publish('success:1') initial_state = RobotModeMsg.MODE_OFF final_state = RobotModeMsg.MODE_START_AUTONOMOUS self.assertEqual(self.agent.state_changer.get_current_state(), initial_state) self.agent.wake_up() self.assertEqual(self.agent.state_changer.get_current_state(), final_state)
class RangePublisher(object): """ Base class for publising Range messages """ def __init__(self, name, fov, min_dist, max_dist, rad_type, queue_size): self._name = name self._range_msg = Range() self._range_msg.radiation_type = rad_type self._range_msg.field_of_view = fov self._range_msg.min_range = min_dist self._range_msg.max_range = max_dist self._publisher = Publisher(name, Range, queue_size=queue_size) def _msg(self, index, distance): msg = self._range_msg msg.header.frame_id = "{}_{}".format(self._name, index) msg.header.stamp = msg.range = min(max(distance, msg.min_range), msg.max_range) return msg def publish(self, index, distance): self._publisher.publish(self._msg(index, distance))
class Chaser: def __init__(self, vel): self.vel = vel self.subsc1 = Subscriber('/turtle1/pose', Pose, self.get_pose1) self.subsc2 = Subscriber('/turtle2/pose', Pose, self.get_pose2) = Publisher('/turtle2/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) self.pose2 = Pose() def get_pose1(self, pose): self.pose2 = pose def get_pose2(self, pose): new_angle = np.arctan2(x1=[self.pose2.y, pose.y], x2=[self.pose2.x, pose.x]) while new_angle < -np.pi: new_angle += 2 * np.pi while new_angle > np.pi: new_angle -= 2 * np.pi msg = Twist() msg.linear.x = self.vel msg.angular.z = new_angle
def main(): init_node('state_publisher') # Create publishers armed_pub = Publisher('/dron_employee/armed', Bool, queue_size=1) # TODO: Battery charger monitor thread #ready_pub = Publisher('/dron_employee/battery_full', Bool, queue_size=1) # State handler def dron_sate(msg): armed = Bool() = msg.armed armed_pub.publish(armed) Subscriber('/mavros/state', State, dron_sate) spin()
def setUp(self): rospy.init_node('test_move_end_effector_server_node') self.effector_client = Client(move_end_effector_controller_topic, MoveEndEffectorAction) self.server = MoveEndEffectorServer() self.goal = MoveEndEffectorGoal() self.goal_maker = EffectorGoalMaker() self.sensor_pub = Publisher('mock/sensor', String) self.linear_actuator_pub = Publisher('mock/linear_actuator', String) self.head_pub = Publisher('mock/head', String) rospy.sleep(1)
def wifi_signal_monitor(): init_node('bthere_wifi_signal_monitor', anonymous=False) pub = Publisher('/bthere/wifi_signal', WifiData, queue_size=10) loginfo('Outputting to /bthere/wifi_signal') test_output = get_param('~test_output', False) update_period = get_param('~update_period', 15.0) quiet = get_param('~quiet', False) rate = Rate(1 / float(update_period)) loginfo('Publishing rate: ' + str(1 / float(update_period)) + 'hz') while not is_shutdown(): if (test_output): output_test_data(rate, pub, quiet) else: output_wifi(rate, pub, quiet) rate.sleep()
def random_sonar(delay=1): print('Starting random sonar...') pub = Publisher('/sensors/range', Range) msg = Range() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): msg.header = rospy.Header(frame_id='right_sonar_frame') msg.range = random.random() * 20 pub.publish(msg) sleep(delay) msg.header = rospy.Header(frame_id='left_sonar_frame') msg.range = random.random() * 20 pub.publish(msg)
class ProportionalDriveState(EventState): """ Drive directly to a target using a simple proportional controller. ># target_position PointStamped Point to drive to <= ok Drive is complete """ def __init__(self): super(ProportionalDriveState, self).__init__(outcomes=['ok'], input_keys=['target_position']) self._twist_topic = '/drive_controller/cmd_vel' self._odom_topic = '/ekf/odom/odometry/filtered' self._visual_topic = '/viz/proportional_drive/target_position' self._twist_publisher = Publisher(self._twist_topic, Twist, queue_size=1) self._odometry = SubscriberValue(self._odom_topic, Odometry) self._visual_publisher = Publisher(self._visual_topic, PointStamped, queue_size=1) self._target_position = None # type: PointStamped self.STOPPING_DISTANCE = 0.1 self.FORWARD_SPEED = 1.0 self.MAX_ANGULAR_SPEED = 6.28 self.PROPORTIONAL_CONSTANT = 6.0 def on_enter(self, userdata): self._target_position = userdata.target_position def execute(self, ud): self._visual_publisher.publish(self._target_position) odometry = self._odometry.value # type: Odometry assert odometry.header.frame_id == self._target_position.header.frame_id rover_position2d = numpify(odometry.pose.pose.position)[:2] target_position2d = numpify(self._target_position.point)[:2] if np.linalg.norm(rover_position2d - target_position2d) < self.STOPPING_DISTANCE: return 'ok' rover_angle = quaternion_to_yaw(odometry.pose.pose.orientation) angle_to_target = np.arctan2(target_position2d[1] - rover_position2d[1], target_position2d[0] - rover_position2d[0]) diff = angular_diff(angle_to_target, rover_angle) print(diff) t = Twist() if abs(diff) < np.pi / 4: t.linear.x = self.FORWARD_SPEED t.angular.z = diff * self.PROPORTIONAL_CONSTANT if abs(t.angular.z) > self.MAX_ANGULAR_SPEED: t.angular.z = self.MAX_ANGULAR_SPEED * np.sign(t.angular.z) self._twist_publisher.publish(t) def on_exit(self, userdata): self._twist_publisher.publish(Twist())
def testStatusPubWorker2(self, sleep, publish, shutdown): TestCloudUploader.rospy_is_shutdown_first_run = True cu = CloudUploader() cu.status_publisher = Publisher("/test", UploadStatusList, queue_size=0) cu.queue.put(CloudUploader.UploadTask("topic", "value", "filename")) cu.queue.put(CloudUploader.UploadTask("topic", "value", "filename2")) cu.currentTask = None cu.status_pub_worker() assert shutdown.call_count == 2 publish.assert_called_once() assert len(publish.call_args[0][0].statusList) == 2 assert publish.call_args[0][0].statusList[0].file_name == "filename" assert publish.call_args[0][0].statusList[0].uploading == False assert publish.call_args[0][0].statusList[1].file_name == "filename2" assert publish.call_args[0][0].statusList[1].uploading == False sleep.assert_called_once()
def __init__(self, id, name, initial_value, ideal_value, upper_limit, lower_limit, satisfaction_time, params_std, evolving, time_step=1.0): self.__name = name self.__id = id # Evolution Parameters self.__initial_value = initial_value self.__current_value = initial_value self.__ideal_value = ideal_value self.__upper_limit = upper_limit self.__lower_limit = lower_limit self.__satisfaction_time = satisfaction_time self.__params_std = params_std self.__time_step = time_step # Initializes Evolution self.__evolving = evolving self.__evol_params = params_std self.__punctual = False self.__stop = False self.__no_saturation = 0.1 # Prevents saturation # Publisher self.__pub = Publisher(name.lower() + "/value", Float32, latch=True, queue_size=1) # Defines evolving method self.__std_evol = self.set_evolution(params_std["te_id"]) # Creates thread and lock Thread.__init__(self, target=self.__std_evol) self.__lock = Lock()
def arduino_interface(): global ecu_pub, b0 # launch node, subscribe to motorPWM and servoPWM, publish ecu init_node('arduino_interface') b0 = get_param("input_gain") Subscriber( 'ecu', ECU, pwm_converter_callback, queue_size=10) # queue_size set to 1 (instead of 10) in Vercantez/barc ecu_pub = Publisher( 'ecu_pwm', ECU, queue_size=10) # queue_size set to 1 (instead of 10) in Vercantez/barc # Set motor to neutral on shutdown on_shutdown(neutralize) # process callbacks and keep alive spin()
def main(): ''' The main routine ''' init_node('quad_flight_estimation') pub = Publisher('/path_estimation/cost', PathCost, queue_size=1) def cost_estimation(msg): # Calc path length in kilometers length = path_length(msg.base.latitude, msg.base.longitude, msg.destination.latitude, msg.destination.longitude) print('Path length is {0} km'.format(length)) # Calc cost by path length cost = get_cost_by(length) print('Cost is {0} szabo'.format(cost)) # Make message and publish cost_msg = PathCost() cost_msg.ident = msg.ident cost_msg.cost = cost pub.publish(cost_msg) Subscriber('/path_estimation/path', PathEstimate, cost_estimation) spin()
class TestExplorer(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for the explorer action client """ def setUp(self): # Register the mock servers. rospy.init_node('unit_explorer') self.explorer_mock = Publisher('mock/explorer', String) self.agent = Agent(strategy='normal') def test_explore(self): self.explorer_mock.publish('success:4') self.agent.explore() self.assertTrue(self.agent.explorer.exploration_pending.is_set()) self.assertEqual(self.agent.explorer.client.get_state(), GoalStatus.PENDING) def test_preempt(self): self.explorer_mock.publish('success:3') self.agent.explore() self.agent.preempt_explorer() self.assertFalse(self.agent.explorer.exploration_pending.is_set()) def test_explorer_abort(self): self.explorer_mock.publish('abort:1') self.agent.explore() sleep(3) self.assertEqual(self.agent.explorer.client.get_state(), GoalStatus.ABORTED) self.assertFalse(self.agent.explorer.exploration_pending.is_set()) def test_explorer_success(self): self.explorer_mock.publish('success:1') self.agent.explore() sleep(3) self.assertEqual(self.agent.explorer.client.get_state(), GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED) self.assertFalse(self.agent.explorer.exploration_pending.is_set())
def _create_publishers(): pubs = dict() pubs["workspace"] = Publisher("/workspace", Marker, queue_size=1, latch=True) pubs["tsdf"] = Publisher("/tsdf", PointCloud2, queue_size=1, latch=True) pubs["points"] = Publisher("/points", PointCloud2, queue_size=1, latch=True) pubs["quality"] = Publisher("/quality", PointCloud2, queue_size=1, latch=True) pubs["grasp"] = Publisher("/grasp", MarkerArray, queue_size=1, latch=True) pubs["grasps"] = Publisher("/grasps", MarkerArray, queue_size=1, latch=True) pubs["debug"] = Publisher("/debug", PointCloud2, queue_size=1, latch=True) return pubs
class TestNavigator(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for the base action client """ def setUp(self): # Register the mock servers. rospy.init_node('unit_base_control') self.move_base_mock = Publisher('mock/feedback_move_base', String) self.agent = Agent(strategy='normal') target = mock_msgs.create_victim_info(id=8, probability=0.65) self.agent.target_victim = target def test_move_base_abort(self): if not rospy.is_shutdown(): sleep(1) self.move_base_mock.publish('abort:1') random_pose = mock_msgs.create_pose_stamped(x=1, y=2, z=3) self.agent.navigator.move_base(random_pose) self.agent.navigator.client.wait_for_result() self.assertEqual(self.agent.navigator.client.get_state(), GoalStatus.ABORTED) self.assertFalse(self.agent.navigator.base_pending.is_set()) def test_move_base_success(self): if not rospy.is_shutdown(): sleep(1) self.move_base_mock.publish('success:1') random_pose = mock_msgs.create_pose_stamped(x=1, y=2, z=3) self.agent.navigator.move_base(random_pose) self.agent.navigator.client.wait_for_result() self.assertEqual(self.agent.navigator.client.get_state(), GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED) self.assertFalse(self.agent.navigator.base_pending.is_set()) def test_move_base_preempt(self): if not rospy.is_shutdown(): sleep(1) self.move_base_mock.publish('success:1') random_pose = mock_msgs.create_pose_stamped(x=1, y=2, z=3) self.agent.navigator.move_base(random_pose) self.agent.navigator.cancel_all_goals() self.assertFalse(self.agent.navigator.base_pending.is_set())
class ControlAuthorityServer(): def __init__(self): self.authority = False control_authority_srv = Service('/dji_sdk/sdk_control_authority', SDKControlAuthority, self.handler) self.control_pub = Publisher('/dji_sdk/matlab_rpvy', Joy, queue_size=1) self.wind_pub = Publisher('/dji_sdk/matlab_wind', Joy, queue_size=1) joy_sub = Subscriber('/dji_sdk/xbox_joy', Joy, self.joy_callback) control_sub = Subscriber( '/dji_sdk/flight_control_setpoint_rollpitch_yawrate_zvelocity', Joy, self.control_callback) def handler(self, request): self.authority = request.control_enable loginfo('authority = %s', self.authority) return SDKControlAuthorityResponse(True, 0, 0, 0) def joy_callback(self, msg): a = msg.axes if msg.buttons[5] == 1: wind = Joy(axes=[5 * a[3], 5 * a[2], 5 * a[1], 2 * a[0]]) self.wind_pub.publish(wind) else: if self.authority: self.authority = False loginfo('authority = %s', self.authority) joy = Joy(axes=[-a[2], a[3], 2 * a[1], 2 * a[0]]) self.control_pub.publish(joy) def control_callback(self, msg): if self.authority: self.control_pub.publish(msg)
def arduino_interface(): global ecu_pub, motor_pwm, servo_pwm init_node('arduino_interface') # set node rate loop_rate = 50 dt = 1.0 / loop_rate rate = rospy.Rate(loop_rate) time_prev = time.time() ecu_pub = Publisher('ecu_pwm', ECU, queue_size=10) motor_pwm = 1600 servo_pwm = 1500 flag = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if time.time() - time_prev >= 3: servo_pwm = 1300 motor_pwm = 1650 if time.time() - time_prev >= 5: servo_pwm = 1500 if time.time() - time_prev >= 7: servo_pwm = 1700 motor_pwm = 1600 if time.time() - time_prev >= 9: servo_pwm = 1500 motor_pwm = 1500 ecu_cmd = ECU(motor_pwm, servo_pwm) ecu_pub.publish(ecu_cmd) break ecu_cmd = ECU(motor_pwm, servo_pwm) ecu_pub.publish(ecu_cmd) # wait rate.sleep()
if len(element.strip().strip("'")) > 0 ] RosbridgeTcpSocket.services_glob = [ element.strip().strip("'") for element in get_param('~services_glob', '')[1:-1].split(',') if len(element.strip().strip("'")) > 0 ] RosbridgeTcpSocket.params_glob = [ element.strip().strip("'") for element in get_param('~params_glob', '')[1:-1].split(',') if len(element.strip().strip("'")) > 0 ] # Publisher for number of connected clients RosbridgeTcpSocket.client_count_pub = Publisher('client_count', Int32, queue_size=10, latch=True) RosbridgeTcpSocket.client_count_pub.publish(0) # update parameters if provided via commandline # .. could implemented 'better' (value/type checking, etc.. ) if "--port" in sys.argv: idx = sys.argv.index("--port") + 1 if idx < len(sys.argv): port = int(sys.argv[idx]) else: print("--port argument provided without a value.") sys.exit(-1) if "--host" in sys.argv: idx = sys.argv.index("--host") + 1
def cpu_monitor(): """Publishes CPU data to /bthere/cpu_data.""" architecture = uname()[ 4] # This will return 'x86_64', 'aarc64' (for 64 bit arm), etc. if (not architecture in SUPPORTED_ARCHITECTURES): logerr( "This architecture doesn't appear to be one that is supported. Consider adding it and openning" + " a pull request on github!") exit() init_node("bthere_cpu_monitor", anonymous=False) pub = Publisher("/bthere/cpu_data", CPUData, queue_size=10) loginfo("Outputting to /bthere/cpu_data") #update period should to be somewhat small since the cpu load data is average since you last checked, #a slower update rate will be less accurate for bursty loads and may introduce more lag than expected #if a load is added later in the time between updates for example. update_period = get_param('~update_period', 1.0) rate = Rate(1 / float(update_period)) loginfo("Publishing rate: " + str(1.0 / update_period) + " hz") quiet = get_param("~quiet", False) #since the temperature-getting seems likely to be failure prone, try it once to check. able_to_get_temps = True if (isnan(get_cpu_temps(architecture)[0])): logwarn("Unable to get CPU temperatures") able_to_get_temps = False last_cpu_times = [] while not is_shutdown(): data = CPUData() gated_loginfo(quiet, "------ CPU Data ------") if (able_to_get_temps): # If temperature data can be collected, add it to the CPUData to be published and log package_temp, core_temps = get_cpu_temps(architecture) gated_loginfo(quiet, "CPU Package temp. (C): " + str(package_temp)) data.package_temp = package_temp if (len(core_temps) > 0): for core in range(len(core_temps)): gated_loginfo( quiet, "CPU Core " + str(core) + "temp. (C): " + str(core_temps[core])) data.core_temps = core_temps else: # If the data is unavailable just publish NaN and log gated_loginfo(quiet, "CPU temperatures unavailable") data.package_temp = float("NaN") data.core_temps = [float("NaN")] if (len(last_cpu_times) == 0): # If this hasn't been initialized, we just won't publish this info yet and init. # last_cpu_times can't just be initialized before the loop because it should (for consistency) be the same # time between data collections and getting the initial data before the loop would make the time between # data collections small and potentially make the data misleading due to burst loads. last_cpu_times = get_load_data() gated_loginfo(quiet, "CPU load not yet available") else: overall_load, per_cores, last_cpu_times = get_cpu_load( last_cpu_times) gated_loginfo( quiet, "Overall CPU load: " + str(round(overall_load * 100, 1)) + "%") data.overall_cpu_load = overall_load if (len(per_cores) > 0): for core in range(len(per_cores)): gated_loginfo( quiet, "CPU core " + str(core) + " load: " + str(round(per_cores[core] * 100, 1)) + "%") data.core_loads = per_cores # Add the header information: header = Header( # The frame_id property seems to be to do with tf frames of reference. That isn't useful for something like # this, so just leave it empty. (this might be the wrong way to do this, but I don't have any other info.) # The sequential id is apparently set by the publisher. data.header = header pub.publish(data) rate.sleep()
def __init__(self, mode_type_change_handler, traffic_light_change_handler, world_image_change_handler, color_peak_change_handler): # # Publishers # self.mode_change_pub = Publisher( "/smart_home/mode_change_chatter", ModeChange, queue_size=1 ) self.device_activation_change_pub = Publisher( "/smart_home/device_activation_change_chatter", DeviceActivationChange, queue_size=MAX_AUX_DEVICE_COUNT ) self.intensity_change_pub = Publisher( "/smart_home/intensity_change_chatter", Float32, queue_size=1 ) self.countdown_state_pub = Publisher( "/smart_home/countdown_state_chatter", CountdownState, queue_size=1 ) self.active_frequencies_pub = Publisher( "/smart_home/active_frequencies_chatter", Float32Arr, queue_size=1 ) self.start_wave_mode_pub = Publisher( "/smart_home/start_wave_mode_chatter", Empty, queue_size=1 ) self.wave_update_pub = Publisher( "/smart_home/wave_update_chatter", WaveUpdate, queue_size=MAX_AUX_DEVICE_COUNT ) # # Subscribers # self.mode_change_request_sub = Subscriber( "/smart_home/mode_change_request_chatter", ModeChangeRequest, self.mode_change_request_callback, queue_size=1 ) self.countdown_state_sub = Subscriber( "/smart_home/countdown_state_chatter", CountdownState, self.countdown_state_callback, queue_size=1 ) self.participant_location_sub = Subscriber( "/smart_home/wave_participant_location_chatter", WaveParticipantLocation, self.participant_location_callback, queue_size=MAX_AUX_DEVICE_COUNT ) self.color_peak_left_sub = Subscriber( "/smart_home/color_peak_left", Color, lambda msg: color_peak_change_handler(msg, 1), queue_size=1 ) self.color_peak_right_sub = Subscriber( "/smart_home/color_peak_right", Color, lambda msg: color_peak_change_handler(msg, 2), queue_size=1 ) self.cap_peaks_telem_sub = Subscriber( "/smart_home/color_peaks_telem", ColorPeaksTelem, self.color_peaks_telem_callback, queue_size=1 ) # # Service clients # self.screen_calibration_request_cli = ServiceProxy( "/smart_home/screen_calibration_requests", RequestScreenCalibration ) self.screen_calibration_set_homography_points_cli = ServiceProxy( "/smart_home/screen_calibration_homography_points", SetScreenCalibrationPointsOfHomography ) # # Other initialization # self.mode_type_change_handler = mode_type_change_handler self.traffic_light_change_handler = traffic_light_change_handler self.world_image_change_handler = world_image_change_handler self.current_mode = None self.active_mode_sequence_characteristics = (-1,) self.send_mode_type(ModeChange.FULL_OFF, False) self.participant_locations = None SmartHomeHubNodeInterface.log_info("Started.")
class SmartHomeHubNodeInterface(object): ## The constructor. Makes the ROS connections (publishers, subscriptions, etc.) and initializes the # mode type. # # @param self The object pointer. # @param mode_type_change_handler The function callback for the GUI when a request to change the # mode type is sent. # @param traffic_light_change_handler The function callback for the GUI when a the state of the # traffic light is changed. # @param world_image_change_handler The function callback to update the screen in world frame. def __init__(self, mode_type_change_handler, traffic_light_change_handler, world_image_change_handler, color_peak_change_handler): # # Publishers # self.mode_change_pub = Publisher( "/smart_home/mode_change_chatter", ModeChange, queue_size=1 ) self.device_activation_change_pub = Publisher( "/smart_home/device_activation_change_chatter", DeviceActivationChange, queue_size=MAX_AUX_DEVICE_COUNT ) self.intensity_change_pub = Publisher( "/smart_home/intensity_change_chatter", Float32, queue_size=1 ) self.countdown_state_pub = Publisher( "/smart_home/countdown_state_chatter", CountdownState, queue_size=1 ) self.active_frequencies_pub = Publisher( "/smart_home/active_frequencies_chatter", Float32Arr, queue_size=1 ) self.start_wave_mode_pub = Publisher( "/smart_home/start_wave_mode_chatter", Empty, queue_size=1 ) self.wave_update_pub = Publisher( "/smart_home/wave_update_chatter", WaveUpdate, queue_size=MAX_AUX_DEVICE_COUNT ) # # Subscribers # self.mode_change_request_sub = Subscriber( "/smart_home/mode_change_request_chatter", ModeChangeRequest, self.mode_change_request_callback, queue_size=1 ) self.countdown_state_sub = Subscriber( "/smart_home/countdown_state_chatter", CountdownState, self.countdown_state_callback, queue_size=1 ) self.participant_location_sub = Subscriber( "/smart_home/wave_participant_location_chatter", WaveParticipantLocation, self.participant_location_callback, queue_size=MAX_AUX_DEVICE_COUNT ) self.color_peak_left_sub = Subscriber( "/smart_home/color_peak_left", Color, lambda msg: color_peak_change_handler(msg, 1), queue_size=1 ) self.color_peak_right_sub = Subscriber( "/smart_home/color_peak_right", Color, lambda msg: color_peak_change_handler(msg, 2), queue_size=1 ) self.cap_peaks_telem_sub = Subscriber( "/smart_home/color_peaks_telem", ColorPeaksTelem, self.color_peaks_telem_callback, queue_size=1 ) # # Service clients # self.screen_calibration_request_cli = ServiceProxy( "/smart_home/screen_calibration_requests", RequestScreenCalibration ) self.screen_calibration_set_homography_points_cli = ServiceProxy( "/smart_home/screen_calibration_homography_points", SetScreenCalibrationPointsOfHomography ) # # Other initialization # self.mode_type_change_handler = mode_type_change_handler self.traffic_light_change_handler = traffic_light_change_handler self.world_image_change_handler = world_image_change_handler self.current_mode = None self.active_mode_sequence_characteristics = (-1,) self.send_mode_type(ModeChange.FULL_OFF, False) self.participant_locations = None SmartHomeHubNodeInterface.log_info("Started.") ## Log info to ROSOUT. # # @param smsg The string message to log. @staticmethod def log_info(smsg): loginfo(smsg) ## Log debug to ROSOUT. # # @param smsg The string message to log. @staticmethod def log_debug(smsg): logdebug(smsg) ## Log warn to ROSOUT. # # @param smsg The string message to log. @staticmethod def log_warn(smsg): logwarn(smsg) ## Log err to ROSOUT. # # @param smsg The string message to log. @staticmethod def log_err(smsg): logerr(smsg) ## Log fatal to ROSOUT. # # @param smsg The string message to log. @staticmethod def log_fatal(smsg): logfatal(smsg) ## Repackages and sends out the requested mode type. # # @param self The object pointer. # @param msg The ROS message describing the node change request. def mode_change_request_callback(self, msg): self.send_mode_type(msg.mode_type, True) ## A handler for countdown state changes. The data is sent back to the GUI to set its traffic light. # # @param self The object pointer. # @param msg The ROS message describing the updated countdown state. def countdown_state_callback(self, msg): self.traffic_light_change_handler(msg.state) ## A handler for a wave mode participant's response. # # @param self The object pointer. # @param msg The ROS message describing an appliance participating in the wave along with its location. def participant_location_callback(self, msg): if self.participant_locations is not None: self.participant_locations.append((msg.participant_id, msg.position)) ## A handler for color peak process telemetry. # # @param self The object pointer. # @param msg The ROS message with the telemetry info. def color_peaks_telem_callback(self, msg): self.world_image_change_handler(msg) ## The routine to take the provided mode type ROS constant and send a new message. # # @param self The object pointer. # @param mode_type The new mode type. # @param call_handler Whether or not to call the appropriate handler from the GUI. def send_mode_type(self, mode_type, call_handler): mode_change_msg = ModeChange() mode_change_msg.mode_type = mode_type mode_change_msg.header.stamp = get_rostime() self.mode_change_pub.publish(mode_change_msg) self.current_mode = mode_type SmartHomeHubNodeInterface.log_info("Set mode to [{0}].".format(self.current_mode)) if call_handler: self.mode_type_change_handler() if mode_type == ModeChange.WAVE: self.participant_locations = [] self.start_wave_mode_pub.publish(Empty()) else: self.participant_locations = None ## A helper function to package a device (in)activation request. # # @param self The object pointer. # @param device_id The coordinated ID for the device that is being requested to be activated or deactivated. # @param active Whether or not the device is to be activated or otherwise. def send_device_activation_change(self, device_id, active): device_activation_change_msg = DeviceActivationChange() device_activation_change_msg.device_id = device_id = active self.device_activation_change_pub.publish(device_activation_change_msg) SmartHomeHubNodeInterface.log_info("Set device with ID [{0}] to [{1}ACTIVE].".format(device_id, "" if active else "IN")) ## A helper function to package the batched intensity and publish it to the ROS network. # # @param self The object pointer. # @param intensity The normalized intensity to send. def send_intensity_change(self, intensity): intensity_change_msg = Float32() = intensity self.intensity_change_pub.publish(intensity_change_msg) SmartHomeHubNodeInterface.log_info("Set intensity to [{0}].".format(intensity)) ## A helper function to take a requested state and send it out to the ROS network. # # @param self The object pointer. # @param state The requested countdown state. def send_countdown_state(self, state): countdown_state_msg = CountdownState() countdown_state_msg.state = state self.countdown_state_pub.publish(countdown_state_msg) SmartHomeHubNodeInterface.log_info("Set countdown state to [{0}].".format(state)) ## A helper function to package the batched wave period and publish it to the ROS network. # # @param self The object pointer. # @param id_intensity_pairs A list of tuples of size 2, containing the participant IDs and their # corresponding intensities. def send_wave_update(self, id_intensity_pairs): wave_update_msg = WaveUpdate() for pair in id_intensity_pairs: wave_update_msg.participant_ids.append(pair[0])[1]) self.wave_update_pub.publish(wave_update_msg) ## Issue a service request to get currently isolated corners. # # @param self The object pointer. # @param max_corners The max corners to find. # @param quality_level The minimal acceptable quality of corners. # @param min_dist Minimum possible Euclidean pixel distance between found corners. def request_screen_calibration(self, max_corners, quality_level, min_dist): return self.screen_calibration_request_cli( max_corners=max_corners, quality_level=quality_level, min_dist=min_dist, do_blur=True, kh=5, kw=5 ) def confirm_screen_calibration(self, pts): return self.screen_calibration_set_homography_points_cli( pts_of_homog=[Point(x=x,y=y) for y,x in pts] )
def __init__(self): init_node('iiwa_sunrise', log_level=INFO) hardware_interface = get_param('~hardware_interface', 'PositionJointInterface') self.robot_name = get_param('~robot_name', 'iiwa') model = get_param('~model', 'iiwa14') tool_length = get_param('~tool_length', 0.0) if model == 'iiwa7': self.l02 = 0.34 self.l24 = 0.4 elif model == 'iiwa14': self.l02 = 0.36 self.l24 = 0.42 else: logerr('unknown robot model') return self.l46 = 0.4 self.l6E = 0.126 + tool_length = 0.0 self.v = 1.0 self.joint_names = [ '{}_joint_1'.format(self.robot_name), '{}_joint_2'.format( self.robot_name), '{}_joint_3'.format(self.robot_name), '{}_joint_4'.format(self.robot_name), '{}_joint_5'.format(self.robot_name), '{}_joint_6'.format(self.robot_name), '{}_joint_7'.format(self.robot_name) ] joint_states_sub = Subscriber('joint_states', JointState, self.jointStatesCb, queue_size=1) command_pose_sub = Subscriber('command/CartesianPose', PoseStamped, self.commandPoseCb, queue_size=1) command_pose_lin_sub = Subscriber('command/CartesianPoseLin', PoseStamped, self.commandPoseLinCb, queue_size=1) redundancy_sub = Subscriber('command/redundancy', Float64, self.redundancyCb, queue_size=1) joint_position_sub = Subscriber('command/JointPosition', JointPosition, self.jointPositionCb, queue_size=1) self.state_pose_pub = Publisher('state/CartesianPose', PoseStamped, queue_size=1) self.joint_trajectory_pub = Publisher( '{}_trajectory_controller/command'.format(hardware_interface), JointTrajectory, queue_size=1) path_parameters_configuration_srv = Service( 'configuration/setSmartServoLimits', SetSmartServoJointSpeedLimits, self.handlePathParametersConfiguration) path_parameters_lin_configuration_srv = Service( 'configuration/setSmartServoLinLimits', SetSmartServoLinSpeedLimits, self.handlePathParametersLinConfiguration) smart_servo_configuration_srv = Service( 'configuration/ConfigureControlMode', ConfigureControlMode, self.handleSmartServoConfiguration) spin()