Exemple #1
    def skyToPix(self, ra_deg, dec_deg):
        sin = np.sin
        cos = np.cos

        #Parse inputs and allocate space for outputs
        ra_deg, dec_deg = self.parseInputs(ra_deg, dec_deg)
        long_deg = ra_deg * 0
        lat_deg = long_deg * 0

        #Get longitude and latitude relative to defined origin.
        for i in range(len(ra_deg)):
            vec = rotate.vecFromRaDec(ra_deg[i], dec_deg[i])
            aVec = np.dot( self.Rmatrix, vec)
            long_deg[i], lat_deg[i] = rotate.raDecFromVec(aVec)

        long_deg = np.fmod(long_deg + 180, 360.)
        long_rad = np.radians(long_deg) - np.pi #[-pi,pi]
        lat_rad = np.radians(lat_deg)

        #long_rad = np.fmod(long_rad+ np.pi, 2*np.pi)

        gamma = 1 + cos(lat_rad)* cos(long_rad/2.)
        gamma = np.sqrt(2/gamma)
        x = -2*gamma*cos(lat_rad)*sin(long_rad/2)
        y = gamma*sin(lat_rad)

        return x, y
Exemple #2
    def skyToPix(self, ra_deg, dec_deg):
        sin = np.sin
        cos = np.cos

        #Parse inputs and allocate space for outputs
        ra_deg, dec_deg = self.parseInputs(ra_deg, dec_deg)
        long_deg = ra_deg * 0
        lat_deg = long_deg * 0

        #Get longitude and latitude relative to defined origin.
        for i in range(len(ra_deg)):
            vec = rotate.vecFromRaDec(ra_deg[i], dec_deg[i])
            aVec = np.dot(self.Rmatrix, vec)
            long_deg[i], lat_deg[i] = rotate.raDecFromVec(aVec)

        long_deg = np.fmod(long_deg + 180, 360.)
        long_rad = np.radians(long_deg) - np.pi  #[-pi,pi]
        lat_rad = np.radians(lat_deg)

        #long_rad = np.fmod(long_rad+ np.pi, 2*np.pi)

        gamma = 1 + cos(lat_rad) * cos(long_rad / 2.)
        gamma = np.sqrt(2 / gamma)
        x = -2 * gamma * cos(lat_rad) * sin(long_rad / 2)
        y = gamma * sin(lat_rad)

        return x, y
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, ra0_deg, dec0_deg):
        self.ra0_deg = ra0_deg
        self.dec0_deg = dec0_deg

        #Construct rotation matrix used to convert ra/dec into
        #angle relative to tangent point
        Rdec = rotate.declinationRotationMatrix(-self.dec0_deg)
        Rra = rotate.rightAscensionRotationMatrix(-self.ra0_deg)
        self.Rmatrix = np.dot(Rdec, Rra)

        #Check I created the matrix correctly.
        origin = rotate.vecFromRaDec(self.ra0_deg, self.dec0_deg)
        origin = np.dot(self.Rmatrix, origin)
        assert (np.fabs(origin[0] - 1) < 1e-9)
        assert (np.fabs(origin[1]) < 1e-9)
        assert (np.fabs(origin[2]) < 1e-9)
Exemple #4
    def skyToPix(self, ra_deg, dec_deg):
        ra_deg, dec_deg = self.parseInputs(ra_deg, dec_deg)

        #Transform ra dec into angle away from tangent point
        #using the rotation matrix
        theta_rad= np.empty( (len(ra_deg),) )
        phi_rad = theta_rad * 0
        R = self.Rmatrix
        for i in range(len(ra_deg)):
            #Convert the ra/dec to a vector, then rotate so
            #that the tangent point is at [1,0,0]. Then pull out
            #the angle relative to the x-axis, and the angle
            #around the y-z plane.
            #@TODO: Can I make this faster with dot products?
            vec =rotate.vecFromRaDec(ra_deg[i], dec_deg[i])
            aVec = np.dot(R, vec)

            #aVec = (sint, cost*cosp, cost*sinp)
            sint = aVec[0]
            cost = np.hypot(aVec[1], aVec[2])
            theta = np.arctan2(sint, cost)

            cost = np.cos(theta)
            cosp = aVec[1] / cost
            sinp = aVec[2] / cost
            phi = np.arctan2(sinp, cosp)

            if phi < 0:
                phi += 2*np.pi
            if phi > 2*np.pi:
                phi -= 2*np.pi

            #Just to be explicit
            theta_rad[i] = theta
            phi_rad[i] = phi

        #Project onto tangent plane
        #theta_rad = np.pi/2. - theta_rad
        r = 1/(np.tan(theta_rad) + 1e-10) #Prevent division by zero
        x = r * np.cos(phi_rad)
        y = r * np.sin(phi_rad)

        #print x, y
        return x, y
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, ra0_deg, dec0_deg):
        self.ra0_deg = ra0_deg
        self.dec0_deg = dec0_deg

        #Construct rotation matrix used to convert ra/dec into
        #angle relative to tangent point
        Rdec = rotate.declinationRotationMatrix(-self.dec0_deg)
        Rra = rotate.rightAscensionRotationMatrix(-self.ra0_deg)
        self.Rmatrix = np.dot(Rdec, Rra)

        #Check I created the matrix correctly.
        origin = rotate.vecFromRaDec(self.ra0_deg, self.dec0_deg)
        origin = np.dot(self.Rmatrix, origin)
        assert( np.fabs(origin[0] -1 ) < 1e-9)
        assert( np.fabs(origin[1]) < 1e-9)
        assert( np.fabs(origin[2]) < 1e-9)
Exemple #6
    def skyToPix(self, ra_deg, dec_deg):
        ra_deg, dec_deg = self.parseInputs(ra_deg, dec_deg)

        #Transform ra dec into angle away from tangent point
        #using the rotation matrix
        theta_rad = np.empty((len(ra_deg), ))
        phi_rad = theta_rad * 0
        R = self.Rmatrix
        for i in range(len(ra_deg)):
            #Convert the ra/dec to a vector, then rotate so
            #that the tangent point is at [1,0,0]. Then pull out
            #the angle relative to the x-axis, and the angle
            #around the y-z plane.
            #@TODO: Can I make this faster with dot products?
            vec = rotate.vecFromRaDec(ra_deg[i], dec_deg[i])
            aVec = np.dot(R, vec)

            #aVec = (sint, cost*cosp, cost*sinp)
            sint = aVec[0]
            cost = np.hypot(aVec[1], aVec[2])
            theta = np.arctan2(sint, cost)

            cost = np.cos(theta)
            cosp = aVec[1] / cost
            sinp = aVec[2] / cost
            phi = np.arctan2(sinp, cosp)

            if phi < 0:
                phi += 2 * np.pi
            if phi > 2 * np.pi:
                phi -= 2 * np.pi

            #Just to be explicit
            theta_rad[i] = theta
            phi_rad[i] = phi

        #Project onto tangent plane
        #theta_rad = np.pi/2. - theta_rad
        r = 1 / (np.tan(theta_rad) + 1e-10)  #Prevent division by zero
        x = r * np.cos(phi_rad)
        y = r * np.sin(phi_rad)

        #print x, y
        return x, y