def edit_history_event(self, event: HistoryBaseEntry) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
        """Edit a history entry to the DB. Returns the edited entry"""
        cursor = self.db.conn.cursor()
                'UPDATE history_events SET event_identifier=?, sequence_index=?, timestamp=?, '
                'location=?, location_label=?, asset=?, amount=?, usd_value=?, notes=?, '
                'type=?, subtype=?, counterparty=?, extra_data=? WHERE identifier=?',
                (*event.serialize_for_db(), event.identifier),
        except sqlcipher.IntegrityError:  # pylint: disable=no-member
            msg = (
                f'Tried to edit event to have event_identifier {event.event_identifier} and '
                f'sequence_index {event.sequence_index} but it already exists'
            return False, msg

        if cursor.rowcount != 1:
            msg = f'Tried to edit event with id {event.identifier} but could not find it in the DB'
            return False, msg
            'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO history_events_mappings(parent_identifier, value) '
            'VALUES(?, ?)',
            (event.identifier, HISTORY_MAPPING_CUSTOMIZED),

        return True, ''
    def add_history_event(
            event: HistoryBaseEntry,
            mapping_value: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> int:
        """Insert a single history entry to the DB. Returns its identifier.

        Optionally map it to a specific value used to map attributes
        to some events

        May raise:
        - DeserializationError if the event could not be serialized for the DB
        - sqlcipher.DatabaseError: If anything went wrong at insertion
        cursor = self.db.conn.cursor()
        cursor.execute(HISTORY_INSERT, event.serialize_for_db())
        identifier = cursor.lastrowid

        if mapping_value is not None:
                'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO history_events_mappings(parent_identifier, value) '
                'VALUES(?, ?)',
                (identifier, mapping_value),

        return identifier