Exemple #1
def autonosy(db, cl, nodeid, newvalues):
    components = newvalues.get('components', [])

    current_nosy = set()
    if 'nosy' in newvalues:
        # the nosy list changed
        # newvalues['nosy'] contains all the user ids (new and old)
        nosy = newvalues.get('nosy', [])
        nosy = [value for value in nosy if db.hasnode('user', value)]
        current_nosy |= set(nosy)
        if nodeid:
            # the issue already exists
            # get the values that were already in the nosy
            old_nosy = db.issue.get(nodeid, 'nosy')
            current_nosy |= set(old_nosy)

    # make a copy of the current_nosy where to add the new user ids
    new_nosy = set(current_nosy)

    for component in components:
        users = db.component.get(component, 'add_as_nosy')
        new_nosy |= set(users)

    # get the new values if they changed or the already-set ones if they didn't
    if 'priority' in newvalues:
        priority_id = newvalues['priority']
    elif nodeid is not None:
        priority_id = db.issue.get(nodeid, 'priority')
        priority_id = None
    priority = 'None'
    if priority_id is not None:
        priority = db.priority.get(priority_id, 'name')

    versions = []
    if 'versions' in newvalues:
        versions = newvalues.get('versions', [])
    elif nodeid is not None:
        versions = db.issue.get(nodeid, 'versions')

    if priority == 'release blocker':
        for version in versions:
            name = db.version.get(version, 'name')
            if name in RELEASE_MANAGERS:

    if current_nosy != new_nosy:
        # some user ids have been added automatically, so update the nosy
        newvalues['nosy'] = list(new_nosy)
def fetch_files(xml_file, file_dir):
    """ Fetch files referenced in the xml_file into the dir file_dir. """
    root = ElementTree.parse(xml_file).getroot()
    to_fetch = set()
    deleted = set()
    for artifact in root.find('artifacts'):
        for field in artifact.findall('field'):
            if field.get('name') == 'artifact_id':
                aid = field.text
        for field in artifact.findall('field'):
            if field.get('name') != 'artifact_history': continue
            for event in field.findall('history'):
                d = {}
                for field in event.findall('field'):
                    d[field.get('name')] = field.text
                if d['field_name'] == 'File Added':
                    fid = d['old_value'].split(':')[0]
                    to_fetch.add((aid, fid))
                if d['field_name'] == 'File Deleted':
                    fid = d['old_value'].split(':')[0]
                    deleted.add((aid, fid))
    to_fetch = to_fetch - deleted

    got = set(os.listdir(file_dir))
    to_fetch = to_fetch - got

    # load cached urls (sigh)
    urls = {}
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(file_dir, 'urls.txt')):
        for line in open(os.path.join(file_dir, 'urls.txt')):
            aid, url = line.strip().split()
            urls[aid] = url

    for aid, fid in support.Progress('Fetching files', list(to_fetch)):
        if fid in got: continue
        if not urls.has_key(aid):
            urls[aid] = get_url(aid)
            f = open(os.path.join(file_dir, 'urls.txt'), 'a')
            f.write('%s %s\n'%(aid, urls[aid]))
        url = urls[aid] + '&file_id=' + fid
        f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
        data = f.read()
        n = open(os.path.join(file_dir, fid), 'w')
 def __init__(self, db):
     self.stopwords = set(STOPWORDS)
     for word in db.config[('main', 'indexer_stopwords')]:
     # Do not index anything longer than 25 characters since that'll be
     # gibberish (encoded text or somesuch) or shorter than 2 characters
     self.minlength = 2
     self.maxlength = 25
Exemple #4
 def _set_val(self, val):
     """Check if self._val is already defined. If yes, we compute the
     intersection of the old and the new value(s)
     if self.has_values:
         v = self._val
         if not isinstance(self._val, type([])):
             v = [self._val]
         vals = set(v)
         self._val = [v for v in vals]
         self._val = val
     self.has_values = True
Exemple #5
    def add_text(self, identifier, text, mime_type='text/plain'):
        """ "identifier" is  (classname, itemid, property) """
        if mime_type != 'text/plain':

        # Ensure all elements of the identifier are strings 'cos the itemid
        # column is varchar even if item ids may be numbers elsewhere in the
        # code. ugh.
        identifier = tuple(map(str, identifier))

        # first, find the id of the (classname, itemid, property)
        a = self.db.arg
        sql = 'select _textid from __textids where _class=%s and '\
            '_itemid=%s and _prop=%s'%(a, a, a)
        self.db.cursor.execute(sql, identifier)
        r = self.db.cursor.fetchone()
        if not r:
            # not previously indexed
            id = self.db.newid('__textids')
            sql = 'insert into __textids (_textid, _class, _itemid, _prop)'\
                ' values (%s, %s, %s, %s)'%(a, a, a, a)
            self.db.cursor.execute(sql, (id, ) + identifier)
            id = int(r[0])
            # clear out any existing indexed values
            sql = 'delete from __words where _textid=%s'%a
            self.db.cursor.execute(sql, (id, ))

        # ok, find all the unique words in the text
        if not isinstance(text, unicode):
            text = unicode(text, "utf-8", "replace")
        text = text.upper()
        wordlist = [w.encode("utf-8")
                    for w in re.findall(r'(?u)\b\w{%d,%d}\b'
                                        % (self.minlength, self.maxlength), text)]
        words = set()
        for word in wordlist:
            if self.is_stopword(word): continue

        # for each word, add an entry in the db
        sql = 'insert into __words (_word, _textid) values (%s, %s)'%(a, a)
        words = [(word, id) for word in words]
        self.db.cursor.executemany(sql, words)
Exemple #6
def updatenosy(db, cl, nodeid, newvalues):
    '''Update the nosy list for changes to the assignedto
    # nodeid will be None if this is a new node
    current_nosy = set()
    if nodeid is None:
        ok = ('new', 'yes')
        ok = ('yes',)
        # old node, get the current values from the node if they haven't
        # changed
        if not newvalues.has_key('nosy'):
            nosy = cl.get(nodeid, 'nosy')
            for value in nosy:

    # if the nosy list changed in this transaction, init from the new value
    if newvalues.has_key('nosy'):
        nosy = newvalues.get('nosy', [])
        for value in nosy:
            if not db.hasnode('user', value):

    new_nosy = set(current_nosy)

    # add assignedto(s) to the nosy list
    if newvalues.has_key('assignedto') and newvalues['assignedto'] is not None:
        propdef = cl.getprops()
        if isinstance(propdef['assignedto'], hyperdb.Link):
            assignedto_ids = [newvalues['assignedto']]
        elif isinstance(propdef['assignedto'], hyperdb.Multilink):
            assignedto_ids = newvalues['assignedto']
        for assignedto_id in assignedto_ids:

    # see if there's any new messages - if so, possibly add the author and
    # recipient to the nosy
    if newvalues.has_key('messages'):
        if nodeid is None:
            ok = ('new', 'yes')
            messages = newvalues['messages']
            ok = ('yes',)
            # figure which of the messages now on the issue weren't
            oldmessages = cl.get(nodeid, 'messages')
            messages = []
            for msgid in newvalues['messages']:
                if msgid not in oldmessages:

        # configs for nosy modifications
        add_author = getattr(db.config, 'ADD_AUTHOR_TO_NOSY', 'new')
        add_recips = getattr(db.config, 'ADD_RECIPIENTS_TO_NOSY', 'new')

        # now for each new message:
        msg = db.msg
        for msgid in messages:
            if add_author in ok:
                authid = msg.get(msgid, 'author')

            # add on the recipients of the message
            if add_recips in ok:
                for recipient in msg.get(msgid, 'recipients'):

    if current_nosy != new_nosy:
        # that's it, save off the new nosy list
        newvalues['nosy'] = list(new_nosy)
def import_xml(tracker_home, xml_file, file_dir):
    """ Generate Roundup tracker import files based on the tracker schema,
    sf.net xml export and downloaded files from sf.net. """
    tracker = instance.open(tracker_home)
    db = tracker.open('admin')

    resolved = db.status.lookup('resolved')
    unread = db.status.lookup('unread')
    chatting = db.status.lookup('unread')
    critical = db.priority.lookup('critical')
    urgent = db.priority.lookup('urgent')
    bug = db.priority.lookup('bug')
    feature = db.priority.lookup('feature')
    wish = db.priority.lookup('wish')
    adminuid = db.user.lookup('admin')
    anonuid = db.user.lookup('anonymous')

    root = ElementTree.parse(xml_file).getroot()

    def to_date(ts):
        return date.Date(time.gmtime(float(ts)))

    # parse out the XML
    artifacts = []
    categories = set()
    users = set()
    add_files = set()
    remove_files = set()
    for artifact in root.find('artifacts'):
        d = {}
        op = {}
        for field in artifact.findall('field'):
            name = field.get('name')
            if name == 'artifact_messages':
                for message in field.findall('message'):
                    l = d.setdefault('messages', [])
                    m = {}
                    for field in message.findall('field'):
                        name = field.get('name')
                        if name == 'adddate':
                            m[name] = to_date(field.text)
                            m[name] = field.text
                        if name == 'user_name': users.add(field.text)
            elif name == 'artifact_history':
                for event in field.findall('history'):
                    l = d.setdefault('history', [])
                    e = {}
                    for field in event.findall('field'):
                        name = field.get('name')
                        if name == 'entrydate':
                            e[name] = to_date(field.text)
                            e[name] = field.text
                        if name == 'mod_by': users.add(field.text)
                    if e['field_name'] == 'File Added':
                    elif e['field_name'] == 'File Deleted':
            elif name == 'details':
                op['body'] = field.text
            elif name == 'submitted_by':
                op['user_name'] = field.text
                d[name] = field.text
            elif name == 'open_date':
                thedate = to_date(field.text)
                op['adddate'] = thedate
                d[name] = thedate
                d[name] = field.text


        if op.has_key('body'):
            l = d.setdefault('messages', [])
            l.insert(0, op)

    add_files -= remove_files

    # create users
    userd = {'nobody': '2'}
    data = [
        {'id': '1', 'username': '******', 'password': password.Password('admin'),
            'roles': 'Admin', 'address': '*****@*****.**'},
        {'id': '2', 'username': '******', 'roles': 'Anonymous'},
    for n, user in enumerate(list(users)):
        userd[user] = n+3
        data.append({'id': str(n+3), 'username': user, 'roles': 'User',
            'address': '*****@*****.**'%user})
    write_csv(db.user, data)

    # create categories
    categoryd = {'None': None}
    data = []
    for n, category in enumerate(list(categories)):
        categoryd[category] = n
        data.append({'id': str(n), 'name': category})
    write_csv(db.keyword, data)
    categories = categoryd

    # create issues
    issue_data = []
    file_data = []
    message_data = []
    issue_journal = []
    message_id = 0
    for artifact in artifacts:
        d = {}
        d['id'] = artifact['artifact_id']
        d['title'] = artifact['summary']
        d['assignedto'] = users[artifact['assigned_to']]
        if d['assignedto'] == '2':
            d['assignedto'] = None
        d['creation'] = artifact['open_date']
        activity = artifact['open_date']
        d['creator'] = users[artifact['submitted_by']]
        actor = d['creator']
        if categories[artifact['category']]:
            d['keyword'] = [categories[artifact['category']]]
            d['id'], d['creation'].get_tuple(), d['creator'], "'create'", {}

        p = int(artifact['priority'])
        if artifact['artifact_type'] == 'Feature Requests':
            if p > 3:
                d['priority'] = feature
                d['priority'] = wish
            if p > 7:
                d['priority'] = critical
            elif p > 5:
                d['priority'] = urgent
            elif p > 3:
                d['priority'] = bug
                d['priority'] = feature

        s = artifact['status']
        if s == 'Closed':
            d['status'] = resolved
        elif s == 'Deleted':
            d['status'] = resolved
            d['is retired'] = True
            d['status'] = unread

        nosy = set()
        for message in artifact.get('messages', []):
            authid = users[message['user_name']]
            if not message['body']: continue
            body = convert_message(message['body'], message_id)
            if not body: continue
            m = {'content': body, 'author': authid,
                'date': message['adddate'],
                'creation': message['adddate'], }
            if authid not in (None, '2'):
            activity = message['adddate']
            actor = authid
            if d['status'] == unread:
                d['status'] = chatting

        # add import message
        m = {'content': 'IMPORT FROM SOURCEFORGE', 'author': '1',
            'date': today, 'creation': today}

        # sort messages and assign ids
        d['messages'] = []
        message_data.sort(lambda a,b:cmp(a['date'],b['date']))
        for message in message_data:
            message_id += 1
            message['id'] = str(message_id)

        d['nosy'] = list(nosy)

        files = []
        for event in artifact.get('history', []):
            if event['field_name'] == 'File Added':
                fid, name = event['old_value'].split(':', 1)
                if fid in add_files:
                    name = name.strip()
                        f = open(os.path.join(file_dir, fid))
                        content = f.read()
                        content = 'content missing'
                        'id': fid,
                        'creation': event['entrydate'],
                        'creator': users[event['mod_by']],
                        'name': name,
                        'type': mimetypes.guess_type(name)[0],
                        'content': content,
            elif event['field_name'] == 'close_date':
                action = "'set'"
                info = { 'status': unread }
            elif event['field_name'] == 'summary':
                action = "'set'"
                info = { 'title': event['old_value'] }
                # not an interesting / translatable event
            row = [ d['id'], event['entrydate'].get_tuple(),
                users[event['mod_by']], action, info ]
            if event['entrydate'] > activity:
                activity = event['entrydate']
        d['files'] = files

        d['activity'] = activity
        d['actor'] = actor

    write_csv(db.issue, issue_data)
    write_csv(db.msg, message_data)
    write_csv(db.file, file_data)

    f = open('/tmp/imported/issue-journals.csv', 'w')
    writer = csv.writer(f, colon_separated)
 def __init__(self, db):
     self.stopwords = set(STOPWORDS)
     for word in db.config[('main', 'indexer_stopwords')]:
Exemple #9
def updatenosy(db, cl, nodeid, newvalues):
    """Update the nosy list for changes to the assignedto
    # nodeid will be None if this is a new node
    current_nosy = set()
    if nodeid is None:
        ok = ("new", "yes")
        ok = ("yes",)
        # old node, get the current values from the node if they haven't
        # changed
        if not newvalues.has_key("nosy"):
            nosy = cl.get(nodeid, "nosy")
            for value in nosy:

    # if the nosy list changed in this transaction, init from the new value
    if newvalues.has_key("nosy"):
        nosy = newvalues.get("nosy", [])
        for value in nosy:
            if not db.hasnode("user", value):

    new_nosy = set(current_nosy)

    # add assignedto(s) to the nosy list
    if newvalues.has_key("assignedto") and newvalues["assignedto"] is not None:
        propdef = cl.getprops()
        if isinstance(propdef["assignedto"], hyperdb.Link):
            assignedto_ids = [newvalues["assignedto"]]
        elif isinstance(propdef["assignedto"], hyperdb.Multilink):
            assignedto_ids = newvalues["assignedto"]
        for assignedto_id in assignedto_ids:

    # see if there's any new messages - if so, possibly add the author and
    # recipient to the nosy
    if newvalues.has_key("messages"):
        if nodeid is None:
            ok = ("new", "yes")
            messages = newvalues["messages"]
            ok = ("yes",)
            # figure which of the messages now on the issue weren't
            oldmessages = cl.get(nodeid, "messages")
            messages = []
            for msgid in newvalues["messages"]:
                if msgid not in oldmessages:

        # configs for nosy modifications
        add_author = getattr(db.config, "ADD_AUTHOR_TO_NOSY", "new")
        add_recips = getattr(db.config, "ADD_RECIPIENTS_TO_NOSY", "new")

        # now for each new message:
        msg = db.msg
        for msgid in messages:
            if add_author in ok:
                authid = msg.get(msgid, "author")

            # add on the recipients of the message
            if add_recips in ok:
                for recipient in msg.get(msgid, "recipients"):

    if current_nosy != new_nosy:
        # that's it, save off the new nosy list
        newvalues["nosy"] = list(new_nosy)
Exemple #10
def updatenosy(db, cl, nodeid, newvalues):
    '''Update the nosy list for changes to the assignee
    # nodeid will be None if this is a new node
    current_nosy = set()
    if nodeid is None:
        ok = ('new', 'yes')
        ok = ('yes', )
        # old node, get the current values from the node if they haven't
        # changed
        if not newvalues.has_key('nosy'):
            nosy = cl.get(nodeid, 'nosy')
            for value in nosy:

    # if the nosy list changed in this transaction, init from the new value
    if newvalues.has_key('nosy'):
        nosy = newvalues.get('nosy', [])
        for value in nosy:
            if not db.hasnode('user', value):

    new_nosy = set(current_nosy)

    # add assignee(s) to the nosy list
    if newvalues.has_key('assignee') and newvalues['assignee'] is not None:
        propdef = cl.getprops()
        if isinstance(propdef['assignee'], hyperdb.Link):
            assignee_ids = [newvalues['assignee']]
        elif isinstance(propdef['assignee'], hyperdb.Multilink):
            assignee_ids = newvalues['assignee']
        for assignee_id in assignee_ids:

    # see if there's any new messages - if so, possibly add the author and
    # recipient to the nosy
    if newvalues.has_key('messages'):
        if nodeid is None:
            ok = ('new', 'yes')
            messages = newvalues['messages']
            ok = ('yes', )
            # figure which of the messages now on the issue weren't
            oldmessages = cl.get(nodeid, 'messages')
            messages = []
            for msgid in newvalues['messages']:
                if msgid not in oldmessages:

        # configs for nosy modifications
        add_author = getattr(db.config, 'ADD_AUTHOR_TO_NOSY', 'new')
        add_recips = getattr(db.config, 'ADD_RECIPIENTS_TO_NOSY', 'new')

        # now for each new message:
        msg = db.msg
        for msgid in messages:
            if add_author in ok:
                authid = msg.get(msgid, 'author')

            # add on the recipients of the message
            if add_recips in ok:
                for recipient in msg.get(msgid, 'recipients'):

    if current_nosy != new_nosy:
        # that's it, save off the new nosy list
        newvalues['nosy'] = list(new_nosy)