def __init__(self): self.tooltip = g.Tooltips() if tip.value == "": self.tooltip.disable() self.vbox = g.VBox(spacing=2) self.line1_label = g.Label("") if line1.value != "": self.vbox.add(self.line1_label) self.line2_label = g.Label("") if line2.value != "": self.vbox.add(self.line2_label) self.set_border_width(5) self.add(self.vbox) rox.app_options.add_notify(self.options_changed) self.add_events(g.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK) self.connect("button-press-event", self.button_press) self.connect("destroy", self.destroyed) self.update_clock() self.timeout = gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.update_clock) self.show_all()
def __init__(self): g.Button.__init__(self, 'T') self.end_time = None self.timeout = None self.unset_flags(g.CAN_FOCUS) tips = g.Tooltips() tips.set_tip(self, _('Click here to set the count-down timer.')) self.connect('clicked', edit_timer)
from rox import g import rox, os __icons = {} tooltips = g.Tooltips() def get_weather_icon(n): icon = __icons.get(n) if not icon: icon_path = os.path.join(rox.app_dir, "icons", "%s.png" % n) if not os.path.isfile(icon_path): icon_path = os.path.join(rox.app_dir, "icons", "-.png") icon = g.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(icon_path) __icons[n] = icon return icon
def __init__(self, options_group, options_xml, translation=None): """options_xml is an XML file, usually <app_dir>/Options.xml, which defines the layout of the OptionsBox. It contains an <options> root element containing (nested) <section> elements. Each <section> contains a number of widgets, some of which correspond to options. The build_* functions are used to create them. Example: <?xml version='1.0'?> <options> <section title='First section'> <label>Here are some options</label> <entry name='default_name' label='Default file name'> When saving an untitled file, use this name as the default. </entry> <section title='Nested section'> ... </section> </section> </options> """ assert isinstance(options_group, options.OptionGroup) if translation is None: import __main__ if hasattr(__main__.__builtins__, '_'): translation = __main__.__builtins__._ else: translation = lambda x: x self._ = translation g.Dialog.__init__(self) = g.Tooltips() self.set_has_separator(False) self.options = options_group self.set_title(('%s options') % options_group.program) self.set_position(g.WIN_POS_CENTER) button = rox.ButtonMixed(g.STOCK_UNDO, _('_Revert')) self.add_action_widget(button, REVERT) button, _('Restore all options to how they were ' 'when the window was opened')) self.add_button(g.STOCK_OK, g.RESPONSE_OK) doc = minidom.parse(options_xml) assert doc.documentElement.localName == 'options' self.handlers = {} # Option -> (get, set) self.revert = {} # Option -> old value self.build_window_frame() # Add each section n = 0 for section in doc.documentElement.childNodes: if section.nodeType != Node.ELEMENT_NODE: continue if section.localName != 'section': print "Unknown section", section continue self.build_section(section, None) n += 1 if n > 1: self.tree_view.expand_all() else: self.sections_swin.hide() self.updating = 0 def destroyed(widget): rox.toplevel_unref() if self.changed(): try: except: rox.report_exception() self.connect('destroy', destroyed) def got_response(widget, response): if response == g.RESPONSE_OK: self.destroy() elif response == REVERT: for o in self.options: o._set(self.revert[o]) self.update_widgets() self.options.notify() self.update_revert() self.connect('response', got_response)
def __init__(self, memo_list): rox.Window.__init__(self) MenuWindow.__init__(self) self.set_wmclass('Memo', 'Memo') self.set_title('Memo') self.set_resizable(False) if hasattr(self, 'set_deletable'): self.set_deletable(False) #self.set_type_hint(g.gdk.WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_DIALOG) = g.Tooltips() if main_sticky.int_value: self.stick() self.memo_list = memo_list self.last_day = None self.prime_in_progress = False vbox = g.VBox(FALSE, 0) self.add(vbox) hbox = g.HBox(False, 0) vbox.pack_start(hbox, expand = False) self.time_label = g.Label('') self.time_button = g.Button() self.time_button.add(self.time_label) self.time_button.unset_flags(g.CAN_FOCUS) hbox.pack_start(self.time_button, expand = True) hbox.pack_start(timer.TimerButton(), expand = False) self.list = g.TreeView(memo_list.visible) vbox.pack_start(self.list, expand = TRUE) self.list.unset_flags(g.CAN_FOCUS) cell = g.CellRendererText() column = g.TreeViewColumn('Time', cell, text = 0) cell.set_property('xalign', 1) self.list.append_column(column) cell = g.CellRendererText() column = g.TreeViewColumn('Message', cell, text = 1) self.list.append_column(column) self.list.set_headers_visible(FALSE) sel = self.list.get_selection() sel.set_mode(g.SELECTION_NONE) def activate(view, path, column): memo = memo_list.visible.get_memo_by_path(path) from EditBox import EditBox EditBox(memo).show() self.add_events(g.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK) self.list.connect('button-press-event', self.button_press) self.list.connect('row-activated', activate) self.time_button.add_events(g.gdk.BUTTON1_MOTION_MASK) self.time_button.connect('button-press-event', self.button_press) self.time_button.connect('motion-notify-event', self.button_motion) self.time_button.connect('clicked', self.time_button_clicked) self.update() gobject.timeout_add(10000, self.update) # Update clock self.timeout = None # For next alarm self.alert_box = None self.show_all_box = None self.save_box = None # If we had more than one window, we'd need a remove too... memo_list.connect("MemoListChanged", app_options.add_notify(self.options_changed) vbox.show_all()