Exemple #1
def stereo_to_xyz(img1_name, img2_name, predictor):
    # read rgb images as pan
    img1 = cv2.imread(img1_name, 0)
    img2 = cv2.imread(img2_name, 0)

    # read rgb images
    rgb_img1 = tifffile.imread(img1_name)
    rgb_img2 = tifffile.imread(img2_name)

    # get RPC metadata for both images
    rpc1 = RPC(img1_name)
    rpc2 = RPC(img2_name)

    # find corresponding points
    rows = img1.shape[0]
    cols = img1.shape[1]
    F, pts1, pts2 = match_rpc(rpc1, rpc2, rows, cols)

    # transpose the point matrices
    x1 = pts1.T
    x2 = pts2.T

    # set camera matrix to identity and distortion to zero
    d = None
    K = np.identity(3)

    # rectify the images
    rimg1, rimg2, rms, max_error, lH, rH, max_yparallax = rectify_images(
        img1, x1, img2, x2, K, d, F, shearing=False)
    print('F Matrix Residual RMS Error = ', rms, ' pixels')
    print('F Matrix Residual Max Error = ', max_error, ' pixels')

    # skip this pair if residual error is too large
    # this is not a good indicator of failure
    if rms > 1.0:
        return None, None, None, None, None

    # skip this pair if max y parallax is too large
    if max_yparallax > 2.0:
        return None, None, None, None, None

    # crop down to the center half of the images
    rows = img1.shape[0]
    cols = img1.shape[1]
    row_offset = int(rows / 4)
    col_offset = int(cols / 4)

    # rectify the RGB versions of the images and crop to center
    rgb_rimg1, rgb_rimg2, rgb_rms, rgb_max_error = rectify_images_rgb(
        rgb_img1, x1, rgb_img2, x2, K, d, F, shearing=False)
    rimg1 = rgb_rimg1[row_offset:rows - row_offset,
                      col_offset:cols - col_offset, :]
    rimg2 = rgb_rimg2[row_offset:rows - row_offset,
                      col_offset:cols - col_offset, :]

    # run DenseMapNet to get stereo disparities
    # and run IC-Net to get semantic labels
    if USE_SGM:
        disparity = sgbm(rimg1, rimg2)
        disparity = predictor.predict_stereo(rimg1, rimg2)
    #        disparity = predictor.predict_stereo_wls(rimg1, rimg2)
    seg_rimg1 = predictor.predict_semantics(rimg1)

    # check for invalid disparity predictions
    rows = rimg1.shape[0]
    cols = rimg1.shape[1]
    valid = np.ones((rows, cols), dtype=bool)
    valid[disparity < -DMAX_SEARCH] = 0
    valid[disparity > DMAX_SEARCH] = 0
    disparity[disparity < -DMAX_SEARCH] = -DMAX_SEARCH
    disparity[disparity > DMAX_SEARCH] = DMAX_SEARCH

    print('Min disparity found: ', disparity.min())
    print('Max disparity found: ', disparity.max())

    # create a grayscale disparity image
    disparity_image = (disparity + DMAX_SEARCH) / (DMAX_SEARCH * 2.0)
    disparity_image[disparity_image < 0.0] = 0.0
    disparity_image = img_as_ubyte(disparity_image)

    # create a color segmentation image
    cls_image = category_to_color(seg_rimg1)

    # get left epipolar image coordinates and right coordinates from disparities
    # add offsets from image cropping back to image coordinates
    # convert coordinates to original images using homographies from rectification
    rows = rimg1.shape[0]
    cols = rimg1.shape[1]
    left_rows, left_cols = np.mgrid[row_offset:rows + row_offset,
                                    col_offset:cols + col_offset]
    right_cols = deepcopy(left_cols) - disparity
    right_rows = deepcopy(left_rows)

    #    valid[right_cols < 0] = 0
    #    valid[right_cols > cols-1] = 0
    valid[right_cols < col_offset] = 0
    valid[right_cols > cols + col_offset - 1] = 0

    # left_rows = left_rows[:,DMAX_SEARCH:cols-DMAX_SEARCH]
    # left_cols = left_cols[:,DMAX_SEARCH:cols-DMAX_SEARCH]
    # right_rows = right_rows[:,DMAX_SEARCH:cols-DMAX_SEARCH]
    # right_cols = right_cols[:,DMAX_SEARCH:cols-DMAX_SEARCH]
    left_rows = left_rows.ravel()
    left_cols = left_cols.ravel()
    right_rows = right_rows.ravel()
    right_cols = right_cols.ravel()
    num = len(left_cols)
    print('left cols = ', num)
    uv1 = np.array((left_cols, left_rows, np.ones(num)))
    xyw = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(rH), uv1)
    left_cols = xyw[0] / xyw[2]
    left_rows = xyw[1] / xyw[2]
    uv2 = np.array((right_cols, right_rows, np.ones(num)))
    xyw = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(lH), uv2)
    right_cols = xyw[0] / xyw[2]
    right_rows = xyw[1] / xyw[2]

    # get left segmentation labels for valid disparities
    # left_seg = seg_rimg1[:,DMAX_SEARCH:cols-DMAX_SEARCH]
    left_seg = seg_rimg1
    print('left_seg shape = ', left_seg.shape)
    left_seg = left_seg.ravel()

    # crop and ravel valid point list
    print('valid shape = ', valid.shape)
    # valid = valid[:,DMAX_SEARCH:cols-DMAX_SEARCH]
    valid = valid.ravel()
    print('valid shape = ', valid.shape)

    # approximate RPCs with local 3x4 matrices
    # use center coordinate of one of the images for reference
    clat, clon, zc = rpc1.approximate_wgs84()
    xc, yc, zone_number, zone_letter = wgs84_to_utm(clat, clon)
    R1, rms1, ic1, jc1 = rpc1.to_matrix(clat, clon, zc)
    R2, rms2, ic2, jc2 = rpc2.to_matrix(clat, clon, zc)

    # triangulate to compute XYZ coordinates for each pixel
    points1 = np.array((left_cols - ic1, left_rows - jc1))
    points2 = np.array((right_cols - ic2, right_rows - jc2))
    xyz = cv2.triangulatePoints(R1, R2, points1, points2)
    xyz /= xyz[3]
    xyz = xyz[0:3, valid]
    xyz[0, :] += xc
    xyz[1, :] += yc
    xyz[2, :] += zc
    xyz = np.transpose(xyz)
    print(zone_number, zone_letter)

    # add cls to the xyz array
    xyzc = np.zeros((xyz.shape[0], xyz.shape[1] + 1))
    xyzc[:, 0:3] = xyz
    left_seg = left_seg[valid]
    xyzc[:, 3] = left_seg
    return xyzc, rimg1, rimg2, disparity_image, cls_image