def func(address, node_id, *args):
            time_keeper = TimeKeeper()
            msgID = sha1(os.urandom(32)).digest()
            assert len(node_id) == 20
            data = umsgpack.packb([str(name), node_id, args])

            if len(data) > self.max_packet_size:
                msg = "Total length of function name and arguments cannot exceed 8K"
                raise MalformedMessage(msg)
            txdata = b'\x00' + msgID + data
            if self.noisy:
                log.msg("calling remote function %s on %s (msgid %s)" %
                        (name, address, b64encode(msgID)))
            self.transport.write(txdata, address)

            # self.log.debug("[BENCH] LOW RPC SEND TIMES %s -> %s " % (str(name), time_keeper.get_summary()))

            d = defer.Deferred()
            timeout = reactor.callLater(self._waitTimeout, self._timeout,
            self._outstanding[msgID] = (d, timeout)
            return d
 def _acceptRequest(self, msgID, data, address):
     if not isinstance(data, list) or len(data) != 3:
         raise MalformedMessage("Could not read packet: %s" % data)
     funcname, node_id, args = data
     f = getattr(self, "rpc_%s" % funcname, None)
     if f is None or not callable(f):
         msgargs = (self.__class__.__name__, funcname)
         log.err("%s has no callable method rpc_%s; ignoring request" % msgargs)
     d = defer.maybeDeferred(f, address, node_id, *args)
     d.addCallback(self._sendResponse, msgID, address)
Exemple #3
 def func(address, *args):
     msgID = sha1(os.urandom(32)).digest()
     data = umsgpack.packb([str(name), args])
     if len(data) > 8192:
         msg = "Total length of function name and arguments cannot exceed 8K"
         raise MalformedMessage(msg)
     txdata = b'\x00%s%s' % (msgID, data)
     if self.noisy:
         log.msg("calling remote function %s on %s (msgid %s)" % (name, address, b64encode(msgID)))
     self.transport.write(txdata, address)
     d = defer.Deferred()
     timeout = reactor.callLater(self._waitTimeout, self._timeout, msgID)
     self._outstanding[msgID] = (d, timeout)
     return d
 def _acceptResponse(self, msgID, data, address):
     if not isinstance(data, list) or len(data) != 4:
         raise MalformedMessage("Could not read packet: %s" % data)
     msgargs = (b64encode(msgID), address)
     if msgID not in self._outstanding:
         log.err("received unknown message %s from %s; ignoring" % msgargs)
     if self.noisy:
         log.msg("received response for message id %s from %s" % msgargs)
     d, timeout = self._outstanding[msgID]
     del self._outstanding[msgID]
     node_id, signature, ser_pub, response = data
     if not self._check_resp_ok(address, node_id, msgID, signature, ser_pub):
     d.callback((True, response))
Exemple #5
    async def _accept_request(self, msg_id, data, address):
        if not isinstance(data, list) or len(data) != 2:
            raise MalformedMessage("Could not read packet: %s" % data)
        funcname, args = data
        func = getattr(self, "rpc_%s" % funcname, None)
        if func is None or not callable(func):
            msgargs = (self.__class__.__name__, funcname)
            LOG.warning("%s has no callable method "
                        "rpc_%s; ignoring request", *msgargs)

        if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func):
            func = asyncio.coroutine(func)
        response = await func(address, *args)
        LOG.debug("sending response %s for msg id %s to %s",
                  response, b64encode(msg_id), address)
        txdata = b'\x01' + msg_id + umsgpack.packb(response)
        self.transport.sendto(txdata, address)
Exemple #6
        def func(address, *args):
            msgID = sha1(os.urandom(32)).digest()
            data = umsgpack.packb([name, args])
            if len(data) > 8192:
                raise MalformedMessage("Total length of function "
                                       "name and arguments cannot exceed 8K")
            txdata = b'\x00' + msgID + data
            log.debug("calling remote function %s on %s (msgid %s)",
                      name, address, b64encode(msgID))
            self.transport.sendto(txdata, address)

            loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
            if hasattr(loop, 'create_future'):
                f = loop.create_future()
                f = asyncio.Future()
            timeout = loop.call_later(self._waitTimeout, self._timeout, msgID)
            self._outstanding[msgID] = (f, timeout)
            return f
        def func(address, node_id, *args):
            msgID = sha1(os.urandom(32)).digest()
            assert len(node_id) == 20
            (my_ip, my_port) = self.get_address()

            signature, timestamp = sign_msg(my_ip, my_port, self.private_key)
            ser_pub = serialize_pub_key(self.public_key)

            data = umsgpack.packb([str(name), node_id, timestamp, signature, ser_pub, args])
            if len(data) > self.max_packet_size:
                msg = "Total length of function name and arguments cannot exceed 8K"
                raise MalformedMessage(msg)
            txdata = b'\x00' + msgID + data
            if self.noisy:
                log.msg("calling remote function %s on %s (msgid %s)" % (name, address, b64encode(msgID)))
            self.transport.write(txdata, address)
            d = defer.Deferred()
            timeout = reactor.callLater(self._waitTimeout, self._timeout, msgID)
            self._outstanding[msgID] = (d, timeout)
            return d