Exemple #1
    def getMessage(self):
        myStr = """
Commands available in tq.  Additional help for each command can be
viewed with:
  tq help COMMAND

        # get all the defined commands from tq and add them
        # to the usage string.
        cmds = {}
        for cmdname,cmdobj in self.parent.parent.commands.items():
            if cmdname is None: continue
            # get the description of the command
            docstr = cmdobj.description
            if docstr is None: docstr = ""
            # grab the first sentence
            cmds[cmdname] = docstr.strip().split('.')[0] + '.'

        formatStr = "  %%-%ds %%s\n" % (stringutil.maxStrLen(cmds.keys()))

        myStr += "Renderfarm Informational Commands:\n"
        for cmd in ('jobs', 'tasks', 'commands', 'invocations', 'blades'):
            myStr += formatStr % (cmd, cmds.get(cmd))

        myStr += "\nJob Operational Commands:\n"
        for cmd in ('chcrews', 'chpri', 'delete', 'delay', 'jattr', 'lock', 'jobdump',
                    'pause', 'interrupt', 'restart', 'retryallerrs',
                    'skipallerrs', 'undelay', 'undelete', 'unlock', 'unpause'):
            myStr += formatStr % (cmd, cmds.get(cmd))

        myStr += "\nTask Operational Commands:\n"
        for cmd in ('retry', 'resume', 'skip', 'log'):
            myStr += formatStr % (cmd, cmds.get(cmd))

        myStr += "\nCommand Operational Commands:\n"
        for cmd in ('cattr',):
            myStr += formatStr % (cmd, cmds.get(cmd))

        myStr += "\nBlade Operational Commands:\n"
        for cmd in ('delist', 'eject', 'nimby', 'unnimby', 'trace'):
            myStr += formatStr % (cmd, cmds.get(cmd))

        myStr += "\nOther Commands:\n"
        for cmd in ('notes', 'attributes', 'ping', 'dbreconnect', 'queuestats'):
            myStr += formatStr % (cmd, cmds.get(cmd))

        return myStr
Exemple #2
    def getMessage(self):
        myStr = """
Commands available in tq.  Additional help for each command can be
viewed with:
  tq help COMMAND

        # get all the defined commands from tq and add them
        # to the usage string.
        cmds = {}
        for cmdname, cmdobj in self.parent.parent.commands.items():
            if cmdname is None: continue
            # get the description of the command
            docstr = cmdobj.description
            if docstr is None: docstr = ""
            # grab the first sentence
            cmds[cmdname] = docstr.strip().split('.')[0] + '.'

        formatStr = "  %%-%ds %%s\n" % (stringutil.maxStrLen(cmds.keys()))

        myStr += "Renderfarm Informational Commands:\n"
        for cmd in ('jobs', 'tasks', 'commands', 'invocations', 'blades'):
            myStr += formatStr % (cmd, cmds.get(cmd))

        myStr += "\nJob Operational Commands:\n"
        for cmd in ('chcrews', 'chpri', 'delete', 'delay', 'jattr', 'pause',
                    'interrupt', 'restart', 'retryallerrs', 'skipallerrs',
                    'undelay', 'undelete', 'unpause'):
            myStr += formatStr % (cmd, cmds.get(cmd))

        myStr += "\nTask Operational Commands:\n"
        for cmd in ('retry', 'resume', 'skip', 'log'):
            myStr += formatStr % (cmd, cmds.get(cmd))

        myStr += "\nCommand Operational Commands:\n"
        for cmd in ('cattr', ):
            myStr += formatStr % (cmd, cmds.get(cmd))

        myStr += "\nBlade Operational Commands:\n"
        for cmd in ('nimby', 'unnimby', 'trace'):
            myStr += formatStr % (cmd, cmds.get(cmd))

        return myStr
Exemple #3
    def summary(self, indent=0):
        """Give a one line summary of each command that is defined.  The
        summary is taken from the __doc__ string of the do_cmd function."""

        myStr = ''
        # get all the defined commands from ListenerManager and add them
        # to the usage string.
        dofuncs = {}
        for func in self.__class__.__dict__.keys():
            sfunc = func.split('_')
            if sfunc[0] == 'do':
                docstr = getattr(self, func).__doc__
                dofuncs[sfunc[1]] = docstr.strip().split('.')[0] + '.'

        keys = dofuncs.keys()
        formatStr = "%s%%-%ds %%s\n" % (' ' * indent,
                                        stringutil.maxStrLen(keys) + 1)
        for k in keys:
            myStr += formatStr % (k, dofuncs[k])

        return myStr
Exemple #4
    def summary(self, indent=0):
        """Give a one line summary of each command that is defined.  The
        summary is taken from the __doc__ string of the do_cmd function."""

        myStr = ''
        # get all the defined commands from ListenerManager and add them
        # to the usage string.
        dofuncs = {}
        for func in self.__class__.__dict__.keys():
            sfunc = func.split('_')
            if sfunc[0] == 'do':
                docstr = getattr(self, func).__doc__
                dofuncs[sfunc[1]] = docstr.strip().split('.')[0] + '.'

        keys = dofuncs.keys()
        formatStr = "%s%%-%ds %%s\n" % (' ' * indent,
                                        stringutil.maxStrLen(keys) + 1)
        for k in keys:
            myStr += formatStr % (k, dofuncs[k])

        return myStr