encrypt_key                     = no

CN                              = Pseudo-%(HOLDER)s testbed root RPKI certificate

basicConstraints                = critical,CA:true
subjectKeyIdentifier            = hash
keyUsage                        = critical,keyCertSign,cRLSign
subjectInfoAccess               =;URI:rsync://%(holder)s.rpki.net/rpki/%(holder)s/,;URI:rsync://%(holder)s.rpki.net/rpki/%(holder)s/root.mft
certificatePolicies             = critical,
sbgp-autonomousSysNum           = critical,@rfc3779_asns
sbgp-ipAddrBlock                = critical,@rfc3997_addrs

''' % { "holder" : sys.argv[1].lower(),
        "HOLDER" : sys.argv[1].upper() }

for i, asn in enumerate(asn for handle, asn in csv_reader(sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else "asns.csv", columns = 2)):
    print "AS.%d = %s" % (i, asn)

print '''\



for i, prefix in enumerate(prefix for handle, prefix in csv_reader(sys.argv[3] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else "prefixes.csv", columns = 2)):
    v = 6 if ":" in prefix else 4
    print "IPv%d.%d = %s" % (v, i, prefix)
Exemple #2
            datum = datum + "-" + datum
        print "Error attempting to parse", datum

#print "Looking for: ASNs %s IPv4 %s IPv6 %s" % (asn, ipv4, ipv6)

def matches(set1, datum):
    set2 = set1.__class__(datum)
    if set1.intersection(set2):
        return set2
        return False

if asn:
    for h, a in csv_reader("asns.csv", columns=2):
        m = matches(asn, a)
        if m:
            print h, m

if ipv4 or ipv6:
    for h, a in csv_reader("prefixes.csv", columns=2):
        t = ipv6 if ":" in a else ipv4
        m = t and matches(t, a)
        if m:
            print h, m
Exemple #3
        t = ipv6 if ":" in datum else ipv4
        if "-" not in datum and "/" not in datum:
            datum = datum + "-" + datum
        print "Error attempting to parse", datum

#print "Looking for: ASNs %s IPv4 %s IPv6 %s" % (asn, ipv4, ipv6)

def matches(set1, datum):
    set2 = set1.__class__(datum)
    if set1.intersection(set2):
        return set2
        return False

if asn:
    for h, a in csv_reader("asns.csv", columns = 2):
        m = matches(asn, a)
        if m:
            print h, m

if ipv4 or ipv6:
    for h, a in csv_reader("prefixes.csv", columns = 2):
        t = ipv6 if ":" in a else ipv4
        m = t and matches(t, a)
        if m:
            print h, m
Exemple #4
    asns.writerow((handles[description], record.findtext(tag_number)))
for record in iterate_xml("ipv4-address-space.xml", tag_record):
  designation = record.findtext(tag_designation)
  if record.findtext(tag_status) != "RESERVED":
    prefix, prefixlen = [int(i) for i in record.findtext(tag_prefix).split("/")]
    if prefixlen != 8:
      raise ValueError("%s violated /8 assumption" % record.findtext(tag_prefix))
    rirs[handles.get(designation, "legacy")] |= resource_bag.from_str("%d.0.0.0/8" % prefix)

for record in iterate_xml("ipv6-unicast-address-assignments.xml", tag_record):
  description = record.findtext(tag_description)
  if record.findtext(tag_description) in handles:
    rirs[handles[description]] |= resource_bag.from_str(record.findtext(tag_prefix))

erx = list(csv_reader("erx.csv"))
assert all(r in rirs for r, p in erx)

erx_overrides = resource_bag.from_str(",".join(p for r, p in erx), allow_overlap = True)

for rir in rirs:
  if rir != "legacy":
    rirs[rir] -= erx_overrides
    rirs[rir] |= resource_bag.from_str(",".join(p for r, p in erx if r == rir), allow_overlap = True)

for rir, bag in rirs.iteritems():
  for p in bag.v4:
    prefixes.writerow((rir, p))
  for p in bag.v6:
    prefixes.writerow((rir, p))
Exemple #5
basicConstraints                = critical,CA:true
subjectKeyIdentifier            = hash
keyUsage                        = critical,keyCertSign,cRLSign
subjectInfoAccess               =;URI:rsync://%(holder)s.rpki.net/rpki/%(holder)s/,;URI:rsync://%(holder)s.rpki.net/rpki/%(holder)s/root.mft
certificatePolicies             = critical,
sbgp-autonomousSysNum           = critical,@rfc3779_asns
sbgp-ipAddrBlock                = critical,@rfc3997_addrs

''' % {
    "holder": sys.argv[1].lower(),
    "HOLDER": sys.argv[1].upper()

for i, asn in enumerate(asn for handle, asn in csv_reader(
        sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else "asns.csv", columns=2)):
    print "AS.%d = %s" % (i, asn)

print '''\



for i, prefix in enumerate(prefix for handle, prefix in csv_reader(
        sys.argv[3] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else "prefixes.csv", columns=2)):
    v = 6 if ":" in prefix else 4
    print "IPv%d.%d = %s" % (v, i, prefix)
program for two reasons:

- Conversion of some of the RIR data is a very slow process, and it's
  both annoying and unnecessary to run it every time we add a new
  participant to the testbed.

- This handle translation business now has fingers into half a dozen
  scripts, so it needs refactoring in any case, either as a common
  library function or as a separate script.

This program takes a list of .CSV files on its command line, and
rewrites them as needed after performing the translation.

import os
import sys
from rpki.csv_utils import csv_reader, csv_writer

translations = dict((src, dst) for src, dst in csv_reader("translations.csv", columns = 2))

for filename in sys.argv[1:]:

    f = csv_writer(filename)

    for cols in csv_reader(filename):
        if cols[0] in translations:
            cols[0] = translations[cols[0]]
