def test_global_eff(self): # Load regular data expected_medium = { 'EX_MNXM83': 2000.0, 'EX_pi_e': 2000.0, 'EX_fe3_e': 1000.0 } specie_missing_id = 'MNXM83' medium = load_medium_file(os_path.join(self.medium_path, 'medium.fmt.c.csv')) medium = crossref_medium_id( df=medium, model=self.rpsbml, compartment_id='MNXC2' ) exchange = self.rpsbml.build_exchange_reaction('c') df = merge_medium_exchange( medium = medium, exchange_reaction = exchange ) rpsbml = add_missing_specie( self.rpsbml, df, 'c' ) cobra_model = None with NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self.temp_d, delete=False) as tempf: rpsbml.write_to_file( cobra_model=cobra_io.read_sbml_model(, use_fbc_package=True) cobra_model.medium = df_to_medium(df) self.assertEqual( cobra_model.medium, expected_medium ) tempf.close() remove(
def test_add_missing_specie(self): # Load regular data specie_missing_id = 'MNXM83' medium = load_medium_file(os_path.join(self.medium_path, 'medium.fmt.c.csv')) medium = crossref_medium_id( df=medium, model=self.rpsbml, compartment_id='MNXC2' ) exchange = self.rpsbml.build_exchange_reaction('c') df = merge_medium_exchange( medium = medium, exchange_reaction = exchange ) rpsbml = add_missing_specie( self.rpsbml, df, 'c' ) # Return type self.assertIsInstance(rpsbml, rpSBML) # Values species = rpsbml.getModel().getListOfSpecies() self.assertEqual( len([x for x in species if x.getId() == specie_missing_id]), 1 ) specie = rpsbml.getModel().getSpecies(specie_missing_id) self.assertTrue(specie.getBoundaryCondition())
def test_merge_medium_exchange(self): # Load medium = load_medium_file(os_path.join(self.medium_path, 'medium.fmt.a.csv')) medium = crossref_medium_id( df=medium, model=self.rpsbml, compartment_id='MNXC2' ) exchange = self.rpsbml.build_exchange_reaction('c') df = merge_medium_exchange( medium = medium, exchange_reaction = exchange ) # Return type. self.assertIsInstance( df, pd.DataFrame ) # Values. self.assertEqual( df.shape, (331, len(exchange.columns)+len(df.columns)-2) ) self.assertEqual( df[self.__MEDIUM_HEADER_COMPOUND_ID].isna().sum(), 331-2 ) self.assertTrue(pd.api.types.is_float_dtype(df[self.__MEDIUM_HEADER_BOUND]))
def test_df_to_medium(self): # Load. medium_a = load_medium_file(os_path.join(self.medium_path, 'medium.fmt.a.csv')) dfa = crossref_medium_id( df=medium_a, model=self.rpsbml, compartment_id='MNXC2' ) exchange = self.rpsbml.build_exchange_reaction('c') dfa = merge_medium_exchange( medium = dfa, exchange_reaction = exchange ) # Return Type. dfad = dfa.drop(columns=['reaction_name']) medium = df_to_medium(dfad) self.assertIsInstance(medium, Dict) dfad = dfa.drop(columns=['reaction_name']) medium = df_to_medium(dfad) self.assertIsInstance(medium, Dict) medium = df_to_medium(dfa) self.assertIsInstance(medium, Dict) # Values. self.assertEqual( sum([x.startswith('EX') for x in medium.keys()]), dfa.shape[0] )
def runFBA( pathway: rpPathway, gem_sbml_path: str, compartment_id: str, objective_rxn_id: str = 'rxn_target', biomass_rxn_id: str = 'biomass', sim_type: str = 'fraction', fraction_coeff: float = 0.75, merge: bool = False, ignore_orphan_species: bool = True, medium_compartment_id: str = 'MNXC2', df_medium_base: pd.DataFrame = None, df_medium_user: pd.DataFrame = None, logger: Logger = getLogger(__name__) ) -> Dict: """Single rpSBML simulation :param file_name: The name of the model :param pathway_fn: Path to the pathway file (JSON) :param gem_sbml: Path to the GEM file :param sim_type: The type of simulation to use. Available simulation types include: fraction, fba, rpfba :param src_rxn_id: The reaction id of the source reaction. :param target_reaction: The reaction id of the target reaction. Note that if fba or rpfba options are used, then these are ignored :param source_coefficient: The source coefficient :param target_coefficient: The target coefficient :param is_max: Maximise or minimise the objective'last', i :param fraction_of: The fraction of the optimum. Note that this value is ignored is fba is used :param tmpOutputFolder: The path to the output document :param merge: Output the merged model (Default: False) :param pathway_id: The id of the heterologous pathway (Default: rp_pathway) :param objective_id: Overwrite the auto-generated id of the results (Default: None) :param compartment_id: The SBML compartment id (Default: MNXC3) :param fill_orphan_species: Add pseudo reactions that consume/produce single parent species. Note in development :param species_group_id: The id of the central species (Default: central_species) :param sink_species_group_id: The id of the sink species (Default: rp_sink_species) not :type inputTar: str :type gem_sbml_path: str :type sim_type: str :type src_rxn_id: str :type target_reaction: str :type source_coefficient: float :type target_coefficient: float :type is_max: bool :type fraction_of: float :type tmpOutputFolder: str :type merge: bool :type num_workers: int :type pathway_id: str :type objective_id: str :type compartment_id: str :type fill_orphan_species: bool :type species_group_id: str :type sink_species_group_id: str :return: Succcess or failure of the function :rtype: bool """ logger.debug(' pathway_fn: ' + str(pathway)) logger.debug(' gem_sbml_path: ' + str(gem_sbml_path)) logger.debug(' sim_type: ' + str(sim_type)) logger.debug(' objective_rxn_id: ' + objective_rxn_id) logger.debug(' biomass_rxn_id: ' + str(biomass_rxn_id)) logger.debug(' fraction_coeff: ' + str(fraction_coeff)) logger.debug(' merge: ' + str(merge)) logger.debug(' compartment_id: ' + str(compartment_id)) logger.debug('ignore_orphan_species: ' + str(ignore_orphan_species)) ## MODEL # Create rpSBML object rpsbml_gem = rpSBML(inFile=gem_sbml_path, logger=logger) # Check compartment ID compartment_id = check_SBML_compartment(rpsbml=rpsbml_gem, compartment_id=compartment_id, logger=logger) if compartment_id is None: return None # Check biomass reaction ID biomass_rxn_id = check_SBML_rxnid(rpsbml=rpsbml_gem, rxn_id=biomass_rxn_id, logger=logger) if biomass_rxn_id is None: return None # PATHWAY rpsbml = build_rpsbml(pathway=pathway, logger=logger) # Check objective reaction ID objective_rxn_id = check_SBML_rxnid(rpsbml=rpsbml, rxn_id=objective_rxn_id, logger=logger) if objective_rxn_id is None: return None ## MERGE # Merge predicted pathway with the full model # missing_species are species that are not detected in the model'Merging rpSBML models: ' + rpsbml.getName() + ' and ' + rpsbml_gem.getName() + '...') (rpsbml_merged, reactions_in_both, missing_species, compartment_id) = rpSBML.merge(pathway=rpsbml, model=rpsbml_gem, compartment_id=compartment_id, logger=logger) if rpsbml_merged is None: return None logger.debug('rpsbml_merged: ' + str(rpsbml_merged)) logger.debug('reactions_in_both: ' + str(reactions_in_both)) cobra_rpsbml_merged = rpSBML.cobraize(rpsbml_merged) ## MEDIUM df_medium = pd.DataFrame() if is_df_medium_defined(df_medium_base) or is_df_medium_defined( df_medium_user): # Check medium compartment id. medium_compartment_id = check_SBML_compartment( rpsbml=cobra_rpsbml_merged, compartment_id=medium_compartment_id, logger=logger) if medium_compartment_id is None: logger.warning( 'Medium id not find in the model -> ignore modifications') else: # CrossRef ids df_medium_base = crossref_medium_id( df=df_medium_base, model=cobra_rpsbml_merged, compartment_id=medium_compartment_id, logger=logger) df_medium_user = crossref_medium_id( df=df_medium_user, model=cobra_rpsbml_merged, compartment_id=medium_compartment_id, logger=logger) # Merge coumponds. df_medium = merge_medium(first=df_medium_base, second=df_medium_user) # Select exchange reaction df_exchange_reaction = cobra_rpsbml_merged.build_exchange_reaction( compartment_id=medium_compartment_id) # Merge df medium with exchange reactions df_medium = merge_medium_exchange( medium=df_medium, exchange_reaction=df_exchange_reaction) # Add specie missing in the model cobra_rpsbml_merged = add_missing_specie( model=cobra_rpsbml_merged, df=df_medium, compartment_id=medium_compartment_id, logger=logger) # Detect orphan species among missing ones in the model, # i.e. that are only consumed or produced if ignore_orphan_species: hidden_species = build_hidden_species(rpsbml=rpsbml, missing_species=missing_species, compartment_id=compartment_id, logger=logger) else: hidden_species = [] # NOTE: reactions is organised with key being the rpsbml reaction and value being the rpsbml_gem value` # BUG: when merging the rxn_sink (very rare cases) can be recognised if another reaction contains the same species as a reactant ## under such as scenario the algorithm will consider that they are the same -- TODO: overwrite it if objective_rxn_id in reactions_in_both: logger.warning( 'The target_reaction ('+str(objective_rxn_id)+') ' \ + 'has been detected in model ' + str(gem_sbml_path.getName()) + ', ' \ + 'ignoring this model...' ) return None ######## FBA ######## results = {} if sim_type.lower() in ['fba', 'pfba']: objective_id = cobra_rpsbml_merged.find_or_create_objective( rxn_id=objective_rxn_id, obj_id=f'brs_obj_{objective_rxn_id}', ) cobra_results, minimal_medium = runCobra(sim_type=sim_type, rpsbml=cobra_rpsbml_merged, hidden_species=hidden_species, objective_id=objective_id, fraction_coeff=fraction_coeff, medium=df_medium, logger=logger) else: (cobra_results, results_biomass, objective_id, minimal_medium) = rp_fraction(rpsbml=cobra_rpsbml_merged, objective_rxn_id=objective_rxn_id, biomass_rxn_id=biomass_rxn_id, hidden_species=hidden_species, fraction_coeff=fraction_coeff, medium=df_medium, logger=logger) results['biomass'] = results_biomass # print(cobra_results.objective_value) # print(cobra_results.status) # print(cobra_results.fluxes) # print(cobra_results.shadow_prices) results[sim_type] = cobra_results # Write results for merged model write_results_to_rpsbml(rpsbml=cobra_rpsbml_merged, objective_id=objective_id, cobra_results=cobra_results, sim_type=sim_type, logger=logger) _results = build_results(results=results, pathway=pathway, compartment_id=compartment_id) _results['ignored_species'] = deepcopy(hidden_species) # Remove the Cobra standard ('compound@compartment') from all compounds pathway.uncobraize() _results = uncobraize_results(_results, cobra_suffix(compartment_id)) # Write results into the pathway write_results_to_pathway(pathway, _results, logger) _results['minimal_medium'] = minimal_medium return _results