Exemple #1
    def __init__(self):
            self.uiapp = __revit__
            self._host = Revit.HOSTS.RPS
        except NameError:
                # Try Getting handler from Dynamo RevitServices
                self.uiapp = self.find_dynamo_uiapp()
                self._host = Revit.HOSTS.DYNAMO
            except Exception as errmsg:
                logger.warning('Revit Application handle could not be found')

            # Add DB UI Import to globals so it can be imported by rpw
            from Autodesk.Revit import DB, UI
            globals().update({'DB': DB, 'UI': UI})
        except Exception:
            # Replace Globals with Mock Objects for Sphinx and ipy direct exec.
            logger.warning('RevitAPI References could not be added')
            from rpw.utils.sphinx_compat import MockObject
            globals().update({'DB': MockObject(fullname='Autodesk.Revit.DB'),
                              'UI': MockObject(fullname='Autodesk.Revit.DB')})
            self.uiapp = MockObject(fullname='Autodesk.Revit.UI.UIApplication')
            self._host = None
Exemple #2
    def find_dynamo_uiapp(self):
        import RevitServices
        from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager

        import sys
        sys.path.append(r'C:\Program Files (x86)\IronPython 2.7\Lib')
        return DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentUIApplication
Exemple #3
    >>> file3dm.Objects.AddLine(line1)
    >>> filepath = 'c:/folder/test.3dm'
    >>> file3dm.Write(filepath, file3md_options)

.. note::
    Although the openNURBS toolkit appears to be a full-featured geometry
    library, it is not.     The toolkit does not include a
    number of important features, including:

    *   Closest point calculations
    *   Intersection calculations
    *   Surface tessellation (meshing)
    *   Interpolation
    *   Booleans
    *   Area and mass property calculations
    *   Other miscellaneous geometry calculations

    [ Note from McNeel's website on openNURBS ]

More Information about openNURBES in the links below:
    * `Github Repo <https://github.com/mcneel/rhinocommon/tree/rhino3dmio>`_
    * `RhinoCommon API <http://developer.rhino3d.com/api/>`_
    * `openNURBS <http://developer.rhino3d.com/guides/opennurbs/what-is-opennurbs/>`_

from rpw.utils.dotnet import clr

import Rhino
Consolidate all imports and resources for other forms based classes to use.

"""  #

import sys

from abc import ABCMeta

from rpw import revit
from rpw.utils.dotnet import clr
from rpw.utils.logger import logger

# WPF/Form Imports
clr.AddReference("PresentationFramework")  # System.Windows: Controls, ?
clr.AddReference("WindowsBase")  # System.Windows.Input
clr.AddReference("System.Drawing")  # FontFamily
clr.AddReference('System.Windows.Forms')  # Forms

import System.Windows
from System.Windows import Window
from System.IO import StringReader

# Console
from System.Environment import Exit, NewLine
from System.Drawing import FontFamily
from System.Windows.Input import Key

# FlexForm Imports
from System.Windows import Controls, Window
from System.Windows import HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment, Thickness