Exemple #1
 def ll_search(s1, s2, start, end, mode):
     from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import hlstr, hlunicode
     from rpython.rlib import rstring
     tp = typeOf(s1)
     if tp == string_repr.lowleveltype or tp == Char:
         return rstring._search(hlstr(s1), hlstr(s2), start, end, mode)
         return rstring._search(hlunicode(s1), hlunicode(s2), start, end,
Exemple #2
 def test_os_confstr(self):
     def f(i):
             return os.confstr(i)
         except OSError:
             return "oooops!!"
     some_value = os.confstr_names.values()[-1]
     res = self.interpret(f, [some_value])
     assert hlstr(res) == f(some_value)
     res = self.interpret(f, [94781413])
     assert hlstr(res) == "oooops!!"
Exemple #3
 def test_os_confstr(self):
     def f(i):
             return os.confstr(i)
         except OSError:
             return "oooops!!"
     some_value = os.confstr_names.values()[-1]
     res = self.interpret(f, [some_value])
     assert hlstr(res) == f(some_value)
     res = self.interpret(f, [94781413])
     assert hlstr(res) == "oooops!!"
Exemple #4
    def test_strip_no_arg(self):
        strings = ["  xyz  ", "", "\t\vx"]

        def f(i):
            return strings[i].strip()

        res = self.interpret(f, [0])
        assert hlstr(res) == "xyz"
        res = self.interpret(f, [1])
        assert hlstr(res) == ""
        res = self.interpret(f, [2])
        assert hlstr(res) == "x"
Exemple #5
    def test_strip_no_arg(self):
        strings = ["  xyz  ", "", "\t\vx"]

        def f(i):
            return strings[i].strip()

        res = self.interpret(f, [0])
        assert hlstr(res) == "xyz"
        res = self.interpret(f, [1])
        assert hlstr(res) == ""
        res = self.interpret(f, [2])
        assert hlstr(res) == "x"
Exemple #6
 def test_dict_iteration(self):
     DICT = self._get_str_dict()
     ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT)
     rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("k"), 1)
     rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("j"), 2)
     ITER = rordereddict.get_ll_dictiter(lltype.Ptr(DICT))
     ll_iter = rordereddict.ll_dictiter(ITER, ll_d)
     ll_iterkeys = rordereddict.ll_dictnext_group['keys']
     next = ll_iterkeys(lltype.Signed, ll_iter)
     assert hlstr(next) == "k"
     next = ll_iterkeys(lltype.Signed, ll_iter)
     assert hlstr(next) == "j"
     py.test.raises(StopIteration, ll_iterkeys, lltype.Signed, ll_iter)
Exemple #7
 def test_dict_iteration(self):
     DICT = self._get_str_dict()
     ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT)
     rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("k"), 1)
     rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("j"), 2)
     ITER = rordereddict.get_ll_dictiter(lltype.Ptr(DICT))
     ll_iter = rordereddict.ll_dictiter(ITER, ll_d)
     ll_dictnext = rordereddict._ll_dictnext
     num = ll_dictnext(ll_iter)
     assert hlstr(ll_d.entries[num].key) == "k"
     num = ll_dictnext(ll_iter)
     assert hlstr(ll_d.entries[num].key) == "j"
     py.test.raises(StopIteration, ll_dictnext, ll_iter)
 def test_dict_iteration(self):
     DICT = self._get_str_dict()
     ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT)
     rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("k"), 1)
     rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("j"), 2)
     ITER = rordereddict.get_ll_dictiter(lltype.Ptr(DICT))
     ll_iter = rordereddict.ll_dictiter(ITER, ll_d)
     ll_dictnext = rordereddict._ll_dictnext
     num = ll_dictnext(ll_iter)
     assert hlstr(ll_d.entries[num].key) == "k"
     num = ll_dictnext(ll_iter)
     assert hlstr(ll_d.entries[num].key) == "j"
     py.test.raises(StopIteration, ll_dictnext, ll_iter)
 def test_popitem(self):
     DICT = self._get_str_dict()
     ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT)
     rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("k"), 1)
     rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("j"), 2)
     TUP = lltype.Ptr(lltype.GcStruct('x', ('item0', lltype.Ptr(rstr.STR)),
                                           ('item1', lltype.Signed)))
     ll_elem = rordereddict.ll_dict_popitem(TUP, ll_d)
     assert hlstr(ll_elem.item0) == "j"
     assert ll_elem.item1 == 2
     ll_elem = rordereddict.ll_dict_popitem(TUP, ll_d)
     assert hlstr(ll_elem.item0) == "k"
     assert ll_elem.item1 == 1
     py.test.raises(KeyError, rordereddict.ll_dict_popitem, TUP, ll_d)
 def test_popitem(self):
     DICT = self._get_str_dict()
     ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT)
     rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("k"), 1)
     rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("j"), 2)
     TUP = lltype.Ptr(lltype.GcStruct('x', ('item0', lltype.Ptr(rstr.STR)),
                                           ('item1', lltype.Signed)))
     ll_elem = rordereddict.ll_dict_popitem(TUP, ll_d)
     assert hlstr(ll_elem.item0) == "j"
     assert ll_elem.item1 == 2
     ll_elem = rordereddict.ll_dict_popitem(TUP, ll_d)
     assert hlstr(ll_elem.item0) == "k"
     assert ll_elem.item1 == 1
     py.test.raises(KeyError, rordereddict.ll_dict_popitem, TUP, ll_d)
                MATCH_CONTEXT_INIT, MATCH_CONTEXT, ll_rule, s, pos):
     s = hlstr(s)
     assert pos >= 0
     ctx = instantiate(MATCH_CONTEXTTYPE)
     hlinvoke(MATCH_CONTEXT_INIT, rsre_core.StrMatchContext.__init__,
              ctx, ll_rule.code, hlstr(s), pos, len(s), 0)
     matched = hlinvoke(MATCH_CONTEXT, rsre_core.match_context, ctx)
     if matched:
         match = instantiate(MATCHTYPE)
         hlinvoke(MATCH_INIT, Match.__init__, match, ctx.match_start,
         return match
         return None
Exemple #12
def _normalize(x):
    if not isinstance(x, str):
        TYPE = lltype.typeOf(x)
        if isinstance(TYPE, lltype.Ptr) and TYPE.TO._name == 'rpy_string':
            from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import hlstr
            return hlstr(x)
    return x
Exemple #13
 def test_dict_iteration(self):
     DICT = self._get_str_dict()
     ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT)
     rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("k"), 1)
     rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("j"), 2)
     assert [hlstr(entry.key)
             for entry in self._ll_iter(ll_d)] == ["k", "j"]
Exemple #14
 def get_location_str(greenkey):
     greenargs = unwrap_greenkey(greenkey)
     fn = support.maybe_on_top_of_llinterp(rtyper, get_location_ptr)
     llres = fn(*greenargs)
     if not we_are_translated() and isinstance(llres, str):
         return llres
     return hlstr(llres)
Exemple #15
 def main():
     op = jit_hooks.resop_new(
          jit_hooks.boxint_new(4)], jit_hooks.boxint_new(1))
     assert hlstr(jit_hooks.resop_getopname(op)) == 'int_add'
     assert jit_hooks.resop_getopnum(op) == rop.INT_ADD
     box = jit_hooks.resop_getarg(op, 0)
     assert jit_hooks.box_getint(box) == 3
     box2 = jit_hooks.box_clone(box)
     assert box2 != box
     assert jit_hooks.box_getint(box2) == 3
     assert not jit_hooks.box_isconst(box2)
     box3 = jit_hooks.box_constbox(box)
     assert jit_hooks.box_getint(box) == 3
     assert jit_hooks.box_isconst(box3)
     box4 = jit_hooks.box_nonconstbox(box)
     assert not jit_hooks.box_isconst(box4)
     box5 = jit_hooks.boxint_new(18)
     jit_hooks.resop_setarg(op, 0, box5)
     assert jit_hooks.resop_getarg(op, 0) == box5
     box6 = jit_hooks.resop_getresult(op)
     assert jit_hooks.box_getint(box6) == 1
     jit_hooks.resop_setresult(op, box5)
     assert jit_hooks.resop_getresult(op) == box5
 def finish(self):
     if not self.ll_val:
         raise ValueError("Cannot call finish() twice")
     result = hlstr(self.ll_val)
     self.ll_val = lltype.nullptr(STR)
     self.readonly = True
     return result
Exemple #17
def _normalize(x):
    if not isinstance(x, str):
        TYPE = lltype.typeOf(x)
        if isinstance(TYPE, lltype.Ptr) and TYPE.TO._name == 'rpy_string':
            from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import hlstr
            return hlstr(x)
    return x
Exemple #18
 def ll_splitlines(cls, LIST, ll_str, keep_newlines):
     from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import hlstr
     s = hlstr(ll_str)
     strlen = len(s)
     i = 0
     j = 0
     # The annotator makes sure this list is resizable.
     res = LIST.ll_newlist(0)
     while j < strlen:
         while i < strlen and s[i] != '\n' and s[i] != '\r':
             i += 1
         eol = i
         if i < strlen:
             if s[i] == '\r' and i + 1 < strlen and s[i + 1] == '\n':
                 i += 2
                 i += 1
             if keep_newlines:
                 eol = i
         list_length = res.ll_length()
         res._ll_resize_ge(list_length + 1)
         item = cls.ll_stringslice_startstop(ll_str, j, eol)
         res.ll_setitem_fast(list_length, item)
         j = i
     if j < strlen:
         list_length = res.ll_length()
         res._ll_resize_ge(list_length + 1)
         item = cls.ll_stringslice_startstop(ll_str, j, strlen)
         res.ll_setitem_fast(list_length, item)
     return res
Exemple #19
def replace_count_str_str_str(input, sub, by, cnt, maxcount):
    from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import llstr, hlstr
    if cnt > maxcount and maxcount > 0:
        cnt = maxcount
    diff_len = len(by) - len(sub)
        result_size = ovfcheck(diff_len * cnt)
        result_size = ovfcheck(result_size + len(input))
    except OverflowError:

    s = llstr(input)
    by_ll = llstr(by)
    newstr = s.malloc(result_size)
    sublen = len(sub)
    bylen = len(by)
    inputlen = len(input)
    dst = 0
    start = 0
    while maxcount != 0:
        next = find(input, sub, start, inputlen)
        if next < 0:
        s.copy_contents(s, newstr, start, dst, next - start)
        dst += next - start
        s.copy_contents(by_ll, newstr, 0, dst, bylen)
        dst += bylen
        start = next + sublen
        maxcount -= 1  # NB. if it's already < 0, it stays < 0
    s.copy_contents(s, newstr, start, dst, len(input) - start)
    assert dst - start + len(input) == result_size
    return hlstr(newstr), cnt
Exemple #20
 def test_nooveralloc(self):
     sb = StringBuilderRepr.ll_new(33)
     StringBuilderRepr.ll_append(sb, llstr("abc" * 11))
     assert StringBuilderRepr.ll_getlength(sb) == 33
     s = StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     assert hlstr(s) == "abc" * 11
     assert StringBuilderRepr.ll_getlength(sb) == 33
Exemple #21
 def test_nooveralloc(self):
     sb = StringBuilderRepr.ll_new(33)
     StringBuilderRepr.ll_append(sb, llstr("abc" * 11))
     assert StringBuilderRepr.ll_getlength(sb) == 33
     s = StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     assert hlstr(s) == "abc" * 11
     assert StringBuilderRepr.ll_getlength(sb) == 33
Exemple #22
 def test_shrinking(self):
     sb = StringBuilderRepr.ll_new(100)
     StringBuilderRepr.ll_append(sb, llstr("abc" * 11))
     assert StringBuilderRepr.ll_getlength(sb) == 33
     s = StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     assert hlstr(s) == "abc" * 11
     assert StringBuilderRepr.ll_getlength(sb) == 33
Exemple #23
def replace_count_str_chr_chr(input, c1, c2, maxcount):
    from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import llstr, hlstr
    s = llstr(input)
    length = len(s.chars)
    start = find(input, c1, 0, len(input))
    if start < 0:
        return input, 0
    newstr = s.malloc(length)
    src = s.chars
    dst = newstr.chars
    s.copy_contents(s, newstr, 0, 0, len(input))
    dst[start] = c2
    count = 1
    start += 1
    maxcount -= 1
    while maxcount != 0:
        next = find(input, c1, start, len(input))
        if next < 0:
        dst[next] = c2
        start = next + 1
        maxcount -= 1
        count += 1

    return hlstr(newstr), count
Exemple #24
 def ll_splitlines(cls, LIST, ll_str, keep_newlines):
     from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import hlstr
     s = hlstr(ll_str)
     strlen = len(s)
     i = 0
     j = 0
     # The annotator makes sure this list is resizable.
     res = LIST.ll_newlist(0)
     while j < strlen:
         while i < strlen and s[i] != '\n' and s[i] != '\r':
             i += 1
         eol = i
         if i < strlen:
             if s[i] == '\r' and i + 1 < strlen and s[i + 1] == '\n':
                 i += 2
                 i += 1
             if keep_newlines:
                 eol = i
         list_length = res.ll_length()
         res._ll_resize_ge(list_length + 1)
         item = cls.ll_stringslice_startstop(ll_str, j, eol)
         res.ll_setitem_fast(list_length, item)
         j = i
     if j < strlen:
         list_length = res.ll_length()
         res._ll_resize_ge(list_length + 1)
         item = cls.ll_stringslice_startstop(ll_str, j, strlen)
         res.ll_setitem_fast(list_length, item)
     return res
Exemple #25
 def get_location_str(greenkey):
     greenargs = unwrap_greenkey(greenkey)
     fn = support.maybe_on_top_of_llinterp(rtyper, get_location_ptr)
     llres = fn(*greenargs)
     if not we_are_translated() and isinstance(llres, str):
         return llres
     return hlstr(llres)
Exemple #26
 def test_shrinking(self):
     sb = StringBuilderRepr.ll_new(100)
     StringBuilderRepr.ll_append(sb, llstr("abc" * 11))
     assert StringBuilderRepr.ll_getlength(sb) == 33
     s = StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     assert hlstr(s) == "abc" * 11
     assert StringBuilderRepr.ll_getlength(sb) == 33
Exemple #27
 def main():
     op = jit_hooks.resop_new(rop.INT_ADD,
     assert hlstr(jit_hooks.resop_getopname(op)) == 'int_add'
     assert jit_hooks.resop_getopnum(op) == rop.INT_ADD
     box = jit_hooks.resop_getarg(op, 0)
     assert jit_hooks.box_getint(box) == 3
     box2 = jit_hooks.box_clone(box)
     assert box2 != box
     assert jit_hooks.box_getint(box2) == 3
     assert not jit_hooks.box_isconst(box2)
     box3 = jit_hooks.box_constbox(box)
     assert jit_hooks.box_getint(box) == 3
     assert jit_hooks.box_isconst(box3)
     box4 = jit_hooks.box_nonconstbox(box)
     assert not jit_hooks.box_isconst(box4)
     box5 = jit_hooks.boxint_new(18)
     jit_hooks.resop_setarg(op, 0, box5)
     assert jit_hooks.resop_getarg(op, 0) == box5
     box6 = jit_hooks.resop_getresult(op)
     assert jit_hooks.box_getint(box6) == 1
     jit_hooks.resop_setresult(op, box5)
     assert jit_hooks.resop_getresult(op) == box5
Exemple #28
 def _get_str(self):    # for debugging only
     from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import hlstr
     from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import rstr
         return hlstr(lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(lltype.Ptr(rstr.STR),
     except lltype.UninitializedMemoryAccess:
         return '<uninitialized string>'
Exemple #29
 def f(x, y):
     y = const(hlstr(y))
     if x > 0:
         l = [const('a'), const('b')]
         l = [const('a')]
     l += y
     return const('').join(l)
                MATCH_CONTEXT_INIT, MATCH_CONTEXT, ll_rule, s, pos):
     s = hlstr(s)
     assert pos >= 0
     ctx = instantiate(MATCH_CONTEXTTYPE)
     hlinvoke(MATCH_CONTEXT_INIT, rsre_core.StrMatchContext.__init__,
         ctx, ll_rule.code, hlstr(s), pos, len(s), 0
     matched = hlinvoke(MATCH_CONTEXT, rsre_core.match_context, ctx)
     if matched:
         match = instantiate(MATCHTYPE)
         hlinvoke(MATCH_INIT, Match.__init__,
             match, ctx.match_start, ctx.match_end
         return match
         return None
Exemple #31
 def f(x, y):
     y = const(hlstr(y))
     if x > 0:
         l = [const("a"), const("b")]
         l = [const("a")]
     l += y
     return const("").join(l)
Exemple #32
 def _get_str(self):    # for debugging only
     from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import hlstr
     from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import rstr
         return hlstr(lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(lltype.Ptr(rstr.STR),
     except lltype.UninitializedMemoryAccess:
         return '<uninitialized string>'
Exemple #33
 def test_charp(self):
     sb = StringBuilderRepr.ll_new(32)
     with rffi.scoped_str2charp("hello world") as p:
         StringBuilderRepr.ll_append_charpsize(sb, p, 12)
     with rffi.scoped_str2charp("0123456789abcdefghijklmn") as p:
         StringBuilderRepr.ll_append_charpsize(sb, p, 24)
     s = StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     assert hlstr(s) == "hello world\x000123456789abcdefghijklmn"
Exemple #34
 def f(x, y):
     y = const(hlstr(y))
     if x > 0:
         l = [const('a'), const('b')]
         l = [const('a')]
     l += y
     return const('').join(l)
Exemple #35
 def test_charp(self):
     sb = StringBuilderRepr.ll_new(32)
     with rffi.scoped_str2charp("hello world") as p:
         StringBuilderRepr.ll_append_charpsize(sb, p, 12)
     with rffi.scoped_str2charp("0123456789abcdefghijklmn") as p:
         StringBuilderRepr.ll_append_charpsize(sb, p, 24)
     s = StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     assert hlstr(s) == "hello world\x000123456789abcdefghijklmn"
Exemple #36
 def test_simple(self):
     sb = StringBuilderRepr.ll_new(3)
     StringBuilderRepr.ll_append_char(sb, 'x')
     StringBuilderRepr.ll_append(sb, llstr("abc"))
     StringBuilderRepr.ll_append_slice(sb, llstr("foobar"), 2, 5)
     StringBuilderRepr.ll_append_multiple_char(sb, 'y', 3)
     s = StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     assert hlstr(s) == "xabcobayyy"
Exemple #37
 def ll_decode_utf8(self, llvalue):
     from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import hlstr
     value = hlstr(llvalue)
     assert value is not None
     # NB. keep the arguments in sync with annotator/unaryop.py
     u = str_decode_utf8(value)
     # XXX maybe the whole ''.decode('utf-8') should be not RPython.
     return self.ll.llunicode(u)
Exemple #38
    def test_getslice(self):
        def f(x):
            b = bytearray(str(x))
            b = b[1:3]
            b[0] += 5
            return str(b)

        ll_res = self.interpret(f, [12345])
        assert hlstr(ll_res) == f(12345) == "73"
Exemple #39
 def test_several_builds(self):
     sb = StringBuilderRepr.ll_new(32)
     s = StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     assert hlstr(s) == ""
     assert s == StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     assert s == StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     sb = StringBuilderRepr.ll_new(32)
     StringBuilderRepr.ll_append(sb, llstr("abcdefgh" * 3))   # not full
     s = StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     assert hlstr(s) == "abcdefgh" * 3
     assert s == StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     assert s == StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     StringBuilderRepr.ll_append(sb, llstr("extra"))    # overflow
     s = StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     assert hlstr(s) == "abcdefgh" * 3 + "extra"
     assert s == StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     assert s == StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
Exemple #40
 def get_location_str(greenkey):
     if not have_debug_prints_for("jit-"):
         return missing
     greenargs = unwrap_greenkey(greenkey)
     fn = support.maybe_on_top_of_llinterp(rtyper, printable_loc_ptr)
     llres = fn(*greenargs)
     if not we_are_translated() and isinstance(llres, str):
         return llres
     return hlstr(llres)
Exemple #41
 def test_several_builds(self):
     sb = StringBuilderRepr.ll_new(32)
     s = StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     assert hlstr(s) == ""
     assert s == StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     assert s == StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     sb = StringBuilderRepr.ll_new(32)
     StringBuilderRepr.ll_append(sb, llstr("abcdefgh" * 3))  # not full
     s = StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     assert hlstr(s) == "abcdefgh" * 3
     assert s == StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     assert s == StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     StringBuilderRepr.ll_append(sb, llstr("extra"))  # overflow
     s = StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     assert hlstr(s) == "abcdefgh" * 3 + "extra"
     assert s == StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     assert s == StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
Exemple #42
 def get_location_str(greenkey):
     if not have_debug_prints_for("jit-"):
         return missing
     greenargs = unwrap_greenkey(greenkey)
     fn = support.maybe_on_top_of_llinterp(rtyper, printable_loc_ptr)
     llres = fn(*greenargs)
     if not we_are_translated() and isinstance(llres, str):
         return llres
     return hlstr(llres)
Exemple #43
 def ll_decode_utf8(self, llvalue):
     from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import hlstr
     value = hlstr(llvalue)
     assert value is not None
     univalue, _ = self.rstr_decode_utf_8(
         value, len(value), 'strict', final=False,
     return self.ll.llunicode(univalue)
Exemple #44
    def test_getslice(self):
        def f(x):
            b = bytearray(str(x))
            b = b[1:3]
            b[0] += 5
            return str(b)

        ll_res = self.interpret(f, [12345])
        assert hlstr(ll_res) == f(12345) == "73"
Exemple #45
def entrypoint2(r, string, repeat):
    r = rsre_core.CompiledPattern(array2list(r), 0)
    string = hlstr(string)
    match = None
    for i in range(repeat):
        match = rsre_core.search(r, string)
    if match is None:
        return -1
        return match.match_start
Exemple #46
    def ll_isalnum(s):
        from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import hlstr

        s = hlstr(s)
        if not s:
            return False
        for ch in s:
            if not ch.isalnum():
                return False
        return True
Exemple #47
def run():
    space = getspace()
    interp = Interpreter(space)
    bc = unserialize(hlstr(read_code_ptr()), space)
    interp.setup(False, {})
        interp.run_main(space, bc)
    except ExplicitExitException, e:
        print "EXITED WITH %d" % e.code
Exemple #48
    def ll_isalnum(s):
        from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import hlstr

        s = hlstr(s)
        if not s:
            return False
        for ch in s:
            if not ch.isalnum():
                return False
        return True
Exemple #49
def run():
    space = getspace()
    interp = Interpreter(space)
    bc = unserialize(hlstr(read_code_ptr()), space)
    interp.setup(False, {})
        interp.run_main(space, bc)
    except ExplicitExitException, e:
        print "EXITED WITH %d" % e.code
Exemple #50
 def ll_decode_utf8(self, llvalue):
     from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import hlstr
     value = hlstr(llvalue)
     assert value is not None
     result = UnicodeBuilder(len(value))
         value, len(value), 'strict', final=True,
         allow_surrogates=False, result=result)
     return self.ll.llunicode(result.build())
Exemple #51
def entrypoint1(r, string, repeat):
    r = array2list(r)
    string = hlstr(string)
    match = None
    for i in range(repeat):
        match = rsre_core.match(r, string)
    if match is None:
        return -1
        return match.match_end
Exemple #52
def entrypoint1(r, string, repeat):
    r = array2list(r)
    string = hlstr(string)
    match = None
    for i in range(repeat):
        match = rsre_core.match(r, string)
    if match is None:
        return -1
        return match.match_end
Exemple #53
 def posix_fakeimpl(arg):
     if s_arg == traits.str0:
         arg = hlstr(arg)
     st = getattr(os, name)(arg)
     fields = [TYPE for fieldname, TYPE in STATVFS_FIELDS]
     TP = TUPLE_TYPE(fields)
     ll_tup = lltype.malloc(TP.TO)
     for i, (fieldname, TYPE) in enumerate(STATVFS_FIELDS):
         val = getattr(st, fieldname)
         rffi.setintfield(ll_tup, 'item%d' % i, int(val))
     return ll_tup
Exemple #54
 def posix_fakeimpl(arg):
     if s_arg == traits.str0:
         arg = hlstr(arg)
     st = getattr(os, name)(arg)
     fields = [TYPE for fieldname, TYPE in STATVFS_FIELDS]
     TP = TUPLE_TYPE(fields)
     ll_tup = lltype.malloc(TP.TO)
     for i, (fieldname, TYPE) in enumerate(STATVFS_FIELDS):
         val = getattr(st, fieldname)
         rffi.setintfield(ll_tup, 'item%d' % i, int(val))
     return ll_tup
Exemple #55
 def ll_decode_utf8(self, llvalue):
     from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import hlstr
     from rpython.rlib import runicode
     value = hlstr(llvalue)
     assert value is not None
     errorhandler = runicode.default_unicode_error_decode
     # NB. keep the arguments in sync with annotator/unaryop.py
     u, pos = runicode.str_decode_utf_8_elidable(value, len(value),
                                                 'strict', True,
                                                 errorhandler, True)
     # XXX maybe the whole ''.decode('utf-8') should be not RPython.
     return self.ll.llunicode(u)
Exemple #56
 def test_large_build(self):
     s1 = 'xyz' * 500
     s2 = 'XYZ' * 500
     sb = StringBuilderRepr.ll_new(32)
     StringBuilderRepr.ll_append(sb, llstr(s1))
     s = StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     assert hlstr(s) == s1
     sb = StringBuilderRepr.ll_new(32)
     StringBuilderRepr.ll_append(sb, llstr(s1))
     StringBuilderRepr.ll_append(sb, llstr(s2))
     s = StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     assert hlstr(s) == s1 + s2
     sb = StringBuilderRepr.ll_new(32)
     StringBuilderRepr.ll_append(sb, llstr(s1))
     s = StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     assert hlstr(s) == s1
     StringBuilderRepr.ll_append(sb, llstr(s2))
     s = StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     assert hlstr(s) == s1 + s2
     sb = StringBuilderRepr.ll_new(32)
     StringBuilderRepr.ll_append(sb, llstr(s1))
     StringBuilderRepr.ll_append_char(sb, '.')
     s = StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     assert hlstr(s) == s1 + '.'
     for start in [0, 1]:
         for stop in [len(s1), len(s1) - 1]:
             sb = StringBuilderRepr.ll_new(32)
             StringBuilderRepr.ll_append_slice(sb, llstr(s1), start, stop)
             s = StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
             assert hlstr(s) == s1[start:stop]
Exemple #57
 def test_simple(self):
     sb = StringBuilderRepr.ll_new(3)
     assert StringBuilderRepr.ll_getlength(sb) == 0
     StringBuilderRepr.ll_append_char(sb, 'x')
     assert StringBuilderRepr.ll_getlength(sb) == 1
     StringBuilderRepr.ll_append(sb, llstr("abc"))
     assert StringBuilderRepr.ll_getlength(sb) == 4
     StringBuilderRepr.ll_append_slice(sb, llstr("foobar"), 2, 5)
     assert StringBuilderRepr.ll_getlength(sb) == 7
     StringBuilderRepr.ll_append_multiple_char(sb, 'y', 3)
     assert StringBuilderRepr.ll_getlength(sb) == 10
     s = StringBuilderRepr.ll_build(sb)
     assert hlstr(s) == "xabcobayyy"
     assert StringBuilderRepr.ll_getlength(sb) == 10
Exemple #58
 def get_location(greenkey):
     greenargs = unwrap_greenkey(greenkey)
     fn = support.maybe_on_top_of_llinterp(rtyper, get_location_ptr)
     value_tuple = fn(*greenargs)
     values = []
     for i, (sem_type,gen_type) in unrolled_types:
         if gen_type == "s":
             value = getattr(value_tuple, 'item' + str(i))
         elif gen_type == "i":
             value = getattr(value_tuple, 'item' + str(i))
             raise NotImplementedError
     return values
 def test_popitem_first(self):
     DICT = self._get_str_dict()
     ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT)
     rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("k"), 1)
     rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("j"), 2)
     rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("m"), 3)
     ITER = rordereddict.get_ll_dictiter(lltype.Ptr(DICT))
     for expected in ["k", "j", "m"]:
         ll_iter = rordereddict.ll_dictiter(ITER, ll_d)
         num = rordereddict._ll_dictnext(ll_iter)
         ll_key = ll_d.entries[num].key
         assert hlstr(ll_key) == expected
         rordereddict.ll_dict_delitem(ll_d, ll_key)
     ll_iter = rordereddict.ll_dictiter(ITER, ll_d)
     py.test.raises(StopIteration, rordereddict._ll_dictnext, ll_iter)
 def test_popitem_first_bug(self):
     DICT = self._get_str_dict()
     ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT)
     rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("k"), 1)
     rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("j"), 1)
     rordereddict.ll_dict_delitem(ll_d, llstr("k"))
     ITER = rordereddict.get_ll_dictiter(lltype.Ptr(DICT))
     ll_iter = rordereddict.ll_dictiter(ITER, ll_d)
     num = rordereddict._ll_dictnext(ll_iter)
     ll_key = ll_d.entries[num].key
     assert hlstr(ll_key) == "j"
     assert ll_d.lookup_function_no == 4    # 1 free item found at the start
     rordereddict.ll_dict_delitem(ll_d, llstr("j"))
     assert ll_d.num_ever_used_items == 0
     assert ll_d.lookup_function_no == 0    # reset